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Line-by-Line Explanation of s1.afni_proc.block command (cont…)
- Line-by-Line Explanation of s1.afni_proc.block command (cont…)
- -regress_stim_labels: Specifies the names of our 9 regressors: tneg, tpos, tneu, eneg, epos, eneu, fneg, fpos, and fneu
- -regress_basis: Specifies the regression basis function to be used by 3dDeconvolve in the regression step. In this example, we have 'BLOCK(30,1)’, which is a 30-second BLOCK response function (with a peak of 1).
- -regress_opts_3dD: Allows for additonal 3dDeconvolve options, such as general linear tests (glt’s)
- We have previously executed the script, s1.afni_proc.block.
- (already done) tcsh s1.afni_proc.block
- The result is an auto-generated processing script called proc.sb23.blk. Use a text editor like gedit, nedit, emacs, or vi to open and view this new script:
- You will notice that script proc.sb23.blk includes multiple processing steps for the data, including volume registration, blurring, data scaling, and much more. Each step is run by an AFNI program. The next section (Part I) will go over each processing step in detail.