#!/bin/tcsh # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # compute GCOR (average global correlation) # # GCOR = average correlation of every voxel with every other voxel # (i.e. average of the correlation matrix) # # inputs: an EPI dataset and a mask (on same grid, of course) # output: a single GCOR value # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # main variables # dataset inputs set inset = '' # input dataset set mset = '' # mask dataset set corrset = '' # correlation dataset set demean = 1 # whether to demean data (faster if not) set nfirst = 0 # number of first TRs to remove set savetmp = 0 # save temporary files? set tmpunit = tmp.unit # 3dTnorm output set tmpave = tmp.unit.gmean.1D # 3dmaskave output set tmpgc = tmp.gcor.1D # GCOR result (stupid stderr) set tmpprod = tmp.uprod # unit time series times gmean time series set verb = 1 # verbose level (0 = quiet) set prog = @compute_gcor set version = "0.0, 17 Jan, 2013" if ( $#argv < 1 ) goto SHOW_HELP # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # check for options set ac = 1 while ( $ac <= $#argv ) if ( "$argv[$ac]" == "-help" ) then goto SHOW_HELP else if ( "$argv[$ac]" == "-hist" ) then goto SHOW_HIST else if ( "$argv[$ac]" == "-ver" ) then echo "version $version" exit else if ( "$argv[$ac]" == "-corr_vol" ) then @ ac += 1 if ( $#argv < $ac ) then echo "** missing argument for -corr_vol" exit 1 endif set corrset = $argv[$ac] else if ( "$argv[$ac]" == "-input" ) then @ ac += 1 if ( $#argv < $ac ) then echo "** missing argument for -input" exit 1 endif set inset = $argv[$ac] else if ( "$argv[$ac]" == "-mask" ) then @ ac += 1 if ( $#argv < $ac ) then echo "** missing argument for -mask" exit 1 endif set mset = $argv[$ac] else if ( "$argv[$ac]" == "-nfirst" ) then @ ac += 1 if ( $#argv < $ac ) then echo "** missing argument for -nfirst" exit 1 endif set nfirst = $argv[$ac] else if ( "$argv[$ac]" == "-no_demean" ) then set demean = 0 else if ( "$argv[$ac]" == "-savetmp" ) then set savetmp = 1 else if ( "$argv[$ac]" == "-verb" ) then @ ac += 1 if ( $#argv < $ac ) then echo "** missing argument for -verb" exit 1 endif set verb = $argv[$ac] if ( $verb > 2 ) then echo "++ turning echo on..." set echo endif else echo "** unknown option: $argv[$ac]" exit 1 endif @ ac += 1 end # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # check for inputs if ( $inset == '' ) then echo "** missing input dataset, see -help output for details" exit 1 endif # quick test on input dataset (and possibly mask), while setting view set view = `3dinfo -av_space $inset` if ( $status || $view == NO-DSET ) then echo "** failed to get view of -input $inset, check command" exit 1 endif if ( $mset != '' ) then set vv = `3dinfo -av_space $inset` if ( $status || $vv == NO-DSET ) then echo "** failed to get view of -mask $mset, check command" exit 1 endif endif # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # get to work # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # demean? set polopt = '' if ( $demean ) set polopt = '-polort 0' # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # if 1D input, just run 1d_tool.py if ( $inset:e == 1D || $inset:e == txt ) then if ( $mset != '' ) then echo "** -mask is not currently allowed with 1D input (pester Rick)" exit 1 endif if ( $nfirst > 0 ) then echo "** -nfirst is not currently allowed with 1D input (pester Rick)" exit 1 endif if ( $verb > 1 ) echo 1d_tool.py -verb $verb -infile $inset -show_gcor 1d_tool.py -verb $verb -infile $inset -show_gcor exit $status endif # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # create unit dataset # can separate command, but nfirst might need care... set cmd = ( 3dTnorm -overwrite $polopt -prefix $tmpunit ) if ( $verb > 0 ) then echo $cmd $inset\[$nfirst..\$] $cmd $inset\[$nfirst..\$] else ( $cmd $inset\[$nfirst..\$] ) >& /dev/null endif if ( ! -f $tmpunit$view.HEAD ) then echo "** command failure:" $cmd $inset\[$nfirst..