------ Sample scripts for nonlinear warping and using afni_proc.py ------ The files in this directory give you examples of how to run afni_proc.py with nonlinear spatial warping to MNI space. FT_anat_fsprep.nii.gz = FT subject T1-weighted anatomical dataset -- made isotropic before running FreeSurfer (via check_dset_for_fs.py (see below)) anat_warped = Directory with results from script s00.warper -- nonlinearly warped anatomical dataset and the warp transformation computed by 3dQwarp s00.warper = Script to run @SSwarper to transform the subject's dataset to MNI space and save the warp dataset for later use in afni_proc.py s05.ap.Awarp = Script to run afni_proc.py with affine warping to MNI space -- does not need output of s00.warper s05.ap.Qwarp = Script to run afni_proc.py with nonlinear warping to MNI space -- requires the output of s00.warper While running FreeSurfer is not included here, the anatomical input to @SSwarper was prepared for it via: check_dset_for_fs.py \ -input FT_anat+orig \ -fix_all \ -fix_out_prefix FT_anat_fsprep.nii.gz \ -fix_out_vox_dim 1 \ -verb > check_fs_results.txt The output from s00.warper is stored in sub-directory anat_warped/ which the script creates. This data is supplied with the AFNI class data so that you don't have to run this script. If you want to run the script, you should delete the existing output first: \rm -rf anat_warped/ tcsh s00.warper |& tee s00.warper.out The analysis scripts can be run with these commands: tcsh s05.ap.Awarp |& tee s05.ap.Awarp.out tcsh s05.ap.Qwarp |& tee s05.ap.Qwarp.out The analysis results from these scripts go into sub-directories named FT.results.Awarp/ and FT.results.Qwarp/ The results are not dramatically different - the purpose of using nonlinear warping is to give better alignment between subjects, and in this example there is only one subject. The purpose of this example directory is to show you how to setup analyses that us nonlinear warping.