FREESURFER SAMPLE DATA The sample data used in the FreeSurfer workshop is contained in directory "lc_play". Within lc_play/ you will find additional sub-directories, labeled 001/, 002, /003, and 004/. Each numbered sub-directory contains 124 MPRAGE anat image files (I.001-I.124) Follow the instructions in the handout "fs_doc" or in the "fs_hands-on" presentation (.pdf or .ppt format) on how to begin processing your data. In addition to the sample data, there is a script included called @lc_play.script. To run this script, simply type one of the following commands: ./@lc_play.script OR tcsh @lc_play.script This script will automatically pre-process the data for you. Specifically, it will take the raw image files and assemble them into AFNI datasets. Each dataset will be intensity normalized, volume-registered, and finally averaged together. At this stage the final dataset is ready to be imported into FreeSurfer. For further assistance, follow the instructions in "fs_doc" or "fs_hands-on" (.pdf or .ppt). Finally, there is a sub-directory called lc_avg4_gold. This contains the finished product that resulted from processing our datasets in AFNI,followed by surface creation in FreeSurfer. It's simply here for your viewing pleasure. Questions? contact Peggy Christidis at