/***************************************************************************** Major portions of this software are copyrighted by the Medical College of Wisconsin, 1994-2000, and are released under the Gnu General Public License, Version 2. See the file README.Copyright for details. ******************************************************************************/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* This program performs 2d image registration of slices contained in an AFNI 3d+time dataset. This program was adapted from plug_imreg.c and imreg.c. File: 2dImReg.c Author: B. Douglas Ward Date: 04 February 1998 Mod: Added routines to write the registration parameters, and the RMS error, to user specified ASCII files. Date: 20 March 1998 Mod: Added option to change dx and dy output format from pixels to mm. Date: 24 March 1998 Mod: No longer assume that input and base datasets have same length. This problem was reported by Paul Reber. Date: 3 June 1998 Mod: Routine eval_registration extended to include byte and float datum types for base and input datasets. Date: 3 June 1998 Mod: Corrected problem with base image memory deallocation. Date: 20 July 1998 Mod: Added changes for incorporating History notes. Date: 10 September 1999 Mod: Set MAX_NAME_LENGTH equal to THD_MAX_NAME. Date: 02 December 2002 Mod: If nsl == 0, set num_slices equal to nz. [4 occurrences] Date: 06 October 2003 [rickr] Mod: allow dx!=dy; use ||dx|-|dy||/|dx| > 0.0001 for failure apply to both square image and against basefile Date: 22 March 2024 [rickr] (gee, only 20 years since the last change) */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define PROGRAM_NAME "2dImReg" /* name of this program */ #define PROGRAM_INITIAL "04 Feb 1998" /* date of initial program release */ #define PROGRAM_LATEST "20 Mar 2024" /* date of latest program revision */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "mrilib.h" #include "matrix.h" #define MAX_NAME_LENGTH THD_MAX_NAME /* max. string length for file names */ #define STATE_DIM 4 /* number of registration parameters */ /*----- protos -----*/ int approx_equal(float d0, float d1, float epsilon, int report_fail); /*----- Global variables -----*/ int * t_to_z = NULL; /* convert time-order to z-order of slices */ int * z_to_t = NULL; /* convert z-order to time-order of slices */ static char * commandline = NULL ; /* command line for history notes */ typedef struct IR_options /* user input options */ { char * input_filename; /* file name for input 3d+time dataset */ char * base_filename; /* file name for reference (base) volume */ int base_vol_index; /* image number for base volume */ int nofine; /* boolean for no fine fit */ float blur; /* FWHM of blurring prior to registration */ float dxy; /* convergence tolerance for translations */ float dphi; /* convergence tolerance for rotations */ char * new_prefix; /* prefix name for registered dataset */ char * dprefix; /* prefix name for registration parameters */ int dmm; /* change dx and dy output from pixels to mm */ char * rprefix; /* prefix name for volume RMS error */ int debug; /* write additional output to screen */ } IR_options; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Routine to display 2dImReg help menu. */ void display_help_menu() { printf ( "This program performs 2d image registration. Image alignment is \n" "performed on a slice-by-slice basis for the input 3d+time dataset, \n" "relative to a user specified base image. \n" "\n" " ** Note that the script @2dwarper.Allin can do similar things, **\n" " ** with nonlinear (polynomial) warping on a slice-wise basis. **\n" " \n" "Usage: \n" "2dImReg \n" "-input fname Filename of input 3d+time dataset to process \n" "-basefile fname Filename of 3d+time dataset for base image \n" " (default = current input dataset) \n" "-base num Time index for base image (0 <= num) \n" " (default: num = 3) \n" "-nofine Deactivate fine fit phase of image registration\n" " (default: fine fit is active) \n" "-fine blur dxy dphi Set fine fit parameters \n" " where: \n" " blur = FWHM of blurring prior to registration (in pixels) \n" " (default: blur = 1.0) \n" " dxy = Convergence tolerance for translations (in pixels) \n" " (default: dxy = 0.07) \n" " dphi = Convergence tolerance for rotations (in degrees) \n" " (default: dphi = 0.21) \n" " \n" "-prefix pname Prefix name for output 3d+time dataset \n" " \n" "-dprefix dname Write files 'dname'.dx, 'dname'.dy, 'dname'.psi \n" " containing the registration parameters for each \n" " slice in chronological order. \n" " File formats: \n" " 'dname'.dx: time(sec) dx(pixels) \n" " 'dname'.dy: time(sec) dy(pixels) \n" " 'dname'.psi: time(sec) psi(degrees) \n" "-dmm Change dx and dy output format from pixels to mm \n" " \n" "-rprefix rname Write files 'rname'.oldrms and 'rname'.newrms \n" " containing the volume RMS error for the original \n" " and the registered datasets, respectively. \n" " File formats: \n" " 