================================================================= = general outline of this complete analysis = = see AFNI_pamenc/afni_scripts ================================================================= # ====================================================================== # prepare input data: anat, EPI, timing # - in this case we have a BIDS tree format # - anat and EPI are in known locations # - only hard part is creating reasonable timing files # - else # - for anat/EPI creation, consider: Dimon or dcm2niix_afni # - need mechanism to record and extract actual stimulus timing # at scanner # - it is VERY important to handle pre-steady state time # - adjust timing for number of volumes thrown out # - scanner might do this automatically, need to know # - never give stimulus during pre-SS time # # ==> now have anat, EPI, and stim timing files # ====================================================================== # skull-strip anat and compute non-linear warp to template # - run before any task analysis, apply to all (tasks, rest, FreeSurfer) # - if running FS, apply -deoblique # - see afni_scripts/p.1.sswarper # afni_scripts/c.ss.1.sswarper @SSwarper -input $indata_root/$sid/anat/${sid}_T1w.nii.gz \ -base MNI152_2009_template_SSW.nii.gz \ -subid $sid -odir . # ------------------------------------------------------------ # no FreeSurfer in this case # - but if FS is used: # - as input: prefer unifized, deobliqued output from @SSwarper # - need 1 mm^3 even parity voxel grid # ====================================================================== # create timing files: ** this can be the hardest part ** # - see afni_scripts/p.2.make.timing # # convert ${sid}_task-pamenc_events.tsv into timing # - TASK and CONTROL conditions, specified in column 4 # - using duration modulation, so attach duration to onset # - duration is in column 6; if n/a convert to maximum # - n/a could be used to make separate classes # - using 'duration' as a backup for 'reaction_time' is # done via -tsv_def_dur_label # # - see BIDS_input/sub-10506/func/sub-10506_task-pamenc_events.tsv # # 4.52:0.65 19.51:0.72 49.52:0.63 70.52:1.85 ... timing_tool.py -multi_timing_3col_tsv ${sid}_task-pamenc_events.tsv \ -tsv_labels onset reaction_time trial_type \ -tsv_def_dur_label duration \ -write_multi_timing timing/ # and create an "events.txt" file that shows all events sequentially # (for QC, to help evaluate timing across all event types) timing_tool.py -multi_timing timing/times.*.txt \ -multi_timing_to_event_list GE:ALL timing/events.txt # ====================================================================== # run afni_proc.py # - see afni_scripts/p.3.run.AP # afni_scripts/c.ss.3.AP.pamenc set task = pamenc set SSdir = AFNI_01_SSwarper set APdir = AFNI_02_${task} # anat: input stripped anat, unifized anat, and WARP info set anat_orig = .../$sid/anatU.$sid.nii set anat_ss = .../$sid/anatSS.$sid.nii set anat_std = .../$sid/anatQQ.$sid.nii set anat_warp_aff = .../$sid/anatQQ.$sid.aff12.1D set anat_warp_nl = .../$sid/anatQQ.${sid}_WARP.nii # EPI: input just one run here set EPI_files = ( $BIDS/$sid/func/${sid}_task-${task}_bold.nii.gz ) # timing files were created above set timing_files = ( .../$APdir/$sid/timing/times.{CONTROL,TASK}.txt ) set stim_classes = ( CONTROL TASK ) # ------------------------------ # task-pamenc_bold.json shows slice timing of alt+z2 (missing from nii.gz) # blur in mask, and use higher 6 mm FWHM (voxels are 3x3x4) afni_proc.py -subj_id $sid \ # data inputs and options specific to them -copy_anat $anat_ss \ -anat_has_skull no \ -anat_follower anat_w_skull anat $anat_orig \ -dsets $EPI_files \ -tcat_remove_first_trs 0 \ -tshift_opts_ts -tpattern alt+z2 \ -regress_stim_times $timing_files \ -regress_stim_labels $stim_classes \ -regress_stim_types AM1 \ -regress_basis_multi dmBLOCK \ # preprocessing options -blocks tshift align tlrc volreg mask blur scale regress \ -align_opts_aea -giant_move -cost lpc+ZZ (-check_flip) \ -tlrc_base MNI152_2009_template_SSW.nii.gz \ -tlrc_NL_warp \ -tlrc_NL_warped_dsets $anat_std $anat_warp_aff $anat_warp_nl \ -volreg_align_to MIN_OUTLIER \ -volreg_align_e2a \ -volreg_tlrc_warp \ -mask_epi_anat yes \ -blur_size 6 \ -blur_in_mask yes \ # regression options -regress_motion_per_run \ -regress_censor_motion 0.3 \ -regress_censor_outliers 0.05 \ -regress_compute_fitts (just saving RAM) \ -regress_fout no (keeping small for class) \ -regress_opts_3dD \ -jobs $njobs \ -regress_3dD_stop \ -regress_reml_exec \ -regress_est_blur_errts \ # non-automatic QC options -radial_correlate_blocks tcat volreg \ -align_opts_aea ... -check_flip \ -regress_make_ideal_sum sum_ideal.1D \ -regress_run_clustsim no \ -html_review_style pythonic # ====================================================================== # ====================================================================== # consider reviewing global_process_commands.txt at this point # (more suitable for a class