show volume in space - could have surfaces from freesurfer anat, strip datasets - multiple slices, rendering func_slim - range, threshold cd AFNI_data6/afni suma -vol anat+orig -vol func_slim+orig open object controller (ctrl-s) show all objects (All Objs button top of object controller) change to func_slim volume change I (Intensity) volume to Vrel#0_Coef. T (Threshold) to Vrel#0_Tstat change Cmp (color map) to bgyr19 change threshold to 7.0 change Max of range to 2 play with slices - number of slices, planes, scroll change object to Anat+orig click v to volume render make anat transparent with Trn at 10 switch back to func_slim move through slices some more (shift-scroll and sliders) turn off slices in func_slim click v to volume render clusters in 3D 3dClusterize -clust_nvox 200 -bisided -5 5 -ithr 2 -idat 1 -NN 1 \ -inset func_slim+orig. -pref_map myclusters -overwrite 3dZeropad -P 1 -prefix myclusters_zp -overwrite myclusters+orig IsoSurface -isorois+dsets -o clusttest.gii -overwrite -input myclusters_zp+orig afni -niml suma -onestate -i *.gii -vol strip+orig. -sv anat+orig in afni, set overlay to Vrel#0_Coef and threshold to Vrel#0_Tstat threshold around 5 in suma, turn off convexity shading with 'b' show object controller (ctrl-s) show all objects select strip+orig change number of axial slices to 5:20 right-click on slices, scroll with shift-scroll or arrow change transparency of strip+orig slices with ctrl-o or trn button change transparency of all other objects with 'o' key change points mode of individual regions with 'p' key talk to afni with 't' (even more advanced, use Vol2Surf plugin with map all, normals, norm len=-4) show atlas in suma mkdir atlassurfs cd atlassurfs IsoSurface -isorois+dsets -o TT_desai.gii -input ~/abin/TT_desai_dd_mpm+tlrc. suma -onestate -i *.gii -vol ~/abin/TT_N27+tlrc. opacity, points -hiding mesh, some or all - exploring and limiting for specific regions, suma -onestate -i *Hippo*.gii -vol ~/abin/TT_N27+tlrc show atlas with volume slices, rendered volume afni -niml anat+tlrc ~/abin/TT_desai_dd_mpm+tlrc. change overlay to TT_desai_dd_mpm+tlrc suma -vol anat+tlrc -vol ~/abin/TT_desai_dd_mpm+tlrc. Press 't' in suma to talk to afni turn on volume rendering for anat+tlrc click 's' in volume rendering control to turn off selection and allow click through to atlas Thickness - methods - examples, comparison with FreeSurfer curl --output thickness.pdf evince thickness.pdf Brain / brain region printing ConvertSurface -i TT_desai.Right-Hippocampus.k178.gii -o right_hippo.stl graymap carpet plots 3dAutomask -prefix epi_r1_am epi_r1+orig 3dGrayplot -mask epi_r1_am+orig. -input epi_r1+orig -prefix graymap 3dGrayplot -mask epi_r1_am+orig. -input rall_vr+orig.'[0..148]' -overwrite -prefix graymap_vr aiv graymap*.png SUMA balls tar xzvf ~/Downloads/demo_suma_spheres.tgz suma -i surf_sphere.gii suma -i ico_combined.gii Deface / Reface tcsh ~/afni_handouts/deface_anat.csh anat+orig anat+tlrc strip+orig suma -vol anat_deface+orig (somewhat gory) @afni_refacer_run anat+orig.HEAD suma -vol anat.refacer.RESULT.nii suma -vol anat.refacer.RESULT.deface.nii (result with the -deface option, even gorier) suma -dev clipping planes DTI,Instacorr cd AFNI_demos/FATCAT_DEMO tcsh Do_00_PRESTO_ALL_RUNS.tcsh tcsh Do_09_VISdti_SUMA_visual_ex3.tcsh Surface Instacorr cd ~/AFNI_data6/FT_analysis/ ./run_suma ctrl-s to open object controller Load Dset - errts Shift-D - to start Dot product correlation menu. Apply Shift-Ctrl-right click to set seed Music and the Brain Acknowledgements in suma,146293,146293 suma -gdset /home/dglen/macaque_connections/contributor_connections.niml.dset