'rname'.oldrms: volume(number) rms_error \n" " 'rname'.newrms: volume(number) rms_error \n" " \n" "-debug Lots of additional output to screen \n" ); exit(0); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Print error message and stop. */ void IR_error ( char * message /* error message to be displayed */ ) { fprintf (stderr, "%s Error: %s \n", PROGRAM_NAME, message); exit(1); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Compare deltas (such as dx between 2 datasets). Original tests were if d0 != d1, fail. But if deltas come from an oblique matrix, they will often not be exact. This function tests if the relative difference between them is small. Allow d0, d1 of differing signs, and possibly even zero. check: ||d0| - |d1|| ------------- < epsilon |d0| or: ||d0| - |d1|| < epsilon*|d0| if returning 0 and report_fail is set, report failure. return 0 or 1 to indicate whether the comparison is true [22 Mar 2024 rickr] */ int approx_equal(float d0, float d1, float epsilon, int report_fail) { /* if the difference is too big of a delta fraction, fail */ if( fabs(fabs(d0)-fabs(d1)) > epsilon*fabs(d0) ) { if( report_fail ) fprintf(stderr, "-- want : ||d0|-|d1||=%f < |%f*d0|=%f\n\n", fabs(d0-d1), epsilon, epsilon*fabs(d0)); return 0; } return 1; /* yes, approximately equal */ } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Routine to initialize the input options. */ void initialize_options ( IR_options ** opt /* user input options */ ) { (*opt) = (IR_options *) malloc (sizeof(IR_options)); (*opt)->input_filename = NULL; (*opt)->base_filename = NULL; (*opt)->base_vol_index = -3; (*opt)->nofine = 0; (*opt)->blur = 1.0; (*opt)->dxy = 0.07; (*opt)->dphi = 0.21; (*opt)->new_prefix = NULL; (*opt)->dprefix = NULL; (*opt)->rprefix = NULL; (*opt)->dmm = 0; (*opt)->debug = 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Routine to get user specified input options. */ void get_user_inputs ( int argc, /* number of input arguments */ char ** argv, /* array of input arguments */ IR_options ** option_data /* user input options */ ) { int nopt = 1; /* input option argument counter */ int ival; float fval; char message[80]; /* error message */ /*----- does user request help menu? -----*/ if (argc < 2 || strncmp(argv[1], "-help", 5) == 0) display_help_menu(); /*----- main loop over input options -----*/ while (nopt < argc ) { /*----- -input filename -----*/ if (strncmp(argv[nopt], "-input", 6) == 0) { nopt++; if (nopt >= argc) IR_error ("Need argument after -input "); (*option_data)->input_filename = (char *) malloc (sizeof(char) * MAX_NAME_LENGTH); strcpy ((*option_data)->input_filename, argv[nopt]); nopt++; continue; } /*----- -basefile filename -----*/ if (strncmp(argv[nopt], "-basefile", 9) == 0) { nopt++; if (nopt >= argc) IR_error ("Need argument after -basefile "); (*option_data)->base_filename = (char *) malloc (sizeof(char) * MAX_NAME_LENGTH); strcpy ((*option_data)->base_filename, argv[nopt]); nopt++; continue; } /*----- -base num -----*/ if (strncmp(argv[nopt], "-base", 5) == 0) { nopt++; if (nopt >= argc) IR_error ("Need argument after -base "); sscanf (argv[nopt], "%d", &ival); if (ival < 0) IR_error ("Illegal argument after -base ( must be >= 0 ) "); (*option_data)->base_vol_index = ival; nopt++; continue; } /*----- -prefix pname -----*/ if (strncmp(argv[nopt], "-prefix", 7) == 0) { nopt++; if (nopt >= argc) IR_error ("Need argument after -prefix "); (*option_data)->new_prefix = (char *) malloc (sizeof(char) * MAX_NAME_LENGTH); strcpy ((*option_data)->new_prefix, argv[nopt]); nopt++; continue; } /*----- -dprefix dname -----*/ if (strncmp(argv[nopt], "-dprefix", 8) == 0) { nopt++; if (nopt >= argc) IR_error ("Need argument after -dprefix "); (*option_data)->dprefix = (char *) malloc (sizeof(char) * MAX_NAME_LENGTH); strcpy ((*option_data)->dprefix, argv[nopt]); nopt++; continue; } /*----- -rprefix rname -----*/ if (strncmp(argv[nopt], "-rprefix", 8) == 0) { nopt++; if (nopt >= argc) IR_error ("Need argument after -rprefix "); (*option_data)->rprefix = (char *) malloc (sizeof(char) * MAX_NAME_LENGTH); strcpy ((*option_data)->rprefix, argv[nopt]); nopt++; continue; } /*----- -nofine -----*/ if (strncmp(argv[nopt], "-nofine", 7) == 0) { (*option_data)->nofine = 1; nopt++; continue; } /*----- -fine blur dxy dphi -----*/ if (strncmp(argv[nopt], "-fine", 5) == 0) { nopt++; if (nopt+2 >= argc) IR_error ("Need 3 arguments after -fine "); (*option_data)->nofine = 0; sscanf (argv[nopt], "%f", &fval); if (fval <= 0.0) IR_error ("Illegal argument for blur ( must be > 0 ) "); (*option_data)->blur = fval; nopt++; sscanf (argv[nopt], "%f", &fval); if (fval <= 0.0) IR_error ("Illegal argument for dxy ( must be > 0 ) "); (*option_data)->dxy = fval; nopt++; sscanf (argv[nopt], "%f", &fval); if (fval <= 0.0) IR_error ("Illegal argument for dphi ( must be > 0 ) "); (*option_data)->dphi = fval; nopt++; continue; } /*----- -dmm -----*/ if (strncmp(argv[nopt], "-dmm", 4) == 0) { (*option_data)->dmm = 1; nopt++; continue; } /*----- -debug -----*/ if (strncmp(argv[nopt], "-debug", 6) == 0) { (*option_data)->debug = 1; nopt++; continue; } /*----- unknown command -----*/ sprintf(message,"Unrecognized command line option: %s\n", argv[nopt]); IR_error (message); } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Routine to read a 3d+time dataset. */ void read_dataset ( char * filename, /* file name of 3d+time dataset */ THD_3dim_dataset ** dset /* pointer to 3d+time dataset */ ) { char message[80]; /* error message */ /*----- Open the 3d+time dataset -----*/ *dset = THD_open_one_dataset (filename); if (*dset == NULL) { sprintf (message, "Unable to open data file: %s", filename); IR_error (message); } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Initialize the slice sequence arrays. */ void initialize_slice_sequence ( IR_options * option_data, /* user input options */ THD_3dim_dataset * dset /* pointer to 3d+time dataset */ ) { int num_slices; /* number of slices per volume */ int ivolume; /* volume index number */ int itemp; /* temporary variable */ float ttemp; /* temporary variable */ float * time_array = NULL; /* array of slice acquisition times */ int iz, i, j; /* index numbers */ float z; /* slice z location */ if (!dset->taxis) { /* Jan 07 [ZSS] */ IR_error ("NULL taxis, should not be here."); } /*----- Initialize local variables -----*/ num_slices = dset->taxis->nsl; ivolume = 0; if ( num_slices <= 0 ) /* 06 Oct 2003 [rickr] */ num_slices = dset->daxes->nzz; /*----- Allocate memory for arrays -----*/ t_to_z = (int *) malloc (sizeof(int) * num_slices); z_to_t = (int *) malloc (sizeof(int) * num_slices); time_array = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float) * num_slices); /*----- Initialize array of slice acquisition times -----*/ for (iz = 0; iz < num_slices; iz++) { z = iz * dset->taxis->dz_sl + dset->taxis->zorg_sl; time_array[iz] = THD_timeof (ivolume, z, dset->taxis); t_to_z[iz] = iz; } /*----- Sort slice z-indices by increasing time -----*/ for (i = 0; i < num_slices-1; i++) for (j = i+1; j < num_slices; j++) if (time_array[j] < time_array[i]) { itemp = t_to_z[i]; t_to_z[i] = t_to_z[j]; t_to_z[j] = itemp; ttemp = time_array[i]; time_array[i] = time_array[j]; time_array[j] = ttemp; } /*----- Sort slice time-indices by increasing z index -----*/ for (i = 0; i < num_slices; i++) { j = t_to_z[i]; z_to_t[j] = i; } /*----- Write out the slice ordering arrays -----*/ if (option_data->debug) for (i = 0; i < num_slices; i++) printf ("time[%2d] = %12.3f t_to_z[%2d] = %2d z_to_t[%2d] = %2d\n", i, time_array[i], i, t_to_z[i], i, z_to_t[i]); /*----- Release memory -----*/ free (time_array); time_array = NULL; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Routine to initialize the array of state vectors. */ void initialize_state_history ( THD_3dim_dataset * dset, /* pointer to input 3d+time dataset */ vector ** state_history /* time series of state vectors */ ) { int num_slices; /* number of slices per volume */ int ts_length; /* number of volumes */ int num_vectors; /* total number of state vectors */ int i; /* state vector index */ /*----- Initialize local variables -----*/ num_slices = dset->taxis->nsl; if ( num_slices <= 0 ) /* 06 Oct 2003 [rickr] */ num_slices = dset->daxes->nzz; ts_length = DSET_NUM_TIMES(dset); num_vectors = ts_length * num_slices; /*----- Allocate memory for array of state vectors -----*/ *state_history = (vector *) malloc (sizeof(vector) * num_vectors); /*----- Initialize array of state vectors -----*/ for (i = 0; i < num_vectors; i++) { vector_initialize (&((*state_history)[i])); vector_create (STATE_DIM, &((*state_history)[i])); } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Routine to initialize the RMS error arrays. */ void initialize_rms_arrays ( THD_3dim_dataset * dset, /* pointer to input 3d+time dataset */ float ** old_rms_array, /* volume RMS error for input dataset */ float ** new_rms_array /* volume RMS error for registered dataset */ ) { int ts_length; /* number of volumes */ ts_length = DSET_NUM_TIMES(dset); /*----- Allocate space for RMS error arrays -----*/ *old_rms_array = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float) * ts_length); *new_rms_array = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float) * ts_length); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Routine to perform all program initialization. */ void initialize_program ( int argc, /* number of input arguments */ char ** argv, /* array of input arguments */ IR_options ** option_data, /* user input options */ vector ** state_history, /* time series of state vectors */ float ** old_rms_array, /* volume RMS error for input dataset */ float ** new_rms_array /* volume RMS error for registered dataset */ ) { THD_3dim_dataset * dset = NULL; /*----- save command line for history notes -----*/ commandline = tross_commandline( PROGRAM_NAME , argc,argv ) ; /*----- Initialize input options -----*/ initialize_options (option_data); /*----- Get user inputs -----*/ get_user_inputs (argc, argv, option_data); /*----- Read the input 3d+time dataset to be registered -----*/ read_dataset ((*option_data)->input_filename, &dset); /*----- Initialize the z-slice time order arrays -----*/ if (dset->taxis) initialize_slice_sequence (*option_data, dset); /*----- Initialize the array of state vectors -----*/ if ((*option_data)->dprefix != NULL) initialize_state_history (dset, state_history); /*----- Allocate space for RMS error arrays -----*/ if ((*option_data)->rprefix != NULL) initialize_rms_arrays (dset, old_rms_array, new_rms_array); /*----- Release memory -----*/ THD_delete_3dim_dataset (dset, False); dset = NULL; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Routine to make a copy of a dataset, with data attached. This routine is copied directly from afni_plugin.c */ THD_3dim_dataset * copy_dset( THD_3dim_dataset * dset , char * new_prefix ) { THD_3dim_dataset * new_dset ; int ival , ityp , nbytes , nvals ; void * new_brick , * old_brick ; /*-- sanity check --*/ if( ! ISVALID_3DIM_DATASET(dset) ) return NULL ; /*-- make the empty copy --*/ new_dset = EDIT_empty_copy( dset ) ; /*-- change its name? --*/ if( new_prefix != NULL ) EDIT_dset_items( new_dset , ADN_prefix , new_prefix , ADN_label1 , new_prefix , ADN_none ) ; /*-- make brick(s) for this dataset --*/ THD_load_datablock( dset->dblk ) ; /* make sure old one is in memory */ nvals = DSET_NVALS(dset) ; for( ival=0 ; ival < nvals ; ival++ ){ ityp = DSET_BRICK_TYPE(new_dset,ival) ; /* type of data */ nbytes = DSET_BRICK_BYTES(new_dset,ival) ; /* how much data */ new_brick = malloc( nbytes ) ; /* make room */ if( new_brick == NULL ){ THD_delete_3dim_dataset( new_dset , False ) ; return NULL ; } EDIT_substitute_brick( new_dset , ival , ityp , new_brick ) ; /*-- copy data from old brick to new brick --*/ old_brick = DSET_BRICK_ARRAY(dset,ival) ; if( old_brick == NULL ){ THD_delete_3dim_dataset( new_dset , False ) ; return NULL ; } memcpy( new_brick , old_brick , nbytes ) ; } return new_dset ; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Check whether output file already exists. */ void check_output_file ( THD_3dim_dataset * dset, /* input afni data set pointer */ char * filename /* output file name */ ) { THD_3dim_dataset * new_dset=NULL; /* output afni data set pointer */ int ierror; /* number of errors in editing data */ /*-- make an empty copy of the input dataset --*/ new_dset = EDIT_empty_copy( dset ) ; ierror = EDIT_dset_items( new_dset , ADN_prefix , filename , ADN_label1 , filename , ADN_self_name , filename , ADN_type , ISHEAD(dset) ? HEAD_FUNC_TYPE : GEN_FUNC_TYPE , ADN_none ) ; if( ierror > 0 ){ fprintf(stderr, "*** %d errors in attempting to create output dataset!\n", ierror ) ; exit(1) ; } if( THD_is_file(new_dset->dblk->diskptr->header_name) ){ fprintf(stderr, "*** Output dataset file %s already exists--cannot continue!\a\n", new_dset->dblk->diskptr->header_name ) ; exit(1) ; } /*----- deallocate memory -----*/ THD_delete_3dim_dataset( new_dset , False ) ; new_dset = NULL ; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Evaluate accuracy of registration. */ void eval_registration ( IR_options * option_data, /* user input options */ THD_3dim_dataset * old_dset, /* input dataset */ THD_3dim_dataset * new_dset, /* output datasets */ THD_3dim_dataset * base_dset, /* base image dataset */ int base, /* base volume index */ float * old_rms_array, /* volume RMS error for input dataset */ float * new_rms_array /* volume RMS error for registered dataset */ ) { int nx, ny, nz, nxyz; int ix, jy, kz; int ixyz; int datum, base_datum; float old_sse, new_sse; float diff; float old_rmse, new_rmse; int ivolume, num_volumes; byte * bold = NULL, * bnew = NULL, * bbase = NULL; short * sold = NULL, * snew = NULL, * sbase = NULL; float * fold = NULL, * fnew = NULL, * fbase = NULL; float float_base=0.0, float_old=0.0, float_new=0.0; /*----- Initialize local variables -----*/ nx = old_dset->daxes->nxx; ny = old_dset->daxes->nyy; nz = old_dset->daxes->nzz; nxyz = nx * ny * nz; num_volumes = DSET_NUM_TIMES (old_dset); datum = DSET_BRICK_TYPE (new_dset,0) ; base_datum = DSET_BRICK_TYPE (base_dset,0); /*----- Set base dataset pointer depending on base datum type -----*/ switch ( base_datum ) { case MRI_byte: bbase = (byte *) DSET_ARRAY(base_dset,base); break; case MRI_short: sbase = (short *) DSET_ARRAY(base_dset,base); break; case MRI_float: fbase = (float *) DSET_ARRAY(base_dset,base); break; } for (ivolume = 0; ivolume < num_volumes; ivolume++) { old_sse = 0.0; new_sse = 0.0; /*----- Set old and new dataset pointers depending on datum type -----*/ switch ( datum ) { case MRI_byte: bold = (byte *) DSET_ARRAY(old_dset,ivolume); bnew = (byte *) DSET_ARRAY(new_dset,ivolume); break; case MRI_short: sold = (short *) DSET_ARRAY(old_dset,ivolume); snew = (short *) DSET_ARRAY(new_dset,ivolume); break; case MRI_float: fold = (float *) DSET_ARRAY(old_dset,ivolume); fnew = (float *) DSET_ARRAY(new_dset,ivolume); break; } for (kz = 0; kz < nz; kz++) for (jy = 0; jy < ny; jy++) for (ix = 0; ix < nx; ix++) { ixyz = ix + jy*nx + kz*nx*ny; /*----- Get base voxel floating point value -----*/ switch ( base_datum ) { case MRI_byte: float_base = (float) bbase[ixyz]; break; case MRI_short: float_base = (float) sbase[ixyz]; break; case MRI_float: float_base = fbase[ixyz]; break; } /*----- Get old and new voxel floating point value -----*/ switch ( datum ) { case MRI_byte: float_old = (float) bold[ixyz]; float_new = (float) bnew[ixyz]; break; case MRI_short: float_old = (float) sold[ixyz]; float_new = (float) snew[ixyz]; break; case MRI_float: float_old = fold[ixyz]; float_new = fnew[ixyz]; break; } diff = float_old - float_base; old_sse += diff*diff; diff = float_new - float_base; new_sse += diff*diff; } old_rmse = sqrt (old_sse / nxyz); new_rmse = sqrt (new_sse / nxyz); if (option_data->debug) printf ("Volume = %d OLD RMSE = %f NEW RMSE = %f \n", ivolume, old_rmse, new_rmse); old_rms_array[ivolume] = old_rmse; new_rms_array[ivolume] = new_rmse; } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Main routine for this program. If the return string is not NULL, some error transpired, and the program will display the error message. */ #define FREEUP(x) do{if((x) != NULL){free((x)); (x)=NULL;}}while(0) #define FREE_WORKSPACE \ do{ FREEUP(bptr) ; FREEUP(sptr) ; FREEUP(fptr) ; \ FREEUP(bout) ; FREEUP(sout) ; FREEUP(fout) ; \ FREEUP(dxar) ; FREEUP(dyar) ; FREEUP(phiar); \ } while(0) ; char * IMREG_main ( IR_options * opt, vector * state_history, float * old_rms_array, float * new_rms_array ) { THD_3dim_dataset * old_dset , * new_dset ; /* input and output datasets */ THD_3dim_dataset * base_dset; /* base image dataset */ char * new_prefix ; /* string from user */ int base , ntime , datum , nx,ny,nz , ii,kk , npix ; float dx,dy,dz ; int base_datum, failed; MRI_IMARR * ims_in , * ims_out ; MRI_IMAGE * im , * imbase ; byte ** bptr = NULL , * bbase = NULL, ** bout = NULL ; short ** sptr = NULL , * sbase = NULL, ** sout = NULL ; float ** fptr = NULL , * fbase = NULL, ** fout = NULL ; float * dxar = NULL , * dyar = NULL , * phiar = NULL ; int it; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*----- Check batch command inputs to see if they are reasonable -----*/ old_dset = THD_open_one_dataset(opt->input_filename) ; /* get ptr to dataset */ if( old_dset == NULL ) return "*************************\n" "Cannot find Input Dataset\n" "*************************" ; ntime = DSET_NUM_TIMES(old_dset) ; if( ntime < 2 && !opt->base_filename) return "*****************************\n" "Dataset has only 1 time point\n" " and no -basefile specified.\n" "*****************************" ; ii = DSET_NVALS_PER_TIME(old_dset) ; if( ii > 1 ) return "************************************\n" "Dataset has > 1 value per time point\n" "************************************" ; nx = old_dset->daxes->nxx ; dx = old_dset->daxes->xxdel ; ny = old_dset->daxes->nyy ; dy = old_dset->daxes->yydel ; npix = nx*ny ; nz = old_dset->daxes->nzz ; dz = old_dset->daxes->zzdel ; if (opt->debug) fprintf(stderr,"\nNotice 2dImreg: nx=%d ny=%d nz=%d dx=%f dy=%f dz=%f\n", nx,ny,nz,dx,dy,dz ) ; /* be more lenient than failing anytime fabs(dx) != fabs(dy) * - only require (dx-dy)/dx < epsilon {epsilon = 0.0001, report_fail = 1} * - mostly to handle oblique data [20 Mar 2024 rickr] */ if( nx != ny || ! approx_equal(dx, dy, 0.0001, 1) ) { /* No need to quit, works fine. ZSS 07 * Only if nx >= ny (so fix might be easy). 12 Jan 2010 [rickr] */ return "***********************************\n" "Dataset does not have square slices\n" "***********************************" ; } new_prefix = opt->new_prefix; /* get string item (the output prefix) */ if (new_prefix == NULL) /* check if it is OK */ return "************************\n" "Output Prefix is illegal\n" "************************" ; /*----- Check whether output file already exists -----*/ check_output_file (old_dset, new_prefix); /*--------- go to "base" input option ---------*/ if (opt->base_filename == NULL) base_dset = old_dset; else { base_dset = THD_open_one_dataset(opt->base_filename) ; /* get ptr to base dataset */ if( base_dset == NULL ) return "************************\n" "Cannot find Base Dataset\n" "************************" ; /* be more lenient than failing anytime fabs(dx) != fabs(xxdel) * - only require (d0-d1)/d0 < epsilon {epsilon=0.0001, report_fail=1} * - mostly to handle oblique data [20 Mar 2024 rickr] */ if ( (nx != base_dset->daxes->nxx) || (ny != base_dset->daxes->nyy) || (nz != base_dset->daxes->nzz) || ( ! approx_equal(dx, base_dset->daxes->xxdel, 0.0001, 1) ) || ( ! approx_equal(dy, base_dset->daxes->yydel, 0.0001, 1) ) || ( ! approx_equal(dz, base_dset->daxes->zzdel, 0.0001, 1) ) ) { if (opt->debug) { fprintf(stderr,"\nIMREG: Input Dataset:\n"); fprintf(stderr,"nx=%d ny=%d nz=%d dx=%f dy=%f