\$] exit endif # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # get global mean of unit time series set mopt = '' if ( $mset != "" ) set mopt = ( -mask $mset ) # this time, take care with redirection set cmd = ( 3dmaskave -quiet $mopt $tmpunit$view ) if ( $verb > 0 ) then echo $cmd \> $tmpave $cmd > $tmpave else ( $cmd > $tmpave ) >& /dev/null endif # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # if requested, compute the correlation volume if ( $corrset != "" ) then # messy to include quotes or * this way... set c1 = ( 3dcalc -a $tmpunit$view -b $tmpave ) set c2 = ( 3dTstat -sum -prefix $corrset $tmpprod$view ) if ( $verb > 0 ) then echo $c1 -expr a\*b -prefix $tmpprod $c1 -expr a\*b -prefix $tmpprod echo $c2 $c2 else $c1 -expr a\*b -prefix $tmpprod >& /dev/null $c2 >& /dev/null endif endif # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # and finally GCOR, the squared length of that average unit time series # (which is not itself, unit) set cmd = ( 3dTstat -sos -prefix - ) if ( $verb > 0 ) then echo $cmd $tmpave\' $cmd $tmpave\' > $tmpgc echo GCOR = `cat $tmpgc` else ( $cmd $tmpave\' > $tmpgc ) >& /dev/null cat $tmpgc endif # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # cleanup if ( ! $savetmp ) then if ( $verb > 1 ) echo rm -f $tmpunit$view\* $tmpave $tmpgc \rm -f $tmpunit$view* $tmpave $tmpgc if ( -f $tmpprod$view.HEAD ) then \rm -f $tmpprod$view.* endif else if ( $verb > 1 ) then echo "keeping temp files: $tmpunit$view* $tmpave $tmpgc" if ( -f $tmpprod$view.HEAD ) then echo "keeping temp files: $tmpprod$view.*" endif endif # ====================================================================== # DONE # ====================================================================== exit SHOW_HELP: # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- cat << EOF ----------------------------------------------------------------- $prog - compute GCOR, the global correlation usage : $prog [options] -input dataset This program computes the average correlation between every voxel and ever other voxel, over any give mask. This output GCOR value is a single number. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Common examples: 0. This program can be used for 1D files: $prog -input data.1D HOWEVER, if column selection is desired, please use 1d_tool.py, directly. 1d_tool.py -infile data.1D'[2..17]' -show_gcor 1. Simple usage, akin to the afni_proc.py processing script. $prog -input errts.FT+orig -mask full_mask.FT+orig OR, for +tlrc: $prog -input errts.FT+tlrc -mask full_mask.FT+tlrc 2. Speed things up slightly, an errts dataset does not need to be demeaned. $prog -no_demean -input errts.FT+tlrc -mask full_mask.FT+tlrc 3. Be vewy, veeewy, qwiet... $prog -verb 0 -input errts.FT+tlrc -mask full_mask.FT+tlrc OR, save the result: set gcor = \`$prog -verb 0 -input errts.FT+tlrc -mask full_mask.FT+tlrc\` 4. Output correlation volume: for each voxel, the average correlation with all voxels in mask. Specify correlation volume prefix, FT_corr. $prog -input errts.FT+tlrc -mask full_mask.FT+tlrc -corr_vol FT_corr ----------------------------------------------------------------- Overview of processing steps: 0. If the input is a 1D file, cheat and run "1d_tool.py -show_gcor", instead. otherwise... 1. Scale the input to a unit time series, so that each voxel voxel has a length of 1. 2. Compute the average of these unit time series. 3a. If requested, compute the correlation volume, the dot product of the unit and average time series. 3b. Return GCOR = the length of the resulting average, squared. --------------------------------------------- terminal options: -help : show this help -hist : show modification history -ver : show version number important processing options: -input DSET : specify input dataset to compute the GCOR over -mask DSET : specify mask dataset, for restricting the computation other processing options: -corr_vol PREFIX : specify input dataset to compute the GCOR over -nfirst NFIRST : specify number of initial TRs to ignore -no_demean : do not (need to) demean as first step -savetmp : save temporary files (do not remove at end) -verb VERB : set verbose level (0=quiet, 3=max) --------------------------------------------- R Reynolds, Jan, 2013 ------------------------------------------------------------ EOF exit SHOW_HIST: cat << EOF ----------------------------------------------------------------- $prog modification history: 0.0 : Jan 17, 2013: initial version 0.1 : Feb 27, 2015: added -corr_vol EOF exit