/*** 3dGroupIncorr == Group InstaCorr == GrpInCorr ***/ /*** Ideas for making this program more cromulently embiggened: ++ 2-way case: produce 1-way result sub-bricks as well -- DONE! ++ Rank or other robust analog to t-test (slow) -- DONE! ++ Send sub-brick data as scaled shorts -- TBD ++ Fix shm: bug in AFNI library (but how?) -- TBD ++ Have non-server modes: -- To input a 1D file as the seed vector set -- DONE! -- To input a mask file to define the seed vector set -- DONE! -- To output dataset(s) to disk -- DONE! -- 3dTcorrMap-like scan through whole brain as seed -- DONE! ++ Per-subject covariates -- DONE! ++ Send per-subject correlations to AFNI (as an option) -- DONE! ++ Allow a sub-range of time indexes -- TBD ***/ #include "mrilib.h" #include "suma_objs.h" /* 21 Apr 2020 */ /*------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef USE_OMP /* this is important! */ #include #endif /*--- prototypes ---*/ double GIC_student_t2z( double tt, double dof ) ; float_pair ttest_toz( int numx, float *xar, int numy, float *yar, int opcode ); void GRINCOR_many_ttest( int nvec , int numx , float **xxar , int numy , float **yyar , float *dar , float *zar ) ; static int verb = 1 ; /* default verbosity level */ static int debug = 0 ; /* default non-debug mode */ static unsigned short xran[3] = { 0x330e , 0x747a , 0x9754 } ; static int tbot=999999999 , ttop = 0 ; /* 23 Apr 2012 */ #undef USE_TRANGE #define USE_TRANGE (ttop-tbot > 8) #undef UINT32 #define UINT32 unsigned int /* 20 May 2010 */ #undef MAXCOV #define MAXCOV 31 #define CENTER_NONE 0 /* 15 Jul 2011 */ #define CENTER_DIFF 1 #define CENTER_SAME 2 #define CENTER_VALS 3 #define CENTER_SAME_MEDIAN 4 /* 23 May 2012 */ #define CENTER_DIFF_MEDIAN 5 static int center_code = CENTER_DIFF ; static MRI_IMAGE *center_valimA=NULL , *center_valimB=NULL ; void regress_toz( int numA , float *zA , int numB , float *zB , int opcode , int mcov , float *xA , float *psinvA , float *xtxinvA , float *xB , float *psinvB , float *xtxinvB , float *outvec , float *workspace ) ; void GRINCOR_many_regress( int nvec , int numx , float **xxar , int numy , float **yyar , int nout , float **dtar ) ; void GRINCOR_many_spearman( int nvec, int numx, float **xxar, MRI_IMAGE *cvim, float **spout ) ; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int do_atanh = 1 ; /* 15 May 2012 */ static int do_read = 0 ; /* 09 Feb 2016 */ #undef MYatanh #define MYatanh(x) ( ((x)<-0.999329f) ? -4.0f \ :((x)>+0.999329f) ? +4.0f : atanhf(x) ) #define UNROLL /* to speed things up in the correlation inner loop */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int vstep_n = 0 ; static void vstep_print(void) { static char xx[10] = "0123456789" ; fprintf(stderr , "%c" , xx[vstep_n%10] ) ; if( vstep_n%10 == 9) fprintf(stderr,".") ; vstep_n++ ; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Binary search for tt in a sorted integer array. */ static int mybsearch_int( int tt , int nar , int *ar ) { int targ , ii , jj , kk , nn ; if( nar <= 0 || ar == NULL ) return -1 ; /* bad inputs */ targ = tt ; ii = 0 ; jj = nar-1 ; /* setup */ if( targ < ar[0] ) return -1 ; /* not found */ else if( targ == ar[0] ) return 0 ; /* at start! */ if( targ > ar[jj] ) return -1 ; /* not found */ else if( targ == ar[jj] ) return jj ; /* at end! */ /* at the start of this loop, we've already checked indexes ii and jj, so check the middle of them (kk), and if that doesn't work, make the middle the new ii or the new jj -- so again we will have checked both ii and jj when the loop iterates back. */ while( jj-ii > 1 ){ kk = (ii+jj) / 2 ; /* midpoint */ nn = ar[kk] - targ ; /* sign of difference */ if( nn == 0 ) return kk ; /* found it! */ if( nn < 0 ) ii = kk ; /* must be above kk */ else jj = kk ; /* must be below kk */ } return -1 ; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int string_search( char *targ , int nstr , char **str ) { int ii ; char *npt , *ttt , *sss ; if( targ == NULL || *targ == '\0' || str == NULL || nstr < 1 ) return -1 ; ttt = strdup(targ); npt = strstr(ttt,".nii"); if( npt != NULL ) *npt = '\0'; for( ii=0 ; ii < nstr ; ii++ ){ if( str[ii] != NULL ){ sss = strdup(str[ii]); npt = strstr(sss,".nii"); if( npt != NULL ) *npt = '\0'; if( strcmp(ttt,sss) == 0 ){ free(sss); free(ttt); return ii; } free(sss) ; } } free(ttt) ; return -1 ; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef struct { int nvec ; /* number of vectors in a dataset */ int ndset ; /* number of datasets */ int *nvals ; /* nvals[i] = number of values in a vector in i-th dataset */ int nvals_max ; /* largest nvals[i] value */ int nvals_tot ; /* sum of nvals[i] values */ int datum ; /* 1 for sbyte, 2 for short */ int nuse , *use ; /* 07 Apr 2010: subset of datasets to use */ char *geometry_string ; THD_3dim_dataset *tdset ; /* template dataset */ int nx,ny,nz,nvox ; /* number of nodes in template */ char *dfname ; /* data file name */ int *ivec ; /* ivec[i] = spatial index of i-th vector, i=0..nvec-1 */ float *fac ; /* fac[i] = scale factor for i-th dataset, i=0..ndset-1 */ short **sv ; /* sv[i] = short array [nvals[i]*nvec] for i-th dataset */ sbyte **bv ; /* bv[i] = sbyte array [nvals[i]*nvec] for i-th dataset */ char **dslab ; /* dslab[i] = label string for i-th dataset [23 May 2010] */ int64_t nbytes ; /* number of bytes in the data array */ int did_read ; /* Surface stuff ZSS Jan 09 2010 */ int nnode[2] ; int ninmask[2] ; } MRI_shindss ; /* short/sbyte indexed datasets */ /*----- get index in array, given voxel ijk value -----*/ #undef IJK_TO_INDEX #define IJK_TO_INDEX(shd,ijk) \ ( ((shd)->ivec == NULL) ? (ijk) \ : mybsearch_int((ijk),(shd)->nvec,(shd)->ivec) ) #undef INDEX_TO_IJK #define INDEX_TO_IJK(shd,vvv) ( (shd->ivec==NULL) ? (vvv) : (shd)->ivec[(vvv)] ) /*------ for creating output dataset internally (rather than in AFNI) ------*/ #if 0 /* will use GICOR_setup instead ZSS: Jan 2012*/ typedef struct { /* Feb 2011 */ THD_3dim_dataset *dset ; int nvox , nivec , *ivec ; } GRINCOR_setup ; #endif GICOR_setup * GRINCOR_setup_dataset( NI_element * ) ; int GRINCOR_output_dataset( GICOR_setup *, NI_element *, char * ) ; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #undef GQUIT #define GQUIT(sss) \ do{ if( tdset != NULL ) DSET_delete(tdset) ; \ if( dfname != NULL ) free(dfname) ; \ if( geometry_string != NULL ) free(geometry_string) ; \ NI_free_element(nel) ; \ if( sss != NULL ) ERROR_message("GIC: file %s: %s",fname,(sss)) ; \ return(NULL) ; \ } while(0) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static const int64_t twogig = 2ll * 1024ll * 1024ll * 1024ll ; /* 2 GB */ /*----- read a PREFIX.grpincorr.niml file into a struct -----*/ MRI_shindss * GRINCOR_read_input( char *fname ) { NI_element *nel=NULL ; char *dfname="junque" , *atr ; NI_float_array *facar ; NI_int_array *nvar, *nnode=NULL, *ninmask=NULL; MRI_shindss *shd ; int64_t nbytes_needed , nbytes_dfname=0 ; int fdes ; void *var ; int ids , nvmax , nvtot ; int datum , datum_size ; char *geometry_string=NULL ; THD_3dim_dataset *tdset=NULL; int nvox; int no_ivec=0 , *ivec=NULL , *nvals=NULL , nvec,ndset ; float *fac=NULL ; NI_str_array *slabar=NULL ; if( fname == NULL || *fname == '\0' ) GQUIT(NULL) ; /* get data element */ if (!THD_is_ondisk(fname)) GQUIT("not on disk") ; nel = NI_read_element_fromfile(fname) ; if( nel == NULL || nel->type != NI_ELEMENT_TYPE ) GQUIT("not properly formatted") ; if( strcmp(nel->name,"3dGroupInCorr") != 0 ) GQUIT("data element name is not '3dGroupInCorr'") ; /* no data vector ==> using all voxels */ no_ivec = ( nel->vec_num < 1 || nel->vec_len < 1 || nel->vec_typ[0] != NI_INT ) ; /* number of vectors in each dataset */ atr = NI_get_attribute(nel,"nvec"); if( atr == NULL ) GQUIT("nvec attribute missing?") ; nvec = (int)strtod(atr,NULL) ; if( nvec < 2 || (!no_ivec && nel->vec_len != nvec) ) GQUIT("nvec attribute has illegal value") ; /* number of datasets */ atr = NI_get_attribute(nel,"ndset"); if( atr == NULL ) GQUIT("ndset attribute missing") ; ndset = (int)strtod(atr,NULL) ; if( ndset < 1 ) GQUIT("ndset attribute has illegal value") ; /* number of time points in each dataset (varies with dataset) */ atr = NI_get_attribute(nel,"nvals"); if( atr == NULL ) GQUIT("nvals attribute missing") ; nvar = NI_decode_int_list(atr,",") ; if( nvar == NULL || nvar->num < ndset ) GQUIT("nvals attribute doesn't match ndset") ; nvals = nvar->ar ; nvar->ar = NULL ; NI_delete_int_array(nvar) ; nvmax = nvtot = nvals[0] ; for( ids=1 ; ids < ndset ; ids++ ){ /* Feb 2011 */ nvtot += nvals[ids] ; if( nvals[ids] > nvmax ) nvmax = nvals[ids] ; } /* dataset labels [23 May 2010] */ atr = NI_get_attribute(nel,"dset_labels") ; if( atr != NULL ){ slabar = NI_decode_string_list(atr,";,") ; if( slabar == NULL || slabar->num < ndset ) GQUIT("dset_labels attribute invalid") ; } /* datum of datasets */ atr = NI_get_attribute(nel,"datum") ; if( atr != NULL && strcasecmp(atr,"byte") == 0 ){ datum = 1 ; datum_size = sizeof(sbyte) ; } else { datum = 2 ; datum_size = sizeof(short) ; } /* number of bytes needed: sizeof(datum) * number of vectors per dataset * number of datasets * sum of per dataset vector lengths */ nbytes_needed = 0 ; for( ids=0 ; ids < ndset ; ids++ ) nbytes_needed += nvals[ids] ; nbytes_needed *= ((int64_t)nvec) * datum_size ; if( nbytes_needed >= twogig && ( sizeof(void *) < 8 || sizeof(size_t) < 8 ) ) /* too much for 32-bit */ GQUIT("datafile size exceeds 2 GB -- you need a 64-bit computer!") ; /* scale factor for each dataset */ atr = NI_get_attribute(nel,"fac") ; if( atr == NULL ) GQUIT("fac attribute missing") ; facar = NI_decode_float_list(atr,",") ; if( facar == NULL || facar->num < ndset ) GQUIT("can't decode fac attribute") ; fac = facar->ar ; facar->ar = NULL ; NI_delete_float_array(facar) ; for( ids=0 ; ids < ndset ; ids++ ) if( fac[ids] <= 0.0f ) fac[ids] = 1.0f ; /* grid definition */ atr = NI_get_attribute(nel,"geometry") ; if( atr == NULL ) GQUIT("geometry attribute missing") ; geometry_string = strdup(atr) ; tdset = EDIT_geometry_constructor( geometry_string , "GrpInCorr" ) ; if( tdset == NULL ) GQUIT("can't decode geometry attribute") ; nvox = DSET_NVOX(tdset) ; if( no_ivec && nvox != nvec ) GQUIT("geometry attribute doesn't match nvec attribute") ; if( !no_ivec && nvox < nvec ) GQUIT("geometry attribute specifies too few voxels") ; /* name of data file: check its size against what's needed */ atr = NI_get_attribute(nel,"datafile") ; if( atr != NULL ){ dfname = strdup(atr) ; nbytes_dfname = THD_filesize(dfname) ; if( nbytes_dfname <= 0 && strstr(dfname,"/") != NULL ){ char *tnam = THD_trailname(atr,0) ; nbytes_dfname = THD_filesize(tnam) ; if( nbytes_dfname > 0 ){ free(dfname); dfname = strdup(tnam); } } } if( nbytes_dfname <= 0 && strstr(fname,".niml") != NULL ){ if( dfname != NULL ) free(dfname) ; dfname = strdup(fname) ; strcpy(dfname+strlen(dfname)-5,".data") ; nbytes_dfname = THD_filesize(dfname) ; } if( nbytes_dfname <= 0 ){ char mess[THD_MAX_NAME+256] ; sprintf(mess,"datafile is missing (%s)",dfname) ; GQUIT(mess) ; } else if( nbytes_dfname < nbytes_needed ){ char mess[THD_MAX_NAME+1024] ; sprintf(mess,"datafile %s has %s bytes but needs at least %s", dfname , commaized_integer_string(nbytes_dfname) , commaized_integer_string(nbytes_needed) ) ; GQUIT(mess) ; } else { INFO_message("GIC: data file %s found with %s bytes of data", dfname , commaized_integer_string(nbytes_dfname) ) ; } fdes = open( dfname , O_RDONLY ) ; if( fdes < 0 ){ char mess[THD_MAX_NAME+256] ; sprintf(mess,"can't open datafile (%s)",dfname) ; GQUIT(mess) ; } /* ivec[i] is the voxel spatial index of the i-th vector */ if( no_ivec ){ ivec = NULL ; /* means all voxels: ivec[i] == i */ } else { ivec = (int *)nel->vec[0] ; /* copy pointer */ nel->vec[0] = NULL ; /* NULL out in element so won't be free-ed */ } /* And stuff for LR surface pairs ZSS Jan 09*/ if ((atr=NI_get_attribute(nel,"LRpair_nnode"))) { nnode = NI_decode_int_list(atr,",") ; } if ((atr=NI_get_attribute(nel,"LRpair_ninmask"))) { ninmask = NI_decode_int_list(atr,",") ; } NI_free_element(nel) ; nel = NULL ; /* don't need this anymore */ /* create output struct */ shd = (MRI_shindss *)malloc(sizeof(MRI_shindss)) ; shd->nvals = nvals ; shd->nvals_max = nvmax ; shd->nvals_tot = nvtot ; shd->nvec = nvec ; shd->ndset = ndset ; shd->geometry_string = geometry_string ; shd->tdset = tdset ; shd->dfname = dfname ; shd->nvox = nvox ; shd->nx = DSET_NX(tdset); shd->ny = DSET_NY(tdset); shd->nz = DSET_NZ(tdset); shd->ivec = ivec ; shd->fac = fac ; /* and surface fields... ZSS Jan 09 */ if (nnode) { if (nnode->num != 2) GQUIT("LRpair_nnode must have 2 values"); shd->nnode[0] = nnode->ar[0]; shd->nnode[1] = nnode->ar[1]; NI_delete_int_array(nnode); nnode=NULL; } else { shd->nnode[0] = shd->nnode[1] = -1 ; } if (ninmask) { if (ninmask->num != 2) GQUIT("LRpair_ninmask must have 2 values"); shd->ninmask[0] = ninmask->ar[0]; shd->ninmask[1] = ninmask->ar[1]; NI_delete_int_array(ninmask); ninmask=NULL; } else { shd->ninmask[0] = shd->ninmask[1] = -1 ; } /*--- 07 Apr 2010: setup default use list (all of them) ---*/ shd->nuse = ndset ; shd->use = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*ndset) ; for( ids=0 ; ids < ndset ; ids++ ) shd->use[ids] = ids ; shd->dslab = (slabar != NULL) ? slabar->str : NULL ; /* 23 May 2010 */ /*--- now have to map data from disk ---*/ /*((( or read it - 09 Feb 2016 - RWC )))*/ if( do_read ){ /* the newen way, via malloc() and read() */ size_t nnn ; var = malloc( (size_t)nbytes_needed ) ; if( var == NULL ){ ERROR_message("GIC: file %s: can't allocate enough memory",dfname) ; free(shd) ; return NULL ; } fprintf(stderr,"Reading file %s ",dfname) ; nnn = read(fdes,var,(size_t)nbytes_needed) ; close(fdes) ; if( nnn < (size_t)nbytes_needed ){ fprintf(stderr,"-- failed :(\n"); free(var); free(shd); return NULL; } fprintf(stderr,"-- finished :)\n") ; shd->did_read = 1 ; } else { /* the olden way, via mmap() */ var = mmap( 0, (size_t)nbytes_needed, PROT_READ, THD_MMAP_FLAG, fdes, 0 ) ; close(fdes) ; /* close file descriptor does not unmap data */ if( var == (void *)(-1) ){ /* this is bad */ ERROR_message( "GIC: file %s: can't mmap() datafile -- memory space exhausted?" , dfname ) ; free(shd) ; return NULL ; } shd->did_read = 0 ; } /*-- create array of pointers to each dataset's data array --*/ shd->datum = datum ; if( datum == 2 ){ /* shorts */ shd->sv = (short **)malloc(sizeof(short *)*ndset) ; shd->bv = NULL ; shd->sv[0] = (short *)var ; for( ids=1 ; ids < ndset ; ids++ ) shd->sv[ids] = shd->sv[ids-1] + nvals[ids-1]*nvec ; } else { /* sbytes */ shd->sv = NULL ; shd->bv = (sbyte **)malloc(sizeof(sbyte *)*ndset) ; shd->bv[0] = (sbyte *)var ; for( ids=1 ; ids < ndset ; ids++ ) shd->bv[ids] = shd->bv[ids-1] + nvals[ids-1]*nvec ; } shd->nbytes = nbytes_needed ; return shd ; } #undef GQUIT #if 0 /*==========================================================================*/ /* Stuff for mean dot product as an extra covariate */ /*==========================================================================*/ void GRINCOR_meanvec_short( MRI_shindss *shd, int ids, float *vv ) { int nvec = shd->nvec , nvals = shd->nvals[ids] , iv,ii ; short *sv = shd->sv[ids] , *svv ; for( ii=0 ; ii < nvals ; ii++ ) vv[ii] = 0.0f ; for( iv=0 ; iv < nvec ; iv++ ){ svv = sv + iv*nvals ; for( ii=0 ; ii < nvals ; ii++ ) vv[ii] += svv[ii] ; } (void)THD_normalize( nvals , vv ) ; return ; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void GRINCOR_meanvec_sbyte( MRI_shindss *shd, int ids, float *vv ) { int nvec = shd->nvec , nvals = shd->nvals[ids] , iv,ii ; sbyte *sv = shd->bv[ids] , *svv ; for( ii=0 ; ii < nvals ; ii++ ) vv[ii] = 0.0f ; for( iv=0 ; iv < nvec ; iv++ ){ svv = sv + iv*nvals ; for( ii=0 ; ii < nvals ; ii++ ) vv[ii] += svv[ii] ; } (void)THD_normalize( nvals , vv ) ; return ; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void GRINCOR_meanvec( MRI_shindss *shd, int ids, float *vv ) { if( shd->datum == 1 ) GRINCOR_meanvec_sbyte( shd, ids, vv ) ; else GRINCOR_meanvec_short( shd, ids, vv ) ; return ; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ float GRINCOR_meandot( MRI_shindss *shd , int ids ) { int nvals=shd->nvals[ids] , nvec=shd->nvec , iv ; float *mv , *dp , sum ; mv = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*nvals) ; GRINCOR_meanvec( shd , ids , mv ) ; dp = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*nvec) ; GRINCOR_dotprod( shd, ids, mv, dp ) ; for( sum=0.0f,iv=0 ; iv < nvec ; iv++ ) sum += dp[iv] ; free(dp) ; free(mv) ; return (sum/nvec) ; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ float GRINCOR_zmeandot( MRI_shindss *shd , int ids ) { int nvals=shd->nvals[ids] , nvec=shd->nvec , iv ; float *mv , *dp , sum ; mv = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*nvals) ; GRINCOR_meanvec( shd , ids , mv ) ; dp = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*nvec) ; GRINCOR_dotprod( shd, ids, mv, dp ) ; for( sum=0.0f,iv=0 ; iv < nvec ; iv++ ) sum += MYatanh(dp[iv]) ; free(dp) ; free(mv) ; return (sum/nvec) ; } /*==========================================================================*/ #endif /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* This cute little function consumes a lot of CPU time. */ void GRINCOR_dotprod_short( MRI_shindss *shd, int ids, float *vv, float *dp ) { int nvec = shd->nvec , nvals = shd->nvals[ids] , iv,ii ; float sum , fac = shd->fac[ids]*0.9999f ; short *sv = shd->sv[ids] , *svv ; #ifndef UNROLL for( iv=0 ; iv < nvec ; iv++ ){ svv = sv + iv*nvals ; for( sum=0.0f,ii=0 ; ii < nvals ; ii++ ) sum += vv[ii]*svv[ii] ; dp[iv] = sum*fac ; } #else if( nvals%2 == 0 ){ /* even number of samples */ for( iv=0 ; iv < nvec ; iv++ ){ svv = sv + iv*nvals ; sum = 0.0f ; for( ii=0 ; ii < nvals ; ii+=2 ) sum += vv[ii]*svv[ii] + vv[ii+1]*svv[ii+1] ; dp[iv] = sum*fac ; } } else { /* odd number of samples */ for( iv=0 ; iv < nvec ; iv++ ){ svv = sv + iv*nvals ; sum = vv[0]*svv[0] ; for( ii=1 ; ii < nvals ; ii+=2 ) sum += vv[ii]*svv[ii] + vv[ii+1]*svv[ii+1] ; dp[iv] = sum*fac ; } } #endif if( do_atanh ){ for( iv=0 ; iv < nvec ; iv++ ) dp[iv] = MYatanh(dp[iv]) ; } return ; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* This cute little function consumes a lot of CPU time. */ void GRINCOR_dotprod_sbyte( MRI_shindss *shd, int ids, float *vv, float *dp ) { int nvec = shd->nvec , nvals = shd->nvals[ids] , iv,ii ; float sum , fac = shd->fac[ids]*0.9999f ; sbyte *bv = shd->bv[ids] , *bvv ; #ifndef UNROLL for( iv=0 ; iv < nvec ; iv++ ){ bvv = bv + iv*nvals ; for( sum=0.0f,ii=0 ; ii < nvals ; ii++ ) sum += vv[ii]*bvv[ii] ; dp[iv] = sum*fac ; } #else if( nvals%2 == 0 ){ /* even number of samples */ for( iv=0 ; iv < nvec ; iv++ ){ bvv = bv + iv*nvals ; sum = 0.0f ; for( ii=0 ; ii < nvals ; ii+=2 ) sum += vv[ii]*bvv[ii] + vv[ii+1]*bvv[ii+1] ; dp[iv] = sum*fac ; } } else { /* odd number of samples */ for( iv=0 ; iv < nvec ; iv++ ){ bvv = bv + iv*nvals ; sum = vv[0]*bvv[0] ; for( ii=1 ; ii < nvals ; ii+=2 ) sum += vv[ii]*bvv[ii] + vv[ii+1]*bvv[ii+1] ; dp[iv] = sum*fac ; } } #endif if( do_atanh ){ for( iv=0 ; iv < nvec ; iv++ ) dp[iv] = MYatanh(dp[iv]) ; } return ; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void GRINCOR_dotprod( MRI_shindss *shd, int ids, float *vv, float *dp ) { if( shd->datum == 1 ) GRINCOR_dotprod_sbyte( shd, ids, vv, dp ) ; else GRINCOR_dotprod_short( shd, ids, vv, dp ) ; return ; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void GRINCOR_many_dotprod( MRI_shindss *shd , float **vv , float **ddp ) { AFNI_OMP_START ; #pragma omp parallel { int ids , ndset=shd->ndset ; #pragma omp for for( ids=0 ; ids < ndset ; ids++ ){ if( verb > 3 ) fprintf(stderr," + start correlation on dataset #%d\n",ids) ; GRINCOR_dotprod( shd , ids , vv[ids] , ddp[ids] ) ; } } AFNI_OMP_END ; #ifdef isfinite if( debug || verb > 8 ){ int nvec=shd->nvec , nbad , iv , ids ; for( ids=0 ; ids < shd->ndset ; ids++ ){ for( nbad=iv=0 ; iv < nvec ; iv++ ){ if( !isfinite(ddp[ids][iv]) ){ ddp[ids][iv] = 0.0f; nbad++; } } if( nbad > 0 ) WARNING_message("GIC: %d non-finite correlations in dataset #%d",nbad,ids) ; } } #endif return ; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Remove the mean and make the sum of squares = 1. */ void GRINCOR_standardize_vector( int nv , float *vv ) { int ibot=0 , itop=nv-1 , ii ; float vs , vq ; if( USE_TRANGE ){ ibot = tbot ; if( ttop < itop ) itop = ttop ; } for( vs=0.0f,ii=ibot ; ii <= itop ; ii++ ) vs += vv[ii] ; vs /= (itop-ibot+1) ; for( vq=0.0f,ii=ibot ; ii <= itop ; ii++ ){ vv[ii] -= vs ; vq += vv[ii] * vv[ii] ; } if( vq > 0.0f ){ vq = 1.0f / sqrtf(vq) ; for( ii=ibot ; ii <= itop ; ii++ ) vv[ii] *= vq ; } return ; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int GRINCOR_extract_ijknbhd( MRI_shindss *shd , int dd , MCW_cluster *nbhd , int voxijk , float *tsar ) { int nvec,nvals, voxind,ii , isbyte=(shd->datum==1) ; short *sv=NULL , *svv=NULL ; float *vv ; sbyte *bv=NULL , *bvv=NULL ; voxind = IJK_TO_INDEX(shd,voxijk) ; nvals = shd->nvals[dd] ; vv = tsar ; if( isbyte ){ bv = shd->bv[dd] ; bvv = bv + voxind*nvals ; for( ii=0 ; ii < nvals ; ii++ ) vv[ii] = (float)bvv[ii] ; } else { sv = shd->sv[dd] ; svv = sv + voxind*nvals ; for( ii=0 ; ii < nvals ; ii++ ) vv[ii] = (float)svv[ii] ; } nvec = 1 ; if( nbhd != NULL ){ int aa,bb,cc,xx,yy,zz , qijk,qind , jj , nx,ny,nz,nxy ; nx = shd->nx ; ny = shd->ny ; nz = shd->nz ; nxy = nx*ny ; IJK_TO_THREE(voxijk,aa,bb,cc,nx,nxy) ; for( jj=1 ; jj < nbhd->num_pt ; jj++ ){ xx = aa + nbhd->i[jj] ; if( xx < 0 || xx >= nx ) continue ; yy = bb + nbhd->j[jj] ; if( yy < 0 || yy >= ny ) continue ; zz = cc + nbhd->k[jj] ; if( zz < 0 || zz >= nz ) continue ; qijk = THREE_TO_IJK(xx,yy,zz,nx,nxy) ; qind = IJK_TO_INDEX(shd,qijk) ; if( qind >= 0 ){ vv = tsar + nvec*nvals ; nvec++ ; if( isbyte ){ bvv = bv + qind*nvals ; for( ii=0 ; ii < nvals ; ii++ ) vv[ii] = (float)bvv[ii] ; } else { svv = sv + qind*nvals ; for( ii=0 ; ii < nvals ; ii++ ) vv[ii] = (float)svv[ii] ; } } } } return nvec ; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static float GIC_L2norm( int nv , float *vv ) { int ii ; float ss = 0.0f ; for( ii=0 ; ii < nv ; ii++ ) ss += vv[ii]*vv[ii] ; return sqrtf(ss) ; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void GRINCOR_average_ijknbhd( MRI_shindss *shd , int dd , MCW_cluster *nbhd , int voxijk , float *avar ) { int nvec , nvals , ii,jj ; float *tsar , *vv ; nvals = shd->nvals[dd] ; nvec = (nbhd == NULL) ? 