dz=%f\n", nx,ny,nz,dx,dy,dz ) ; fprintf(stderr,"\nIMREG: Base Dataset:\n"); fprintf(stderr,"nx=%d ny=%d nz=%d dx=%f dy=%f dz=%f\n", base_dset->daxes->nxx, base_dset->daxes->nyy, base_dset->daxes->nzz, base_dset->daxes->xxdel, base_dset->daxes->yydel, base_dset->daxes->zzdel) ; } return "*************************************************\n" "Base Dataset is not compatible with Input Dataset\n" "*************************************************" ; } } base_datum = DSET_BRICK_TYPE(base_dset,0); base = opt->base_vol_index; if (base < 0) { /* default */ if (-base >= DSET_NUM_TIMES(base_dset)) { base = DSET_NUM_TIMES(base_dset)-1; } else { base = -base; } } if( base >= DSET_NUM_TIMES(base_dset) ) return "******************************\n" "Base image number is too large\n" "******************************" ; /*--------- see if the "fine" input option is present --------*/ if (opt->nofine) mri_align_params( 0 , 0.0,0.0,0.0 , 0.0,0.0,0.0 ) ; else{ float fsig , fdxy , fdph ; fsig = opt->blur * 0.42466090; fdxy = opt->dxy; fdph = opt->dphi; mri_align_params( 0 , 0.0,0.0,0.0 , fsig,fdxy,fdph ) ; if (opt->debug) fprintf(stderr,"Set fine params = %f %f %f\n",fsig,fdxy,fdph) ; } /*------------- ready to compute new dataset -----------*/ if (opt->debug) fprintf(stderr,"IMREG: loading dataset\n") ; DSET_load( old_dset ) ; if (opt->base_filename != NULL) DSET_load (base_dset); /*** 1) Copy the dataset in toto ***/ if (opt->debug) fprintf(stderr,"IMREG: Copying dataset\n") ; new_dset = copy_dset( old_dset , new_prefix ) ; if( new_dset == NULL ) return "****************************\n" "Failed to copy input dataset\n" "****************************" ; /*** 2) Make an array of empty images ***/ if (opt->debug) fprintf(stderr,"IMREG: making empty images\n") ; datum = DSET_BRICK_TYPE(new_dset,0) ; INIT_IMARR(ims_in) ; for( ii=0 ; ii < ntime ; ii++ ){ im = mri_new_vol_empty( nx , ny , 1 , datum ) ; ADDTO_IMARR(ims_in,im) ; } imbase = mri_new_vol_empty( nx , ny , 1 , base_datum ) ; dxar = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * ntime ) ; dyar = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * ntime ) ; phiar = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * ntime ) ; /*** 3) Get pointers to sub-bricks in old, base, and new datasets ***/ if (opt->debug) fprintf(stderr,"IMREG: getting input brick pointers\n") ; switch( datum ){ /* pointer type depends on input datum type */ case MRI_byte: bptr = (byte **) malloc( sizeof(byte *) * ntime ) ; bout = (byte **) malloc( sizeof(byte *) * ntime ) ; for( ii=0 ; ii < ntime ; ii++ ){ bptr[ii] = (byte *) DSET_ARRAY(old_dset,ii) ; bout[ii] = (byte *) DSET_ARRAY(new_dset,ii) ; } break ; case MRI_short: sptr = (short **) malloc( sizeof(short *) * ntime ) ; sout = (short **) malloc( sizeof(short *) * ntime ) ; for( ii=0 ; ii < ntime ; ii++ ){ sptr[ii] = (short *) DSET_ARRAY(old_dset,ii) ; sout[ii] = (short *) DSET_ARRAY(new_dset,ii) ; } if (opt->debug) fprintf(stderr,"IMREG: sptr[0] = %p sout[0] = %p\n", sptr[0],sout[0]) ; break ; case MRI_float: fptr = (float **) malloc( sizeof(float *) * ntime ) ; fout = (float **) malloc( sizeof(float *) * ntime ) ; for( ii=0 ; ii < ntime ; ii++ ){ fptr[ii] = (float *) DSET_ARRAY(old_dset,ii) ; fout[ii] = (float *) DSET_ARRAY(new_dset,ii) ; } break ; } switch( base_datum ){ /* pointer type depends on base datum type */ case MRI_byte: bbase = (byte *) DSET_ARRAY(base_dset,base) ; break ; case MRI_short: sbase = (short *) DSET_ARRAY(base_dset,base) ; if (opt->debug) fprintf(stderr,"IMREG: sbase[%d] = %p \n", base, sbase) ; break ; case MRI_float: fbase = (float *) DSET_ARRAY(base_dset,base) ; break ; } /*** 4) Loop over slices ***/ for( kk=0 ; kk < nz ; kk++ ){ /*** 4a) Setup ims_in images to point to input slices ***/ if (opt->debug) fprintf(stderr,"IMREG: slice %d -- setup input images\n",kk) ; for( ii=0 ; ii < ntime ; ii++ ){ im = IMARR_SUBIMAGE(ims_in,ii) ; switch( datum ){ case MRI_byte: mri_fix_data_pointer( bptr[ii] + kk*npix, im ) ; break ; case MRI_short: mri_fix_data_pointer( sptr[ii] + kk*npix, im ) ; break ; case MRI_float: mri_fix_data_pointer( fptr[ii] + kk*npix, im ) ; break ; } } /*** 4b) Setup imbase to point to base image ***/ if (opt->debug) fprintf(stderr,"IMREG: slice %d -- setup base image\n",kk) ; switch( base_datum ){ case MRI_byte: mri_fix_data_pointer( bbase + kk*npix, imbase ) ; break ; case MRI_short: mri_fix_data_pointer( sbase + kk*npix, imbase ) ; break ; case MRI_float: mri_fix_data_pointer( fbase + kk*npix, imbase ) ; break ; } /*** 4c) Register this slice at all times ***/ if (opt->debug) fprintf(stderr,"IMREG: slice %d -- register\n",kk) ; ims_out = mri_align_dfspace( imbase , NULL , ims_in , ALIGN_REGISTER_CODE , dxar,dyar,phiar ) ; /* hack of a fix for failure case 08 Apr 2008 [rickr/dglen] */ failed = 0; if( ims_out == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr,"IMREG failure (zero slice?), copying input\n"); failed = 1; ims_out = ims_in; } /*----- Store the