Once surfaces were created with FreeSurfer, the following 3 steps were done: (1) Make spec files: @SUMA_Make_Spec_FS -sid sb23_surf (2) Run MapIcosahedron to create new versions of the original mesh surfaces using the mesh of an icosahedron (set ld=141): MapIcosahedron -spec SUMA/sb23_surf_lh.spec -ld 141 -prefix sb23_lh_141 MapIcosahedron -spec SUMA/sb23_surf_rh.spec -ld 141 -prefix sb23_rh_141 (3) Surface and SurfVol not properly aligned (very obvious if viewed in afni, where ULay is anat+orig and OLay is sb23_surf_SurfVol+orig). To properly align, use @SUMA_AlignToExperiment: @SUMA_AlignToExperiment -exp_anat anat+orig. \ -surf_anat sb23_surf_SurfVol+orig. \ -prefix sb23_SurfVol_aligned