# ====================================================================== # == video #1 == # ====================================================================== cd ls afni_open afni_handouts/afni05_regression.pdf cd AFNI_data6/afni ls afni 3dinfo epi_r1+orig # ====================================================================== # == video #2 == # ====================================================================== 3dinfo -VERB epi_r1+orig # to exit "less", use 'q' to quit 3dinfo -VERB epi_r1+orig | less cat rall_regress 3dinfo rall_vr+orig cat stim_AV1_vis.txt cat stim_AV2_aud.txt 3dDeconvolve -hweb # ====================================================================== # == video #3 == # ====================================================================== cat rall_regress # side task: add spaces after a backslash afni_open -e rall_regress file_tool -test -infile rall_regress # and remove the bad spaces after the backslash so that file_tool is happy cat rall_regress 3dinfo rall_vr+orig afni_open -e motion.1D 1dplot -volreg -sepscl motion.1D & cat stim_AV1_vis.txt cat stim_AV2_aud.txt timing_tool.py -hweb timing_tool.py -help_basis # copy and paste the 3dDeconvolve and 1dplot commands # from the end of the "timing_tool.py -help_basis" output 3dDeconvolve -nodata 200 0.1 -polort -1 -num_stimts 4 \ -stim_times 1 '1D:0' GAM \ -stim_times 2 '1D:0' 'WAV(1,1,3,8,0.2,2)' \ -stim_times 3 '1D:0' 'BLOCK(1)' \ -stim_times 4 '1D:0' SPMG3 \ -x1D X.xmat.1D -x1D_stop 1dplot -sepscl X.xmat.1D & 1dplot -volreg -sepscl motion.1D & # *** main 3dDeconvolve command *** # video #3 @ 30:35 tcsh rall_regress ls -ltr aiv rall_X.jpg 1dplot -sepscl rall_X.xmat.1D & 1dplot -volreg -sepscl motion.1D & # ====================================================================== # == video #4 == # ====================================================================== # backing up... cd cd AFNI_data6/afni ls cat rall_regress 1dplot -sepscl rall_X.xmat.1D & 1dplot -sepscl rall_X.xmat.1D'[6,7] & afni 3dinfo rall_vr+orig # double plot fitts over rall_vr+orig @ time = 11:00 3dinfo -VERB rall_func+orig