title :: AFNI GUI: Open multiple directories with '-all_dsets' opt presentation :: scripts :: date :: 2020-04 speaker :: Taylor outline :: This is an addendum to a previous video "AFNI GUI: Open multiple directories" There is now an even *easier* way to load in data from multiple directories Old way: + 'afni DIR_01/ DIR_02/ DIR_03/ ..' + in GUI, click 'Switch' - 'All_Datasets' + then check 'Underlay' list, etc. New and improved way-- no button clicking, just use '-all_dsets' option: + 'afni -all_dsets DIR_01/ DIR_02/ DIR_03/ ..' + then check 'Underlay' list, etc. "New" means as of: Apr 21 2020 (Version AFNI_20.1.02 'Otho') Thanks, Justin!