registration parameters -----*/ if (opt->dprefix != NULL) for (ii = 0; ii < ntime; ii++) { it = ii*nz + z_to_t[kk]; if (opt->dmm) { state_history[it].elts[1] = dxar[ii] * dx; state_history[it].elts[2] = dyar[ii] * dy; } else { state_history[it].elts[1] = dxar[ii]; state_history[it].elts[2] = dyar[ii]; } state_history[it].elts[3] = (180.0/PI)*phiar[ii]; } /*** 4d) Put the output back in on top of the input; note that the output is always in MRI_float format ***/ if (opt->debug) fprintf(stderr,"IMREG: slice %d -- put output back into dataset\n",kk); for( ii=0 ; ii < ntime ; ii++ ){ switch( datum ){ case MRI_byte: im = mri_to_mri( MRI_byte , IMARR_SUBIMAGE(ims_out,ii) ) ; memcpy( bout[ii] + kk*npix , MRI_BYTE_PTR(im) , sizeof(byte)*npix ) ; mri_free(im) ; break ; case MRI_short: if (opt->debug) if( ii==0 ) fprintf(stderr,"IMREG: conversion to short at ii=%d\n",ii) ; im = mri_to_mri( MRI_short , IMARR_SUBIMAGE(ims_out,ii) ) ; if (opt->debug) if( ii==0 ) fprintf(stderr,"IMREG: copying to %p from %p\n", sout[ii] + kk*npix,MRI_SHORT_PTR(im)) ; memcpy( sout[ii] + kk*npix , MRI_SHORT_PTR(im) , sizeof(short)*npix ) ; if (opt->debug) if( ii==0 ) fprintf(stderr,"IMREG: freeing\n") ; mri_free(im) ; break ; case MRI_float: im = IMARR_SUBIMAGE(ims_out,ii) ; memcpy( fout[ii] + kk*npix , MRI_FLOAT_PTR(im) , sizeof(float)*npix ) ; break ; } } /*** 4e) Destroy the output images ***/ if (opt->debug) fprintf(stderr,"IMREG: destroying aligned output\n") ; if( !failed ) DESTROY_IMARR( ims_out ) ; /* 08 Apr 2008 */ } /*** 5) Destroy the empty images and other workspaces ***/ if (opt->debug) fprintf(stderr,"IMREG: destroy workspaces\n") ; mri_clear_data_pointer(imbase) ; mri_free(imbase) ; for( ii=0 ; ii < ntime ; ii++ ){ im = IMARR_SUBIMAGE(ims_in,ii) ; mri_clear_data_pointer(im) ; } DESTROY_IMARR(ims_in) ; FREE_WORKSPACE ; /*------------- write out the new dataset ------------*/ if (opt->debug) fprintf(stderr,"IMREG: write new dataset to disk\n") ; /*----- Record history of dataset -----*/ tross_Copy_History( old_dset , new_dset ) ; if( commandline != NULL ) tross_Append_History( new_dset , commandline ) ; THD_load_statistics( new_dset ) ; THD_write_3dim_dataset( NULL,NULL , new_dset , True ) ; /*----- evaluate results -----*/ if (opt->rprefix != NULL) eval_registration (opt, old_dset, new_dset, base_dset, base, old_rms_array, new_rms_array); /*----- deallocate memory -----*/ THD_delete_3dim_dataset( old_dset , False ) ; old_dset = NULL ; THD_delete_3dim_dataset( new_dset , False ) ; new_dset = NULL ; if (opt->base_filename != NULL) { THD_delete_3dim_dataset( base_dset , False ) ; base_dset = NULL ; } return NULL ; /* null string returned means all was OK */ } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Routine to write RMS error arrays. */ void output_rms_arrays ( IR_options * option_data, /* user input options */ THD_3dim_dataset * dset, /* pointer to input 3d+time dataset */ float * old_rms_array, /* volume RMS error for input dataset */ float * new_rms_array /* volume RMS error for registered dataset */ ) { int it; /* time index */ int ts_length; /* length of time series data */ char filename[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; /* name of output file */ FILE * old_rms_file , * new_rms_file; /* file for volume RMS error */ /*----- Initialize local variables -----*/ ts_length = DSET_NUM_TIMES(dset); /*----- Open output files -----*/ strcpy (filename, option_data->rprefix); strcat (filename, ".oldrms"); old_rms_file = fopen (filename, "w"); strcpy (filename, option_data->rprefix); strcat (filename, ".newrms"); new_rms_file = fopen (filename, "w"); /*----- Write volume RMS error data -----*/ for (it = 0; it < ts_length; it++) { fprintf (old_rms_file, "%d %f\n" , it, old_rms_array[it]); fprintf (new_rms_file, "%d %f\n" , it, new_rms_array[it]); } /*----- Close output files -----*/ fclose (old_rms_file); fclose (new_rms_file); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Get the time corresponding to this particular slice. */ float get_time (int ivolume, int iz, THD_3dim_dataset * dset) { float time; float z; z = iz * dset->taxis->dz_sl + dset->taxis->zorg_sl; time = THD_timeof (ivolume, z, dset->taxis); if (dset->taxis->units_type == UNITS_MSEC_TYPE) time /= 1000.0; return (time); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Routine to write the registration parameter time series. */ void output_state_history ( IR_options * option_data, /* user input options */ THD_3dim_dataset * dset, vector * state_history ) { int iv; /* vector index */ int ts_length; /* length of time series */ int num_slices; /* number of slices in each volume */ int num_vectors; /* total number of state vectors */ int ivolume; /* volume index */ int iz; /* z slice index */ float t; /* time for current vector */ char filename[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; /* string for output file name */ FILE * dx_file, * dy_file, * psi_file; /* output files */ /*----- Initialize