1 : nbhd->num_pt ; tsar = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*nvals*nvec) ; nvec = GRINCOR_extract_ijknbhd( shd , dd , nbhd , voxijk , tsar ) ; for( ii=0 ; ii < nvals ; ii++ ) avar[ii] = 0.0f ; for( jj=0 ; jj < nvec ; jj++ ){ vv = tsar + jj*nvals ; for( ii=0 ; ii < nvals ; ii++ ) avar[ii] += vv[ii] ; } (void)THD_normalize( nvals , avar ) ; if( verb > 8 ) ININFO_message("GIC: file=%s[%d] aver[%d] seedvec L2=%g", shd->dfname , dd , nvec , GIC_L2norm(nvals,avar) ) ; free(tsar) ; return ; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void GRINCOR_prinvec_ijknbhd( MRI_shindss *shd , int dd , MCW_cluster *nbhd , int voxijk , float *pvar ) { int nvec , nvals , ii,jj ; float *tsar , *avar , *vv ; nvals = shd->nvals[dd] ; nvec = (nbhd == NULL) ? 1 : nbhd->num_pt ; tsar = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*nvals*nvec) ; nvec = GRINCOR_extract_ijknbhd( shd , dd , nbhd , voxijk , tsar ) ; avar = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*nvals) ; for( ii=0 ; ii < nvals ; ii++ ) avar[ii] = 0.0f ; for( jj=0 ; jj < nvec ; jj++ ){ vv = tsar + jj*nvals ; for( ii=0 ; ii < nvals ; ii++ ) avar[ii] += vv[ii] ; } (void)principal_vector( nvals , nvec , 0 , tsar , pvar , avar , NULL , xran ) ; if( verb > 8 ) ININFO_message("GIC: file=%s[%d] pv[%d] seedvec L2=%g", shd->dfname , dd , nvec , GIC_L2norm(nvals,pvar) ) ; free(avar) ; free(tsar) ; return ; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Load the seed vectors from each dataset: seed 3D voxel index (not node) is voxijk, then average over nbhd. *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void GRINCOR_seedvec_ijk_aver( MRI_shindss *shd , MCW_cluster *nbhd , int voxijk , float **seedvec ) { int kk ; for( kk=0 ; kk < shd->ndset ; kk++ ) GRINCOR_average_ijknbhd( shd , kk , nbhd , voxijk , seedvec[kk] ) ; return ; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void GRINCOR_seedvec_ijk_pvec( MRI_shindss *shd , MCW_cluster *nbhd , int voxijk , float **seedvec ) { int kk ; for( kk=0 ; kk < shd->ndset ; kk++ ) GRINCOR_prinvec_ijknbhd( shd , kk , nbhd , voxijk , seedvec[kk] ) ; return ; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* extract, from the dd-th dataset, the nijk vectors node-indexed in vijk[], into array tsar (pre-malloc-ized, please, to nvals*nijk long). *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void GRINCOR_extract_ijklist( MRI_shindss *shd , int dd , int nijk , int *vijk , float *tsar ) { int nvals , ii,jj,qq , isbyte=(shd->datum==1) ; short *sv=NULL , *svv=NULL ; float *vv ; sbyte *bv=NULL , *bvv=NULL ; nvals = shd->nvals[dd] ; if( isbyte ) bv = shd->bv[dd] ; else sv = shd->sv[dd] ; for( jj=0 ; jj < nijk ; jj++ ){ /* loop over nodes */ qq = vijk[jj] ; /* node index */ vv = tsar + jj*nvals ; /* jj-th vector in output array */ if( isbyte ){ bvv = bv + qq*nvals ; for( ii=0 ; ii < nvals ; ii++ ) vv[ii] = (float)bvv[ii] ; } else { svv = sv + qq*nvals ; for( ii=0 ; ii < nvals ; ii++ ) vv[ii] = (float)svv[ii] ; } } return ; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void GRINCOR_average_ijklist( MRI_shindss *shd , int dd , int nijk , int *vijk , float *avar ) { int ii,jj , nvals ; float *vv , *tsar ; nvals = shd->nvals[dd] ; tsar = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*nvals*nijk) ; GRINCOR_extract_ijklist( shd , dd , nijk , vijk , tsar ) ; for( ii=0 ; ii < nvals ; ii++ ) avar[ii] = 0.0f ; for( jj=0 ; jj < nijk ; jj++ ){ vv = tsar + jj*nvals ; for( ii=0 ; ii < nvals ; ii++ ) avar[ii] += vv[ii] ; } (void)THD_normalize( nvals , avar ) ; free(tsar) ; return ; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void GRINCOR_prinvec_ijklist( MRI_shindss *shd , int dd , int nijk , int *vijk , float *pvar ) { int ii,jj , nvals ; float *vv , *tsar , *avar ; nvals = shd->nvals[dd] ; tsar = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*nvals*nijk) ; GRINCOR_extract_ijklist( shd , dd , nijk , vijk , tsar ) ; avar = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*nvals) ; for( ii=0 ; ii < nvals ; ii++ ) avar[ii] = 0.0f ; for( jj=0 ; jj < nijk ; jj++ ){ vv = tsar + jj*nvals ; for( ii=0 ; ii < nvals ; ii++ ) avar[ii] += vv[ii] ; } (void)principal_vector( nvals , nijk , 0 , tsar , pvar , avar , NULL , xran ) ; free(avar) ; free(tsar) ; return ; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Load the seed vectors from each dataset, given a mask of nodes */ void GRINCOR_seedvec_ijklist_aver( MRI_shindss *shd , int nijk , int *vijk , float **seedvec ) { int kk ; for( kk=0 ; kk < shd->ndset ; kk++ ) GRINCOR_average_ijklist( shd , kk , nijk , vijk , seedvec[kk] ) ; return ; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void GRINCOR_seedvec_ijklist_pvec( MRI_shindss *shd , int nijk , int *vijk , float **seedvec ) { int kk ; for( kk=0 ; kk < shd->ndset ; kk++ ) GRINCOR_prinvec_ijklist( shd , kk , nijk , vijk , seedvec[kk] ) ; return ; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #if 0 /* ZSS June 2011 */ #define AFNI_NIML_PORT 53212 /* TCP/IP port that AFNI uses */ #define SUMA_GICORR_PORT 53224 /* TCP/IP port that SUMA uses */ /* Replace With AFNI_NIML_PORT get_port_named("AFNI_GroupInCorr_NIML"); SUMA_GICORR_PORT get_port_named("SUMA_GroupInCorr_NIML"); ZSS. June 2011 */ #endif static int nport = 0 ; /* 02 Aug 2010 */ NI_stream GI_stream = (NI_stream)NULL ; /*=============================================================================*/ static char *pname = "AFNI" ; /* name of partner program */ void GI_exit(void) /* Function to be called to make sure */ { /* the AFNI data channel gets closed. */ if( GI_stream != (NI_stream)NULL ){ fprintf(stderr,"** 3dGroupInCorr exits: closing connection to %s\n",pname) ; NI_stream_close(GI_stream) ; GI_stream = (NI_stream)NULL ; } else if( verb > 2 ){ fprintf(stderr,"** 3dGroupInCorr atexit() function invoked\n") ; } return ; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void GI_message(char *mess,int ecode) /* Apr 2013 */ { NI_element *nel=NULL ; if( GI_stream != NULL ) nel = NI_new_data_element( "3dGroupInCorr_message" , 0 ) ; if( mess != NULL && *mess != '\0' ){ if( nel != NULL ) NI_set_attribute( nel , "text" , mess ) ; switch( ecode ){ case 0: INFO_message(mess) ; break ; case 1: WARNING_message(mess) ; break ; case 2: ERROR_message(mess) ; break ; } } NI_write_element( GI_stream , nel , NI_TEXT_MODE ) ; return ; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include void GI_sigfunc(int sig) /** signal handler for fatal errors **/ { char *sname ; static volatile int fff=0 ; if( fff ) _exit(1) ; else fff = 1 ; switch(sig){ default: sname = "unknown" ; break ; case SIGINT: sname = "SIGINT" ; break ; case SIGPIPE: sname = "SIGPIPE" ; break ; case SIGSEGV: sname = "SIGSEGV" ; break ; case SIGBUS: sname = "SIGBUS" ; break ; case SIGTERM: sname = "SIGTERM" ; break ; } fprintf(stderr,"\n** 3dGroupInCorr: Fatal Signal %d (%s) received\n",sig,sname) ; exit(1) ; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void GIC_help(int junque) /* Dispense the Wisdom of the Ages [07 Apr 2016] */ { printf( "Usage: 3dGroupInCorr [options]\n" "\n" "* Also see\n" " https://afni.nimh.nih.gov/pub/dist/edu/latest/afni_handouts/afni20_instastuff.pdf\n" "\n" "* This program operates as a server for AFNI or SUMA. It reads in dataset\n" " collections that have been prepared by 3dSetupGroupInCorr, and then\n" " connects to the AFNI or SUMA GUI program (via TCP/IP). Then it waits\n" " for a command to be sent from AFNI/SUMA before it actually does anything.\n" "\n" "* The command from AFNI is sent when the user (you) clicks the 'InstaCorr Set' *\n" "* button in the [A] controller image viewer right-mouse-click popup menu; or, *\n" "* when you hold down the Shift and Control (Ctrl) keys on the keyboard at the *\n" "* same time you left-mouse-click in the image viewer. *\n" "\n" " (-: However, the new [Feb 2011] '-batch' option, described far below, :-)\n" " (-: lets you run 3dGroupInCorr by itself, without AFNI or SUMA, writing :-)\n" " (-: results to disk instead of transmitting them to the client program. :-)\n" "\n" "* At the same time as you run 3dGroupInCorr, you also have to run the\n" " AFNI GUI program, with a command like 'afni -niml'. 3dGroupInCorr\n" " by itself will only do something when AFNI sends it a command, which\n" " you do by using the 'InstaCorr Set' button on the [A] image viewer\n" " right-click popup menu, after 3dGroupInCorr has connected to AFNI.\n" "\n" "* When AFNI sends a seed voxel command, 3dGroupInCorr will extract\n" " that voxel times series from each input dataset, will compute the\n" " correlation map of each dataset with the corresponding seed time\n" " series, then will compute the voxel-wise collection of t-tests of\n" " that bunch of correlation maps, and return the resulting 3D volumes\n" " to AFNI for display.\n" " ++ A lot of computing can be required if there are a lot of datasets\n" " in the input collections. 3dGroupInCorr is carefully written to\n" " be fast. For example, on a Mac Pro with 8 3GHz CPUs, running\n" " with 1.2 GBytes of data (100 datasets each with 69K voxels), each\n" " group correlation map takes about 0.3 seconds to calculate and\n" " transmit to AFNI -- this speed is why it's called 'Insta'.\n" "\n" "* You must start AFNI with the '-niml' option to allow it to accept\n" " incoming TCP/IP socket connections.\n" " ++ Or you can press the 'NIML+PO' button in the GUI, if you forgot\n" " to type the AFNI command line correctly.\n" " ++ If you are running 3dGroupInCorr and AFNI on separate computers,\n" " you also have to setup 'host trusting' correctly -- for details,\n" " see the description of the '-ah' option, far below.\n" "\n" "* In the AFNI 'A' controller, once 3dGroupInCorr is connected to AFNI,\n" " you don't have to switch to 'GrpInCorr' on the 'InstaCorr' menu to\n" " use the 'InstaCorr Set' controls -- unlike the individual subject\n" " InstaCorr, which requires setup inside AFNI. For Group InstaCorr,\n" " the setup is already done in 3dSetupGroupInCorr. The ONLY reason\n" " for using the 'GrpInCorr' setup controls in AFNI is to change the\n" " value of the '-seedrad' option' radius interactively.\n" "\n" "* More detailed outline of processing in 3dGroupInCorr:\n" " ++ For each 3D+time dataset in the input dataset collections:\n" " -- Extract the seed voxel time series (averaging locally per 'seedrad')\n" " [you could do this manually with 3dmaskave]\n" " -- Correlate it with all other voxel time series in the same dataset\n" " [you could do this manually with 3dDeconvolve or 3dfim]\n" " -- Result is one 3D correlation map per input dataset\n" " -- The standard processing uses Pearson correlation between time series\n" " vectors. You can also pre-process the data to use Spearman (rank)\n" " correlation instead. This alteration must be done in program\n" " 3dSetupGroupInCorr, or with program 3dTransformGroupInCorr.\n" " ++ Then carry out the t-test between/among these 3D correlation maps,\n" " possibly allowing for dataset-level covariates.\n" " -- Actually, between the arctanh() of these maps:\n" " cf. RA Fisher:\n" " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisher_transformation\n" " [you could do the arctanh() conversion manually via 3dcalc;]\n" " [then do the t-tests manually with 3dttest++; then convert]\n" " [the t-statistics to Z-scores using yet another 3dcalc run.]\n" " -- To be overly precise, if the correlation is larger than 0.999329,\n" " then the arctanh is clipped to 4.0, to avoid singularities.\n" " If you consider this clipping to be a problem, please go away.\n" " ++ The dataset returned to AFNI converts the t-statistic maps\n" " to Z-scores, for various reasons of convenience.\n" " -- Conversion is done via the same mechanism used in program\n" " cdf -t2z fitt TSTAT DOF\n" " -- The individual correlation maps that were t-test-ed are discarded.\n" " -- Unless you use the new [Jan 2011] '-sendall' option :-)\n" "\n" "* When 3dGroupInCorr starts up, it has to 'page fault' all the data\n" " into memory. This can take several minutes, if it is reading (say)\n" " 10 Gbytes of data from a slow disk. After that, if your computer\n" " has enough RAM, then the program should run pretty quickly.\n" " ++ If your computer DOESN'T have enough RAM to hold all the data,\n" " then this program will be painfully slow -- buy more memory!\n" " ++ Note that the .data file(s) are mapped directly into memory (mmap),\n" " rather than being read with standard file input methods (read function).\n" " ++ This memory-mapping operation may not work well on network-mounted\n" " drives, in which case you will have to run 3dGroupInCorr on the same\n" " computer with the data files [Feb 2016 -- but see the new '-read' option].\n" " ++ However, 3dGroupInCorr does NOT need to be run on the same computer\n" " as AFNI or SUMA: see the '-ah' option (described far below).\n" "\n" "* Once 3dGroupInCorr is connected to AFNI, you can 'drive' the selection\n" " of seed points via the AFNI driver commands (e.g., via the plugout_drive\n" " program). For details, see the README.driver document.\n" #ifdef USE_OMP "\n" "* One reason this program is a server (rather than being built in\n" " to AFNI) is that it is compiled to use OpenMP, which will let\n" " it make use of multiple CPU cores on the computer system :-)\n" " ++ For more information, see the very end of this '-help' output.\n" #else "\n" "* One reason this program is a server (rather than being built in\n" " to AFNI) is that it can be compiled to use OpenMP, which will let\n" " it make use of multiple CPU cores on the computer system.\n" " ++ However, this binary version is NOT compiled with OpenMP :-(\n" " ++ OpenMP is supported in gcc 4.2 and above (included on Mac OS X),\n" " and in some commercial C compilers (e.g., Intel's icc).\n" " ++ If at all possible, use a version/compilation of 3dGroupInCorr with\n" " OpenMP; the speed difference is very significant and noticeable!\n" #endif ) ; printf( "\n" "* If you have only the .niml and .data files, and not original datasets,\n" " you can partially reconstruct the datasets by using the program\n" " 3dExtractGroupInCorr.\n" ) ; printf( "\n" "===================================================================\n" " COMMAND LINE OPTIONS\n" "[Most options are not case sensitive -- e.g., '-apair' == '-Apair']\n" "===================================================================\n" "\n" "-----------------------*** Input Files ***-------------------------\n" "\n" " -setA AAA.grpincorr.niml\n" " = Give the setup file (from 3dSetupGroupInCorr) that describes\n" " the first dataset collection:\n" " ++ This 'option' is MANDATORY (you have to input SOMETHING).\n" " ++ Of course, 'AAA' should be replaced with the correct name of\n" " your input dataset collection file!\n" " ++ 3dGroupInCorr can use byte-valued or short-valued data as\n" " produced by the '-byte' or '-short' options to 3dSetupGroupInCorr.\n" " ++ You can also put the '.data' filename here, or leave off the '.niml';\n" " the program will look for these cases and patch the filename as needed.\n" "\n" " -setB BBB.grpincorr.niml\n" " = Give the setup file that describes the second dataset collection:\n" " ++ This option IS optional.\n" " ++ If you use only -setA, then the program computes a one-sample t-test.\n" " ++ If you use also -setB, then the program computes a two-sample t-test.\n" " -- The exact form of the 2-sample t-test used is controlled by one of the\n" " three options described below (which are mutually exclusive).\n" " ++ The sign of a two sample t-test is 'A-B'; that is, a positive result\n" " means that the A set of correlations average larger than the B set.\n" " ++ The output t-statistics are converted to Z-scores for transmission to AFNI,\n" " using the same code as the 'fitt_t2z(t,d)' function in 3dcalc:\n" " -- e.g, the output of the command\n" " ccalc 'fitt_t2z(4,15)'\n" " is 3.248705, showing that a t-statistic of 4 with 15 degrees-of-freedom\n" " (DOF) has the same p-value as a Z-score [N(0,1) deviate] of 3.248705.\n" " -- One reason for using Z-scores is that the DOF parameter varies between\n" " voxels when you choose the -unpooled option for a 2-sample t-test.\n" "\n" " -Apair = Instead of using '-setB', this option tells the program to use\n" " the '-setA' collection in its place; however, the seed location\n" " for this second copy of setA is a different voxel/node. The result\n" " is to contrast (via a paired t-test) the correlation maps from the\n" " different seeds.\n" " ++ For Alex Martin and his horde of myrmidons.\n" " -->> You cannot use '-Apair' with '-setB' or with '-batch'.\n" " ++ To use this in the AFNI GUI, you first have to set the Apair seed\n" " using the 'GIC: Apair Set' button on the image viewer right-click\n" " popup menu. After that, the standard 'InstaCorr Set' button will\n" " pick the new seed to contrast with the Apair seed.\n" " ++ Or you can select 'GIC: Apair MirrorOFF' to switch it to 'MirrorON*'.\n" " In that case, selecting 'InstaCorr Set' will automatically also set\n" " the Apair seed to the left-right mirror image location (+x -> -x).\n" " ++ The resulting correlation maps will have a positive (red) hotspot\n" " near the InstaCorr seed and a negative (blue) hotspot near the\n" " Apair seed. If you don't understand why, then your understanding\n" " of resting state FMRI correlation analyses needs some work.\n" " -->> It is regions AWAY from the positive and negative seeds that are\n" " potentially interesting -- significant results at region Q indicate\n" " a difference in 'connectivity' between Q and the two seeds.\n" " ++ In the case of mirroring, Q is asymmetrically 'connected' to one\n" " side of brain vs. the other; e.g., I've found that the left Broca's\n" " area (BA 45) makes a good seed -- much of the left temporal lobe is\n" " asymmetrically connected with respect to this seed and its mirror,\n" " but not so much of the right temporal lobe.\n" "\n" " -labelA aaa = Label to attach (in AFNI) to sub-bricks corresponding to setA.\n" " If you don't give this option, the label used will be the prefix\n" " from the -setA filename.\n" "\n" " -labelB bbb = Label to attach (in AFNI) to sub-bricks corresponding to setB.\n" " ++ At most the first 11 characters of each label will be used!\n" " ++ In the case of '-Apair', you can still use '-labelB' to indicate\n" " the label for the negative (Apair) seed; otherwise, the -setA\n" " filename will be used with 'AP:' prepended.\n" "\n" "-----------------------*** Two-Sample Options ***-----------------------\n" "\n" " -pooled = For a two-sample un-paired t-test, use a pooled variance estimator\n" " -unpooled = For a two-sample un-paired t-test, use an unpooled variance estimator\n" " ++ Statistical power declines a little, and in return,\n" " the test becomes a little more robust.\n" " -paired = Use a two-sample paired t-test\n" " ++ Which is the same as subtracting the two sets of 3D correlation\n" " maps, then doing a one-sample t-test.\n" " ++ To use '-paired', the number of datasets in each collection\n" " must be the same, and the datasets must have been input to\n" " 3dSetupGroupInCorr in the same relative order when each\n" " collection was created. (Duh.)\n" " ++ '-paired' is automatically turned on when '-Apair' is used.\n" " -nosix = For a 2-sample situation, the program by default computes\n" " not only the t-test for the difference between the samples,\n" " but also the individual (setA and setB) 1-sample t-tests, giving\n" " 6 sub-bricks that are sent to AFNI. If you don't want\n" " these 4 extra 1-sample sub-bricks, use the '-nosix' option.\n" " ++ See the Covariates discussion, below, for an example of how\n" " '-nosix' affects which covariate sub-bricks are computed.\n" " ++ In the case of '-Apair', you may want to keep these extra\n" " sub-bricks so you can see the separate maps from the positive\n" " and negative seeds, to make sure your results make sense.\n" "\n" " **-->> None of these 'two-sample' options means anything for a 1-sample\n" " t-test (i.e., where you don't use -setB or -Apair).\n" #if 0 "\n" "---------------** Special Option for Ziad Saad (and His Ilk) ***--------------\n" "\n" " -no_ttest = Don't do any t-tests at all. Just compute the correlations\n" " at each voxel for each dataset and transmit those to the\n" " master program (AFNI or SUMA).\n" " ++ This really is a special case, and not for the normal user.\n" #endif ) ; printf( "\n" "-----------------*** Dataset-Level Covariates [May 2010] ***-----------------\n" "\n" " -covariates cf = Read file 'cf' that contains covariates values for each dataset\n" " input (in both -setA and -setB; there can only at most one\n" " -covariates option). Format of the file\n" " FIRST LINE --> subject IQ age\n" " LATER LINES --> Elvis 143 42\n" " Fred 85 59\n" " Ethel 109 49\n" " Lucy 133 32\n" " This file format should be compatible with 3dMEMA.