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For each subject, we need only the 9 beta weights of our stimulus conditions to perform the group analysis. For our class example, the beta-weights are located in the following sub-bricks:
- For each subject, we need only the 9 beta weights of our stimulus conditions to perform the group analysis. For our class example, the beta-weights are located in the following sub-bricks:
- Sub-brick 1 - tneg Sub-brick 10 - eneg Sub-brick 19 - fneg
- Sub-brick 4 - tpos Sub-brick 13 - epos Sub-brick 22 - fpos
- Sub-brick 7 - tneu Sub-brick 16 - eneu Sub-brick 25 - fneu
- AFNI 3dbucket will be used to create a beta-weight-only dataset for each of our 16 subjects. Example for subject 23:
- 3dbucket -prefix stats.sb23.betas+orig \ stats.sb23.blk+orig’[1,4,7,10,13,16,19,22,25]’