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STEP 3.5 : creating a union mask
STEP 3.5 : creating a union mask
- use 3dAutomask to create a 'brain' mask for each run
- create a mask which is the union of the run masks (since we need only one main mask; not 9 masks from individual runs)
- this mask can be applied in various ways:
- During the scaling operation
- In 3dDeconvolve (so that time is not wasted on background voxels)
- To group data, in standard space
- may want to use the intersection of all subject masks
- foreach run ( $runs )
- 3dAutomask -dilate 1 -prefix rm.mask_r$run \
- pb03.$subj.r$run.blur+orig
- end
- -dilate 1 : dilate the mask by one voxel (just to ensure that none of the voxels along the perimeter of the brain get accidently clipped away and excluded from the mask).