# ====================================================================== # == video #1 == # ====================================================================== cd ls afni_open afni_handouts/afni05_regression.pdf cd AFNI_data6/afni ls afni 3dinfo epi_r1+orig # ====================================================================== # == video #2 == # ====================================================================== 3dinfo -VERB epi_r1+orig # to exit "less", use 'q' to quit 3dinfo -VERB epi_r1+orig | less cat rall_regress 3dinfo rall_vr+orig cat stim_AV1_vis.txt cat stim_AV2_aud.txt 3dDeconvolve -hweb # ====================================================================== # == video #3 == # ====================================================================== cat rall_regress # side task: add spaces after a backslash afni_open -e rall_regress file_tool -test -infile rall_regress # and remove the bad spaces after the backslash so that file_tool is happy cat rall_regress 3dinfo rall_vr+orig afni_open -e motion.1D 1dplot -volreg -sepscl motion.1D & cat stim_AV1_vis.txt cat stim_AV2_aud.txt timing_tool.py -hweb timing_tool.py -help_basis # copy and paste the 3dDeconvolve and 1dplot commands # from the end of the "timing_tool.py -help_basis" output 3dDeconvolve -nodata 200 0.1 -polort -1 -num_stimts 4 \ -stim_times 1 '1D:0' GAM \ -stim_times 2 '1D:0' 'WAV(1,1,3,8,0.2,2)' \ -stim_times 3 '1D:0' 'BLOCK(1)' \ -stim_times 4 '1D:0' SPMG3 \ -x1D X.xmat.1D -x1D_stop 1dplot -sepscl X.xmat.1D & 1dplot -volreg -sepscl motion.1D & # *** main 3dDeconvolve command *** # video #3 @ 30:35 tcsh rall_regress ls -ltr aiv rall_X.jpg 1dplot -sepscl rall_X.xmat.1D & 1dplot -volreg -sepscl motion.1D & # ====================================================================== # == video #4 time 16:15 # ====================================================================== # review 3dDeconvolve output files and input files # review files output from rall_regress cat rall_regress # finish and close handout # view X-matrix, and also just the regressors of interest 1dplot -sepscl rall_X.xmat.1D & 1dplot -sepscl rall_X.xmat.1D'[6,7] & # start viewing some results in afni afni # Underylay = epi_r1+orig # open axial Image and Graph windows # jump-to-ijk: 26 72 4 # now ponder the 3-run input (not just run 1) # - same slice package # - note command history 3dinfo rall_vr+orig # in afni GUI: set Underlay to rall_vr # graph window: 'm' down to a single voxel in graph matrix # ====================================================================== # == video #5 time 39:33 # ====================================================================== # review regression results # in afni GUI (with underlay rall_vr) # jump-to-ijk: 26 72 4 # open 'New' (lower left corer) controller, B # leave controller A windows on top, B windows on the bottom # afni B: underlay = anat+orig, open all 3 Image windows # note average time series value # afni A: Graph window -> right-click -> see Mean = 1284.764 # doubleplot: plot fit time series in same Graph window as rall_vr # @ video time 3:20 # afni A: Graph -> Opt -> Tran 1D: None -> Dataset #N # # in Dataset #N plugin: # - toggle on Input #01 # - Choose Dataset -> rall_fitts+orig -> Set # - Color : red -> dk-blue -> Set # afni B: start explorig betas and t-stats # - Overlay = rall_func+orig cat rall_regress 3dinfo -verb rall_func+orig # afni B: choose color and threshold volumes # - OLay = V-A_GLT#0_Coef # - Thr = V-A_GLT#0_Tstat # note powers of 10 to scale threshold slider range # threshold casually or with p-value # afni B, above threshold slider bar ... # - on 'Thr' text, right-click -> set p=0.001 # - crop image in coronal view, basically to zoom in # - play with crosshair colors # - Image window -> lower right corner 'c' to close xhairs # review possible interpolation # afni B: Define Datamode -> OLay Resam mode # - NN, Li, Cu or Bk # underlay is at different resolution than overlay # - so must resample # - underlay = 0.9375 x 0.9375 x 1.0 mm^3 # - overlay = 2.75 x 2.75 x 3 mm^3 3dinfo rall_vr+orig 3dinfo anat+orig # afni B: compare "jump-to-ijk 26 72 4" in underlay vs overlay # cluster (@ 26:00) # afni B: Clusterize # - can keep 2, 40, Bi-sided=Yes -> Set # - clear and reset to see speckles come and go # - Rpt (report button, under Clusterize) # - "Jump" to various clusters # - review auditory cluster (#6) # - note difference in fit peaks in rall_vr doubleplot