\n" "\n" " ++ The first column contains the labels that must match the dataset\n" " labels stored in the input *.grpincorr.niml files, which are\n" " either the dataset prefixes or whatever you supplied in the\n" " 3dSetupGroupInCorr program via '-labels'.\n" " -- If you ran 3dSetupGroupInCorr before this update, its output\n" " .grpincorr.niml file will NOT have dataset labels included.\n" " Such a file cannot be used with -covariates -- Sorry.\n" "\n" " ++ The later columns contain numbers: the covariate values for each\n" " input dataset.\n" " -- 3dGroupInCorr does not allow voxel-level covariates. If you\n" " need these, you will have to use 3dttest++ on the '-sendall'\n" " output (of individual dataset correlations), which might best\n" " be done using '-batch' mode (cf. far below).\n" "\n" " ++ The first line contains column headers. The header label for the\n" " first column isn't used for anything. The later header labels are\n" " used in the sub-brick labels sent to AFNI.\n" "\n" " ++ If you want to omit some columns in file 'cf' from the analysis,\n" " you can do so with the standard AFNI column selector '[...]'.\n" " However, you MUST include column #0 first (the dataset labels) and\n" " at least one more numeric column. For example:\n" " -covariates Cov.table'[0,2..4]'\n" " to skip column #1 but keep columns #2, #3, and #4.\n" "\n" " ++ At this time, only the -paired and -pooled options can be used with\n" " covariates. If you use -unpooled, it will be changed to -pooled.\n" " -unpooled still works with a pure t-test (no -covariates option).\n" " -- This restriction might be lifted in the future. Or it mightn't.\n" "\n" " ++ If you use -paired, then the covariates for -setB will be the same\n" " as those for -setA, even if the dataset labels are different!\n" " -- This also applies to the '-Apair' case, of course.\n" "\n" " ++ By default, each covariate column in the regression matrix will have\n" " its mean removed (centered). If there are 2 sets of subjects, each\n" " set's matrix will be centered separately.\n" " -- See the '-center' option (below) to alter this default.\n" "\n" " ++ For each covariate, 2 sub-bricks are produced:\n" " -- The estimated slope of arctanh(correlation) vs covariate\n" " -- The Z-score of the t-statistic of this slope\n" "\n" " ++ If there are 2 sets of subjects, then each pair of sub-bricks is\n" " produced for the setA-setB, setA, and setB cases, so that you'll\n" " get 6 sub-bricks per covariate (plus 6 more for the mean, which\n" " is treated as a special covariate whose values are all 1).\n" " -- At present, there is no way to tell 3dGroupInCorr not to send\n" " all this information back to AFNI/SUMA.\n" "\n" " ++ The '-donocov' option, described later, lets you get the results\n" " calculated without covariates in addition to the results with\n" " covariate regression included, for comparison fun.\n" " -- Thus adding to the number of output bricks, of course.\n" "\n" " ++ EXAMPLE:\n" " If there are 2 groups of datasets (with setA labeled 'Pat', and setB\n" " labeled 'Ctr'), and one covariate (labeled IQ), then the following\n" " sub-bricks will be produced:\n" "\n" " # 0: Pat-Ctr_mean = mean difference in arctanh(correlation)\n" " # 1: Pat-Ctr_Zscr = Z score of t-statistic for above difference\n" " # 2: Pat-Ctr_IQ = difference in slope of arctanh(correlation) vs IQ\n" " # 3: Pat-Ctr_IQ_Zscr = Z score of t-statistic for above difference\n" " # 4: Pat_mean = mean of arctanh(correlation) for setA\n" " # 5: Pat_Zscr = Z score of t-statistic for above mean\n" " # 6: Pat_IQ = slope of arctanh(correlation) vs IQ for setA\n" " # 7: Pat_IQ_Zscr = Z score of t-statistic for above slope\n" " # 8: Ctr_mean = mean of arctanh(correlation) for setB\n" " # 9: Ctr_Zscr = Z score of t-statistic for above mean\n" " #10: Ctr_IQ = slope of arctanh(correlation) vs IQ for setB\n" " #11: Ctr_IQ_Zscr = Z score of t-statistic for above slope\n" "\n" " ++ However, the single-set results (sub-bricks #4-11) will NOT be\n" " computed if the '-nosix' option is used.\n" "\n" " ++ If '-sendall' is used, the individual dataset arctanh(correlation)\n" " maps (labeled with '_zcorr' at the end) will be appended to this\n" " list. These setA sub-brick labels will start with 'A_' and these\n" " setB labels with 'B_'.\n" "\n" " ++ If you are having trouble getting the program to read your covariates\n" " table file, then set the environment variable AFNI_DEBUG_TABLE to YES\n" " and run the program -- the messages may help figure out the problem.\n" " For example:\n" " 3dGroupInCorr -DAFNI_DEBUG_TABLE=YES -covariates cfile.txt |& more\n" "\n" " -->>**++ A maximum of 31 covariates are allowed. If you need more, then please\n" " consider the possibility that you are completely deranged or demented.\n" "\n" " *** CENTERING ***\n" " Covariates are processed using linear regression. There is one column in the\n" " regression matrix for each covariate, plus a column of all 1s for the mean\n" " value. 'Centering' refers to the process of subtracting some value from each\n" " number in a covariate's column, so that the fitted model for the covariate's\n" " effect on the data is zero at this subtracted value; the model (1 covariate) is:\n" " data[i] = mean + slope * ( covariate[i] - value )\n" " where i is the dataset index. The standard (default) operation is that 'value'\n" " is the mean of the covariate[i] numbers.\n" "\n" " -center NONE = Do not remove the mean of any covariate.\n" "\n" " -center DIFF = Each set will have the means removed separately [default].\n" "\n" " -center SAME = The means across both sets will be computed and subtracted.\n" " * This option only applies to a 2-sample unpaired test.\n" " * You can attach '_MEDIAN' after 'DIFF' or 'SAME' to have the\n" " centering be done at the median of covariate values, rather\n" " than the mean, as in 'DIFF_MEDIAN' or 'SAME_MEDIAN'.\n" " (Why you would do this is up to you, as always.)\n" "\n" " -center VALS A.1D [B.1D]\n" " This option (for Gang Chen) allows you to specify the\n" " values that will be subtracted from each covariate before\n" " the regression analysis. If you use this option, then\n" " you must supply a 1D file that gives the values to be\n" " subtracted from the covariates; if there are 3 covariates,\n" " then the 1D file for the setA datasets should have 3 numbers,\n" " and the 1D file for the setB datasets (if present) should\n" " also have 3 numbers.\n" " * For example, to put these values directly on the command line,\n" " you could do something like this:\n" " -center VALS '1D: 3 7 9' '1D: 3.14159 2.71828 0.91597'\n" " * As a special case, if you want the same values used for\n" " the B.1D file as in the A.1D file, you can use the word\n" " 'DITTO' in place of repeating the A.1D filename.\n" " * Of course, you only have to give the B.1D filename if there\n" " is a setB collection of datasets, and you are not doing a\n" " paired t-test.\n" "\n" " Please see the discussion of CENTERING in the 3dttest++ help output. If\n" " you change away from the default 'DIFF', you should really understand what\n" " you are doing, or an elephant may sit on your head, which no one wants.\n" "\n" "---------------------------*** Other Options ***---------------------------\n" "\n" " -seedrad r = Before performing the correlations, average the seed voxel time\n" " series for a radius of 'r' millimeters. This is in addition\n" " to any blurring done prior to 3dSetupGroupInCorr. The default\n" " radius is 0, but the AFNI user can change this interactively.\n" "\n" " -sendall = Send all individual subject results to AFNI, as well as the\n" " various group statistics.\n" " ++ These extra sub-bricks will be labeled like 'xxx_zcorr', where\n" " 'xxx' indicates which dataset the results came from; 'zcorr'\n" " denotes that the values are the arctanh of the correlations.\n" " ++ If there are a lot of datasets, then the results will be VERY\n" " large and take up a lot of memory in AFNI.\n" " **++ Use this option with some judgment and wisdom, or bad things\n" " might happen! (e.g., your computer runs out of memory.)\n" " ++ This option is also known as the 'Tim Ellmore special'.\n" "\n" " -donocov = If covariates are used, this option tells 3dGroupInCorr to also\n" " compute the results without using covariates, and attach those\n" " to the output dataset -- presumably to facilitate comparison.\n" " ++ These extra output sub-bricks have 'NC' attached to their labels.\n" " ++ If covariates are NOT used, this option has no effect at all.\n" "\n" " -dospcov = If covariates are used, compute the Spearman (rank) correlation\n" " coefficient of the subject correlation results vs. each covariate.\n" " ++ These extra sub-bricks are in addition to the standard\n" " regression analysis with covariates, and are added here at\n" " the request of the IMoM (PK).\n" " ++ These sub-bricks will be labeled as 'lll_ccc_SP', where\n" " 'lll' is the group label (from -labelA or -labelB)\n" " 'ccc' is the covariate label (from the -covariates file)\n" " '_SP' is the signal that this is a Spearman correlation\n" " ++ There will be one sub-brick produced for each covariate,\n" " for each group (1 or 2 groups).\n" "\n" " -clust PP = This option lets you input the results from a 3dClustSim run,\n" " to be transmitted to AFNI to aid with the interactive Clusterize.\n" " 3dGroupInCorr will look for files named\n" " PP.NN1_1sided.niml PP.NN1_2sided.niml PP.NN1_bisided.niml\n" " (and similarly for NN2 and NN3 clustering), plus PP.mask\n" " and if at least one of these .niml files is found, will send\n" " it to AFNI to be incorporated into the dataset. For example,\n" " if the datasets' average smoothness is 8 mm, you could do\n" " 3dClustSim -fwhm 8 -mask Amask+orig -niml -prefix Gclus\n" " 3dGroupInCorr ... -clust Gclus\n" " -->> Presumably the mask would be the same as used when you ran\n" " 3dSetupGroupInCorr, and the smoothness you would have estimated\n" " via 3dFWHMx, via sacred divination, or via random guesswork.\n" " It is your responsibility to make sure that the 3dClustSim files\n" " correspond properly to the 3dGroupInCorr setup!\n" " -->>++ This option only applies to AFNI usage, not to SUMA.\n" " ++ See the Clusterize notes, far below, for more information on\n" " using the interactive clustering GUI in AFNI with 3dGroupInCorr.\n" "\n" " -read = Normally, the '.data' files are 'memory mapped' rather than read\n" " into memory. However, if your files are on a remotely mounted\n" " server (e.g., a remote RAID), then memory mapping may not work.\n" " Or worse, it may seem to work, but return 'data' that is all zero.\n" " Use this '-read' option to force the program to read the data into\n" " allocated memory.\n" " ++ Using read-only memory mapping is a way to avoid over-filling\n" " the system's swap file, when the .data files are huge.\n" " ++ You must give '-read' BEFORE '-setA' or '-setB', so that the\n" " program knows what to do when it reaches those options!\n" "\n" " -ztest = Test the input to see if it is all zero. This option is for\n" " debugging, not for general use all the time.\n" "\n" " -ah host = Connect to AFNI/SUMA on the computer named 'host', rather than\n" " on the current computer system 'localhost'.\n" " ++ This allows 3dGroupInCorr to run on a separate system than\n" " the AFNI GUI.\n" " -- e.g., If your desktop is weak and pitiful, but you have access\n" " to a strong and muscular multi-CPU server (and the network\n" " connection is fast).\n" " ++ Note that AFNI must be setup with the appropriate\n" " 'AFNI_TRUSTHOST_xx' environment variable, so that it will\n" " allow the external socket connection (for the sake of security):\n" " -- Example: AFNI running on computer and 3dGroupInCorr\n" " running on computer\n" " -- Start AFNI with a command like\n" " afni -DAFNI_TRUSTHOST_01= -niml ...\n" " -- Start 3dGroupInCorr with a command like\n" " 3dGroupInCorr -ah ...\n" " -- You may use hostnames in place of IP addresses, but numerical\n" " IP addresses will work more reliably.\n" " -- If you are very trusting, you can set NIML_COMPLETE_TRUST to YES\n" " to allow NIML socket connections from anybody. (This only affects\n" " AFNI programs, not any other software on your computer.)\n" " -- You might also need to adjust your firewall settings to allow\n" " the reception of TCP/IP socket connections from outside computers.\n" " Firewalls are a separate issue from setting up AFNI host 'trusting',\n" " and the mechanics of how you can setup your firewall permissions is\n" " not something about which we can give you advice.\n" "\n" /* " -np port = Connect to AFNI/SUMA using the TCP/IP port number given here,\n" " rather than the default port number [53212 for AFNI, 53224 for\n" " SUMA]. You must give the corresponding option to AFNI to\n" " get proper communication going. Using '-np' properly is the\n" " only way to have multiple copies of 3dGroupInCorr and AFNI\n" " talking to each other!\n" ZSS June 2011 */ "%s" #ifndef DONT_USE_SHM "\n" " -NOshm = Do NOT reconnect to AFNI using shared memory, rather than TCP/IP,\n" " when using 'localhost' (i.e., AFNI and 3dGroupInCorr are running\n" " on the same system).\n" " ++ The default is to use shared memory for communication when\n" " possible, since this method of transferring large amounts of\n" " data between programs on the same computer is much faster.\n" " ++ If you have a problem with the shared memory communication,\n" " use '-NOshm' to use TCP/IP for all communications.\n" " ++ If you use '-VERB', you will get a very detailed progress report\n" " from 3dGroupInCorr as it computes, including elapsed times for\n" " each stage of the process, including transmit time to AFNI.\n" #endif "\n" " -suma = Talk to suma instead of afni, using surface-based i/o data.\n" " -sdset_TYPE = Set the output format in surface-based batch mode to\n" " TYPE. For allowed values of TYPE, search for option\n" " called -o_TYPE in ConvertDset -help.\n" " Typical values would be: \n" " -sdset_niml, -sdset_1D, or -sdset_gii\n" " -quiet = Turn off the 'fun fun fun in the sun sun sun' informational messages.\n" " -verb = Print out extra informational messages for more fun!\n" " -VERB = Print out even more informational messages for even more fun fun!!\n" #ifdef isfinite " -debug = Do some internal testing (slows things down a little)\n" #endif "\n" "---------------*** Talairach (+trlc) vs. Original (+orig) ***---------------\n" "\n" "Normally, AFNI assigns the dataset sent by 3dGroupInCorr to the +tlrc view.\n" "However, you can tell AFNI to assign it to the +orig view instead.\n" "To do this, set environment variable AFNI_GROUPINCORR_ORIG to YES when\n" "starting AFNI; for example:\n" "\n" " afni -DAFNI_GROUPINCORR_ORIG=YES -niml\n" "\n" "This feature might be useful to you if you are doing a longitudinal study on\n" "some subject, comparing resting state maps before and after some treatment.\n" "\n" "-----------*** Group InstaCorr and AFNI's Clusterize function ***-----------\n" "\n" "In the past, you could not use Clusterize in the AFNI A controller at the\n" "same time that 3dGroupInCorr was actively connected.\n" " ***** This situation is no longer the case: *****\n" " ****** Clusterize is available with InstaCorr! ******\n" "In particular, the 'Rpt' (report) button is very useful with 3dGroupInCorr.\n" "\n" "If you use '-covariates' AND '-sendall', 3dGroupInCorr will send to AFNI\n" "a set of 1D files containing the covariates. You can use one of these\n" "as a 'Scat.1D' file in the Clusterize GUI to plot the individual subject\n" "correlations (averaged across a cluster) vs. the covariate values -- this\n" "graph can be amusing and even useful.\n" " -- If you don't know how to use this feature in Clusterize, then learn!\n" , get_np_help() ) ; printf( "\n" "---------------*** Dataset-Level Scale Factors [Sep 2012] ***---------------\n" "\n" " -scale sf = Read file 'sf' that contains a scale factor value for each dataset\n" " The file format is essentially the same as that for covariates:\n" " * first line contains labels (which are ignored)\n" " * each later line contains a dataset identifying label and a number\n" " FIRST LINE --> subject factor\n" " LATER LINES --> Elvis 42.1\n" " Fred 37.2\n" " Ethel 2.71828\n" " Lucy 3.14159\n" " * The arctanh(correlation) values from dataset Elvis will be\n" " multiplied by 42.1 before being put into the t-test analysis.\n" " * All values reported and computed by 3dGroupInCorr will reflect\n" " this scaling (e.g., the results from '-sendall').\n" " * This option is for the International Man Of Mystery, PK.\n" " -- And just for PK, if you use this option in the form '-SCALE',\n" " then each value X in the 'sf' file is replaced by sqrt(X-3).\n" ) ; printf( "\n" "--------------------------*** BATCH MODE [Feb 2011] ***-----------------------\n" "\n" "* In batch mode, instead of connecting AFNI or SUMA to get commands on\n" " what to compute, 3dGroupInCorr computes correlations (etc.) based on\n" " commands from an input file.\n" " ++ Batch mode works to produce 3D (AFNI, or NIfTI) or 2D surface-based \n" " (SUMA or GIFTI format) datasets. \n" "\n" "* Each line in the command file specifies the prefix for the output dataset\n" " to create, and then the set of seed vectors to use.\n" " ++ Each command line produces a distinct dataset.\n" " ++ If you want to put results from multiple commands into one big dataset,\n" " you will have to do that with something like 3dbucket or 3dTcat after\n" " running this program.\n" " ++ If an error occurs with one command line (e.g., a bad seed location is\n" " given), the program will not produce an output dataset, but will try\n" " to continue with the next line in the command file.\n" " ++ Note that I say 'seed vectors', since a distinct one is needed for\n" " each dataset comprising the inputs -setA (and -setB, if used).\n" "\n" "* Batch mode is invoked with the following option:\n" "\n" " -batch METHOD COMMANDFILENAME\n" "\n" " where METHOD specifies how the seed vectors are to be computed, and\n" " where COMMANDFILENAME specifies the file with the commands.\n" " ++ As a special case, if COMMANDFILENAME contains a space character,\n" " then instead of being interpreted as a filename, it will be used\n" " as the contents of a single line command file; for example:\n" " -batch IJK 'something.nii 33 44 55'\n" " could be used to produce a single output dataset named 'something.nii'.\n" " ++ Only one METHOD can be used per batch mode run of 3dGroupInCorr!\n" " You can't mix up 'IJK' and 'XYZ' modes, for example.\n" " ++ Note that this program WILL overwrite existing datasets, unlike most\n" " AFNI programs, so be careful.\n" "\n" "* METHOD must be one of the following strings (not case sensitive):\n" "\n" " ++ IJK ==> the 3D voxel grid index triple (i,j,k) is given in FILENAME,\n" " or IJKAVE which tells the program to extract the time series from\n" " each input dataset at that voxel and use that as the seed\n" " vector for that dataset (if '-seedrad' is given, then the\n" " seed vector will be averaged as done in interactive mode).\n" " ** This is the same mode of operation as the interactive seed\n" " picking via AFNI's 'InstaCorr Set' menu item.\n" " -- FILE line format: prefix i j k\n" "\n" " ++ XYZ ==> very similar to 'IJK', but instead of voxel indexes being\n" " or XYZAVE given to specify the seed vectors, the RAI (DICOM) (x,y,z)\n" " coordinates are given ('-seedrad' also applies).\n" " ** If you insist on using LPI (neurological) coordinates, as\n" " Some other PrograMs (which are Fine Software tooLs) do,\n" " set environment variable AFNI_INSTACORR_XYZ_LPI to YES,\n" " before running this program.\n" " -- FILE line format: prefix x y z\n" "\n" " ++ NODE ==> the index of the surface node where the seed is located.\n" " A simple line would contain a prefix and a node number.\n" " The prefix sets the output name and the file format, \n" " if you include the extension. See also -sdset_TYPE option.\n" " for controlling output format.\n" " The node number specifies the seed node. Because you might\n" " have two surfaces (-LRpairs option in 3dSetupGroupInCorr)\n" " you can add 'L', or 'R' to the node index to specify its\n" " hemisphere.\n" " For example:\n" " OccipSeed1 L720\n" " OccipSeed2 R2033\n" " If you don't specify the side in instances where you are\n" " working with two hemispheres, the default is 'L'.\n" "\n" " ++ MASKAVE ==> each line on the command file specifies a mask dataset;\n" " the nonzero voxels in that dataset are used to define\n" " the list of seed voxels that will be averaged to give\n" " the set of seed vectors.\n" " ** You can use the usual '[..]' and '<..>' sub-brick and value\n" " range selectors to modify the dataset on input. Do not\n" " put these selectors inside quotes in the command file!\n" " -- FILE line format: prefix maskdatasetname\n" "\n" " ++ IJKPV ==> very similar to IJKAVE, XYZAVE, and MASKAVE (in that order),\n" " ++ XYZPV but instead of extracting the average over the region\n" " ++ MASKPV indicated, extracts the Principal Vector (in the SVD sense;\n" " cf. program 3dLocalPV).\n" " ** Note that IJKPV and XYZPV modes only work if seedrad > 0.\n" " ** In my limited tests, the differences between the AVE and PV\n" " methods are very small. YMMV.