/*------------------------------------------------------------------- Actually carry out the FIM computations: im3d ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef FIM_THR #define FIM_THR 0.0999 #endif /** Jan 1998: code = combinations of the FIM_*_MASK values **/ /** 30 May 1999: allow polort to be variable (formerly fixed at 1) **/ /** 08 Sep 1999: added PAVE and AVER options **/ /** 03 Jan 2000: added PTOP, TOPL, and SIGM options **/ /** 01 Feb 2000: added ucode, for user written functions **/ THD_3dim_dataset * AFNI_fimmer_compute( Three_D_View *im3d , THD_3dim_dataset *dset_time , MRI_IMAGE *ref_ts , MRI_IMAGE *ort_ts , THD_session *sess , int code, int ucode ) { THD_3dim_dataset *new_dset=NULL ; char new_prefix[THD_MAX_PREFIX] ; char old_prefix[THD_MAX_PREFIX] ; THD_slist_find fff ; int ifim , it,iv , nvox , ngood_ref , ntime , it1 , dtyp , nxyz , itbot ; float *vval, *tsar, *aval, *rbest, *abest, *pbest, *pval, *bbest, *bval; int *indx ; short *bar ; short *ibest ; /* 15 Dec 1997 */ void *ptr ; float stataux[MAX_STAT_AUX] ; float fthr , topval ; int nx_ref , ny_ref , ivec , nnow ; PCOR_references **pc_ref ; PCOR_voxel_corr **pc_vc ; int fim_nref , nx_ort , ny_ort , internal_ort ; float *ortar ; static float *ref_vec = NULL ; static int nref_vec = -666 ; int ibr_best , ibr_perc , ibr_fim , ibr_corr , ibr_base , nbrik ; int polort = im3d->fimdata->polort , ip ; /* 30 May 1999 */ float top_perc = 0.0 ; /* 30 Aug 1999 */ int ibr_pave , ibr_aver ; /* 08 Sep 1999 */ float *paval , *avval , *pabest , *avbest ; /* 08 Sep 1999 */ int ibr_ptop , ibr_topl , ibr_sigm ; /* 03 Jan 2000 */ float *ptval , *tlval , *sgval , *ptbest, *tlbest, *sgbest ; #ifndef DONT_USE_METER Widget meter = NULL ; int meter_perc , meter_pold ; #endif int nupdt = 0 , /* number of updates done yet */ min_updt = 5 , /* min number needed for display */ first_updt = 1 ; /* flag to indicate that first update is yet to be displayed */ ENTRY("AFNI_fimmer_compute") ; /*--- check for legal inputs ---*/ if( ! DSET_GRAPHABLE(dset_time) || ref_ts == NULL || ref_ts->kind != MRI_float || ! IM3D_OPEN(im3d) || im3d->type != AFNI_3DDATA_VIEW || (code == 0 && ucode == 0) || /* Jan 1998 & Feb 2000 */ ref_ts->nx < DSET_NUM_TIMES(dset_time) ){ if(PRINT_TRACING) { char str[256] ; sprintf(str,"illegal inputs: ntime=%d num_ts=%d", DSET_NUM_TIMES(dset_time), (ref_ts==NULL) ? (0) : (ref_ts->nx) ) ; STATUS(str) ; } RETURN(NULL) ; } /** 13 Nov 1996: allow for orts **/ if( ort_ts != NULL ){ nx_ort = ort_ts->nx ; ny_ort = ort_ts->ny ; ortar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(ort_ts) ; internal_ort = (nx_ort < DSET_NUM_TIMES(dset_time)) ; } else { internal_ort = 1 ; } fim_nref = (internal_ort) ? (polort+2) : (ny_ort+polort+2) ; if( nref_vec < fim_nref ){ ref_vec = (float *) XtRealloc( (char *)ref_vec, sizeof(float)*fim_nref ) ; nref_vec = fim_nref ; } itbot = im3d->fimdata->init_ignore ; nx_ref = ref_ts->nx ; ny_ref = ref_ts->ny ; ntime = DSET_NUM_TIMES(dset_time) ; ngood_ref = 0 ; it1 = -1 ; for( ivec=0 ; ivec < ny_ref ; ivec++ ){ tsar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(ref_ts) + (ivec*nx_ref) ; ifim = 0 ; for( it=itbot ; it < ntime ; it++ ){ if( tsar[it] < WAY_BIG ){ ifim++ ; if( it1 < 0 ) it1 = it ; } } if( ifim < min_updt ){ STATUS("ref_ts has too few good entries!") ; RETURN(NULL) ; } ngood_ref = MAX( ifim , ngood_ref ) ; } /** at this point, ngood_ref = max number of good reference points, and it1 = index of first point used in first reference **/ dtyp = DSET_BRICK_TYPE(dset_time,it1) ; if( ! AFNI_GOOD_FUNC_DTYPE(dtyp) ){ STATUS("illegal input data type!") ; RETURN(NULL) ; } /*--- Create a new prefix ---*/ MCW_strncpy( old_prefix , DSET_PREFIX(dset_time) , THD_MAX_PREFIX-3 ) ; if( ! ISVALID_SESSION(sess) ){ sprintf( new_prefix , "%s@%d" , old_prefix , 1 ) ; } else { for( ifim=1 ; ifim < 99 ; ifim++ ){ sprintf( new_prefix , "%s@%d" , old_prefix , ifim ) ; fff = THD_dset_in_session( FIND_PREFIX , new_prefix , sess ) ; if( fff.dset == NULL ) break ; } if( ifim == 99 ){ STATUS("can't create new prefix!") ; RETURN(NULL) ; /* can't make a new prefix! */ } } if(PRINT_TRACING) { char str[256] ; sprintf(str,"new prefix = %s",new_prefix) ; STATUS(str) ; } /*--- FIM: find values above threshold to fim ---*/ THD_load_datablock( dset_time->dblk , AFNI_purge_unused_dsets ) ; nxyz = dset_time->dblk->diskptr->dimsizes[0] * dset_time->dblk->diskptr->dimsizes[1] * dset_time->dblk->diskptr->dimsizes[2] ; /** find the mean of the first array, compute the threshold (fthr) from it, make indx[i] be the 3D index of the i-th voxel above threshold **/ switch( dtyp ){ case MRI_short:{ short *dar = (short *) DSET_ARRAY(dset_time,it1) ; for( iv=0,fthr=0.0 ; iv < nxyz ; iv++ ) fthr += abs(dar[iv]) ; fthr = FIM_THR * fthr / nxyz ; if(PRINT_TRACING) { char str[256] ; sprintf(str,"fthr = %g",fthr) ; STATUS(str) ; } for( iv=0,nvox=0 ; iv < nxyz ; iv++ ) if( abs(dar[iv]) > fthr ) nvox++ ; indx = (int *) malloc( sizeof(int) * nvox ) ; if( indx == NULL ){ fprintf(stderr,"\n*** indx malloc failure in AFNI_fimmer_compute\n") ; RETURN(NULL) ; } for( iv=0,nvox=0 ; iv < nxyz ; iv++ ) if( abs(dar[iv]) > fthr ) indx[nvox++] = iv ; } break ; case MRI_float:{ float *dar = (float *) DSET_ARRAY(dset_time,it1) ; for( iv=0,fthr=0.0 ; iv < nxyz ; iv++ ) fthr += fabs(dar[iv]) ; fthr = FIM_THR * fthr / nxyz ; if(PRINT_TRACING) { char str[256] ; sprintf(str,"fthr = %g",fthr) ; STATUS(str) ; } for( iv=0,nvox=0 ; iv < nxyz ; iv++ ) if( fabs(dar[iv]) > fthr ) nvox++ ; indx = (int *) malloc( sizeof(int) * nvox ) ; if( indx == NULL ){ fprintf(stderr,"\n*** indx malloc failure in AFNI_fimmer_compute\n") ; RETURN(NULL) ; } for( iv=0,nvox=0 ; iv < nxyz ; iv++ ) if( fabs(dar[iv]) > fthr ) indx[nvox++] = iv ; } break ; case MRI_byte:{ byte *dar = (byte *) DSET_ARRAY(dset_time,it1) ; for( iv=0,fthr=0.0 ; iv < nxyz ; iv++ ) fthr += dar[iv] ; fthr = FIM_THR * fthr / nxyz ; if(PRINT_TRACING) { char str[256] ; sprintf(str,"fthr = %g",fthr) ; STATUS(str) ; } for( iv=0,nvox=0 ; iv < nxyz ; iv++ ) if( dar[iv] > fthr ) nvox++ ; indx = (int *) malloc( sizeof(int) * nvox ) ; if( indx == NULL ){ fprintf(stderr,"\n*** indx malloc failure in AFNI_fimmer_compute\n") ; RETURN(NULL) ; } for( iv=0,nvox=0 ; iv < nxyz ; iv++ ) if( dar[iv] > fthr ) indx[nvox++] = iv ; } break ; } if(PRINT_TRACING) { char str[256] ; sprintf(str,"number of voxels = %d",nvox) ; STATUS(str) ; } /** allocate space for voxel values **/ vval = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * nvox) ; if( vval == NULL ){ fprintf(stderr,"\n*** vval malloc failure in AFNI_fimmer_compute\n") ; free(indx) ; RETURN(NULL) ; } /** compute number of output bricks **/ ibr_fim=ibr_corr=ibr_best=ibr_perc=ibr_base = -1 ; nbrik = 0 ; ibr_pave = ibr_aver = -1 ; ibr_ptop = ibr_topl = ibr_sigm = -1 ; if( (code & FIM_ALPHA_MASK)!= 0) { ibr_fim = nbrik; nbrik++; } if( (code & FIM_BEST_MASK) != 0 && ny_ref > 1){ ibr_best = nbrik; nbrik++; } if( (code & FIM_PERC_MASK) != 0) { ibr_perc = nbrik; nbrik++; } if( (code & FIM_PAVE_MASK) != 0) { ibr_pave = nbrik; nbrik++; } if( (code & FIM_BASE_MASK) != 0) { ibr_base = nbrik; nbrik++; } if( (code & FIM_AVER_MASK) != 0) { ibr_aver = nbrik; nbrik++; } if( (code & FIM_CORR_MASK) != 0) { ibr_corr = nbrik; nbrik++; } if( (code & FIM_PTOP_MASK) != 0) { ibr_ptop = nbrik; nbrik++; } if( (code & FIM_TOPL_MASK) != 0) { ibr_topl = nbrik; nbrik++; } if( (code & FIM_SIGM_MASK) != 0) { ibr_sigm = nbrik; nbrik++; } /** 01 Feb 2000: if no normal FIM stuff (code), skip to the ucode stuff **/ if(PRINT_TRACING) { char str[256] ; sprintf(str,"number of bricks = %d",nbrik) ; STATUS(str) ; } if( nbrik == 0 ){ #ifndef DONT_USE_METER meter = MCW_popup_meter( im3d->vwid->top_shell , METER_TOP_WIDE ) ; meter_pold = 0 ; #endif goto ucode_stuff ; /* way below */ } /** normal case: do the normal recursive FIMming **/ if(PRINT_TRACING) { char str[256] ; sprintf(str,"code of FIM_MASKs = %d",code) ; STATUS(str) ; } /** allocate extra space for comparing results from multiple ref vectors **/ if( ny_ref > 1 ){ aval = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * nvox) ; rbest = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * nvox) ; abest = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * nvox) ; ibest = (short *) malloc(sizeof(short) * nvox) ; /* 15 Dec 1997 */ pbest = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * nvox) ; /* 16 Jan 1998 */ bbest = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * nvox) ; /* 16 Jan 1998 */ pval = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * nvox) ; /* 16 Jan 1998 */ bval = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * nvox) ; /* 16 Jan 1998 */ paval = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * nvox) ; /* 08 Sep 1999 */ avval = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * nvox) ; /* 08 Sep 1999 */ pabest = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * nvox) ; /* 16 Jan 1998 */ avbest = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * nvox) ; /* 16 Jan 1998 */ ptval = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * nvox) ; /* 03 Jan 2000 */ tlval = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * nvox) ; /* 03 Jan 2000 */ sgval = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * nvox) ; /* 03 Jan 2000 */ ptbest = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * nvox) ; /* 03 Jan 2000 */ tlbest = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * nvox) ; /* 03 Jan 2000 */ sgbest = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * nvox) ; /* 03 Jan 2000 */ if( sgbest == NULL ){ fprintf(stderr,"\n*** 'best' malloc failure in AFNI_fimmer_compute\n") ; free(vval) ; free(indx) ; if( aval != NULL ) free(aval) ; if( rbest != NULL ) free(rbest) ; if( abest != NULL ) free(abest) ; if( ibest != NULL ) free(ibest) ; /* 15 Dec 1997 */ if( pbest != NULL ) free(pbest) ; /* 16 Jan 1998 */ if( bbest != NULL ) free(bbest) ; /* 16 Jan 1998 */ if( pval != NULL ) free(pval) ; /* 16 Jan 1998 */ if( bval != NULL ) free(bval) ; /* 16 Jan 1998 */ if( paval != NULL ) free(paval) ; /* 08 Sep 1999 */ if( avval != NULL ) free(avval) ; /* 08 Sep 1999 */ if( pabest!= NULL ) free(pabest); /* 08 Sep 1999 */ if( avbest!= NULL ) free(avbest); /* 08 Sep 1999 */ if( ptval != NULL ) free(ptval) ; /* 03 Jan 2000 */ if( tlval != NULL ) free(tlval) ; /* 03 Jan 2000 */ if( sgval != NULL ) free(sgval) ; /* 03 Jan 2000 */ if( ptbest!= NULL ) free(ptbest); /* 03 Jan 2000 */ if( tlbest!= NULL ) free(tlbest); /* 03 Jan 2000 */ if( sgbest!= NULL ) free(sgbest); /* 03 Jan 2000 */ RETURN(NULL) ; } } else { aval = rbest = abest = pbest = bbest = pval = bval = NULL ; paval = avval = pabest = avbest = NULL ; /* 08 Sep 1999 */ ptval = tlval = ptbest = tlbest = NULL ; /* 03 Jan 2000 */ sgval = sgbest = NULL ; /* 03 Jan 2000 */ ibest = NULL ; /* 15 Dec 1997 */ } if(PRINT_TRACING) { char str[256] ; sprintf(str,"nxyz = %d nvox = %d",nxyz,nvox) ; STATUS(str) ; } /*--- FIM: initialize recursive updates ---*/ pc_ref = (PCOR_references **) malloc( sizeof(PCOR_references *) * ny_ref ) ; pc_vc = (PCOR_voxel_corr **) malloc( sizeof(PCOR_voxel_corr *) * ny_ref ) ; if( pc_ref == NULL || pc_vc == NULL ){ free(vval) ; free(indx) ; free(pc_ref) ; free(pc_vc) ; if( aval != NULL ) free(aval) ; if( rbest != NULL ) free(rbest) ; if( abest != NULL ) free(abest) ; if( ibest != NULL ) free(ibest) ; /* 15 Dec 1997 */ if( pbest != NULL ) free(pbest) ; /* 16 Jan 1998 */ if( bbest != NULL ) free(bbest) ; /* 16 Jan 1998 */ if( pval != NULL ) free(pval) ; /* 16 Jan 1998 */ if( bval != NULL ) free(bval) ; /* 16 Jan 1998 */ if( paval != NULL ) free(paval) ; /* 08 Sep 1999 */ if( avval != NULL ) free(avval) ; /* 08 Sep 1999 */ if( pabest!= NULL ) free(pabest); /* 08 Sep 1999 */ if( avbest!= NULL ) free(avbest); /* 08 Sep 1999 */ if( ptval != NULL ) free(ptval) ; /* 03 Jan 2000 */ if( tlval != NULL ) free(tlval) ; /* 03 Jan 2000 */ if( sgval != NULL ) free(sgval) ; /* 03 Jan 2000 */ if( ptbest!= NULL ) free(ptbest); /* 03 Jan 2000 */ if( tlbest!= NULL ) free(tlbest); /* 03 Jan 2000 */ if( sgbest!= NULL ) free(sgbest); /* 03 Jan 2000 */ fprintf(stderr,"\n*** FIM initialization fails in AFNI_fimmer_compute\n") ; RETURN(NULL) ; } ifim = 0 ; for( ivec=0 ; ivec < ny_ref ; ivec++ ){ pc_ref[ivec] = new_PCOR_references( fim_nref ) ; pc_vc[ivec] = new_PCOR_voxel_corr( nvox , fim_nref ) ; if( pc_ref[ivec] == NULL || pc_vc[ivec] == NULL ) ifim++ ; } if( ifim > 0 ){ for( ivec=0 ; ivec < ny_ref ; ivec++ ){ free_PCOR_references(pc_ref[ivec]) ; free_PCOR_voxel_corr(pc_vc[ivec]) ; } free(vval) ; free(indx) ; free(pc_ref) ; free(pc_vc) ; if( aval != NULL ) free(aval) ; if( rbest != NULL ) free(rbest) ; if( abest != NULL ) free(abest) ; if( ibest != NULL ) free(ibest) ; /* 15 Dec 1997 */ if( pbest != NULL ) free(pbest) ; /* 16 Jan 1998 */ if( bbest != NULL ) free(bbest) ; /* 16 Jan 1998 */ if( pval != NULL ) free(pval) ; /* 16 Jan 1998 */ if( bval != NULL ) free(bval) ; /* 16 Jan 1998 */ if( paval != NULL ) free(paval) ; /* 08 Sep 1999 */ if( avval != NULL ) free(avval) ; /* 08 Sep 1999 */ if( pabest!