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STEP 5: Perform a regression analysis on Subject sb23’s data with 3dDeconvolve.
STEP 5: Perform a regression analysis on Subject sb23’s data with 3dDeconvolve.
- What is the difference between regular linear regression and deconvolution?
- With linear regression, the hemodynamic response is assumed.
- With deconvolution, the hemodynamic response is not assumed. Instead, it is computed by 3dDeconvolve from the data.
- For this dataset, we will go with the linear regression option in 3dDeconvolve.
- BLOCK(30,1) was the response model chosen for this analysis. Why?
- BLOCK: The design of this experiment is BLOCK, i.e., there are blocked intervals of stimulus presentations (ON), followed by blocked intervals of the control condition (OFF). This design differs from event-related, where experimental stimuli and controls are presented randomly throughout the experiment.
- 30: Each block lasts 30 seconds
- 1: The response function will have a peak of 1