\n" "\n" " ++ VECTORS ==> each line on the command file specifies an ASCII .1D\n" " file which contains the set of seed vectors to use.\n" " There must be as many columns in the .1D file as there\n" " are input datasets in -setA and -setB combined. Each\n" " column must be as long as the maximum number of time\n" " points in the longest dataset in -setA and -setB.\n" " ** This mode is for those who want to construct their own\n" " set of reference vectors in some clever way.\n" " ** N.B.: This method has not yet been tested!\n" " -- FILE line format: prefix 1Dfilename\n" ) ; printf( "\n" "-----------------------*** NEW BATCH MODES [Aug 2012] ***--------------------\n" "\n" " * These new modes allow you to specify a LOT of output datasets directly on the\n" " command line with a single option. They are:\n" "\n" " -batchRAND n prefix ==> scatter n seeds around in space and compute the\n" " output dataset for each of these seed points, where\n" " 'n' is an integer greater than 1.\n" "\n" " -batchGRID d prefix ==> for every d-th point along each of the x,y,z axes,\n" " create an output dataset, where 'd' is an integer\n" " in the range 1..9. Note that setting d=1 will use\n" " every voxel as a seed, and presumably produce a vast\n" " armada of datasets through which you'll have to churn.\n" "\n" " * Each output dataset gets a filename of the form 'prefix_xxx_yyy_zzz', where\n" " 'prefix' is the second argument after the '-batchXXXX' option, and 'xxx'\n" " is the x-axis index of the seed voxel, 'yyy' is the y-axis index of the\n" " seed voxel, and 'zzz' is the z-axis index of the seed voxel.\n" "\n" " * These options are like using the 'IJK' batch mode of operation at each seed\n" " voxel. The only difference is that the set of seed points is generated by\n" " the program rather than being given by the user (i.e., you). These two options\n" " differ only in the way the seed points are chosen (pseudo-randomly or regularly).\n" "\n" "** You should be prepared for a LONG run and filling up a **\n" "** LOT of disk space when you use either of these options! **\n" ) ; PRINT_AFNI_OMP_USAGE("3dGroupInCorr",NULL) ; printf("++ Authors: Bob Cox and Ziad Saad\n") ; PRINT_COMPILE_DATE ; exit(0) ; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static char *afnihost = "localhost" ; static MRI_shindss *shd_AAA = NULL ; static MRI_shindss *shd_BBB = NULL ; static int ttest_opcode = -1 ; /* 0=pooled, 1=unpooled, 2=paired */ static int ttest_opcode_max = 2 ; static UINT32 testA, testB, testAB ; /* 23 May 2010 */ static int mcov = 0 ; static int nout = 0 , nout_mcov = 0 ; static float *axx , *axx_psinv , *axx_xtxinv ; static float *bxx , *bxx_psinv , *bxx_xtxinv ; /* Jun 2012: for voxel-wise covariates */ static float **axxM=NULL , **axxM_psinv=NULL , **axxM_xtxinv=NULL ; static float **bxxM=NULL , **bxxM_psinv=NULL , **bxxM_xtxinv=NULL ; static int oform = SUMA_NO_DSET_FORMAT; /* output format for surface-based */ #define MAX_LABEL_SIZE 12 #define NSEND_LIMIT 9 #undef COVTEST /* this is for Cox ONLY -- for debugging */ #define IJK_MODE 1 /* for -batch */ #define XYZ_MODE 2 #define IJKPV_MODE 3 #define XYZPV_MODE 4 #define MASKAVE_MODE 5 #define MASKPV_MODE 6 #define VECTORS_MODE 7 #define NODE_MODE 8 #define LIST_MODE 9 /* 01 Aug 2012 */ #define LIST_RAND 666 #define LIST_GRID 667 int main( int argc , char *argv[] ) { int nopt , kk , nn , ii,jj, TalkToAfni=1 , do_nocov=0 ; char nsname[2048] ; /* NIML socket name */ NI_element *nelset=NULL ; /* NIML element with dataset to send to AFNI */ NI_element *nelcmd=NULL ; /* NIML element with command from AFNI */ float *neldar=NULL , *nelzar=NULL ; float *neldar_AAA=NULL , *nelzar_AAA=NULL ; float *neldar_BBB=NULL , *nelzar_BBB=NULL ; int dosix=0 , nosix=0 ; char buf[1024] ; float seedrad=0.0f , dx,dy,dz , dmin ; int nx,ny,nz,nxy ; MCW_cluster *nbhd=NULL ; int voxijk , voxind , aa,bb,cc , xx,yy,zz , qijk,qind ; char *atr ; int nvec , ndset_AAA=0,ndset_BBB=0 , *nvals_AAA=NULL,*nvals_BBB=NULL ; int nvals_AAA_tot=0 , nvals_BBB_tot=0 , nvals_tot=0 , ndset_tot=0 ; int nvals_AAA_max=0 , nvals_BBB_max=0 , nvals_max=0 ; float **seedvec_AAA=NULL , **dotprod_AAA=NULL ; float **seedvec_BBB=NULL , **dotprod_BBB=NULL ; int ctim=0,btim=0,atim=0 , do_shm=2 , nsend=0 , shm_active=0 ; char label_AAA[MAX_LABEL_SIZE]="AAA" , label_BBB[MAX_LABEL_SIZE]="BBB" ; char *qlab_AAA=NULL , *qlab_BBB=NULL ; int lset_AAA=0 , lset_BBB=0 ; int *use_AAA=NULL , *use_BBB=NULL ; /* lists of subjects to use */ NI_element *covnel=NULL ; /* covariates */ NI_str_array *covlab=NULL ; MRI_IMAGE *axxim=NULL , *axxim_psinv=NULL , *axxim_xtxinv=NULL ; MRI_IMAGE *bxxim=NULL , *bxxim_psinv=NULL , *bxxim_xtxinv=NULL ; MRI_IMARR *covimar=NULL ; /* 14 May 2012 */ float **dtar=NULL ; int no_ttest=0 ; /* 02 Nov 2010 */ int do_spcov=0 , nspcov=0 ; float **spcov=NULL ; NI_element *sclnel=NULL ; /* scale factors [19 Sep 2012] */ float *scl_AAA=NULL , *scl_BBB=NULL ; int do_sendall=0 , nsaar=0 ; /* 22 Jan 2011 */ char *bricklabels=NULL ; float **saar=NULL ; int bmode=0 , do_lpi=0; /* 05 Feb 2011 -- stuff for batch mode */ char *bname=NULL ; char *bfile=NULL , *bprefix=NULL ; FILE *bfp=NULL ; int blist_type=0, blist_num=0, blist_index=0 ; /* 01 Aug 2012 -- batch list */ int *blist=NULL; char *blist_prefix=NULL ; GICOR_setup *giset=NULL ; /* -clust attributes [patched 13 Oct 2015] */ char *clust_NN1_1sided=NULL , *clust_NN1_2sided=NULL , *clust_NN1_bisided=NULL ; char *clust_NN2_1sided=NULL , *clust_NN2_2sided=NULL , *clust_NN2_bisided=NULL ; char *clust_NN3_1sided=NULL , *clust_NN3_2sided=NULL , *clust_NN3_bisided=NULL ; char *clust_mask=NULL ; char *clatr[10] = { NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL , NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL } ; int voxindB=-666 , voxijkB=-666 , redoB=1 ; /* Apr 2013 */ int do_apair=0 ; int do_ztest=0 ; /* 11 Feb 2016 */ #ifdef COVTEST float *ctarA=NULL , *ctarB=NULL ; char *ctnam ; /* debugging covariates */ #endif /*-- enlighten the ignorant and brutish sauvages with our wisdom? --*/ if( argc < 2 || strcasecmp(argv[1],"-help") == 0 ){ GIC_help(0) ; exit(0) ; } /*--- startup bureaucracy ---*/ AFNI_SETUP_OMP(0) ; /* 24 Jun 2013 */ mainENTRY("3dGroupInCorr"); machdep(); AFNI_logger("3dGroupInCorr",argc,argv); PRINT_VERSION("3dGroupInCorr"); AUTHOR("Cox, the Mad Correlator"); if( AFNI_yesenv("AFNI_GIC_DEBUG") ) verb = 9 ; /* 07 Apr 2016 */ /*-- process command line options -----------------------------------------*/ nopt = 1 ; while( nopt < argc ){ #ifndef DONT_USE_SHM if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-NOshm") == 0 ){ do_shm = 0 ; nopt++ ; continue ; } #endif if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-noatanh") == 0 ){ /* 15 May 2012 */ do_atanh = 0 ; nopt++ ; continue ; } if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-sendall") == 0 ){ /* 22 Jan 2011 */ do_sendall++ ; nopt++ ; continue ; } if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-donocov") == 0 ){ /* 17 May 2012 */ do_nocov++ ; nopt++ ; continue ; } if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-dospcov") == 0 ){ /* 28 Nov 2012 */ do_spcov++ ; nopt++ ; continue ; } if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-quiet") == 0 ){ verb = 0 ; nopt++ ; continue ; } if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-verb") == 0 ){ verb++ ; nopt++ ; continue ; } if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-VERB") == 0 ){ verb += 2 ; nopt++ ; continue ; } if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-debug") == 0 ){ debug++ ; nopt++ ; continue ; } if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-suma") == 0 ){ TalkToAfni = 0 ; nopt++ ; continue ; } if( strncasecmp(argv[nopt],"-sdset_",7) == 0 ){ oform = SUMA_FormatFromFormString(argv[nopt]+7); if (oform != SUMA_ERROR_DSET_FORMAT) { nopt++ ; continue ; } else { ERROR_message("Surface dataset type %s in %s unknown.\n" "See option -o_TYPE in ConvertDset -help \n" "for allowed values of TYPE.\n", argv[nopt]+7, argv[nopt]); exit(1); } } if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-nosix") == 0 ){ nosix = 1 ; nopt++ ; continue ; } if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-clust") == 0 ){ /* 23 May 2012 [patched 13 Oct 2015] */ char *cpref , *cname ; int qq ; for( qq=0 ; qq < 10 ; qq++ ){ if( clatr[qq] != NULL ) ERROR_exit("GIC: can't use '%s' twice!",argv[nopt]) ; } if( ++nopt >= argc ) ERROR_exit("GIC: need an argument after option '%s'",argv[nopt-1]) ; cpref = argv[nopt] ; if( *cpref == '\0' ) ERROR_exit("Illegal prefix after option '%s'",argv[nopt-1]) ; cname = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(cpref)+32)) ; qq = 0 ; sprintf(cname,"%s.NN1_1sided.niml" ,cpref); clust_NN1_1sided = AFNI_suck_file(cname); if( clust_NN1_1sided != NULL ) qq++; sprintf(cname,"%s.NN1_2sided.niml" ,cpref); clust_NN1_2sided = AFNI_suck_file(cname); if( clust_NN1_2sided != NULL ) qq++; sprintf(cname,"%s.NN1_bisided.niml",cpref); clust_NN1_bisided = AFNI_suck_file(cname); if( clust_NN1_bisided != NULL ) qq++; sprintf(cname,"%s.NN2_1sided.niml" ,cpref); clust_NN2_1sided = AFNI_suck_file(cname); if( clust_NN2_1sided != NULL ) qq++; sprintf(cname,"%s.NN2_2sided.niml" ,cpref); clust_NN2_2sided = AFNI_suck_file(cname); if( clust_NN2_2sided != NULL ) qq++; sprintf(cname,"%s.NN2_bisided.niml",cpref); clust_NN2_bisided = AFNI_suck_file(cname); if( clust_NN2_bisided != NULL ) qq++; sprintf(cname,"%s.NN3_1sided.niml" ,cpref); clust_NN3_1sided = AFNI_suck_file(cname); if( clust_NN3_1sided != NULL ) qq++; sprintf(cname,"%s.NN3_2sided.niml" ,cpref); clust_NN3_2sided = AFNI_suck_file(cname); if( clust_NN3_2sided != NULL ) qq++; sprintf(cname,"%s.NN3_bisided.niml",cpref); clust_NN3_bisided = AFNI_suck_file(cname); if( clust_NN3_bisided != NULL ) qq++; sprintf(cname,"%s.mask" ,cpref); clust_mask = AFNI_suck_file(cname); if( qq == 0 ){ WARNING_message("Can't read any -clust files, such as %s.NN1_1sided.niml",cpref) ; } else { qq = 0 ; if( clust_NN1_1sided != NULL ){ clatr[qq] = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(clust_NN1_1sided)+128)) ; strcpy(clatr[qq],"AFNI_CLUSTSIM_NN1_1sided ==> ") ; strcat(clatr[qq],clust_NN1_1sided) ; qq++ ; free(clust_NN1_1sided) ; } if( clust_NN1_2sided != NULL ){ clatr[qq] = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(clust_NN1_2sided)+128)) ; strcpy(clatr[qq],"AFNI_CLUSTSIM_NN1_2sided ==> ") ; strcat(clatr[qq],clust_NN1_2sided) ; qq++ ; free(clust_NN1_2sided) ; } if( clust_NN1_bisided != NULL ){ clatr[qq] = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(clust_NN1_bisided)+128)) ; strcpy(clatr[qq],"AFNI_CLUSTSIM_NN1_bisided ==> ") ; strcat(clatr[qq],clust_NN1_bisided) ; qq++ ; free(clust_NN1_bisided) ; } if( clust_NN2_1sided != NULL ){ clatr[qq] = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(clust_NN2_1sided)+128)) ; strcpy(clatr[qq],"AFNI_CLUSTSIM_NN2_1sided ==> ") ; strcat(clatr[qq],clust_NN2_1sided) ; qq++ ; free(clust_NN2_1sided) ; } if( clust_NN2_2sided != NULL ){ clatr[qq] = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(clust_NN2_2sided)+128)) ; strcpy(clatr[qq],"AFNI_CLUSTSIM_NN2_2sided ==> ") ; strcat(clatr[qq],clust_NN2_2sided) ; qq++ ; free(clust_NN2_2sided) ; } if( clust_NN2_bisided != NULL ){ clatr[qq] = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(clust_NN2_bisided)+128)) ; strcpy(clatr[qq],"AFNI_CLUSTSIM_NN2_bisided ==> ") ; strcat(clatr[qq],clust_NN2_bisided) ; qq++ ; free(clust_NN2_bisided) ; } if( clust_NN3_1sided != NULL ){ clatr[qq] = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(clust_NN3_1sided)+128)) ; strcpy(clatr[qq],"AFNI_CLUSTSIM_NN3_1sided ==> ") ; strcat(clatr[qq],clust_NN3_1sided) ; qq++ ; free(clust_NN3_1sided) ; } if( clust_NN3_2sided != NULL ){ clatr[qq] = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(clust_NN3_2sided)+128)) ; strcpy(clatr[qq],"AFNI_CLUSTSIM_NN3_2sided ==> ") ; strcat(clatr[qq],clust_NN3_2sided) ; qq++ ; free(clust_NN3_2sided) ; } if( clust_NN3_bisided != NULL ){ clatr[qq] = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(clust_NN3_bisided)+128)) ; strcpy(clatr[qq],"AFNI_CLUSTSIM_NN3_bisided ==> ") ; strcat(clatr[qq],clust_NN3_bisided) ; qq++ ; free(clust_NN3_bisided) ; } if( qq > 0 && clust_mask != NULL ){ clatr[qq] = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(clust_mask)+128)) ; strcpy(clatr[qq],"AFNI_CLUSTSIM_MASK ==> ") ; strcat(clatr[qq],clust_mask) ; qq++ ; free(clust_mask) ; } if( verb ) INFO_message("%d -clust attributes read for use in AFNI",qq) ; } nopt++ ; continue ; } if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-batchGRID") == 0 ){ /* Aug 2012 */ if( bmode ) ERROR_exit("GIC: can't use '-batch' twice!") ; if( ++nopt >= argc+1 ) ERROR_exit("GIC: need 2 arguments after option '%s'",argv[nopt-1]) ; bmode = LIST_MODE ; blist_type = LIST_GRID ; blist_num = (int)strtod(argv[nopt],NULL) ; if( blist_num < 1 || blist_num > 9 ) ERROR_exit("GIC: '-batchGRID' spacing %d is out of range 1..9",blist_num) ; blist_prefix = strdup(argv[++nopt]) ; if( !THD_filename_ok(blist_prefix) ) ERROR_exit("GIC: '-batchGRID' prefix '%s' is not OK",blist_prefix) ; THD_force_ok_overwrite(1) ; nopt++ ; continue ; } if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-batchRAND") == 0 ){ /* Aug 2012 */ if( bmode ) ERROR_exit("GIC: can't use '-batch' twice!") ; if( ++nopt >= argc+1 ) ERROR_exit("GIC: need 2 arguments after option '%s'",argv[nopt-1]) ; bmode = LIST_MODE ; blist_type = LIST_RAND ; blist_num = (int)strtod(argv[nopt],NULL) ; if( blist_num < 1 ) ERROR_exit("GIC: '-batchRAND' count %d is too small",blist_num) ; blist_prefix = strdup(argv[++nopt]) ; if( !THD_filename_ok(blist_prefix) ) ERROR_exit("GIC: '-batchRAND' prefix '%s' is not OK",blist_prefix) ; THD_force_ok_overwrite(1) ; nopt++ ; continue ; } if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-batch") == 0 ){ /* Feb 2011 */ if( bmode ) ERROR_exit("GIC: can't use '-batch' twice!") ; if( ++nopt >= argc+1 ) ERROR_exit("GIC: need 2 arguments after option '%s'",argv[nopt-1]) ; if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"IJK") == 0 ) bmode = IJK_MODE ; else if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"IJKAVE") == 0 ) bmode = IJK_MODE ; else if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"XYZ") == 0 ) bmode = XYZ_MODE ; else if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"XYZAVE") == 0 ) bmode = XYZ_MODE ; else if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"IJKPV") == 0 ) bmode = IJKPV_MODE ; else if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"XYZPV") == 0 ) bmode = XYZPV_MODE ; else if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"MASKAVE") == 0 ) bmode = MASKAVE_MODE ; else if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"MASKPV") == 0 ) bmode = MASKPV_MODE ; else if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"VECTORS") == 0 ) bmode = VECTORS_MODE ; else if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"NODE") == 0 ) bmode = NODE_MODE ; else ERROR_exit("GIC: don't understand '-batch' method '%s'",argv[nopt]) ; bname = strdup(argv[nopt]) ; bfile = strdup(argv[++nopt]) ; if( strchr(bfile,' ') == NULL ){ /* if no blank inside filename */ bfp = fopen( bfile , "r" ) ; if( bfp == NULL ) ERROR_exit("GIC: can't open '-batch' file '%s'",bfile) ; } THD_force_ok_overwrite(1) ; nopt++ ; continue ; } if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-seedrad") == 0 ){ if( ++nopt >= argc ) ERROR_exit("GIC: need 1 argument after option '%s'",argv[nopt-1]) ; seedrad = (float)strtod(argv[nopt],NULL) ; if( seedrad < 0.0f ){ WARNING_message("GIC: Negative -seedrad being set back to zero!?") ; seedrad = 0.0f ; } nopt++ ; continue ; } #if 0 /* This is now handled in AFNI_prefilter_args(). ZSS, June 2011 Delete soon. */ if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-np") == 0 ){ if( ++nopt >= argc ) ERROR_exit("GIC: need 1 argument after option '%s'",argv[nopt-1]) ; nport = (int)strtod(argv[nopt],NULL) ; if( nport < 1024 || nport > 65535 ){ WARNING_message("GIC: Illegal port after '-np': should be in range 1024..65535") ; nport = -1 ; } nopt++ ; continue ; } #endif if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-read") == 0 ){ /* 09 Feb 2016 */ if( shd_AAA != NULL ) WARNING_message("Option '-read' given AFTER '-setA' => '-read' is ignored for '-setA'") ; if( shd_BBB != NULL ) WARNING_message("Option '-read' given AFTER '-setB' => '-read' is ignored for '-setB'") ; do_read++ ; nopt++ ; continue ; } if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-ztest") == 0 ){ /* 11 Feb 2016 */ do_ztest++ ; nopt++ ; continue ; } if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-ah") == 0 ){ if( ++nopt >= argc ) ERROR_exit("GIC: need 1 argument after option '%s'",argv[nopt-1]) ; afnihost = strdup(argv[nopt]) ; nopt++ ; continue ; } if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-pooled") == 0 ){ ttest_opcode = 0 ; nopt++ ; continue ; } if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-unpooled") == 0 ){ ttest_opcode = 1 ; nopt++ ; continue ; } if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-paired") == 0 ){ ttest_opcode = 2 ; nopt++ ; continue ; } if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-center") == 0 ){ /* 15 Jul 2011 */ if( ++nopt >= argc ) ERROR_exit("Need argument after '%s'",argv[nopt-1]) ; if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"NONE") == 0 ){ center_code = CENTER_NONE ; } else if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"DIFF") == 0 ){ center_code = CENTER_DIFF ; } else if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"DIFF_MEDIAN") == 0 ){ /* 23 May 2012 */ center_code = CENTER_DIFF_MEDIAN ; } else if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"SAME") == 0 ){ center_code = CENTER_SAME ; } else if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"SAME_MEDIAN") == 0 ){ /* 23 May 2012 */ center_code = CENTER_SAME_MEDIAN ; } else if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"VALS") == 0 ){ center_code = CENTER_VALS ; if( ++nopt > argc ) ERROR_exit("Need a second argument after '%s %s'",argv[nopt-2],argv[nopt-1]) ; center_valimA = mri_read_1D( argv[nopt] ) ; if( center_valimA == NULL ) ERROR_exit("Can't read 1D file '%s'",argv[nopt]) ; if( ++nopt < argc && argv[nopt][0] != '-' ){ if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"DITTO") == 0 ){ center_valimB = center_valimA ; } else { center_valimB = mri_read_1D( argv[nopt] ) ; if( center_valimB == NULL ) ERROR_exit("Can't read 1D file '%s'",argv[nopt]) ; } } } else { WARNING_message( "Unknown -center option '%s' -- using 'DIFF'",argv[nopt]) ; center_code = CENTER_DIFF ; } nopt++ ; continue ; } if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-covariates") == 0 ){ /* 20 May 2010 */ char *lab ; float sig ; int nbad ; if( ++nopt >= argc ) ERROR_exit("GIC: need 1 argument after option '%s'",argv[nopt-1]); if( covnel != NULL ) ERROR_exit("GIC: can't use -covariates twice!") ; covnel = THD_simple_table_read( argv[nopt] ) ; if( covnel == NULL ){ ERROR_message("GIC: Can't read table from -covariates file '%s'",argv[nopt]) ; ERROR_message("GIC: Try re-running this program with the extra option -DAFNI_DEBUG_TABLE=YES") ; ERROR_exit( "GIC: Can't continue after the above error!") ; } mcov = covnel->vec_num - 1 ; INFO_message("GIC: Covariates file: %d columns (%d covariates), each with %d rows", covnel->vec_num , mcov , covnel->vec_len ) ; if( mcov < 1 ) ERROR_exit("GIC: Need at least 2 columns in -covariates file!") ; else if( mcov > MAXCOV ) ERROR_exit("GIC: %d covariates in file, more than max allowed (%d)",mcov,MAXCOV) ; lab = NI_get_attribute( covnel , "Labels" ) ; if( lab != NULL ){ ININFO_message("GIC: Covariate column labels: %s",lab) ; covlab = NI_decode_string_list( lab , ";," ) ; if( covlab == NULL || covlab->num < mcov+1 ) ERROR_exit("GIC: can't decode labels properly?!") ; } else { ERROR_exit("GIC: Can't get labels from -covariates file '%s'",argv[nopt]) ; } for( nbad=0,kk=1 ; kk <= mcov ; kk++ ){ meansigma_float(covnel->vec_len,(float *)covnel->vec[kk],NULL,&sig) ; if( sig <= 0.0f ){ ERROR_message("GIC: Covariate '%s' is constant; how can this be used?!" , covlab->str[kk] ) ; nbad++ ; } if( strlen(covlab->str[kk]) > MAX_LABEL_SIZE ) /* truncate labels to fit */ covlab->str[kk][MAX_LABEL_SIZE] = '\0' ; } if( nbad > 0 ) ERROR_exit("GIC: Cannot continue :-(") ; nopt++ ; continue ; } if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-scale") == 0 ){ /* 19 Sep 2012 */ float *sff ; int nbad , mscl , dosqrt=(strcmp(argv[nopt],"-SCALE")==0) ; if( ++nopt >= argc ) ERROR_exit("GIC: need 1 argument after option '%s'",argv[nopt-1]); if( sclnel != NULL ) ERROR_exit("GIC: can't use -scale twice!") ; sclnel = THD_simple_table_read( argv[nopt] ) ; if( sclnel == NULL ){ ERROR_message("GIC: Can't read table from -scale file '%s'",argv[nopt]) ; ERROR_message("GIC: Try re-running this program with the extra option -DAFNI_DEBUG_TABLE=YES") ; ERROR_exit( "GIC: Can't continue after the above error :-(") ; } mscl = sclnel->vec_num - 1 ; if( mscl < 1 ) ERROR_exit("GIC: Need at least 2 columns in -scale file!") ; else if( mscl > 1 ) WARNING_message( "GIC: -scale file: %d numeric columns ==> ignoring all but first one!", mscl ) ; if( dosqrt ) INFO_message("GIC: -SCALE implies using sqrt(X-3)") ; sff = (float *)sclnel->vec[1] ; for( nbad=kk=0 ; kk < sclnel->vec_len ; kk++ ){ /* check for errors */ if( dosqrt ){ if( sff[kk] >= 3.0f ){ sff[kk] = sqrtf(sff[kk]-3.0f) ; } else { WARNING_message("GIC: -SCALE factor in row %d is %g < 3 -- which is bad", kk+2,sff[kk]) ; nbad++ ; sff[kk] = 0.0f ; } } else { if( sff[kk] == 