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-aBcontr: 2nd order contrast. Performs comparison between 2 levels of factor ‘a’ at a Fixed level of factor ‘B’
- -aBcontr: 2nd order contrast. Performs comparison between 2 levels of factor ‘a’ at a Fixed level of factor ‘B’
- E.g. factor ‘a’ --> Telephone(1), Email(-1), Face-to-Face (0)
- factor ‘B’ --> Negative(1), Positive(2), Neutral (3)
- We want to compare ‘Negative Telephone’ vs. ‘Negative Email’. Ignore ‘Positive’ and ‘Neutral’
- -aBcontr 1 -1 0 : 1 TvsE_neg
- We want to compare “Positive Telephone’ vs. ‘Positive Email’. Ignore ‘Negative’ and ‘Neutral’
- -aBcontr 1 -1 0: 2 TvsE_pos
- -Abcontr: 2nd order contrast. Performs comparison between 2 levels of factor ‘b’ at a Fixed level of factor ‘A’
- E.g., factor ‘A’ --> Telephone(1), Email(2), Face-to-Face (3)
- factor ‘b’ --> Negative(1), Positive(-1), Neutral (0)
- We want to compare ‘Negative Telephone’ vs. ‘Positive Telephone’. Ignore ‘Email’ and ‘Face-to-Face’
- -Abcontr 1 : 1 -1 0 Tneg_vs_Tpos
- We want to compare “Negative Email’ vs. ‘Positive Email’. Ignore ‘Telephone’ and ‘Face-to-Face’
- -Abcontr 2 : 1 -1 0 Eneg_vs_Epos