Template, space and atlas definitions Template examples Talairach space MNI space variations Aligning your data to a template 3dQwarp @SS_warper autowarp.py @auto_tlrc manual Talairach Hands-on with atlases AFNI atlas definitions - AFNI_atlas_spaces.niml whereami -show_atlases -show_spaces -show_templates Atlas and template datasets in abin Setting the main AFNI atlas for the GUI setenv AFNI_ATLAS_COLORS MNI_Glasser_HCP_v1.0 AFNI GUI Seeing templates and atlases datasets AFNI GUI Atlas features AFNI GUI - Go to atlas location AFNI GUI - Show atlas colors, Overlay See TT Atlas Regions AFNI GUI - whereami AFNI GUI - Draw Dataset (ROI colors) AFNI GUI - Jump to MNI