"Points" experiment is an EVENT-RELATED DESIGN study. Factor: Stimulus Condition - 4 levels: 1. Human Movies-HM (real people moving around) 2. Tool Movies-TM (real tools moving around) 3. Human PointLights-HP (pointlight displays of people moving around) 4. Tools PointLight-TP (pointlight displays of tools moving around) Anatomical Data (SPGR): 124 sagittal slices 256x256, FOV: 240 Thickness: 1.2 mm Slice Offset: First-67.7 mm Left, Last-80.0 mm Right Axis orientation: ASL Time Series Data (EPI): 3174 images (23 axial slices, 138 reps) Matrix: 64, FOV: 240 TR = 2.0 seconds Thickness 5.0 mm Slice Offset: First-69.0 mm Right, Last 61.0 mm Left Axis orientation: RAS (first 2 time points from each run will be removed because of the magnet causing fluctuations at those points - before it reaches a steady state). Need more info: Go to the following AFNI website links: http://afni.nimh.nih.gov/pub/dist/edu/latest/afni16_anova (above handout on group analysis uses the "Points" study as an example) http://afni.nimh.nih.gov/afni/doc/howto/5 (AFNI tutorial "how-to#5: Deconvolution Analysis with 3dDeconvolve & Group Analysis with 3dANOVA" uses the "Points" study as a sample experiment)