0.0f ){ WARNING_message("GIC: scale factor in row %d is zero :-(",kk+2) ; nbad++ ; } } } if( nbad == sclnel->vec_len ) ERROR_exit("GIC: Cannot continue :-(") ; nopt++ ; continue ; } if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-labelA") == 0 || strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-labA") == 0 ){ if( ++nopt >= argc ) ERROR_exit("GIC: need 1 argument after option '%s'",argv[nopt-1]); if( argv[nopt][0] != '\0' ){ NI_strncpy(label_AAA,argv[nopt],MAX_LABEL_SIZE) ; THD_filename_fix(label_AAA) ; lset_AAA = 1 ; } nopt++ ; continue ; } if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-labelB") == 0 || strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-labB") == 0 ){ if( ++nopt >= argc ) ERROR_exit("GIC: need 1 argument after option '%s'",argv[nopt-1]); if( argv[nopt][0] != '\0' ){ NI_strncpy(label_BBB,argv[nopt],MAX_LABEL_SIZE) ; THD_filename_fix(label_BBB) ; lset_BBB = 1 ; } nopt++ ; continue ; } #if 0 if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-useA") == 0 ){ if( ++nopt >= argc ) ERROR_exit("GIC: need 1 argument after option '%s'",argv[nopt-1]) ; if( use_AAA != NULL ) ERROR_exit("GIC: you can't use -useA twice!") ; use_AAA = MCW_get_intlist( 999999 , argv[nopt] ) ; if( use_AAA == NULL || use_AAA[0] <= 0 ) ERROR_exit("GIC: can't decode argument after -useA") ; } if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-useB") == 0 ){ if( ++nopt >= argc ) ERROR_exit("GIC: need 1 argument after option '%s'",argv[nopt-1]) ; if( use_BBB != NULL ) ERROR_exit("GIC: you can't use -useB twice!") ; use_BBB = MCW_get_intlist( 999999 , argv[nopt] ) ; if( use_BBB == NULL || use_BBB[0] <= 0 ) ERROR_exit("GIC: can't decode argument after -useB") ; } #endif if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-setA") == 0 ){ char *fname , *cpt ; if( shd_AAA != NULL ) ERROR_exit("GIC: can only use '-setA' once!") ; if( ++nopt >= argc ) ERROR_exit("GIC: need 1 argument after option '%s'",argv[nopt-1]); fname = strdup(argv[nopt]) ; if( STRING_HAS_SUFFIX(fname,".data") ){ strcpy(fname+strlen(fname)-5,".niml") ; WARNING_message("GIC: Replaced '.data' with '.niml' in -setA filename") ; } else if( STRING_HAS_SUFFIX(fname,".grpincorr") ){ fname = (char *)realloc(fname,strlen(fname)+16) ; strcat(fname,".niml") ; if( verb ) INFO_message("GIC: Added '.niml' to end of -setA filename") ; } else if( STRING_HAS_SUFFIX(fname,".grpincorr.") ){ fname = (char *)realloc(fname,strlen(fname)+16) ; strcat(fname,"niml") ; if( verb ) INFO_message("GIC: Added 'niml' to end of -setA filename") ; } shd_AAA = GRINCOR_read_input( fname ) ; if( shd_AAA == NULL ) ERROR_exit("GIC: Cannot continue after -setA input error") ; if( verb ) INFO_message("GIC: -setA opened, contains %d datasets, %d time series, %s bytes", shd_AAA->ndset , shd_AAA->nvec , commaized_integer_string(shd_AAA->nbytes)); qlab_AAA = fname ; cpt = strchr(qlab_AAA,'.') ; if( cpt != NULL && cpt != qlab_AAA ) *cpt = '\0' ; nopt++ ; continue ; } if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-setB") == 0 ){ char *fname , *cpt ; if( shd_BBB != NULL ) ERROR_exit("GIC: can only use '-setB' once!") ; if( ++nopt >= argc ) ERROR_exit("GIC: need 1 argument after option '%s'",argv[nopt-1]) ; fname = strdup(argv[nopt]) ; if( STRING_HAS_SUFFIX(fname,".data") ){ strcpy(fname+strlen(fname)-5,".niml") ; if( verb ) WARNING_message("GIC: Replaced '.data' with '.niml' in -setA filename") ; } else if( STRING_HAS_SUFFIX(fname,".grpincorr") ){ fname = (char *)realloc(fname,strlen(fname)+16) ; strcat(fname,".niml") ; if( verb ) INFO_message("GIC: Added '.niml' to end of -setB filename") ; } else if( STRING_HAS_SUFFIX(fname,".grpincorr.") ){ fname = (char *)realloc(fname,strlen(fname)+16) ; strcat(fname,"niml") ; if( verb ) INFO_message("GIC: Added 'niml' to end of -setB filename") ; } shd_BBB = GRINCOR_read_input( fname ) ; if( shd_BBB == NULL ) ERROR_exit("GIC: Cannot continue after -setB input error") ; if( verb ) INFO_message("GIC: -setB opened, contains %d datasets, %d time series, %s bytes", shd_BBB->ndset , shd_BBB->nvec , commaized_integer_string(shd_BBB->nbytes)); qlab_BBB = fname ; cpt = strchr(qlab_BBB,'.') ; if( cpt != NULL && cpt != qlab_BBB ) *cpt = '\0' ; nopt++ ; continue ; } if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-apair") == 0 ){ /* Apr 2013 */ do_apair = 1 ; nopt++ ; continue ; } /*-- pitifully clueless user --*/ ERROR_message("GIC: Unknown option: '%s'",argv[nopt]) ; suggest_best_prog_option(argv[0], argv[nopt]); exit(1); } /*--- end of processing options -----------------------------------------*/ /*-- check for the worst possible news (i.e., clueless user) --*/ if( shd_AAA == NULL ) ERROR_exit("GIC: !! You must use the '-setA' option !!") ; if( do_apair && shd_BBB != NULL ) ERROR_exit("GIC: !! You can't use '-Apair' and '-setB' together !!") ; if( do_apair && bmode ) ERROR_exit("GIC: !! You can't use '-Apair' and '-batch' together !!") ; /*-- Apr 2013: manufacture setB from setA for the -Apair option --*/ if( do_apair ){ if( ttest_opcode != 2 ){ INFO_message("use of '-Apair' turns paired t-testing on") ; ttest_opcode = 2 ; /* paired test is forced */ } shd_BBB = shd_AAA ; ii = strlen(qlab_AAA) ; qlab_BBB = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*(ii+8)) ; strcpy(qlab_BBB,"AP:") ; strcat(qlab_BBB,qlab_AAA) ; } /** store some info about the datasets we will be constructing **/ nvec = shd_AAA->nvec ; ndset_AAA = shd_AAA->ndset ; nvals_AAA = shd_AAA->nvals ; if( shd_BBB != NULL ){ ndset_BBB = shd_BBB->ndset ; nvals_BBB = shd_BBB->nvals ; dosix = !nosix ; } else { ndset_BBB = 0 ; nvals_BBB = NULL ; dosix = 0 ; } ndset_tot = ndset_AAA + ndset_BBB ; nx = DSET_NX(shd_AAA->tdset) ; dx = fabsf(DSET_DX(shd_AAA->tdset)) ; ny = DSET_NY(shd_AAA->tdset) ; dy = fabsf(DSET_DY(shd_AAA->tdset)) ; nz = DSET_NZ(shd_AAA->tdset) ; dz = fabsf(DSET_DZ(shd_AAA->tdset)) ; dmin = MIN(dx,dy) ; dmin = MIN(dmin,dz) ; nxy = nx*ny ; /*-- check inputs for OK-ness, and fix them if needed --*/ do_lpi = AFNI_yesenv("AFNI_INSTACORR_XYZ_LPI") ; /* 07 Feb 2011 */ if( do_nocov && mcov == 0 ) do_nocov = 0 ; /* 17 May 2012 */ if( do_spcov && mcov == 0 ) do_spcov = 0 ; /* 28 Nov 2012 */ if( 0 && bmode && !TalkToAfni ) /* Now wait a doggone minute! */ ERROR_exit("GIC: Alas, -batch and -suma are not compatible :-(") ; if( seedrad == 0.0f && (bmode == IJKPV_MODE || bmode == XYZPV_MODE) ){ char *bold=bname ; if( bmode == IJKPV_MODE ){ bname = "IJKAVE" ; bmode = IJK_MODE ; } else { bname = "XYZAVE" ; bmode = XYZ_MODE ; } WARNING_message("GIC: seedrad=0 means -batch %s is changed to %s",bold,bname) ; } if (bmode == NODE_MODE && seedrad != 0.0f) { WARNING_message("GIC: seedrad must be 0 with NODE mode.\n" " Resetting seedrad of %f to 0.0\n", seedrad); seedrad = 0.0; } /* 01 Aug 2012: setup for batch LIST mode now */ if( bmode == LIST_MODE ){ if( blist_type == LIST_RAND ){ /* random set of seeds */ if( blist_num >= nvec ){ /* All of them, Frank */ if( blist_num > nvec ){ WARNING_message( "GIC: -batchRAND %d bigger than number of voxels %d -- doing all voxels", blist_num,nvec); blist_num = nvec ; } blist = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*blist_num) ; for( ii=0 ; ii < blist_num ; ii++ ) blist[ii] = INDEX_TO_IJK(shd_AAA,ii) ; } else { /* just some of them */ int *qlist , mm ; blist = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*blist_num) ; qlist = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*nvec) ; for( ii=0 ; ii < nvec ; ii++ ) qlist[ii] = ii ; for( ii=0 ; ii < blist_num ; ii++ ){ while(1){ mm = lrand48() % nvec ; if( qlist[mm] >= 0 ){ blist[ii] = INDEX_TO_IJK(shd_AAA,mm) ; qlist[mm] = -1 ; break ; } } } free(qlist) ; } } else if( blist_type == LIST_GRID ){ /* regular grid of seeds */ int del=blist_num , xx,yy,zz, mm,nbl ; blist_num = 666 ; nbl = 0 ; blist = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*blist_num) ; for( zz=0 ; zz < nz ; zz += del ){ for( yy=0 ; yy < ny ; yy += del ){ for( xx=0 ; xx < nx ; xx += del ){ mm = THREE_TO_IJK(xx,yy,zz,nx,nxy) ; kk = IJK_TO_INDEX(shd_AAA,mm) ; if( kk < 0 ) continue ; if( nbl == blist_num ){ blist_num += 666 ; blist = (int *)realloc(blist,sizeof(int)*blist_num) ; } blist[nbl++] = mm ; }}} if( nbl < blist_num ){ blist = (int *)realloc(blist,sizeof(int)*nbl) ; blist_num = nbl ; } if( blist_num < 1 ) ERROR_exit("GIC: -batchGRID %d: no voxels in the grid!",del) ; else INFO_message("GIC: -batchGRID %d: %d voxels in the grid",del,blist_num) ; } else { /* should never transpire */ ERROR_exit("GIC: internal logic error: bad value of blist_type = %d",blist_type) ; } qsort_int( blist_num , blist ) ; /* at the end, sort them (for fun) */ } /* 18 Mar 2010: if -labelA not used, get it from input filename (mm for B) */ if( !lset_AAA && qlab_AAA != NULL ) NI_strncpy(label_AAA,qlab_AAA,MAX_LABEL_SIZE) ; if( !lset_BBB && qlab_BBB != NULL ) NI_strncpy(label_BBB,qlab_BBB,MAX_LABEL_SIZE) ; if( shd_BBB != NULL && shd_AAA->nvec != shd_BBB->nvec ) ERROR_exit("GIC: -setA and -setB don't have same number of voxels") ; if( shd_BBB != NULL && strcmp(shd_AAA->dfname,shd_BBB->dfname) == 0 && !do_apair ) ERROR_exit("GIC: -setA and -setB can't use the same datafile!") ; if( shd_BBB == NULL ) ttest_opcode_max = 0 ; else if( shd_BBB->ndset != shd_AAA->ndset ) ttest_opcode_max = 1 ; if( ttest_opcode < 0 || ttest_opcode > ttest_opcode_max ){ if( shd_BBB != NULL && verb > 2 ) INFO_message("GIC: Setting t-test option to default value of 'pooled'") ; ttest_opcode = 0 ; } if( ttest_opcode == 1 && mcov > 0 ){ WARNING_message("GIC: -covariates does not support unpooled variance (yet)") ; ttest_opcode = 0 ; } /* mangle centering code to make it coherent with data we have */ if( shd_BBB == NULL && center_code == CENTER_SAME ) /* 15 Jul 2011 */ center_code = CENTER_DIFF ; else if( shd_BBB == NULL && center_code == CENTER_SAME_MEDIAN ) center_code = CENTER_DIFF_MEDIAN ; else if( shd_BBB != NULL && ttest_opcode == 2 && center_code == CENTER_SAME ) center_code = CENTER_DIFF ; else if( shd_BBB != NULL && ttest_opcode == 2 && center_code == CENTER_SAME_MEDIAN ) center_code = CENTER_DIFF_MEDIAN ; #if 0 /*-- attach use list to dataset collections [07 Apr 2010] --*/ if( use_AAA != NULL ){ int nuse = use_AAA[0] ; for( kk=1 ; kk <= nuse ; kk++ ){ if( use_AAA[kk] < 0 || use_AAA[kk] >= shd_AAA->ndset ) ERROR_exit("GIC: Index in -useAAA outside of range 0..%d",shd_AAA->ndset-1) ; } shd_AAA->nuse = nuse ; shd_AAA->use = use_AAA + 1 ; } if( use_BBB != NULL && shd_BBB != NULL ){ int nuse = use_BBB[0] ; for( kk=1 ; kk <= nuse ; kk++ ){ if( use_BBB[kk] < 0 || use_BBB[kk] >= shd_BBB->ndset ) ERROR_exit("GIC: Index in -useBBB outside of range 0..%d",shd_BBB->ndset-1) ; } shd_BBB->nuse = nuse ; shd_BBB->use = use_BBB + 1 ; } else if( use_BBB != NULL ){ WARNING_message("GIC: -useB was given, but -setB wasn't given!") ; } #endif /*---------- Process scale element into arrays [19 Sep 2012] ----------*/ if( sclnel != NULL ){ int nbad=0 ; float *sff=(float *)sclnel->vec[1] ; if( shd_AAA->dslab == NULL ){ ERROR_message("GIC: Can't use -scale, since setA doesn't have dataset labels!") ; nbad++ ; if( shd_BBB != NULL && shd_BBB->dslab == NULL && ttest_opcode != 2 ) ERROR_message("GIC: Can't use -scale, since setB doesn't have dataset labels!") ; nbad++ ; } if( nbad ) ERROR_exit("GIC: Can't continue after such simple misteaks :-(") ; if( verb ) INFO_message("GIC: Setting up scale factors for datasets") ; scl_AAA = (float *)calloc(sizeof(float),shd_AAA->ndset) ; for( kk=0 ; kk < shd_AAA->ndset ; kk++ ){ /* loop over datasets */ ii = string_search( shd_AAA->dslab[kk] , /* find which scale factor */ sclnel->vec_len , (char **)sclnel->vec[0] ) ; if( ii < 0 ){ ERROR_message("GIC: Can't find setA dataset label '%s' in -scale file" , shd_AAA->dslab[kk] ) ; nbad++ ; } else { /* ii-th row of scale factors == kk-th dataset */ scl_AAA[kk] = sff[ii] ; } } if( shd_BBB != NULL ){ if( ttest_opcode != 2 ){ /* un-paired case */ scl_BBB = (float *)calloc(sizeof(float),shd_BBB->ndset) ; for( kk=0 ; kk < shd_BBB->ndset ; kk++ ){ ii = string_search( shd_BBB->dslab[kk] , sclnel->vec_len , (char **)sclnel->vec[0] ) ; if( ii < 0 ){ ERROR_message("GIC: Can't find setB dataset label '%s' in -scale file" , shd_BBB->dslab[kk] ) ; nbad++ ; } else { scl_BBB[kk] = sff[ii] ; } } } } else { /* paired case */ scl_BBB = scl_AAA ; } } /* end of scale setup */ /*---------- Process covariates into matrices [23 May 2010] ----------*/ #undef AXX #define AXX(i,j) axx[(i)+(j)*(nA)] /* i=0..nA-1 , j=0..mcov */ #undef BXX #define BXX(i,j) bxx[(i)+(j)*(nB)] /* i=0..nB-1 , j=0..mcov */ if( mcov > 0 ){ int nbad=0 , nA , nB=0; float *ctrA=NULL , *ctrB=NULL ; MRI_IMARR *impr ; int cdebug = AFNI_yesenv("3dGroupInCorr_DEBUG") ; /* simple tests */ if( shd_AAA->dslab == NULL ){ ERROR_message("GIC: Can't use covariates, since setA doesn't have dataset labels!") ; nbad++ ; if( shd_BBB != NULL && shd_BBB->dslab == NULL && ttest_opcode != 2 ) ERROR_message("GIC: Can't use covariates, since setB doesn't have dataset labels!") ; nbad++ ; } if( ndset_AAA < mcov+3 ){ nbad++ ; ERROR_message( "GIC: -setA has %d datasets, but you have %d covariates (max would be %d)", ndset_AAA,mcov,ndset_AAA-3) ; } if( ndset_BBB > 0 && ndset_BBB < mcov+3 ){ nbad++ ; ERROR_message( "GIC: -setB has %d datasets, but you have %d covariates (max would be %d)", ndset_BBB,mcov,ndset_BBB-3) ; } if( nbad ) ERROR_exit("GIC: Can't continue after such simple misteaks :-(") ; if( verb ) INFO_message("GIC: Setting up regression matrices for covariates") ; /*--- setup the setA regression matrix (uncentered) ---*/ nA = shd_AAA->ndset ; axxim = mri_new( nA , mcov+1 , MRI_float ) ; axx = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(axxim) ; for( kk=0 ; kk < shd_AAA->ndset ; kk++ ){ /* loop over datasets */ ii = string_search( shd_AAA->dslab[kk] , /* find which covariate */ covnel->vec_len , (char **)covnel->vec[0] ) ; if( ii < 0 ){ ERROR_message("GIC: Can't find setA dataset label '%s' in covariates file" , shd_AAA->dslab[kk] ) ; nbad++ ; } else { /* ii-th row of covariates == kk-th dataset */ AXX(kk,0) = 1.0f ; /* first element in kk-th row is 1 == mean effect */ for( jj=1 ; jj <= mcov ; jj++ ) /* later elements are covariates */ AXX(kk,jj) = ((float *)covnel->vec[jj])[ii] ; } } if( cdebug ){ INFO_message("un-centered axx matrix") ; mri_write_1D( "-" , axxim ) ; } /*--- ditto for the setB matrix (uncentered), if any ---*/ if( shd_BBB != NULL && ttest_opcode != 2 ){ /* un-paired case */ nB = shd_BBB->ndset ; bxxim = mri_new( nB , mcov+1 , MRI_float ) ; bxx = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(bxxim) ; for( kk=0 ; kk < shd_BBB->ndset ; kk++ ){ /* loop over datasets */ ii = string_search( shd_BBB->dslab[kk] , /* find which covariate */ covnel->vec_len , (char **)covnel->vec[0] ) ; if( ii < 0 ){ ERROR_message("GIC: Can't find setB dataset label '%s' in covariates file" , shd_BBB->dslab[kk] ) ; nbad++ ; } else { /* ii-th row of covariates == kk-th dataset */ BXX(kk,0) = 1.0f ; for( jj=1 ; jj <= mcov ; jj++ ) BXX(kk,jj) = ((float *)covnel->vec[jj])[ii] ; } } if( cdebug ){ INFO_message("un-centered bxx matrix") ; mri_write_1D( "-" , bxxim ) ; } } if( nbad ) ERROR_exit("GIC: Can't continue past the above covariates errors :-((") ; /*--- setup for centering: create 1D images of the values to subtract ---*/ switch( center_code ){ case CENTER_VALS: if( center_valimA == NULL ) /* should never happenstance */ ERROR_exit("Can't do -center VALS without a valid input image") ; if( center_valimA->nx < mcov ) ERROR_exit("-center VALS setA 1D file has %d rows, but need at least %d", center_valimA->nx , mcov ) ; if( shd_BBB != NULL && ttest_opcode != 2 ){ /* unpaired */ if( center_valimB == NULL ){ center_valimB = center_valimA ; WARNING_message("Don't have setB 1D file for -center VALS; using setA's file") ; } else if( center_valimB->nx < mcov ){ ERROR_exit("-center VALS setB 1D file has %d rows, but need at least %d", center_valimB->nx , mcov ) ; } } break ; case CENTER_NONE: center_valimA = center_valimB = mri_new(mcov,1,MRI_float) ; /* zero filled */ break ; case CENTER_DIFF:{ float sum ; center_valimA = mri_new(mcov,1,MRI_float) ; ctrA = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(center_valimA) ; for( jj=1 ; jj <= mcov ; jj++ ){ /* average the columns */ for( sum=0.0f,kk=0 ; kk < shd_AAA->ndset ; kk++ ) sum += AXX(kk,jj) ; ctrA[jj-1] = sum / shd_AAA->ndset ; } if( shd_BBB != NULL && ttest_opcode != 2 ){ /* unpaired */ center_valimB = mri_new(mcov,1,MRI_float) ; ctrB = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(center_valimB) ; for( jj=1 ; jj <= mcov ; jj++ ){ /* average the columns */ for( sum=0.0f,kk=0 ; kk < shd_BBB->ndset ; kk++ ) sum += BXX(kk,jj) ; ctrB[jj-1] = sum / shd_BBB->ndset ; } } } break ; case CENTER_DIFF_MEDIAN:{ /* 23 May 2012 */ float *qar ; int nqar ; nqar = shd_AAA->ndset ; if( shd_BBB != NULL && shd_BBB->ndset > nqar ) nqar = shd_BBB->ndset ; qar = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*nqar) ; center_valimA = mri_new(mcov,1,MRI_float) ; ctrA = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(center_valimA) ; for( jj=1 ; jj <= mcov ; jj++ ){ /* average the columns */ for( kk=0 ; kk < shd_AAA->ndset ; kk++ ) qar[kk] = AXX(kk,jj) ; ctrA[jj-1] = qmed_float( shd_AAA->ndset , qar ) ; } if( shd_BBB != NULL && ttest_opcode != 2 ){ /* unpaired */ center_valimB = mri_new(mcov,1,MRI_float) ; ctrB = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(center_valimB) ; for( jj=1 ; jj <= mcov ; jj++ ){ /* average the columns */ for( kk=0 ; kk < shd_BBB->ndset ; kk++ ) qar[kk] = BXX(kk,jj) ; ctrB[jj-1] = qmed_float( shd_BBB->ndset , qar ) ; } } free(qar) ; } break ; case CENTER_SAME:{ /* only possible in 2 sample unpaired case */ float sum ; center_valimA = mri_new(mcov,1,MRI_float) ; ctrA = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(center_valimA) ; for( jj=1 ; jj <= mcov ; jj++ ){ /* average the columns */ for( sum=0.0f,kk=0 ; kk < shd_AAA->ndset ; kk++ ) sum += AXX(kk,jj) ; for( kk=0 ; kk < shd_BBB->ndset ; kk++ ) sum += BXX(kk,jj) ; ctrA[jj-1] = sum / (shd_AAA->ndset + shd_BBB->ndset) ; } center_valimB = center_valimA ; } break ; case CENTER_SAME_MEDIAN:{ /* 23 May 2012 */ float *qar ; int nqar = shd_AAA->ndset + shd_BBB->ndset ; qar = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*nqar) ; center_valimA = mri_new(mcov,1,MRI_float) ; ctrA = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(center_valimA) ; for( jj=1 ; jj <= mcov ; jj++ ){ /* average the columns */ for( kk=0 ; kk < shd_AAA->ndset ; kk++ ) qar[kk] = AXX(kk,jj) ; for( kk=0 ; kk < shd_BBB->ndset ; kk++ ) qar[kk+shd_AAA->ndset] = BXX(kk,jj) ; ctrA[jj-1] = qmed_float( nqar , qar ) ; } center_valimB = center_valimA ; free(qar) ; } break ; } /* end of switch on center_code */ /*--- process the matrix for setA ---*/ ctrA = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(center_valimA) ; for( jj=1 ; jj <= mcov ; jj++ ){ /* center the columns */ for( kk=0 ; kk < shd_AAA->ndset ; kk++ ) AXX(kk,jj) -= ctrA[jj-1] ; } if( verb > 1 && center_code != CENTER_NONE ){ fprintf(stderr," + setA covariates centering:") ; for( jj=1 ; jj <= mcov ; jj++ ) fprintf(stderr," %s=%g",covlab->str[jj],ctrA[jj-1]) ; fprintf(stderr,"\n") ; } /* Compute inv[X'X] and the pseudo-inverse inv[X'X]X' for this matrix */ impr = mri_matrix_psinv_pair( axxim , 0.0f ) ; if( impr == NULL ) ERROR_exit("GIC: Can't process setA covariate matrix?! :-(") ; axxim_psinv = IMARR_SUBIM(impr,0) ; axx_psinv = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(axxim_psinv ) ; axxim_xtxinv = IMARR_SUBIM(impr,1) ; axx_xtxinv = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(axxim_xtxinv) ; if( cdebug ){ INFO_message("centered axx matrix") ; mri_write_1D( "-" , axxim ) ; INFO_message("centered axx_psinv matrix") ; mri_write_1D( "-" , axxim_psinv ) ; INFO_message("axx_xtxinv matrix") ; mri_write_1D( "-" , axxim_xtxinv) ; } /*--- process the setB matrix ---*/ if( shd_BBB != NULL && ttest_opcode != 2 ){ /* un-paired case */ ctrB = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(center_valimB) ; for( jj=1 ; jj <= mcov ; jj++ ){ /* center the columns */ for( kk=0 ; kk < shd_BBB->ndset ; kk++ ) BXX(kk,jj) -= ctrB[jj-1] ; } if( verb > 1 && center_code != CENTER_NONE ){ fprintf(stderr," + setB covariates centering:") ; for( jj=1 ; jj <= mcov ; jj++ ) fprintf(stderr," %s=%g",covlab->str[jj],ctrB[jj-1]) ; fprintf(stderr,"\n") ; } /* Compute inv[X'X] and the pseudo-inverse inv[X'X]X' for this matrix */ impr = mri_matrix_psinv_pair( bxxim , 0.0f ) ; if( impr == NULL ) ERROR_exit("GIC: Can't process setB covariate matrix?! :-(") ; bxxim_psinv = IMARR_SUBIM(impr,0) ; bxx_psinv = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(bxxim_psinv ) ; bxxim_xtxinv = IMARR_SUBIM(impr,1) ; bxx_xtxinv = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(bxxim_xtxinv) ; if( cdebug ){ INFO_message("centered bxx matrix") ; mri_write_1D( "-" , bxxim ) ; INFO_message("centered bxx_psinv matrix") ; mri_write_1D( "-" , bxxim_psinv ) ; INFO_message("bxx_xtxinv matrix") ; mri_write_1D( "-" , bxxim_xtxinv) ; } } else if( shd_BBB != NULL && ttest_opcode == 2 ){ /* paired case */ bxx = axx ; bxx_psinv = axx_psinv ; bxx_xtxinv = axx_xtxinv ; } /*--- create array of all covariates to send to AFNI as 1D files [14 May 2012] ---*/ { MRI_IMAGE *aim,*bim,*qim ; char clab[MAX_LABEL_SIZE+16] ; INIT_IMARR(covimar) ; for( jj=1 ; jj <= mcov ; jj++ ){ aim = mri_cut_2D( axxim , 0 , shd_AAA->ndset-1 , jj,jj ) ; /* A column #jj */ if( bxxim != NULL ){ MRI_IMAGE *bim,*qim ; MRI_IMARR *qar ; /* append column from B */ bim = mri_cut_2D( bxxim , 0 , shd_BBB->ndset-1 , jj,jj ) ; INIT_IMARR(qar) ; ADDTO_IMARR(qar,aim) ; ADDTO_IMARR(qar,bim) ; qim = mri_catvol_1D(qar,1) ; DESTROY_IMARR(qar) ; aim = qim ; } sprintf(clab,"GIC:%s",covlab->str[jj]) ; mri_add_name(clab,aim) ; ADDTO_IMARR(covimar,aim) ; } } } /*---------- covariates regression matrices now setup ----------*/ /*--- scan through all the data, which will make it be page faulted into RAM, which will make the correlation-izing process faster; the downside is that this may take quite a while, which is boring, but it's better to wait now than to wait for the 1st result, IMHO ---*/ #undef BSTEP #define BSTEP 64 if( !shd_AAA->did_read || (shd_BBB != NULL && !shd_BBB->did_read) ){ int64_t pp , vstep=9 ; char *qv ; float sum=0.0f ; if( verb ) INFO_message("GIC: page faulting (reading) data into memory") ; if( !shd_AAA->did_read ){ if( shd_AAA->datum == 1 ) qv = (char *)shd_AAA->bv[0] ; else qv = (char *)shd_AAA->sv[0] ; if( verb ){ vstep = (shd_AAA->nbytes / BSTEP) / 50 ; fprintf(stderr," + setA:") ; } for( pp=0 ; pp < shd_AAA->nbytes ; pp+=BSTEP,qv+=BSTEP ){ sum += *qv ; if( verb && (pp/BSTEP)%vstep == vstep-1 ) vstep_print() ; } if( verb ){ fprintf(stderr,"!