#!/bin/tcsh set sl = (`ls *SmWm*gii`) set vl = (A B C D E F ) if ($#sl > 6) then echo "This demo is to be run with no more than 6 surfaces." goto END endif suma -spec All_lh_ld141.spec -niml & sleep 3 set cnt = 1 while ($cnt <= $#sl) #New controller, no convexity highlights and switch to new surface if ($cnt == 1) then DriveSuma -com viewer_cont -key 'b' \ -com surf_cont -switch_surf $sl[$cnt] -load_dset else DriveSuma -com viewer_cont -key 'ctrl+n' \ -com surf_cont -viewer $vl[$cnt] \ -switch_surf $sl[$cnt] \ -com viewer_cont -viewer $vl[$cnt] \ -key 'b' \ -load_view sixlay${cnt}.niml.vvs endif @ cnt ++ end #Load the color pattern DriveSuma -com surf_cont -load_col lh_ld141_smoothcol2.1D.col END: