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STEP 7: Warp the beta datasets for each subject to Talairach space, by applying the transformation in the anatomical datasets with adwarp.
STEP 7: Warp the beta datasets for each subject to Talairach space, by applying the transformation in the anatomical datasets with adwarp.
- For statistical comparisons made across subjects, all datasets -- including functional overlays -- should be standardized (e.g., Talairach format) to control for variability in brain shape and size
- E.g., for subject sb23:
- adwarp -apar sb23_mpra+tlrc -dxyz 3 \
- -dpar stats.sb23.betas+orig
- The output of adwarp will be a Talairach transformed dataset for all 16 subjects.
- stats.sb04.betas+tlrc, stats.sb05.betas+tlrc … stats.sb23.betas+tlrc
We are now done with Part 1, Process Individual Subjects’ Data, for Subject sb23
- go back and follow the same steps for remaining subjects
We can now move on to Part 2, RUN GROUP ANALYSIS (ANOVA)