demo) # ====================================================================== # ====================================================================== # ====================================================================== # post-analysis QC and group prep # write spreadsheet of out.ss_review text files gen_ss_review_table.py -tablefile QC/ss_review_table.xls \ -infiles sub*/s*.results/out.ss*.txt # check fields that should not vary across subjects gen_ss_review_table.py -outlier_sep space \ -report_outliers 'AFNI version' VARY \ -report_outliers 'num regs of interest' VARY \ -report_outliers 'final voxel resolution' VARY \ -report_outliers 'num TRs per run' VARY \ -infiles sub*/s*.results/out.ss*.txt \ -write_outliers QC/outliers.a.VARY.txt # determine subjects to drop gen_ss_review_table.py -outlier_sep space \ -report_outliers 'censor fraction' GE 0.15 \ -report_outliers 'average censored motion' GE 0.1 \ -report_outliers 'max censored displacement' GE 8 \ -infiles sub*/s*.results/out.ss*.txt \ -write_outliers QC/outliers.b.short.txt set bad_subs = ( `awk '/sub-/ {print $1}' QC/outliers.b.short.txt` ) # ------------------------------ # get ACF (blur) means for Monte Carlo cluster simulations grep -h ACF sub*/*.results/out.ss*.txt | awk -F: '{print $2}' \ | 3dTstat -mean -prefix - 1D:stdin\' # ------------------------------ # generate 70% group mask and related (or intersection mask) 3dmask_tool -input sub*/*.results/mask_epi_anat*.HEAD \ -prefix QC/group_mask.7 -frac 0.7 3dmask_tool -input sub*/*.results/mask_epi_anat*.HEAD \ -prefix QC/group_mask.inter -frac 1.0 # mean of masks 3dMean -prefix QC/mask.mean sub*/*.results/mask_epi_anat*.HEAD # ------------------------------ # "time" series of final anats and EPIs for registration comparision 3dTcat -prefix QC/all.EPI.vr.tcat sub*/*.results/final_epi_vr*.HEAD 3dTcat -prefix QC/all.anat.final.tcat sub*/*.results/anat_final*.HEAD # ====================================================================== # group analysis (see run.ggc.9.bipolar.T-C) # (no mask initially) # note subject lists: CONTROL, BIPOLAR, dropped (from either) set part_file = participants.short.tsv set subs_control = ( `awk '/CONTROL/ {print $1}' QC/$part_file` ) set subs_bipolar = ( `awk '/BIPOLAR/ {print $1}' QC/$part_file` ) set subs_drop = ( `cat QC/outliers.c.drop.subs.txt` ) set drop_opt = ( -dset_sid_omit_list $subs_drop ) set template = MNI152_2009_template_SSW.nii.gz set mask = group_mask.7+tlrc set beta1 = "TASK#0_Coef" set beta2 = "CONTROL#0_Coef" set setlab = ( task control ) set label = g_bipolar.paired.T-C set gdir = group_analysis.$tindex.$label set tt_script = run.tt.$tindex.$label # list ALL subject datasets, then specify which to use/drop gen_group_command.py -command 3dttest++ \ -write_script $tt_script \ -dsets ../sub-*/*.results/stats.sub*REML+tlrc.HEAD \ -dset_sid_list $subs_bipolar \ $drop_opt \ -dsets ../sub-*/*.results/stats.sub*REML+tlrc.HEAD \ -dset_sid_list $subs_bipolar \ $drop_opt \ -subj_prefix sub- \ -set_labels $setlab \ -subs_betas "$beta1" "$beta2" \ -verb 2 \ -options -paired \ |& tee out.ggc tcsh -x $tt_script |& tee out.$tt_script # ====================================================================== # clusterize (alternatives might be 3dttest++ -Clustsim or -ETAC) # ------------------------------------------------------------ # run cluster simulation (from QC directory) mkdir files_ClustSim set params = ( `cat out.ACF.means.1D` ) 3dClustSim -both -mask group_mask.7+tlrc -acf $params \ -cmd 3dClustSim.ACF.cmd -prefix files_ClustSim/ClustSim.ACF # ------------------------------------------------------------ # check cluster size needed (for NN1 bi-sided clustering) set clust_file = files_ClustSim/ClustSim.ACF.NN1_bisided.1D 1d_tool.py -infile $clust_file -csim_show_clustsize set min_clust = `1d_tool.py -infile $clust_file -csim_show_clustsize -verb 0` # ------------------------------------------------------------ # check p=0.001 t-stat threshold (symmetric, pos/neg) # note that we actually have 25 subjects per group, so t-test DF = 24 # (check CONTROL and BIPOLAR results) 3dinfo group_analysis.1*/ttest*.HEAD |& grep statpar 3dinfo group_analysis.2*/ttest*.HEAD |& grep statpar # check p=0.001 t-stat threshold (symmetric, pos/neg) set t_thresh = `cdf -p2t fitt 0.001 24` # ------------------------------------------------------------ # and finally clusterize # table 3dClusterize -mask group_mask.7+tlrc -inset ttest++_result+tlrc \ -idat 0 -ithr 1 -NN 1 -clust_nvox 17 -bisided -3.7454 3.7454 # mask statistical results 3dcalc -a ttest++_result+tlrc -b group_mask.7+tlrc -expr 'a*b' \ -prefix ttr_masked # make ROI cluster mask 3dClusterize -mask group_mask.7+tlrc -inset ttest++_result+tlrc \ -idat 0 -ithr 1 -NN 1 -clust_nvox 17 -bisided -3.7454 3.7454 \ -pref_map ttr_clust_rois # get cluster overlaps from dataset MNI_caez_ml_18+tlrc # (first get name of atlas) grep -B 1 MNI_caez_ml_18 ~/abin/AFNI_atlas_spaces.niml whereami -omask ttr_clust_rois+tlrc -atlas CA_ML_18_MNI > CAEZ_overlaps.txt 3dROIstats -mask ttr_clust_rois+tlrc -nzvoxels ttest++_result+tlrc