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STEP 2: Register the volumes in each 3D+time dataset using AFNI program 3dvolreg.
STEP 2: Register the volumes in each 3D+time dataset using AFNI program 3dvolreg.
- All volumes will be registered to the last volume of the last run (i.e., run 9, volume 63). This volume is closest in proximity to the anatomical dataset.
- foreach run ( $runs )
- 3dvolreg -verbose -zpad 1 \
- -base pb01.$subj.r09.tshift+orig'[63]' \
- -1Dfile dfile.r$run.1D \
- -prefix pb02.$subj.r$run.volreg \
- pb01.$subj.r$run.tshift+orig
- end
- cat dfile.r??.1D > dfile.rall.1D
- -verbose : prints out progress report onto screen
- -zpad : add one temporary zero slice on either end of volume
- -base : align to last volume, since anatomy was scanned after EPI
- -1Dfile : save motion parameters for each run (roll, pitch, yaw, dS, dL, dP) into a file containing 6 ASCII formatted columns
- -prefix : output dataset names reflect processing step 2 (volreg)
- input datasets are from processing step 1 (tshift)
- concatenate the motion parameters (dfiles) from all 9 runs into one file