local variables -----*/ num_slices = dset->taxis->nsl; ts_length = DSET_NUM_TIMES(dset); if ( num_slices <= 0 ) /* 06 Oct 2003 [rickr] */ num_slices = dset->daxes->nzz; /*----- Calculate total number of state vectors -----*/ num_vectors = ts_length * num_slices; /*----- Open output files -----*/ strcpy (filename, option_data->dprefix); strcat (filename, ".dx"); dx_file = fopen (filename, "w"); strcpy (filename, option_data->dprefix); strcat (filename, ".dy"); dy_file = fopen (filename, "w"); strcpy (filename, option_data->dprefix); strcat (filename, ".psi"); psi_file = fopen (filename, "w"); /*----- Write the registration parameters -----*/ if (dset->taxis) { for (iv = 0; iv < num_vectors; iv++) { ivolume = iv / num_slices; iz = t_to_z[iv % num_slices]; t = get_time (ivolume, iz, dset); fprintf (dx_file, "%f %f\n", t, state_history[iv].elts[1]); fprintf (dy_file, "%f %f\n", t, state_history[iv].elts[2]); fprintf (psi_file, "%f %f\n", t, state_history[iv].elts[3]); } } else { for (iv = 0; iv < num_vectors; iv++) { fprintf (dx_file, "%d %f\n", iv, state_history[iv].elts[1]); fprintf (dy_file, "%d %f\n", iv, state_history[iv].elts[2]); fprintf (psi_file, "%d %f\n", iv, state_history[iv].elts[3]); } } /*----- Close output files -----*/ fclose (dx_file); fclose (dy_file); fclose (psi_file); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Output results. */ void output_results ( IR_options * option_data, /* user input options */ vector * state_history, /* time series of state vectors */ float * old_rms_array, /* volume RMS error for input dataset */ float * new_rms_array /* volume RMS error for registered dataset */ ) { THD_3dim_dataset * dset; read_dataset (option_data->input_filename, &dset); /*----- Write the time series of state parameters -----*/ if (option_data->dprefix != NULL) output_state_history (option_data, dset, state_history); /*----- Write user specified auxiliary time series data -----*/ if (option_data->rprefix != NULL) output_rms_arrays (option_data, dset, old_rms_array, new_rms_array); THD_delete_3dim_dataset (dset, False); dset = NULL; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Terminate the program. */ void terminate_program ( IR_options ** option_data, vector ** state_history, /* time series of state vectors */ float ** old_rms_array, /* volume RMS error for input dataset */ float ** new_rms_array /* volume RMS error for registered dataset */ ) { THD_3dim_dataset * dset = NULL; /* pointer to input 3d+time dataset */ int num_slices; /* number of slices in each volume */ int ts_length; /* length of time series */ int num_vectors; /* total number of state vectors */ int i; /* index */ /*----- Initialize local variables -----*/ read_dataset ((*option_data)->input_filename, &dset); if (dset->taxis) num_slices = dset->taxis->nsl; else num_slices = -1; if ( num_slices <= 0 ) /* 06 Oct 2003 [rickr] */ num_slices = dset->daxes->nzz; ts_length = DSET_NUM_TIMES(dset); num_vectors = ts_length * num_slices; THD_delete_3dim_dataset (dset, False); dset = NULL; /*----- Release memory -----*/ free (*option_data); *option_data = NULL; if (t_to_z) { free (t_to_z); t_to_z = NULL; } if (z_to_t) { free (z_to_t); z_to_t = NULL; } if (*old_rms_array != NULL) { free (*old_rms_array); *old_rms_array = NULL; } if (*new_rms_array != NULL) { free (*new_rms_array); *new_rms_array = NULL; } /*----- Deallocate memory for array of state vectors -----*/ if (*state_history != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < num_vectors; i++) vector_destroy (&((*state_history)[i])); free (*state_history); *state_history = NULL; } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int main ( int argc, /* number of input arguments */ char ** argv /* array of input arguments */ ) { IR_options * option_data = NULL; /* user input options */ char * chptr; /* error message from processing */ vector * state_history = NULL; /* time series of state vectors */ float * old_rms_array = NULL; /* original data volume RMS error */ float * new_rms_array = NULL; /* registered data volume RMS error */ #if 0 /*----- Identify software -----*/ printf ("\n\n"); printf ("Program: %s \n", PROGRAM_NAME); printf ("Initial Release: %s \n", PROGRAM_INITIAL); printf ("Latest Revision: %s \n", PROGRAM_LATEST); printf ("\n"); #endif machdep() ; mainENTRY("2dImReg main") ; PRINT_VERSION("2dImReg") ; /*----- Program initialization -----*/ initialize_program (argc, argv, &option_data, &state_history, &old_rms_array, &new_rms_array); /*----- Register all slices in the dataset -----*/ chptr = IMREG_main (option_data, state_history, old_rms_array, new_rms_array); /*----- Check for processing errors -----*/ if (chptr != NULL) { printf ("%s \n\n", chptr); exit(1); } /*----- Output the results -----*/ output_results (option_data, state_history, old_rms_array, new_rms_array); /*----- Terminate the program -----*/ terminate_program (&option_data, &state_history, &old_rms_array, &new_rms_array); return 0; }