\n") ; vstep_n = 0 ; } } if( shd_BBB != NULL && !do_apair && !shd_BBB->did_read ){ if( shd_BBB->datum == 1 ) qv = (char *)shd_BBB->bv[0] ; else qv = (char *)shd_BBB->sv[0] ; if( verb ){ vstep = (shd_BBB->nbytes / BSTEP) / 50 ; fprintf(stderr," + setB:") ; } for( pp=0 ; pp < shd_BBB->nbytes ; pp+=BSTEP,qv+=BSTEP ){ sum += *qv ; if( verb && (pp/BSTEP)%vstep == vstep-1 ) vstep_print() ; } if( verb ){ fprintf(stderr,"!\n") ; vstep_n = 0 ; } } if( verb == 666 ) INFO_message(" data sum = %g",sum) ; /* e.g., never */ } #undef BSTEP if( do_ztest || verb > 8 ){ /* 11 Feb 2016 */ byte *bv ; short *sv ; int pp,nzz=0 ; int64_t nqq,qq ; INFO_message("Running -ztest now") ; if( shd_AAA->datum == 1 ){ for( pp=0 ; pp < shd_AAA->ndset ; pp++ ){ bv = shd_AAA->bv[pp] ; nqq = shd_AAA->nvec * (int64_t)shd_AAA->nvals[pp] ; for( qq=0 ; qq < nqq && bv[qq]==0 ; qq++ ) ; /*nada*/ if( qq==nqq ){ WARNING_message("-setA dataset #%d is all zero :-(",pp) ; nzz++ ; } } } else { for( pp=0 ; pp < shd_AAA->ndset ; pp++ ){ sv = shd_AAA->sv[pp] ; nqq = shd_AAA->nvec * (int64_t)shd_AAA->nvals[pp] ; for( qq=0 ; qq < nqq && sv[qq]==0 ; qq++ ) ; /*nada*/ if( qq==nqq ){ WARNING_message("-setA dataset #%d is all zero :-(",pp) ; nzz++ ; } } } if( shd_BBB != NULL && !do_apair ){ if( shd_BBB->datum == 1 ){ for( pp=0 ; pp < shd_BBB->ndset ; pp++ ){ bv = shd_BBB->bv[pp] ; nqq = shd_BBB->nvec * (int64_t)shd_BBB->nvals[pp] ; for( qq=0 ; qq < nqq && bv[qq]==0 ; qq++ ) ; /*nada*/ if( qq==nqq ){ WARNING_message("-setB dataset #%d is all zero :-(",pp) ; nzz++ ; } } } else { for( pp=0 ; pp < shd_BBB->ndset ; pp++ ){ sv = shd_BBB->sv[pp] ; nqq = shd_BBB->nvec * (int64_t)shd_BBB->nvals[pp] ; for( qq=0 ; qq < nqq && sv[qq]==0 ; qq++ ) ; /*nada*/ if( qq==nqq ){ WARNING_message("-setB dataset #%d is all zero :-(",pp) ; nzz++ ; } } } } ININFO_message("total of %d dataset%s tested as all zero",nzz,(nzz!=1)?"s":"\0") ; } if( verb ){ int64_t nbtot = shd_AAA->nbytes ; if( shd_BBB != NULL && !do_apair ) nbtot += shd_BBB->nbytes ; INFO_message("GIC: total .data bytes input = %s (about %s)" , commaized_integer_string(nbtot) , approximate_number_string((double)nbtot) ) ; } /*-- Create NIML element to hold the output brick data --*/ nelset = NI_new_data_element( "3dGroupInCorr_dataset" , nvec ) ; /*----- if no covariates, do it the olden style way -----*/ nout = nout_mcov = 0 ; if( mcov > 0 ){ /* setup for covariates result */ nout_mcov = nout = (dosix) ? 6*(mcov+1) : 2*(mcov+1) ; dtar = (float **)malloc(sizeof(float *)*nout) ; for( kk=0 ; kk < nout ; kk++ ){ NI_add_column( nelset , NI_FLOAT , NULL ) ; dtar[kk] = (float *)nelset->vec[kk] ; if( dtar[kk] == NULL ) ERROR_exit("GIC: Can't setup output dataset [#%d]?!",kk) ; } if( shd_BBB != NULL ){ /* bit masks for which tests to compute */ testAB = (UINT32)(-1) ; testA = testB = (dosix) ? testAB : 0 ; } else { testAB = testB = 0 ; testA = (UINT32)(-1) ; } } if( mcov == 0 || do_nocov ){ /* do_nocov changes: 17 May 2012 */ NI_add_column( nelset, NI_FLOAT, NULL ); NI_add_column( nelset, NI_FLOAT, NULL ); neldar = (float *)nelset->vec[nout+0]; /* neldar = delta sub-brick */ nelzar = (float *)nelset->vec[nout+1]; /* nelzar = Zscore sub-brick */ if( neldar == NULL || nelzar == NULL ) ERROR_exit("GIC: Can't setup output dataset?") ; /* should never transpire */ /* for a 2-sample test, create arrays for the 1-sample results as well */ if( dosix ){ NI_add_column( nelset, NI_FLOAT, NULL ); neldar_AAA = (float *)nelset->vec[nout+2]; NI_add_column( nelset, NI_FLOAT, NULL ); nelzar_AAA = (float *)nelset->vec[nout+3]; NI_add_column( nelset, NI_FLOAT, NULL ); neldar_BBB = (float *)nelset->vec[nout+4]; NI_add_column( nelset, NI_FLOAT, NULL ); nelzar_BBB = (float *)nelset->vec[nout+5]; if( neldar_AAA == NULL || nelzar_AAA == NULL || neldar_BBB == NULL || nelzar_BBB == NULL ) ERROR_exit("GIC: Can't setup output dataset?") ; /* should never transpire */ } nout += (dosix) ? 6 : 2 ; } if( mcov > 0 && do_spcov ){ /* Spearman correlation with covariates [28 Nov 2012] */ int qq = nelset->vec_num ; nspcov = mcov ; if( ndset_BBB > 0 ) nspcov *= 2 ; spcov = (float **)malloc(sizeof(float *)*nspcov) ; for( kk=0 ; kk < nspcov ; kk++ ){ NI_add_column( nelset , NI_FLOAT , NULL ) ; spcov[kk] = (float *)nelset->vec[kk+qq] ; if( spcov[kk] == NULL ) ERROR_exit("GIC: Can't setup output dataset for -dospcov [#%d]?!",kk) ; } } /* add columns for the individual dataset arctanh(corr) results */ if( do_sendall ){ int qq = nelset->vec_num ; /* # of columns at the start */ nsaar = ndset_AAA + ndset_BBB ; /* number of -sendall arrays to add */ saar = (float **)malloc(sizeof(float *)*nsaar) ; for( kk=0 ; kk < nsaar ; kk++ ){ NI_add_column( nelset , NI_FLOAT , NULL ) ; saar[kk] = (float *)nelset->vec[kk+qq] ; if( saar[kk] == NULL ) ERROR_exit("GIC: Can't setup output dataset for -sendall [#%d]?!",kk) ; } } /*========= message for the user =========*/ pname = (bmode) ? "Myself" : (TalkToAfni) ? "AFNI" : "SUMA" ; if( verb && !bmode ){ INFO_message ("GIC: --- Be sure to start %s with the '-niml' command line option",pname) ; if( TalkToAfni ) ININFO_message(" --- [or press the NIML+PO button if you forgot '-niml']") ; } /*========= this stuff is one-time-only setup of the I/O to AFNI =========*/ atexit(GI_exit) ; /* call this when program ends */ signal(SIGINT ,GI_sigfunc) ; /* setup signal handler */ signal(SIGBUS ,GI_sigfunc) ; /* for fatal errors */ signal(SIGSEGV,GI_sigfunc) ; signal(SIGTERM,GI_sigfunc) ; /* name of NIML stream (socket) to open */ if( !bmode ){ /* not in batch mode */ if( nport <= 0 ){ nport = (TalkToAfni) ? get_port_named("AFNI_GroupInCorr_NIML") : get_port_named("SUMA_GroupInCorr_NIML") ; } sprintf( nsname , "tcp:%s:%d" , afnihost , nport ) ; /* open the socket (i.e., dial the telephone call) */ fprintf(stderr,"++ Opening NIML socket '%s' to %s",nsname,pname) ; GI_stream = NI_stream_open( nsname , "w" ) ; /* loop until AFNI connects (answers the call), printing '.' every so often to keep the user mollified and distracted */ for( nn=0 ; nn < 234 ; nn++ ){ /* don't loop forever, though */ fprintf(stderr,".") ; kk = NI_stream_writecheck( GI_stream , 999 ) ; /* check for connection */ if( kk == 1 ){ fprintf(stderr," Connected!\n") ; break ; } /* good! */ if( kk < 0 ){ fprintf(stderr," ** Connection fails :-(\n") ; exit(1) ; } } if( kk <= 0 ){ fprintf(stderr," ** Connection times out :-(\n"); exit(1); } } /** now create an element to describe our setup info to AFNI **/ if( shd_AAA->nvec == shd_AAA->nvox ){ nelcmd = NI_new_data_element( "3dGroupInCorr_setup" , 0 ) ; /* no data */ } else { nelcmd = NI_new_data_element( "3dGroupInCorr_setup" , nvec ) ; NI_add_column( nelcmd , NI_INT , shd_AAA->ivec ) ; /* data = indexes */ } /* set various attributes to let AFNI know what's up, doc */ sprintf(buf,"%d",shd_AAA->ndset) ; NI_set_attribute( nelcmd , "ndset_A" , buf ) ; sprintf(buf,"%d",(shd_BBB != NULL) ? shd_BBB->ndset : 0 ) ; NI_set_attribute( nelcmd , "ndset_B" , buf ) ; sprintf(buf,"%d",nvec) ; NI_set_attribute( nelcmd , "nvec" , buf ) ; sprintf(buf,"%.2f",seedrad) ; NI_set_attribute( nelcmd , "seedrad" , buf ) ; sprintf(buf,"%d",ttest_opcode) ; NI_set_attribute( nelcmd , "ttest_opcode" , buf ) ; NI_set_attribute( nelcmd , "geometry_string", shd_AAA->geometry_string ) ; NI_set_attribute( nelcmd , "target_name" , "A_GRP_ICORR" ) ; /* 04 Feb 2010: create sub-brick labels here, based on what we compute */ NI_set_attribute( nelcmd , "label_AAA" , label_AAA ) ; if( shd_BBB != NULL ) NI_set_attribute( nelcmd , "label_BBB" , label_BBB ) ; NI_set_attribute_int( nelcmd , "target_nvals" , nout+nsaar+nspcov ) ; bricklabels = (char *)calloc(sizeof(char),(5*MAX_LABEL_SIZE+16)*(nout+nsaar+nspcov+1)) ; if( mcov > 0 ){ /* labels for the myriad of covariates results [23 May 2010] */ if( testAB ){ sprintf( bricklabels+strlen(bricklabels) , "%s-%s_mean ; %s-%s_Zscr ;" , label_AAA , label_BBB , label_AAA , label_BBB ) ; for( kk=1 ; kk <= mcov ; kk++ ) sprintf( bricklabels+strlen(bricklabels) , " %s-%s_%s ; %s-%s_%s_Zscr ;" , label_AAA , label_BBB , covlab->str[kk] , label_AAA , label_BBB , covlab->str[kk] ) ; } if( testA ){ sprintf( bricklabels+strlen(bricklabels) , " %s_mean ; %s_mean_Zscr ;" , label_AAA , label_AAA ) ; for( kk=1 ; kk <= mcov ; kk++ ) sprintf( bricklabels+strlen(bricklabels) , " %s_%s ; %s_%s_Zscr ;" , label_AAA , covlab->str[kk] , label_AAA , covlab->str[kk] ) ; } if( testB ){ sprintf( bricklabels+strlen(bricklabels) , " %s_mean ; %s_Zscr ;" , label_BBB , label_BBB ) ; for( kk=1 ; kk <= mcov ; kk++ ) sprintf( bricklabels+strlen(bricklabels) , " %s_%s ; %s_%s_Zscr ;" , label_BBB , covlab->str[kk] , label_BBB , covlab->str[kk] ) ; } } if( mcov == 0 || do_nocov ){ char *Clab = (mcov == 0) ? "\0" : "NC" ; if( shd_BBB == NULL ){ /* 1 sample */ sprintf( bricklabels+strlen(bricklabels) , " %s_mean%s ; %s_Zscr%s" , label_AAA,Clab , label_AAA,Clab ) ; } else { /* 2 samples */ sprintf( bricklabels+strlen(bricklabels) , " %s-%s_mean%s ; %s-%s_Zscr%s" , label_AAA,label_BBB,Clab , label_AAA,label_BBB,Clab ) ; if( dosix ) /* plus the extras */ sprintf( bricklabels+strlen(bricklabels) , " ; %s_mean%s ; %s_Zscr%s ; %s_mean%s ; %s_Zscr%s" , label_AAA,Clab , label_AAA,Clab , label_BBB,Clab , label_BBB,Clab ) ; } } kk = strlen(bricklabels) ; if( bricklabels[kk-1] == ';' ) bricklabels[kk-1] = '\0' ; /* truncate last ';' */ /* add labels for Spearman correlations, if needed [28 Nov 2012] */ if( do_spcov ){ strcat(bricklabels,";") ; for( kk=1 ; kk <= mcov ; kk++ ) sprintf( bricklabels+strlen(bricklabels) , " %s_%s_SP ;" , label_AAA , covlab->str[kk] ) ; if( ndset_BBB > 0 ){ for( kk=1 ; kk <= mcov ; kk++ ) sprintf( bricklabels+strlen(bricklabels) , " %s_%s_SP ;" , label_BBB , covlab->str[kk] ) ; } kk = strlen(bricklabels) ; bricklabels[kk-2] = '\0' ; /* truncate last ';' */ } /* add labels for the subject-level bricks, if needed */ if( do_sendall ){ char buf[32] ; strcat(bricklabels,";") ; /* 01 Feb 2011: oopsie */ for( kk=0 ; kk < ndset_AAA ; kk++ ){ if( shd_AAA->dslab != NULL ) sprintf(buf,"A_%.10s",shd_AAA->dslab[kk]) ; else sprintf(buf,"%.9s#%02d",label_AAA,kk) ; sprintf( bricklabels+strlen(bricklabels) , "%s_zcorr ; " , buf ) ; } for( kk=0 ; kk < ndset_BBB ; kk++ ){ if( shd_BBB->dslab != NULL ) sprintf(buf,"B_%.10s",shd_BBB->dslab[kk]) ; else sprintf(buf,"%.9s#%02d",label_BBB,kk) ; sprintf( bricklabels+strlen(bricklabels) , "%s_zcorr ; " , buf ) ; } kk = strlen(bricklabels) ; bricklabels[kk-2] = '\0' ; /* truncate last ';' */ } /* set the brick labels into the header being sent to AFNI/SUMA */ NI_set_attribute( nelcmd , "target_labels" , bricklabels ) ; free(bricklabels) ; /* 23 May 2012: set the ClustStim attributes? [patched 13 Oct 2015] */ if( TalkToAfni ){ int qq ; char sname[32] ; for( qq=0 ; qq < 10 ; qq++ ){ if( clatr[qq] != NULL ){ sprintf(sname,"string_attribute_%06d",qq) ; NI_set_attribute( nelcmd , sname , clatr[qq] ) ; free(clatr[qq]) ; } } } if( do_apair ) /* Apr 2013 */ NI_set_attribute( nelcmd , "apair" , "YES" ) ; /* ZSS: set surface attributes [note Ziad's TERRIBLE use of spaces] Perhaps, but at least he wraps at 80 . */ if (shd_AAA->nnode[0] >= 0) { sprintf(buf,"%d, %d", shd_AAA->nnode[0], shd_AAA->nnode[1]); NI_set_attribute( nelcmd , "LRpair_nnode", buf); } if (shd_AAA->ninmask[0] >= 0) { sprintf(buf,"%d, %d", shd_AAA->ninmask[0], shd_AAA->ninmask[1]); NI_set_attribute( nelcmd , "LRpair_ninmask", buf); } if( verb > 3 && !bmode ){ INFO_message("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++") ; INFO_message("Header being sent to AFNI follows:") ; NI_write_element_tofile( "stderr:" , nelcmd , NI_TEXT_MODE | NI_HEADERONLY_FLAG ) ; INFO_message("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++") ; } /*-- either tell AFNI what's going on, or setup stuff ourselves --*/ if( !bmode ){ /* actually send the setup NIML element now */ if( verb > 1 ) INFO_message("GIC: Sending setup information to %s",pname) ; nn = NI_write_element( GI_stream , nelcmd , NI_BINARY_MODE ) ; if( nn < 0 ){ ERROR_exit("GIC: Can't send setup data to %s!?",pname) ; } /* 14 May 2012: send covariate 1D vectors now (covimar) */ if( covimar != NULL && TalkToAfni ){ NI_element *nel1D ; if( verb > 1 ) INFO_message("GIC: Sending covariate 1D vectors to %s",pname) ; for( jj=0 ; jj < IMARR_COUNT(covimar) ; jj++ ){ nel1D = mri_to_niml( IMARR_SUBIM(covimar,jj) ) ; nn = NI_write_element( GI_stream , nel1D , NI_BINARY_MODE ) ; if( nn < 0 ) ERROR_exit("GIC: Can't send 1D vector to %s :-(",pname) ; NI_free_element(nel1D) ; } DESTROY_IMARR(covimar) ; covimar = NULL ; /* done with this sucker */ } } else { /* batch mode ==> setup internally */ if (bmode != NODE_MODE) { giset = GRINCOR_setup_dataset( nelcmd ) ; if( giset == NULL ) ERROR_exit("Can't setup batch mode dataset for some reason :-(") ; } else { giset = (GICOR_setup*)calloc(1,sizeof(GICOR_setup)) ; if (!SUMA_init_GISET_setup(NULL , nelcmd, giset, 1)) { ERROR_exit("Failed to setup batch mode dataset for some reason >:-(") ; } } } NI_free_element(nelcmd) ; /* setup is done (here, there, everywhere) */ nelcmd = NULL ; /**-- make neighborhood struct for seedrad usage --**/ if( seedrad >= dmin ){ nbhd = MCW_spheremask( dx,dy,dz , seedrad ) ; if( nbhd != NULL && nbhd->num_pt < 2 ) KILL_CLUSTER(nbhd) ; if( nbhd != NULL && verb > 1 ) INFO_message("GIC: seedrad=%g neighborhood contains %d voxels" , seedrad , nbhd->num_pt ) ; } /** make space for seed vectors and arctanh(correlations) **/ seedvec_AAA = (float **)malloc(sizeof(float *)*ndset_AAA) ; dotprod_AAA = (float **)malloc(sizeof(float *)*ndset_AAA) ; nvals_AAA_max = shd_AAA->nvals_max ; nvals_AAA_tot = shd_AAA->nvals_tot ; for( kk=0 ; kk < ndset_AAA ; kk++ ){ seedvec_AAA[kk] = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*nvals_AAA[kk]) ; if( nsaar == 0 ) dotprod_AAA[kk] = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*nvec) ; else dotprod_AAA[kk] = saar[kk] ; } if( shd_BBB != NULL ){ seedvec_BBB = (float **)malloc(sizeof(float *)*ndset_BBB) ; dotprod_BBB = (float **)malloc(sizeof(float *)*ndset_BBB) ; nvals_BBB_max = shd_BBB->nvals_max ; nvals_BBB_tot = shd_BBB->nvals_tot ; for( kk=0 ; kk < ndset_BBB ; kk++ ){ seedvec_BBB[kk] = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*nvals_BBB[kk]) ; if( nsaar == 0 ) dotprod_BBB[kk] = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*nvec) ; else dotprod_BBB[kk] = saar[kk+ndset_AAA] ; } } nvals_tot = nvals_AAA_tot + nvals_BBB_tot ; nvals_max = MAX( nvals_AAA_max , nvals_BBB_max ) ; if( verb ){ INFO_message("3dGroupInCorr stands ready to do thy bidding, O Master :-) !!") ; #ifdef USE_OMP #pragma omp parallel { if( omp_get_thread_num() == 0 ) ININFO_message("GIC: OpenMP thread count = %d",omp_get_num_threads()) ; } #endif } #ifdef COVTEST /* debugging */ ctnam = getenv("GI_AAA_add") ; if( ctnam != NULL && strncmp(ctnam,"1D:",3) == 0 ){ MRI_IMAGE *ctimm = mri_1D_fromstring(ctnam) ; if( ctimm != NULL && ctimm->nx >= shd_AAA->ndset ) ctarA = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(ctimm) ; } ctnam = getenv("GI_BBB_add") ; if( dotprod_BBB != NULL && ctnam != NULL && strncmp(ctnam,"1D:",3) == 0 ){ MRI_IMAGE *ctimm = mri_1D_fromstring(ctnam) ; if( ctimm != NULL && ctimm->nx >= shd_BBB->ndset ) ctarB = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(ctimm) ; } #endif /**--------- now wait for commands from AFNI ---------*/ while(1){ /*----- loop forever? -----*/ if( !bmode ){ /*-- read command from AFNI or SUMA --*/ if( nelcmd != NULL ) NI_free_element(nelcmd) ; nelcmd = NI_read_element( GI_stream , 333 ) ; atim = btim = NI_clock_time() ; /* start timer, for user info */ /*-- nada? check if something is bad --*/ if( nelcmd == NULL ){ kk = NI_stream_goodcheck( GI_stream , 1 ) ; if( kk < 1 ){ NI_stream_close(GI_stream) ; GI_stream = (NI_stream)NULL ; WARNING_message("GIC: Connection to %s broken - trying to restart",pname) ; NI_sleep(111) ; /* give AFNI a moment to do whatever */ GI_stream = NI_stream_open( nsname , "w" ) ; kk = NI_stream_goodcheck( GI_stream , 9999 ) ; /* wait a little bit */ if( kk == 1 ){ ININFO_message("GIC: TCP/IP restart is good :-)") ; shm_active = 0 ; } else { ININFO_message("GIC: TCP/IP restart failed :-(") ; NI_stream_close(GI_stream) ; GI_stream = (NI_stream)NULL ; goto GetOutOfDodge ; /* failed */ } } continue ; /* loop back */ } else if( verb > 8 ){ INFO_message("GIC: incoming command = '%s'",nelcmd->name) ; } } else { /*-- create command internally in batch mode [Feb 2011] ------*/ char cline[6666], buf[666] , *cpt ; static int nbatch=0 ; static NI_str_array *bsar=NULL ; static int nwarn=0; if( bmode == LIST_MODE ){ /* Aug 2012 -- special case */ static char blp[THD_MAX_NAME] ; char *cname ; int ix,jy,kz ; if( blist_index >= blist_num ) goto GetOutOfDodge ; /* done */ voxijk = blist[blist_index++] ; IJK_TO_THREE(voxijk,ix,jy,kz,nx,nxy) ; sprintf(blp,"%s_%03d_%03d_%03d",blist_prefix,ix,jy,kz) ; bprefix = blp ; cname = "SETREF_ijk" ; nelcmd = NI_new_data_element( cname , 0 ) ; sprintf( buf , "%d" , voxijk ) ; NI_set_attribute( nelcmd , "index" , buf ) ; goto BatchFinalize ; } if( bfp == NULL && nbatch > 0 ) goto GetOutOfDodge ; /* done */ atim = btim = NI_clock_time() ; /* start timer, for user info */ if( bfp == NULL ){ /* extract command from FILENAME itself */ strcpy( cline , bfile ) ; } else { /* read next line in file */ cpt = afni_fgets( cline , 6666 , bfp ) ; if( cpt == NULL ){ fclose(bfp) ; goto GetOutOfDodge ; /* end of file (or error) */ } } if( bsar != NULL ) NI_delete_str_array(bsar) ; bsar = NI_decode_string_list( cline , "`" ) ; if( bsar == NULL || bsar->num < 2 ){ ERROR_message("GIC: bad batch command line: too short") ; goto LoopBack ; } bprefix = bsar->str[0] ; if( !THD_filename_ok(bprefix) ){ ERROR_message("GIC: bad batch command line: bad prefix") ; goto LoopBack ; } /* process the rest of the command line (broken up into bsar) */ switch( bmode ){ /* each mode must create the correct nelcmd NI_element */ default: ERROR_message("GIC: you should never see this message!"); goto GetOutOfDodge; case NODE_MODE: if( bsar->num != 2) { ERROR_message("GIC: bad batch command line: " "%s list must have exactly two strings",bname) ; goto LoopBack ; } nelcmd = NI_new_data_element( "SETREF_ijk" , 0 ) ; nn = strlen(bsar->str[1]); if (bsar->str[1][0]=='r' || bsar->str[1][0]=='R') { qijk = (int)strtod(bsar->str[1]+1,NULL)+giset->nnode_domain[0]; } else if (bsar->str[1][nn-1]=='r' || bsar->str[1][nn-1]=='R') { bsar->str[1][nn-1]='\0'; qijk = (int)strtod(bsar->str[1],NULL)+giset->nnode_domain[0] ; } else if (bsar->str[1][0]=='l' || bsar->str[1][0]=='L') { qijk = (int)strtod(bsar->str[1]+1,NULL); } else if (bsar->str[1][nn-1]=='l' || bsar->str[1][nn-1]=='L') { bsar->str[1][nn-1]='\0'; qijk = (int)strtod(bsar->str[1],NULL); } else { if (!nwarn && giset->nnode_domain[1] > 0) { WARNING_message("You are using two surfaces but your\n" "node index of %s does not specify to which\n" "hemishphere it belongs. While the default\n" "is always for the left hemisphere, you are\n" "better off adding an 'L' to the index for\n" "clarity so your line would read:\n" " %s %sL\n" "or" " %s L%s\n" "This message is only shown once.