#!/bin/tcsh -f if ("$1" == '' || "$1" == '-h' || "$1" == '-help') then goto USAGE endif set doexp = 0 set inf = "$1" if ("$1" == '-exp') then set doexp = 1 set inf = "$2" endif set ans = `3dinfo "$inf" |& grep '\[-orient' | cut -d[ -f2 | cut -d] -f1` if ( "$ans[1]" != "-orient" ) then echo "Error: Failed to find -orient string in 3dinfo output" goto ENDALL endif if ($doexp == 1) then set or = `echo "$ans[2]" | cut -c1` set or = ($or `echo "$ans[2]" | cut -c2`) set or = ($or `echo "$ans[2]" | cut -c3`) echo $or else echo $ans[2] endif goto ENDALL USAGE: echo "Usage: `basename $0` [-exp] ....." echo "example: `basename $0` Hello+orig.HEAD" echo "returns the orient code of Hello+orig.HEAD" echo "Ziad Saad (saadz@mail.nih.gov)" echo "SSCC/NIMH/ National Institutes of Health, Bethesda Maryland" goto ENDALL ENDALL: