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Pre-processing is done by the proc.sb23.blk script within the directory, AFNI_data4/sb23.blk.results/.
Pre-processing is done by the proc.sb23.blk script within the directory, AFNI_data4/sb23.blk.results/.
- open the proc.sb23.blk script in an editor (such as gedit), and follow the script while viewing the results
- also, go to the sb23.blk.results directory to start viewing the results
- starting from the sb23/ directory (from the previous slides)…
- cd ..
- gedit proc.sb23.blk &
- cd sb23.blk.results
- ls
- afni &
- note that in the script, the count command is used to set the $runs variable as a list of run indices:
- set runs = ( `count -digits 2 1 9` )
- becomes (by the shell quietly executing the count command):
- set runs = ( 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 )
- And so:
- becomes (when the shell expands the $runs variable):
- foreach run ( 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 )