.. _U_misc_installing_afni: ************************** Installing AFNI (software) ************************** To install AFNI, please see `HowTo #0 `_ for descriptions and details. For help with installation difficulties, please search or post to the `AFNI Message Board `_ If you are somewhat confident, consider this quick example for a modern Linux system:: curl -O http://afni.nimh.nih.gov/pub/dist/tgz/linux_openmp_64.tgz tar xfz linux_openmp_64.tgz mv linux_openmp_64 ~/abin echo 'set path = ( $path $HOME/abin )' >> ~/.cshrc source ~/.cshrc Alternatively, consider this quick example for a general system:: curl -O http://afni.nimh.nih.gov/pub/dist/bin/linux_openmp_64/@update.afni.binaries tcsh @update.afni.binaries -defaults echo 'set path = ( $path $HOME/abin )' >> ~/.cshrc source ~/.csrhc To update an existing AFNI installation, consider simply:: @update.afni.binaries -defaults After this is done, it may be necessary to open a new terminal window. .. seealso:: - `@update.afni.binaries -help `_ - `HowTo #0 - main page `_ - `HowTo #0 - Linux install `_ - `HowTo #0 - Mac install `_ - `AFNI bootcamp class setup `_