\n", bsar->str[1], bsar->str[0], bsar->str[1], bsar->str[0], bsar->str[1]); } qijk = (int)strtod(bsar->str[1],NULL); } sprintf( buf , "%d" , qijk ) ; NI_set_attribute( nelcmd , "index" , buf ) ; break ; case XYZPV_MODE: /* x y z */ case XYZ_MODE: /* x y z */ case IJKPV_MODE: /* i j k */ case IJK_MODE:{ /* i j k */ int i,j,k ; float x=0.0,y=0.0,z=0.0 ; char *cname ; if( bsar->num < 4 ){ ERROR_message("GIC: bad batch command line: %s list too short",bname) ; goto LoopBack ; } if( bmode == IJK_MODE || bmode == IJKPV_MODE ){ i = (int)strtod(bsar->str[1],NULL) ; j = (int)strtod(bsar->str[2],NULL) ; k = (int)strtod(bsar->str[3],NULL) ; } else { float fi,fj,fk ; x = (float)strtod(bsar->str[1],NULL) ; if( do_lpi ) x = -x ; y = (float)strtod(bsar->str[2],NULL) ; if( do_lpi ) y = -y ; z = (float)strtod(bsar->str[3],NULL) ; MAT44_VEC( giset->dset->daxes->dicom_to_ijk , x,y,z , fi,fj,fk ) ; i = (int)rintf(fi) ; j = (int)rintf(fj) ; k = (int)rintf(fk) ; } if( i < 0 || i >= nx || j < 0 || j >= ny || k < 0 || k >= nz ){ if( bmode == IJK_MODE || bmode == IJKPV_MODE ) ERROR_message("GIC: bad batch command line: %s (%d,%d,%d) illegal",bname,i,j,k); else { if( do_lpi ){ x = -x ; y = -y ; } ERROR_message("GIC: bad batch command line: %s (%g,%g,%g) illegal",bname,x,y,z); } goto LoopBack ; } qijk = THREE_TO_IJK(i,j,k,nx,nxy) ; if( bmode == XYZPV_MODE || bmode == IJKPV_MODE ) cname = "SETREF_ijk_pv" ; else cname = "SETREF_ijk" ; nelcmd = NI_new_data_element( cname , 0 ) ; sprintf( buf , "%d" , qijk ) ; NI_set_attribute( nelcmd , "index" , buf ) ; } break ; case MASKPV_MODE: /* maskdataset */ case MASKAVE_MODE:{ THD_3dim_dataset *mset; int nmask,*ijklist; byte *mask; char *cname; mset = THD_open_dataset( bsar->str[1] ) ; if( mset == NULL ){ ERROR_message("GIC: bad batch command line: can't open mask dataset '%s'",bsar->str[1]) ; goto LoopBack ; } if( shd_AAA->nvox != DSET_NVOX(mset) ){ ERROR_message("GIC: bad batch command line: mask dataset '%s' is wrong size",bsar->str[1]) ; DSET_delete(mset) ; goto LoopBack ; } DSET_load(mset) ; if( !DSET_LOADED(mset) ){ ERROR_message("GIC: bad batch command line: can't load dataset '%s'",bsar->str[1]) ; DSET_delete(mset) ; goto LoopBack ; } mask = THD_makemask( mset , 0 , 1.0f,-1.0f ) ; DSET_delete(mset) ; nmask = THD_countmask( shd_AAA->nvox , mask ) ; if( nmask == 0 ){ ERROR_message("GIC: bad batch command line: dataset '%s' mask is all zero",bsar->str[1]) ; free(mask) ; goto LoopBack ; } if( bmode == MASKPV_MODE && nmask > 1 ) cname = "SETREF_listijk_pv" ; else cname = "SETREF_listijk" ; nelcmd = NI_new_data_element( cname , nmask ) ; NI_add_column( nelcmd, NI_INT, NULL ); ijklist = (int *)nelcmd->vec[0] ; for( kk=ii=0 ; ii < shd_AAA->nvox ; ii++ ) if( mask[ii] ) ijklist[kk++] = ii ; free(mask) ; } break ; case VECTORS_MODE:{ /* 1Dfilename */ MRI_IMAGE *vim ; int ntim,nvec,qq ; float *var,*iar,*jar ; vim = mri_read_1D( bsar->str[1] ) ; if( vim == NULL ){ ERROR_message("GIC: bad batch command line: can't open 1D file '%s'",bsar->str[1]) ; goto LoopBack ; } ntim = vim->nx ; nvec = vim->ny ; iar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(vim) ; if( ntim < nvals_max || nvec < ndset_tot ){ ERROR_message("GIC: bad batch command line: 1D file '%s' is %d X %d, but should be at least %d X %d", bsar->str[1] , ntim,nvec , nvals_max , ndset_tot ) ; mri_free(vim) ; goto LoopBack ; } nelcmd = NI_new_data_element( "SETREF_vectors" , nvals_tot ) ; NI_add_column( nelcmd , NI_FLOAT , NULL ) ; var = (float *)nelcmd->vec[0] ; for( qq=kk=0 ; kk < ndset_AAA ; kk++ ){ jar = iar + kk*ntim ; for( ii=0 ; ii < shd_AAA->nvals[kk] ; ii++ ) var[qq++] = jar[ii] ; } for( kk=0 ; kk < ndset_BBB ; kk++ ){ jar = iar + (kk+ndset_AAA)*ntim ; for( ii=0 ; ii < shd_BBB->nvals[kk] ; ii++ ) var[qq++] = jar[ii] ; } mri_free(vim) ; } break ; } /* end of switch over the various batch modes */ BatchFinalize: nbatch++ ; /* keep track of how many we've done */ if( verb > 2 ) INFO_message("GIC: generated %s command",nelcmd->name) ; } /*-- end of batch mode creating the command ---------------------------*/ /*-- the following should never happen --*/ if( NI_element_type(nelcmd) != NI_ELEMENT_TYPE ){ WARNING_message("GIC: Badly formatted command from %s!",pname) ; continue ; } /*-- do something with the command, based on the element name --*/ /** Command = AFNI said 'TaTa for Now' (or something like it) **/ if( strcmp(nelcmd->name,"AuRevoir") == 0 ){ INFO_message("GIC: Message from %s: ** Au Revoir **",pname) ; goto GetOutOfDodge ; /* failed */ } /**----- step 1: process command to get seed vectors -----**/ if( verb > 1 || (verb==1 && nsend < NSEND_LIMIT) ) INFO_message("GIC: Received command %s from %s",nelcmd->name,pname) ; /**--- Apr 2013: command to set Apair base (nothing else happens) ---**/ if( strncmp(nelcmd->name,"SETAPAIR_ijk",12) == 0 ){ if( !do_apair ){ GI_message("SETAPAIR_ijk command received without '-Apair' option?",2) ; goto LoopBack ; } atr = NI_get_attribute(nelcmd,"index") ; if( atr == NULL ) atr = NI_get_attribute(nelcmd,"node" ) ; if( atr == NULL ) atr = NI_get_attribute(nelcmd,"ijk" ) ; if( atr == NULL ){ /* should never happen */ GI_message("GIC: SETAPAIR_ijk: no index given!?",2) ; goto LoopBack ; } voxijkB = (int)strtod(atr,NULL) ; voxindB = IJK_TO_INDEX(shd_AAA,voxijkB) ; redoB = 1 ; if( verb > 1 ) ININFO_message("GIC: dataset index=%d node index=%d ** Apair **",voxijkB,voxindB) ; if( voxindB < 0 ) GI_message("GIC: SETAPAIR_ijk index is not in mask!?",2) ; goto LoopBack ; } /**----- Command = set seed voxel index (and maybe radius) -----**/ if( strncmp(nelcmd->name,"SETREF_ijk",10) == 0 ){ int do_pv = (strstr(nelcmd->name,"_pv") != NULL && nbhd != NULL) ; /* extract location of seed voxel from command */ atr = NI_get_attribute(nelcmd,"index") ; if( atr == NULL ) atr = NI_get_attribute(nelcmd,"node" ) ; if( atr == NULL ) atr = NI_get_attribute(nelcmd,"ijk" ) ; if( atr == NULL ){ /* should never happen */ GI_message("GIC: SETREF_ijk: no index given!?",2) ; goto LoopBack ; } voxijk = (int)strtod(atr,NULL) ; voxind = IJK_TO_INDEX(shd_AAA,voxijk) ; if( verb > 2 ) ININFO_message("GIC: dataset index=%d node index=%d",voxijk,voxind) ; if( voxind < 0 ){ GI_message("GIC: SETREF_ijk index is not in mask!?",2) ; goto LoopBack ; } if( do_apair ){ /* Apr 2013: allow change of Apair location at same time */ atr = NI_get_attribute(nelcmd,"index_apair") ; if( atr == NULL ) atr = NI_get_attribute(nelcmd,"node_apair") ; if( atr == NULL ) atr = NI_get_attribute(nelcmd,"ijk_apair") ; if( atr != NULL ){ voxijkB = (int)strtod(atr,NULL) ; voxindB = IJK_TO_INDEX(shd_AAA,voxijkB) ; redoB = 1 ; if( voxindB < 0 ){ GI_message("GIC: SETREF_ijk Apair index is not in mask!?",2) ; goto LoopBack ; } } } /* change radius over which to average? */ atr = NI_get_attribute(nelcmd,"seedrad") ; if( atr != NULL ){ float nsr = (float)strtod(atr,NULL) ; if( nsr != seedrad ){ seedrad = MAX(0.0f,nsr) ; KILL_CLUSTER(nbhd) ; if( seedrad >= dmin ){ nbhd = MCW_spheremask( dx,dy,dz , seedrad ) ; if( nbhd != NULL && nbhd->num_pt < 2 ) KILL_CLUSTER(nbhd) ; } else { seedrad = 0.0f ; } if( verb > 2 ) ININFO_message("GIC: seedrad set to %.2f mm",seedrad) ; } } #if 0 /* change t-test method? (for 2-sample case only) */ if( !do_apair && ndset_BBB > 0 ){ atr = NI_get_attribute(nelcmd,"ttest_opcode") ; if( atr != NULL ){ int nto = (int)strtod(atr,NULL) ; if( nto < 0 || nto > ttest_opcode_max ) ttest_opcode = 0 ; else ttest_opcode = nto ; if( verb > 2 ) ININFO_message("GIC: ttest_opcode set to %d",ttest_opcode) ; } } #endif /** Apr 2013: setup and check voxel indexes for various cases **/ if( !do_apair ){ /* normal case */ voxindB = voxind ; voxijkB = voxijk ; redoB = 1 ; } else if( do_apair && voxijkB == voxijk ){ /* bad */ GI_message("GIC: Apair voxel and seed voxel coincide :-(",2) ; redoB = 1 ; goto LoopBack ; } else if( do_apair && voxijkB < 0 ){ /* bad */ GI_message("GIC: Apair voxel not yet set properly :-(",2) ; redoB = 1 ; goto LoopBack ; } /*!!--- actually get the seed vectors from this voxel ---!!*/ if( do_pv ){ /* principal vector */ GRINCOR_seedvec_ijk_pvec( shd_AAA , nbhd , voxijk , seedvec_AAA ) ; if( shd_BBB != NULL && (redoB || !do_apair) ) GRINCOR_seedvec_ijk_pvec( shd_BBB , nbhd , voxijkB , seedvec_BBB ) ; } else { /* average vector */ GRINCOR_seedvec_ijk_aver( shd_AAA , nbhd , voxijk , seedvec_AAA ) ; if( shd_BBB != NULL && (redoB || !do_apair) ) GRINCOR_seedvec_ijk_aver( shd_BBB , nbhd , voxijkB , seedvec_BBB ) ; } /**----- command contains all the seed vectors directly [Feb 2011] -----**/ } else if( strcmp(nelcmd->name,"SETREF_vectors") == 0 ){ float *cv ; if( nelcmd->vec_num < 1 ){ ERROR_message("GIC: SETREF_vectors: no vectors attached!?") ; goto LoopBack ; } if( nelcmd->vec_typ[0] != NI_FLOAT ){ ERROR_message("GIC: SETREF_vectors: not in float format!?") ; goto LoopBack ; } /*--- load data from nelcmd to seedvec arrays ---*/ if( nelcmd->vec_num == 1 ){ /*--- one long vector: split it up ---*/ if( nelcmd->vec_len < nvals_tot ){ ERROR_message("GIC: SETREF_vectors: 1 vector length=%d but should be %d", nelcmd->vec_len , nvals_tot ) ; goto LoopBack ; } cv = (float *)nelcmd->vec[0] ; for( jj=kk=0 ; kk < ndset_AAA ; kk++ ){ for( ii=0 ; ii < nvals_AAA[kk] ; ii++,jj++ ) seedvec_AAA[kk][ii] = cv[jj] ; } for( kk=0 ; kk < ndset_BBB ; kk++ ){ for( ii=0 ; ii < nvals_BBB[kk] ; ii++,jj++ ) seedvec_BBB[kk][ii] = cv[jj] ; } } else if( nelcmd->vec_num >= ndset_tot ){ /*--- multiple vectors ---*/ if( nelcmd->vec_len < nvals_max ){ ERROR_message("GIC: SETREF_vectors: vector length=%d but should be %d", nelcmd->vec_len , nvals_max ) ; goto LoopBack ; } for( kk=0 ; kk < ndset_AAA ; kk++ ){ cv = (float *)nelcmd->vec[kk] ; for( ii=0 ; ii < nvals_AAA[kk] ; ii++ ) seedvec_AAA[kk][ii] = cv[ii] ; } for( kk=0 ; kk < ndset_BBB ; kk++ ){ cv = (float *)nelcmd->vec[kk+ndset_AAA] ; for( ii=0 ; ii < nvals_BBB[kk] ; ii++ ) seedvec_BBB[kk][ii] = cv[ii] ; } } else { /*--- badly formed data element ---*/ ERROR_message("GIC: SETREF_vectors: have %d vectors but need at least %d", nelcmd->vec_num , ndset_tot ) ; goto LoopBack ; } /*--- normalize vectors for dot productization ---*/ for( kk=0 ; kk < ndset_AAA ; kk++ ) (void)THD_normalize( nvals_AAA[kk] , seedvec_AAA[kk] ) ; for( kk=0 ; kk < ndset_BBB ; kk++ ) (void)THD_normalize( nvals_BBB[kk] , seedvec_BBB[kk] ) ; /**----- command contains a list of voxels to use [Feb 2011] -----**/ } else if( strncmp(nelcmd->name,"SETREF_listijk",14) == 0 ){ int *vijk , nijk , vv ; int do_pv = (strstr(nelcmd->name,"_pv") != NULL) ; if( nelcmd->vec_num < 1 || nelcmd->vec_len < 1 ){ ERROR_message("GIC: %s: no list attached!?",nelcmd->name) ; goto LoopBack ; } if( nelcmd->vec_typ[0] != NI_INT ){ ERROR_message("GIC: %s: not in int format!?",nelcmd->name) ; goto LoopBack ; } /* convert voxel indexes to node indexes (in place) */ vijk = (int *)nelcmd->vec[0] ; for( nijk=ii=0 ; ii < nelcmd->vec_len ; ii++ ){ vv = IJK_TO_INDEX(shd_AAA,vijk[ii]) ; if( vijk[ii] >= 0 ) vijk[nijk++] = vv ; } if( nijk == 0 ){ ERROR_message("GIC: %s: no good indexes found!",nelcmd->name) ; goto LoopBack ; } if( verb > 2 ) ININFO_message("GIC: %s: %d good vectors in list",bname,nijk) ; /* actually get the seed vectors from this list */ if( do_pv && nijk > 1 ){ GRINCOR_seedvec_ijklist_pvec( shd_AAA , nijk , vijk , seedvec_AAA ) ; if( shd_BBB != NULL ) GRINCOR_seedvec_ijklist_pvec( shd_BBB , nijk , vijk , seedvec_BBB ) ; } else { GRINCOR_seedvec_ijklist_aver( shd_AAA , nijk , vijk , seedvec_AAA ) ; if( shd_BBB != NULL ) GRINCOR_seedvec_ijklist_aver( shd_BBB , nijk , vijk , seedvec_BBB ) ; } /**----- unknown command type -----**/ } else { ERROR_message("GIC: Don't know command %s",nelcmd->name) ; GI_message("GIC: received unknown command",-1) ; goto LoopBack ; } /** set boomerang message **/ { char *boomerang = NI_get_attribute(nelcmd,"boomerang_msg"); if( nelset && boomerang ) NI_set_attribute(nelset, "boomerang_msg", boomerang); } /**------ throw away the message from AFNI ------**/ /********** compute the result **********/ if( verb > 2 || (verb==1 && nsend < NSEND_LIMIT) ){ ctim = NI_clock_time() ; ININFO_message("GIC: loaded seed vectors: elapsed=%d ms",ctim-btim) ; btim = ctim ; } /* step 2: lots and lots of correlation-ization */ if( verb > 3 ) ININFO_message("GIC: start correlation-izing for %s",label_AAA) ; GRINCOR_many_dotprod( shd_AAA , seedvec_AAA , dotprod_AAA ) ; if( shd_BBB != NULL && redoB ){ if( verb > 3 ) ININFO_message("GIC: start correlation-izing for %s",label_BBB) ; GRINCOR_many_dotprod( shd_BBB , seedvec_BBB , dotprod_BBB ) ; } /* step 2a: scale results? [19 Sep 2012] */ if( scl_AAA != NULL ){ float *vv , ff ; for( kk=0 ; kk < ndset_AAA ; kk++ ){ vv = dotprod_AAA[kk] ; ff = scl_AAA[kk] ; for( ii=0 ; ii < nvec ; ii++ ) vv[ii] *= ff ; } } if( scl_BBB != NULL && redoB ){ float *vv , ff ; for( kk=0 ; kk < ndset_BBB ; kk++ ){ vv = dotprod_BBB[kk] ; ff = scl_BBB[kk] ; for( ii=0 ; ii < nvec ; ii++ ) vv[ii] *= ff ; } } #if 1 if( verb > 4 ){ float mm,ss ; int nf ; INFO_message("GIC: dotprod_AAA statistics") ; for( kk=0 ; kk < ndset_AAA ; kk++ ){ nf = thd_floatscan( nvec , dotprod_AAA[kk] ) ; meansigma_float( nvec , dotprod_AAA[kk] , &mm,&ss ) ; ININFO_message("GIC: #%02d nf=%d mean=%g sigma=%g",kk,nf,mm,ss) ; } if( ndset_BBB > 0 ){ INFO_message("GIC: dotprod_BBB statistics") ; for( kk=0 ; kk < ndset_BBB ; kk++ ){ nf = thd_floatscan( nvec , dotprod_BBB[kk] ) ; meansigma_float( nvec , dotprod_BBB[kk] , &mm,&ss ) ; ININFO_message("GIC: #%02d nf=%d mean=%g sigma=%g",kk,nf,mm,ss) ; } } } #endif #ifdef COVTEST if( ctarA != NULL ){ for( kk=0 ; kk < ndset_AAA ; kk++ ) for( jj=nvec/2 ; jj < nvec ; jj++ ) dotprod_AAA[kk][jj] += ctarA[kk] ; } if( ctarB != NULL ){ for( kk=0 ; kk < ndset_BBB ; kk++ ) for( jj=nvec/2 ; jj < nvec ; jj++ ) dotprod_BBB[kk][jj] += ctarB[kk] ; } #endif if( verb > 2 || (verb==1 && nsend < NSEND_LIMIT) ){ ctim = NI_clock_time() ; ININFO_message("GIC: finished correlation-izing: elapsed=%d ms",ctim-btim) ; btim = ctim ; } /* step 3: lots of t-test-ification */ if( mcov == 0 || do_nocov ){ /*-- no covariates ==> pure t-tests --*/ if( verb > 3 ) ININFO_message("GIC: start %d-sample t-test-izing" , (ndset_BBB > 0) ? 2 : 1 ) ; GRINCOR_many_ttest( nvec , ndset_AAA , dotprod_AAA , ndset_BBB , dotprod_BBB , neldar,nelzar ) ; if( verb > 8 ){ int zdar=0, zzar=0 ; for( ii=0 ; ii < nvec ; ii++ ){ if( neldar[ii] == 0.0f ) zdar++ ; if( nelzar[ii] == 0.0f ) zzar++ ; } INFO_message("GIC: out of %d vectors, %d have mean=0 and %d have z=0", nvec , zdar , zzar ) ; } /* 1-sample results for the 2-sample case? */ if( dosix ){ if( verb > 3 ) ININFO_message("GIC: start 1-sample t-test-izing for %s",label_AAA) ; GRINCOR_many_ttest( nvec , ndset_AAA , dotprod_AAA , 0 , NULL , neldar_AAA,nelzar_AAA ) ; if( verb > 3 ) ININFO_message("GIC: start 1-sample t-test-izing for %s",label_BBB) ; GRINCOR_many_ttest( nvec , ndset_BBB , dotprod_BBB , 0 , NULL , neldar_BBB,nelzar_BBB ) ; } if( verb > 2 || (verb==1 && nsend < NSEND_LIMIT) ){ ctim = NI_clock_time() ; ININFO_message("GIC: finished t-test-izing: elapsed=%d ms",ctim-btim) ; btim = ctim ; } } if( mcov > 0 ){ /*-- covariates ==> regression analyses --*/ if( verb > 3 ) ININFO_message("GIC: start %d-sample regression-izing" , (ndset_BBB > 0) ? 2 : 1 ) ; GRINCOR_many_regress( nvec , ndset_AAA , dotprod_AAA , ndset_BBB , dotprod_BBB , nout_mcov , dtar ) ; if( verb > 2 || (verb==1 && nsend < NSEND_LIMIT) ){ ctim = NI_clock_time() ; ININFO_message("GIC: finished regression-izing: elapsed=%d ms",ctim-btim) ; btim = ctim ; } if( do_spcov ){ if( verb > 3 ) ININFO_message("GIC: start Spearman-ization") ; GRINCOR_many_spearman( nvec, ndset_AAA, dotprod_AAA, axxim, spcov ) ; if( ndset_BBB > 0 ) GRINCOR_many_spearman( nvec, ndset_BBB, dotprod_BBB, bxxim, spcov+mcov ) ; if( verb > 2 || (verb==1 && nsend < NSEND_LIMIT) ){ ctim = NI_clock_time() ; ININFO_message("GIC: finished Spearman-izing: elapsed=%d ms",ctim-btim) ; btim = ctim ; } } } /*** test results to see if they are all zero! [18 Oct 2011] ***/ if( verb > 1 || nsend < NSEND_LIMIT ){ int nv = nelset->vec_num ; /* # of columns */ int nr = nelset->vec_len ; /* # of rows */ float *vv ; for( kk=0 ; kk < nv ; kk++ ){ vv = (float *)nelset->vec[kk] ; for( ii=0 ; ii < nr && vv[ii] == 0.0f ; ii++ ) ; /*nada*/ if( ii == nr ) WARNING_message("GIC: sub-brick #%d of output is all zero!",kk) ; } } #ifndef DONT_USE_SHM /** re-attach to AFNI using shared memory? **/ if( !bmode && do_shm > 0 && strcmp(afnihost,"localhost") == 0 && !shm_active ){ char nsnew[128] ; kk = (nout+nsaar) / 2 ; if( kk < 1 ) kk = 1 ; else if( kk > 3 ) kk = 3 ; /* using nport in nsnew below is no longer necessary, but it does not hurt. ZSS June 2011 */ sprintf( nsnew , "shm:GrpInCorr_%d:%dM+4K" , nport , kk ) ; INFO_message("GIC: Reconnecting to %s with shared memory channel %s",pname,nsnew) ; kk = NI_stream_reopen( GI_stream , nsnew ) ; if( kk == 0 ){ ININFO_message("GIC: SHM reconnection *FAILED* :-( ???") ; } else { ININFO_message("GIC: SHM reconnection *ACTIVE* :-) !!!") ; shm_active = 1 ; } do_shm-- ; } #endif /*** send the result to AFNI ***/ #if 1 if( verb > 4 ){ float mm,ss ; int nf ; INFO_message("dotprod_AAA statistics") ; for( kk=0 ; kk < ndset_AAA ; kk++ ){ nf = thd_floatscan( nvec , dotprod_AAA[kk] ) ; meansigma_float( nvec , dotprod_AAA[kk] , &mm,&ss ) ; ININFO_message(" #%02d nf=%d mean=%g sigma=%g",kk,nf,mm,ss) ; } if( ndset_BBB > 0 ){ INFO_message("dotprod_BBB statistics") ; for( kk=0 ; kk < ndset_BBB ; kk++ ){ nf = thd_floatscan( nvec , dotprod_BBB[kk] ) ; meansigma_float( nvec , dotprod_BBB[kk] , &mm,&ss ) ; ININFO_message(" #%02d nf=%d mean=%g sigma=%g",kk,nf,mm,ss) ; } } } #endif if( !bmode ){ if( verb > 3 ) ININFO_message("GIC: sending results to %s",pname) ; kk = NI_write_element( GI_stream , nelset , NI_BINARY_MODE ) ; if( kk <= 0 ){ ERROR_message("3dGroupInCorr: failure when writing to %s",pname) ; } } else { giset->dset->idcode = MCW_new_idcode() ; kk = GRINCOR_output_dataset( giset, nelset , bprefix ) ; } ctim = NI_clock_time() ; if( verb > 2 || (verb==1 && nsend < NSEND_LIMIT) ) ININFO_message("GIC: sent results to %s: elapsed=%d ms bytes=%s" , pname , ctim-btim , commaized_integer_string(kk) ) ; if( verb > 1 || (verb==1 && nsend < NSEND_LIMIT) ) ININFO_message("GIC: Total elapsed time = %d msec",ctim-atim) ; if( do_apair ) redoB = 0 ; /* Apr 2013 -- don't redo setB unless needed */ nsend++ ; /* number of results sent back so far */ LoopBack: ;; /* loop back for another command from AFNI */ } /*-- bow out gracefully --*/ GetOutOfDodge : /* NI_free_element(nelset) ; */ INFO_message("Exeunt 3dGroupInCorr and its %s of data" , (nsend%2 == 0) ? "trove" : "hoard") ; exit(0) ; } /*=======================================================================*/ /** The following routines are for the t-to-z conversion, and are adapted from mri_stats.c to be parallelizable (no static data). =========================================================================*/ static double GIC_qginv( double p ) { double dp , dx , dt , ddq , dq ; int newt ; /* not Gingrich, but Isaac */ dp = (p <= 0.5) ? (p) : (1.0-p) ; /* make between 0 and 0.5 */ if( dp <= 1.e-37 ){ dx = 13.0 ; /* 13 sigma has p < 10**(-38) */ return ( (p <= 0.5) ? (dx) : (-dx) ) ; } /** Step 1: use 26.2.23 from Abramowitz and Stegun **/ dt = sqrt( -2.0 * log(dp) ) ; dx = dt - ((.010328*dt + .802853)*dt + 2.515517) /(((.001308*dt + .189269)*dt + 1.432788)*dt + 1.) ; /** Step 2: do 3 Newton steps to improve this (uses the math library erfc function) **/ for( newt=0 ; newt < 3 ; newt++ ){ dq = 0.5 * erfc( dx / 1.414213562373095 ) - dp ; ddq = exp( -0.5 * dx * dx ) / 2.506628274631000 ; dx = dx + dq / ddq ; } if( dx > 13.0 ) dx = 13.0 ; return ( (p <= 0.5) ? (dx) : (-dx) ) ; /* return with correct sign */ } #ifdef NO_GAMMA /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* If the system doesn't provide lgamma() for some primitive reason. -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /**----- log of gamma, for argument between 1 and 2 -----**/ static double gamma_12( double y ) { double x , g ; x = y - 1.0 ; g = ((((((( 0.035868343 * x - 0.193527818 ) * x + 0.482199394 ) * x - 0.756704078 ) * x + 0.918206857 ) * x - 0.897056937 ) * x + 0.988205891 ) * x - 0.577191652 ) * x + 1.0 ; return log(g) ; } /**----- asymptotic expansion of ln(gamma(x)) for large positive x -----**/ #define LNSQRT2PI 0.918938533204672 /* ln(sqrt(2*PI)) */ static double gamma_asympt(double x) { double sum ; sum = (x-0.5)*log(x) - x + LNSQRT2PI + 1.0/(12.0*x) - 1./(360.0*x*x*x) ; return sum ; } /**----- log of gamma, argument positive (not very efficient!) -----**/ static double GIC_lgamma( double x ) { double w , g ; if( x <= 0.0 ) return 0.0 ; /* should not happen */ if( x < 1.0 ) return gamma_12( x+1.0 ) - log(x) ; if( x <= 2.0 ) return gamma_12( x ) ; if( x >= 6.0 ) return gamma_asympt(x) ; g = 0 ; w = x ; while( w > 2.0 ){ w -= 1.0 ; g += log(w) ; } return ( gamma_12(w) + g ) ; } #define lgamma GIC_lgamma #endif /*----- NO_GAMMA ------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static double GIC_lnbeta( double p , double q ) { return (lgamma(p) + lgamma(q) - lgamma(p+q)) ; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define ZERO 0.0 #define ONE 1.0 #define ACU 1.0e-15 static double GIC_incbeta( double x , double p , double q , double beta ) { double betain , psq , cx , xx,pp,qq , term,ai , temp , rx ; int indx , ns ; if( p <= ZERO || q <= ZERO ) return -1.0 ; /* error! */ if( x <= ZERO ) return ZERO ; if( x >= ONE ) return ONE ; /** change tail if necessary and determine s **/ psq = p+q ; cx = ONE-x ; if( p < psq*x ){ xx = cx ; cx = x ; pp = q ; qq = p ; indx = 1 ; } else { xx = x ; pp = p ; qq = q ; indx = 0 ; } term = ONE ; ai = ONE ; betain = ONE ; ns = qq + cx*psq ; /** use soper's reduction formulae **/ rx = xx/cx ; lab3: temp = qq-ai ; if(ns == 0) rx = xx ; lab4: term = term*temp*rx/(pp+ai) ; betain = betain+term ; temp = fabs(term) ; if(temp <= ACU && temp <= ACU*betain) goto lab5 ; ai = ai+ONE ; ns = ns-1 ; if(ns >= 0) goto lab3 ; temp = psq ; psq = psq+ONE ; goto lab4 ; lab5: betain = betain*exp(pp*log(xx)+(qq-ONE)*log(cx)-beta)/pp ; if(indx) betain=ONE-betain ; return betain ; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #undef ZMAX #define ZMAX 13.0 double GIC_student_t2z( double tt , double dof ) { double xx , pp , bb ; bb = GIC_lnbeta( 0.5*dof , 0.5 ) ; xx = dof/(dof + tt*tt) ; pp = GIC_incbeta( xx , 0.5*dof , 0.5 , bb ) ; if( tt > 0.0 ) pp = 1.0 - 0.5 * pp ; else pp = 0.5 * pp ; xx = - GIC_qginv(pp) ; if( xx > ZMAX ) xx = ZMAX ; else if( xx < -ZMAX ) xx = -ZMAX ; return xx ; } /*=============================================================================*/ void GRINCOR_many_ttest( int nvec , int numx , float **xxar , int numy , float **yyar , float *dar , float *zar ) { if( numy > 0 && yyar != NULL ){ /*--- 2 sample t-test ---*/ AFNI_OMP_START ; #pragma omp parallel { int ii,kk ; float *xar,*yar ; float_pair delzsc ; xar = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*numx) ; yar = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*numy) ; #pragma omp for for( kk=0 ; kk < nvec ; kk++ ){ for( ii=0 ; ii < numx ; ii++ ) xar[ii] = xxar[ii][kk] ; for( ii=0 ; ii < numy ; ii++ ) yar[ii] = yyar[ii][kk] ; delzsc = ttest_toz( numx , xar , numy , yar , ttest_opcode ) ; dar[kk] = delzsc.a ; zar[kk] = delzsc.b ; } free(yar) ; free(xar) ; } AFNI_OMP_END ; } else { /*--- 1 sample t-test ---*/ AFNI_OMP_START ; #pragma omp parallel { int kk,ii ; float *xar ; float_pair delzsc ; xar = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*numx) ; #pragma omp for for( kk=0 ; kk < nvec ; kk++ ){ for( ii=0 ; ii < numx ; ii++ ) xar[ii] = xxar[ii][kk] ; delzsc = ttest_toz( numx , xar , 0 , NULL , ttest_opcode ) ; dar[kk] = delzsc.a ; zar[kk] = delzsc.b ; } free(xar) ; /* oopsie [13 Sep 2010] */ } AFNI_OMP_END ; } return ; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! Various sorts of t-tests; output = Z-score. - numx = number of points in the first sample (must be > 1) - xar = array with first sample - numy = number of points in the second sample - numy = 0 ==> a 1 sample test of first sample against mean=0 DISABLED - numy = 1 ==> a 1 sample test of first sample against mean=yar[0] - numy > 1 ==> a 2 sample test; opcode determines what kind - opcode = 0 for unpaired test with pooled variance - opcode = 1 for unpaired test with unpooled variance - opcode = 2 for paired test (numx == numy is required) - The return value is the Z-score of the t-statistic. *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ float_pair ttest_toz( int numx, float *xar, int numy, float *yar, int opcode ) { float_pair result = {0.0f,0.0f} ; register int ii ; register float val ; float avx,sdx , avy,sdy , dof , tstat=0.0f,delta=0.0f ; int paired=(opcode==2) , pooled=(opcode==0) ; #if 0 /* check inputs for stoopidities or other things that need to be changed */ if( numx < 2 || xar == NULL ) return result ; /* bad */ if( paired && (numy != numx || yar == NULL) ) return result ; /* bad */ #endif if( numy < 2 || yar == NULL ){ numy = paired = pooled = 0 ; yar = NULL ; } if( paired ){ /* Case 1: paired t test */ avx = 0.0f ; for( ii=0 ; ii < numx ; ii++ ) avx += xar[ii]-yar[ii] ; avx /= numx ; sdx = 0.0f ; for( ii=0 ; ii < numx ; ii++ ){ val = xar[ii]-yar[ii]-avx; sdx += val*val; } if( sdx > 0.0f ) tstat = avx / sqrtf( sdx/((numx-1.0f)*numx) ) ; else if( avx > 0.0f ) tstat = 19.0f ; else if( avx < 0.0f ) tstat = -19.0f ; else tstat = 0.0f ; dof = numx-1.0f ; delta = avx ; /* delta = diff in means */ } else if( numy == 0 ){ /* Case 2: 1 sample test against mean==0 */ avx = 0.0f ; for( ii=0 ; ii < numx ; ii++ ) avx += xar[ii] ; avx /= numx ; sdx = 0.0f ; for( ii=0 ; ii < numx ; ii++ ){ val = xar[ii]-avx ; sdx += val*val ; } if( sdx > 0.0f ) tstat = avx / sqrtf( sdx/((numx-1.0f)*numx) ) ; else if( avx > 0.0f ) tstat = 19.0f ; else if( avx < 0.0f ) tstat = -19.0f ; else tstat = 0.0f ; dof = numx-1.0f ; delta = avx ; /* delta = mean */ } else { /* Case 3: 2 sample test (pooled or unpooled) */ avx = 0.0f ; for( ii=0 ; ii < numx ; ii++ ) avx += xar[ii] ; avx /= numx ; sdx = 0.0f ; for( ii=0 ; ii < numx ; ii++ ){ val = xar[ii] - avx ; sdx += val*val ; } avy = 0.0f ; for( ii=0 ; ii < numy ; ii++ ) avy += yar[ii] ; avy /= numy ; sdy = 0.0f ; for( ii=0 ; ii < numy ; ii++ ){ val = yar[ii] - avy ; sdy += val*val ; } delta = avx - avy ; /* difference in means */ if( sdx+sdy == 0.0f ){ if( delta > 0.0f ) tstat = 19.0f ; else if( delta < 0.0f ) tstat = -19.0f ; else tstat = 0.0f ; dof = numx+numy-2.0f ; } else if( pooled ){ /* Case 3a: pooled variance estimate */ sdx = (sdx+sdy) / (numx+numy-2.0f) ; tstat = delta / sqrtf( sdx*(1.0f/numx+1.0f/numy) ) ; dof = numx+numy-2.0f ; } else { /* Case 3b: unpooled variance estimate */ sdx /= (numx-1.0f)*numx ; sdy /= (numy-1.0f)*numy ; val = sdx+sdy ; tstat = delta / sqrtf(val) ; dof = (val*val) / (sdx*sdx/(numx-1.0f) + sdy*sdy/(numy-1.0f) ) ; } } /* end of all possible cases */ result.a = delta ; result.b = (float)GIC_student_t2z( (double)tstat , (double)dof ) ; return result ; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #undef PA #undef PB #undef XA #undef XB #define PA(i,j) psinvA[(i)+(j)*mm] /* i=0..mm-1 , j=0..numA-1 */ #define PB(i,j) psinvB[(i)+(j)*mm] #define XA(i,j) xA[(i)+(j)*(nA)] /* i=0..nA-1 , j=0..mm-1 */ #define XB(i,j) xB[(i)+(j)*(nB)] #undef xtxA #undef xtxB #define xtxA(i) xtxinvA[(i)+(i)*mm] /* diagonal elements */ #define xtxB(i) xtxinvB[(i)+(i)*mm] #undef VBIG #define VBIG 1.0e+24f /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* opcode defines what to do for 2-sample tests: 0 ==> unpaired, pooled variance 1 ==> unpaired, unpooled variance (not yet implemented) 2 ==> paired (numA==numB required) xA = numA X (mcov+1) matrix -- in column-major order psinvA = (mcov+1) X numA matrix -- in column-major order xtxinvA = (mcov+1) X (mcov+1) matrix = inv[xA'xA] *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #if defined(COVTEST) && 0 static int first=1 ; #endif #undef UNROLL void regress_toz( int numA , float *zA , int numB , float *zB , int opcode , int mcov , float *xA , float *psinvA , float *xtxinvA , float *xB , float *psinvB , float *xtxinvB , float *outvec , float *workspace ) { int kt=0,nws , mm=mcov+1 , nA=numA , nB=numB ; float *betA=NULL , *betB=NULL , *zdifA=NULL , *zdifB=NULL ; float ssqA=0.0f , ssqB=0.0f , varA=0.0f , varB=0.0f ; double dof=0.0 ; register float val ; register int ii,jj,tt ; nws = 0 ; if( testA || testAB ){ betA = workspace + nws ; nws += mm ; zdifA = workspace + nws ; nws += nA ; } if( testB || testAB ){ betB = workspace + nws ; nws += mm ; zdifB = workspace + nws ; nws += nB ; } /*-- compute estimates for A parameters --*/ if( testA || testAB ){ #ifndef UNROLL for( ii=0 ; ii < mm ; ii++ ){ for( val=0.0f,jj=0 ; jj < nA ; jj++ ) val += PA(ii,jj)*zA[jj] ; betA[ii] = val ; } #else if( nA%2 == 0 ){ for( ii=0 ; ii < mm ; ii++ ){ val = 0.0f ; for( jj=0 ; jj < nA ; jj+=2 ) val += PA(ii,jj)*zA[jj] + PA(ii,jj+1)*zA[jj+1] ; betA[ii] = val ; } } else { for( ii=0 ; ii < mm ; ii++ ){ val = PA(ii,0)*zA[0] ; for( jj=1 ; jj < nA ; jj+=2 ) val += PA(ii,jj)*zA[jj] + PA(ii,jj+1)*zA[jj+1] ; betA[ii] = val ; } } #endif for( jj=0 ; jj < nA ; jj++ ){ val = -zA[jj] ; for( ii=0 ; ii < mm ; ii++ ) val += XA(jj,ii)*betA[ii] ; zdifA[ii] = val ; ssqA += val*val ; } if( testA ){ varA = ssqA / (nA-mm) ; if( varA <= 0.0f ) varA = VBIG ; } } /*-- compute estimates for B parameters --*/ if( testB || testAB ){ #ifndef UNROLL for( ii=0 ; ii < mm ; ii++ ){ for( val=0.0f,jj=0 ; jj < nB ; jj++ ) val += PB(ii,jj)*zB[jj] ; betB[ii] = val ; } #else if( nB%2 == 0 ){ for( ii=0 ; ii < mm ; ii++ ){ val = 0.0f ; for( jj=0 ; jj < nB ; jj+=2 ) val += PB(ii,jj)*zB[jj] + PB(ii,jj+1)*zB[jj+1] ; betB[ii] = val ; } } else { for( ii=0 ; ii < mm ; ii++ ){ val = PB(ii,0)*zB[0] ; for( jj=1 ; jj < nB ; jj+=2 ) val += PB(ii,jj)*zB[jj] + PB(ii,jj+1)*zB[jj+1] ; betB[ii] = val ; } } #endif for( jj=0 ; jj < nB ; jj++ ){ val = -zB[jj] ; for( ii=0 ; ii < mm ; ii++ ) val += XB(jj,ii)*betB[ii] ; zdifB[ii] = val ; ssqB += val*val ; } if( testB ){ varB = ssqB / (nB-mm) ; if( varB <= 0.0f ) varB = VBIG ; } } /*-- carry out 2-sample (A-B) tests, if any --*/ if( testAB ){ float varAB ; if( opcode == 2 ){ /* paired (nA==nB, xA==xB, etc.) */ for( varAB=0.0f,ii=0 ; ii < nA ; ii++ ){ val = zdifA[ii] - zdifB[ii] ; varAB += val*val ; } varAB /= (nA-mm) ; if( varAB <= 0.0f ) varAB = VBIG ; dof = nA - mm ; for( tt=0 ; tt < mm ; tt++ ){ if( (testAB & (1 << tt)) == 0 ) continue ; /* bitwase AND */ outvec[kt++] = betA[tt] - betB[tt] ; val = outvec[kt-1] / sqrtf( varAB*xtxA(tt) ) ; outvec[kt++] = (float)GIC_student_t2z( (double)val , dof ) ; } } else { /* unpaired, pooled variance */ varAB = (ssqA+ssqB)/(nA+nB-2*mm) ; if( varAB <= 0.0f ) varAB = VBIG ; dof = nA + nB - 2*mm ; for( tt=0 ; tt < mm ; tt++ ){ if( (testAB & (1 << tt)) == 0 ) continue ; /* bitwase AND */ outvec[kt++] = betA[tt] - betB[tt] ; val = outvec[kt-1] / sqrtf( varAB*(xtxA(tt)+xtxB(tt)) ); outvec[kt++] = (float)GIC_student_t2z( (double)val , dof ) ; } } /* end of unpaired pooled variance */ } /*-- carry out 1-sample A tests, if any --*/ if( testA ){ #if defined(COVTEST) && 0 #pragma omp critical { if( first ){ first = 0 ; fprintf(stderr,"testA varA=%g xtxA=",varA) ; for( tt=0 ; tt < mm ; tt++ ) fprintf(stderr," %g",xtxA(tt)) ; fprintf(stderr,"\n") ; } } #endif dof = nA - mm ; for( tt=0 ; tt < mm ; tt++ ){ if( (testA & (1 << tt)) == 0 ) continue ; /* bitwise AND */ outvec[kt++] = betA[tt] ; val = betA[tt] / sqrtf( varA * xtxA(tt) ) ; outvec[kt++] = (float)GIC_student_t2z( (double)val , dof ) ; } } /*-- carry out 1-sample B tests, if any --*/ if( testB ){ dof = nB - mm ; for( tt=0 ; tt < mm ; tt++ ){ if( (testB & (1 << tt)) == 0 ) continue ; /* bitwise AND */ outvec[kt++] = betB[tt] ; val = betB[tt] / sqrtf( varB * xtxB(tt) ) ; outvec[kt++] = (float)GIC_student_t2z( (double)val , dof ) ; } } return ; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void GRINCOR_many_regress( int nvec , int numx , float **xxar , int numy , float **yyar , int nout , float **dtar ) { if( numy > 0 && yyar != NULL ){ /*--- 2 sample ---*/ AFNI_OMP_START ; #pragma omp parallel { int ii,kk ; float *xar,*yar,*var,*wss ; xar = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*numx) ; yar = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*numy) ; var = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*nout) ; wss = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*(2*mcov+numx+numy+9)) ; #pragma omp for for( kk=0 ; kk < nvec ; kk++ ){ for( ii=0 ; ii < numx ; ii++ ) xar[ii] = xxar[ii][kk] ; for( ii=0 ; ii < numy ; ii++ ) yar[ii] = yyar[ii][kk] ; regress_toz( numx , xar , numy , yar , ttest_opcode , mcov , axx , axx_psinv , axx_xtxinv , bxx , bxx_psinv , bxx_xtxinv , var , wss ) ; for( ii=0 ; ii < nout ; ii++ ) dtar[ii][kk] = var[ii] ; } free(wss) ; free(var) ; free(yar) ; free(xar) ; } AFNI_OMP_END ; } else { /*--- 1 sample ---*/ AFNI_OMP_START ; #pragma omp parallel { int ii,kk ; float *xar,*var,*wss ; xar = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*numx) ; var = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*nout) ; wss = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*(2*mcov+numx+9)) ; #pragma omp for for( kk=0 ; kk < nvec ; kk++ ){ for( ii=0 ; ii < numx ; ii++ ) xar[ii] = xxar[ii][kk] ; regress_toz( numx , xar , 0 , NULL , ttest_opcode , mcov , axx , axx_psinv , axx_xtxinv , NULL, NULL , NULL , var , wss ) ; for( ii=0 ; ii < nout ; ii++ ) dtar[ii][kk] = var[ii] ; } free(wss) ; free(var) ; free(xar) ; } AFNI_OMP_END ; } return ; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Setup for creating AFNI datasets here, instead of in AFNI. [Feb 2011] */ GICOR_setup * GRINCOR_setup_dataset( NI_element *nel ) { char *atr , *pre ; THD_3dim_dataset *dset ; GICOR_setup *giset ; int nvals=2 , vv ; static char *blab[6] = { "GIC_Delta" , "GIC_Zscore" , "AAA_Delta" , "AAA_Zscore" , "BBB_Delta" , "BBB_Zscore" } ; NI_str_array *labar=NULL ; atr = NI_get_attribute( nel , "geometry_string" ); if( atr == NULL ) return NULL; pre = NI_get_attribute( nel , "target_name" ) ; if( pre == NULL || *pre == '\0' ) pre = "X_GRP_ICORR" ; dset = EDIT_geometry_constructor( atr , pre ) ; if( dset == NULL ) return NULL; giset = (GICOR_setup *)calloc(1, sizeof(GICOR_setup)) ; giset->dset = dset ; giset->nvox = DSET_NVOX(dset) ; atr = NI_get_attribute( nel , "target_nvals" ) ; if( atr != NULL ){ nvals = (int)strtod(atr,NULL); nvals = MAX(1,nvals); } vv = AFNI_yesenv("AFNI_GROUPINCORR_ORIG") ; EDIT_dset_items( dset , ADN_nvals , nvals , ADN_view_type , (vv) ? VIEW_ORIGINAL_TYPE : VIEW_TALAIRACH_TYPE , ADN_brick_fac , NULL , ADN_none ) ; atr = NI_get_attribute( nel , "target_labels" ) ; if( atr != NULL ) labar = NI_decode_string_list( atr , ";" ) ; /* for each sub-brick in the dataset-to-be */ for( vv=0 ; vv < nvals ; vv++ ){ EDIT_substitute_brick( dset, vv, MRI_float, NULL ) ; /* calloc sub-brick */ if( labar != NULL && vv < labar->num ) /* and label-ize it */ EDIT_BRICK_LABEL( dset , vv , labar->str[vv] ) ; else if( vv < 6 ) EDIT_BRICK_LABEL( dset , vv , blab[vv] ) ; if( strstr( DSET_BRICK_LAB(dset,vv) , "_Zsc" ) != NULL ) EDIT_BRICK_TO_FIZT(dset,vv) ; /* mark as a Z score */ } NI_delete_str_array(labar) ; if( nel->vec_len == 0 || nel->vec_num == 0 || nel->vec == NULL ){ /* all */ giset->ivec = NULL ; giset->nivec = 0 ; } else { /* make index list of voxels */ int ii , nn=nel->vec_len , *iv=(int *)nel->vec[0] ; atr = NI_get_attribute( nel , "nvec" ) ; if( atr != NULL ){ ii = (int)strtod(atr,NULL) ; nn = MIN(nn,ii) ; } giset->nivec = nn ; giset->ivec = (int *)calloc(sizeof(int),nn) ; for( ii=0 ; ii < nn ; ii++ ) giset->ivec[ii] = iv[ii] ; } /* 23 May 2012: extra string attributes to set? */ { ATR_string *aatr ; int nn ; char aaname[THD_MAX_NAME], *aastr, *nnatr, nnam[128], *cpt ; for( nn=0 ; ; nn++ ){ sprintf(nnam,"string_attribute_%06d",nn) ; nnatr = NI_get_attribute( nel , nnam ) ; if( nnatr == NULL || *nnatr == '\0' ) break ; cpt = strstr(nnatr," ==> ") ; if( cpt == NULL || cpt == nnatr || cpt-nnatr > 256 ) continue ; strncpy(aaname,nnatr,cpt-nnatr) ; aaname[cpt-nnatr] = '\0' ; cpt += 5 ; if( *cpt == '\0' ) continue ; aatr = (ATR_string *)RwcMalloc(sizeof(ATR_string)) ; aatr->type = ATR_STRING_TYPE ; aatr->name = RwcNewString(aaname) ; aatr->nch = strlen(cpt+1) ; aatr->ch = (char *)RwcMalloc( sizeof(char) * aatr->nch ) ; memcpy( aatr->ch , cpt , sizeof(char) * aatr->nch ) ; THD_insert_atr( dset->dblk , (ATR_any *)aatr ) ; } } return giset ; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int GRINCOR_output_srf_dataset(GICOR_setup *giset, NI_element *nel, char *target_name ) { static char FuncName[]={"GRINCOR_output_srf_dataset"}; int i, ii, *Ti=NULL, ovind = 0, nvals=0, vv=0; char *atr=NULL; char *targetv[2]={NULL, NULL}, *oname=NULL; static SUMA_DSET *sdsetv[2]={NULL,NULL}; static char *blab[6] = { "GIC_Delta" , "GIC_Zscore" , "AAA_Delta" , "AAA_Zscore" , "BBB_Delta" , "BBB_Zscore" } ; NI_str_array *labar=NULL ; long sszz=0; int LocalHead = NOPE; if( nel == NULL || nel->vec_num < 2 ) return(-1) ; if (giset->nnode_domain[0] <= 0 && giset->nnode_domain[1] <= 0) { ERROR_message("Bad values"); return(-1); } if (giset->nnode_domain[1] > 0) { targetv[0] = SUMA_ModifyName(target_name, "append", ".lh", NULL); targetv[1] = SUMA_ModifyName(target_name, "append", ".rh", NULL); } else { targetv[0] = SUMA_copy_string(target_name); } if (sdsetv[0] == NULL) { /* create output sets */ for (i=0; i<2; ++i) { if (targetv[i]) { SUMA_LHv("Working %s\n", targetv[i]); /* dset names */ sdsetv[i] = SUMA_CreateDsetPointer (targetv[i], SUMA_NODE_BUCKET, NULL, NULL, giset->nnode_domain[i]); sprintf(giset->sdset_ID[i],"%s", SDSET_ID(sdsetv[i])); SUMA_LHv("Adding columns %d\n", i); /* add the columns */ Ti = (int *) SUMA_calloc(SDSET_VECLEN(sdsetv[i]), sizeof(int)); for (ii=0; ii nvals; } else { nvals = (int)strtod(atr,NULL) ; nvals = MAX(1,nvals); } if (nvals < 1) { WARNING_message("Bad nvals %d. Going with 6\n",nvals); nvals = 6; } if (!(atr = NI_get_attribute( nel , "target_labels" ))) { atr = giset->brick_labels; } if( atr != NULL ) labar = NI_decode_string_list( atr , ";" ) ; for( vv=0 ; vv < nvals ; vv++ ){ if (labar != NULL && vv < labar->num) atr = labar->str[vv]; else if (vv < 6) { atr = blab[vv]; } else { atr = "What the hell is this?"; } SUMA_LHv("Adding data column %d/%d (%s)\n", vv,nvals, atr); if (vv%2 == 0) { /* beta */ SUMA_AddDsetNelCol (sdsetv[i], atr, SUMA_NODE_FLOAT, NULL, NULL, 1); } else { /* zscore */ SUMA_AddDsetNelCol (sdsetv[i], atr, SUMA_NODE_ZSCORE, NULL, NULL, 1); } } if (labar) SUMA_free_NI_str_array(labar); labar=NULL; } } } /* have dsets, populate them */ if (!SUMA_PopulateDsetsFromGICORnel(nel, giset, sdsetv)) { SUMA_S_Err("Failed to populate. Not fun."); return(-1); } /* write them and quit */ for (i=0; i<2; ++i) { if (targetv[i]) { SUMA_NewDsetID2(sdsetv[i],targetv[i]); if (!(oname = SUMA_WriteDset_ns (targetv[i], sdsetv[i], (SUMA_DSET_FORMAT)oform, 1, 1))) { ERROR_message("Failed to write %s\n", targetv[i]); } else { SUMA_free(oname); oname = NULL; } SUMA_free(targetv[i]); targetv[i]=NULL; sszz += SUMA_sdset_dnel_size(sdsetv[i]); } } return(sszz); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int GRINCOR_output_dataset( GICOR_setup *giset, NI_element *nel, char *pref ) { float *nelar , *dsdar ; int nvec,nn,vv , vmul ; float thr ; static int ncall=0 ; if( nel == NULL || nel->vec_num < 2 ) return(-1) ; if (giset->nnode_domain[0] != 0 || giset->nnode_domain[1] != 0) { /* go to surfac output */ return(GRINCOR_output_srf_dataset(giset, nel, pref)); } /* copy NIML data into dataset */ nvec = nel->vec_len ; for( vv=0 ; vv < DSET_NVALS(giset->dset) ; vv++ ){ nelar = (float *)nel->vec[vv] ; /* NIML array */ dsdar = (float *)DSET_ARRAY(giset->dset,vv) ; /* dataset array */ if( giset->ivec == NULL ){ /* all voxels */ nn = MIN( giset->nvox , nvec ) ; memcpy(dsdar,nelar,sizeof(float)*nn) ; } else { /* some voxels */ int *ivec=giset->ivec , kk ; nn = MIN( giset->nivec , nvec ) ; for( kk=0 ; kk < nn ; kk++ ) dsdar[ivec[kk]] = nelar[kk] ; } } if( pref != NULL && *pref != '\0' ) EDIT_dset_items( giset->dset , ADN_prefix,pref , ADN_none ) ; giset->dset->dblk->diskptr->allow_directwrite = 1 ; DSET_write(giset->dset) ; ncall++ ; if( verb ) INFO_message("Output dataset #%d %s",ncall,DSET_BRIKNAME(giset->dset)) ; return ((int)DSET_TOTALBYTES(giset->dset)); } /*****************************************************************************/ /********** 28 Nov 2012 -- stuff for Spearman-izing with covariates **********/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! Rank-order a float array, with ties getting the average rank. The output overwrites the input. N.B.: b[n] and c[n] are workspaces, should be pre-allocated. *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void rank_prepare( int n , float *a , int *bb , float *cc ) { register int ii , ns , n1 , ib ; float cs , *c ; int *b ; /*- handle special cases -*/ if( a == NULL || n < 1 ) return ; /* meaningless input */ if( n == 1 ){ a[0] = 0.0f ; return ; } /* only one point!? */ b = bb ; if( b == NULL ) b = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) *n) ; c = cc ; if( c == NULL ) c = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*n) ; for( ii=0 ; ii < n ; ii++ ) c[ii] = b[ii] = ii ; /*- sort input, carrying b along -*/ qsort_floatint( n , a , b ) ; /* see cs_sort_fi.c */ /* compute ranks into c[] */ n1 = n-1 ; for( ii=0 ; ii < n1 ; ii++ ){ if( a[ii] == a[ii+1] ){ /* handle ties */ cs = 2*ii+1 ; ns = 2 ; ib = ii ; ii++ ; while( ii < n1 && a[ii] == a[ii+1] ){ ii++ ; ns++ ; cs += ii ; } for( cs/=ns ; ib <= ii ; ib++ ) c[ib] = cs ; } } /* re-order back into a */ for( ii=0 ; ii < n ; ii++ ) a[b[ii]] = c[ii] ; if( b != bb ) free(b) ; if( c != cc ) free(c) ; return ; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! Rank orders a[], subtracts the mean rank, and returns the sum-of-squares. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static float spearman_prepare( int n , float *a , int *b , float *c ) { register int ii ; register float rb , rs ; rank_prepare( n , a , b,c ) ; rb = 0.5f*(n-1) ; rs=0.0f ; for( ii=0 ; ii < n ; ii++ ){ a[ii] -= rb ; /* remove mean rank */ rs += a[ii]*a[ii] ; /* sum squares */ } return rs ; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! To Spearman (rank-order) correlate x[] with r[], first do rv = spearman_rank_prepare(n,r) ; then corr = spearman_rank_corr(n,x,rv,r) ; Note that these 2 routines are destructive (r and x are replaced by ranks). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static float spearman_correlate( int n , float *x , float rv , float *r , int *b , float *c ) { register int ii ; register float ss ; float xv ; xv = spearman_prepare( n , x , b,c ) ; if( xv <= 0.0f ) return 0.0f ; for( ii=0,ss=0.0f ; ii < n ; ii++ ) ss += x[ii] * r[ii] ; ss /= sqrtf(rv*xv) ; /*** if( do_atanh ) ss = MYatanh(ss) ; ***/ return ss ; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void spearman_many( int nlen , float *avec , int nvec , float **bvec , float *svec ) { float *avv , asum ; /* prepare the fixed vector */ avv = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*nlen) ; AAmemcpy( avv , avec , sizeof(float)*nlen ) ; asum = spearman_prepare( nlen , avv , NULL,NULL ) ; if( asum <= 0.0f ) return ; /* all ranks equal :-( */ /* parallelize the correlation over the b vectors */ AFNI_OMP_START ; #pragma omp parallel { float *bvv , *cws ; int *bws , ii,kk ; #pragma omp critical (MALLOC) { bvv = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*nlen) ; cws = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*nlen) ; bws = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) *nlen) ; } #pragma omp for for( kk=0 ; kk < nvec ; kk++ ){ for( ii=0 ; ii < nlen ; ii++ ) bvv[ii] = bvec[ii][kk] ; svec[kk] = spearman_correlate( nlen, bvv , asum,avv , bws,cws ) ; } #pragma omp critical (MALLOC) { free(bws) ; free(cws) ; free(bvv) ; } } AFNI_OMP_END ; free(avv) ; return ; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void GRINCOR_many_spearman( int nvec, int numx, float **xxar, MRI_IMAGE *cvim, float **spout ) { int nsp , kk ; float *car ; nsp = cvim->ny - 1 ; car = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(cvim) ; for( kk=1 ; kk <= nsp ; kk++ ) spearman_many( numx , car+(kk*numx) , nvec , xxar , spout[kk-1] ) ; return ; }