--- Render display steps (watch instructor, then do on your own) --- A. Get a reasonable slice display in afni (directory AFNI_data3/afni): 1. Underlay : anat+orig - open 2 image windows 2. Overlay : func_slim+orig - set both OLay and Thr to Full_Fstat - threshold at F = 15.0 - jump-to-xyz: -39 30 -1 (39R 30P 1I) - use 'Clusterize' to apply a cluster of 100 voxels o radius can be 3.75: the largest voxel dimension o note: 3.75*3.75*3.5 = 49.21875 (so 100 voxels = 5000 vmul) B. Duplicate in the renderer : Define Datamode -> Plugins -> Render [new] 1. Choose Underlay Dataset - anat+orig (and [Draw]) - change underlay to strip+orig (and [Draw], to see difference) (created via: 3dSkullStrip -input anat+orig -prefix strip) 2. Interlude: play with some buttons - View crosshairs in dark blue (via right-click on "See Xhairs") - set DynaDraw - so some changes result in automatic "Draw" - set Accumulate - to be able to review history of images - play with Roll/Pitch/Yaw arrows - make a cutout: Superior to, [Get], then change to 20 [Draw] - click Opacity Factor down to 0.1, then reset to 1 - reset Roll/Pitch/Yaw to {70 120 0} - automate rolling by -6 degress, 25 times o set Roll to: 70-6*t o set Automate, and set Frames to 25 o [Compute] 3. Choose Overlay Dataset: func_slim+orig - set Olay and Thr to Full Fstat - See Overlay [Draw] - set Thresh to 15 [Draw] - Cutout Overlay [Draw] - back on underlay: cutout "Superior to": [Get] - unset Cutout Overlay [Draw] - Remove Small Clusters [Draw] o rmm: 1.21 (because it is resampled to underlay) o vmul: 1000 - re-automate 25 rotations C. Make a nice rendering 1. Make a final nice picture - set Cutout Overlay [Draw] - set ShowThru Mode [Draw] - set 'Color Opacity' to 0.3 - unset Accumulate [Draw] <-- clears history 2. Create MPEG - reset Roll/Pitch/Yaw to {70 120 0} and [Draw] - set Accumulate - reautomate rolling by -6 degress, 60 times - [Sav:mpeg] to render (makes render.mpg) o change "save" format to MPEG via right-click - can use "v" for video mode, or "r" for rebound in render window