= NULL ) free(pabest); /* 08 Sep 1999 */ if( avbest!= NULL ) free(avbest); /* 08 Sep 1999 */ if( ptval != NULL ) free(ptval) ; /* 03 Jan 2000 */ if( tlval != NULL ) free(tlval) ; /* 03 Jan 2000 */ if( sgval != NULL ) free(sgval) ; /* 03 Jan 2000 */ if( ptbest!= NULL ) free(ptbest); /* 03 Jan 2000 */ if( tlbest!= NULL ) free(tlbest); /* 03 Jan 2000 */ if( sgbest!= NULL ) free(sgbest); /* 03 Jan 2000 */ fprintf(stderr,"\n*** FIM initialization fails in AFNI_fimmer_compute\n") ; RETURN(NULL) ; } /*--- Make a new dataset to hold the output ---*/ STATUS("making new dataset") ; new_dset = EDIT_empty_copy( dset_time ) ; if( nbrik == 1 && ucode == 0 ){ /* 1 brick out --> a 'fim' dataset */ it = EDIT_dset_items( new_dset , ADN_prefix , new_prefix , ADN_malloc_type , DATABLOCK_MEM_MALLOC , ADN_type , ISHEAD(dset_time) ? HEAD_FUNC_TYPE : GEN_FUNC_TYPE , ADN_func_type , FUNC_FIM_TYPE , ADN_nvals , 1 , ADN_datum_all , MRI_short , ADN_ntt , 0 , ADN_none ) ; /* 2 bricks, 2nd corr --> 'fico' */ } else if( nbrik == 2 && ibr_corr == 1 && ucode == 0 ){ it = EDIT_dset_items( new_dset , ADN_prefix , new_prefix , ADN_malloc_type , DATABLOCK_MEM_MALLOC , ADN_type , ISHEAD(dset_time) ? HEAD_FUNC_TYPE : GEN_FUNC_TYPE , ADN_func_type , FUNC_COR_TYPE , ADN_nvals , 2 , ADN_datum_all , MRI_short , ADN_ntt , 0 , ADN_none ) ; } else if( nbrik > 0 ){ /* otherwise --> 'fbuc' (bucket) */ it = EDIT_dset_items( new_dset , ADN_prefix , new_prefix , ADN_malloc_type , DATABLOCK_MEM_MALLOC , ADN_type , ISHEAD(dset_time) ? HEAD_FUNC_TYPE : GEN_FUNC_TYPE , ADN_func_type , FUNC_BUCK_TYPE , ADN_nvals , nbrik , ADN_datum_all , MRI_short , ADN_ntt , 0 , ADN_none ) ; } else { it = 999 ; } if( it > 0 ){ fprintf(stderr, "\n*** EDIT_dset_items error %d in AFNI_fimmer_compute\n",it) ; THD_delete_3dim_dataset( new_dset , False ) ; for( ivec=0 ; ivec < ny_ref ; ivec++ ){ free_PCOR_references(pc_ref[ivec]) ; free_PCOR_voxel_corr(pc_vc[ivec]) ; } free(vval) ; free(indx) ; free(pc_ref) ; free(pc_vc) ; if( aval != NULL ) free(aval) ; if( rbest != NULL ) free(rbest) ; if( abest != NULL ) free(abest) ; if( ibest != NULL ) free(ibest) ; /* 15 Dec 1997 */ if( pbest != NULL ) free(pbest) ; /* 16 Jan 1998 */ if( bbest != NULL ) free(bbest) ; /* 16 Jan 1998 */ if( pval != NULL ) free(pval) ; /* 16 Jan 1998 */ if( bval != NULL ) free(bval) ; /* 16 Jan 1998 */ if( paval != NULL ) free(paval) ; /* 08 Sep 1999 */ if( avval != NULL ) free(avval) ; /* 08 Sep 1999 */ if( pabest!= NULL ) free(pabest); /* 08 Sep 1999 */ if( avbest!= NULL ) free(avbest); /* 08 Sep 1999 */ if( ptval != NULL ) free(ptval) ; /* 03 Jan 2000 */ if( tlval != NULL ) free(tlval) ; /* 03 Jan 2000 */ if( sgval != NULL ) free(sgval) ; /* 03 Jan 2000 */ if( ptbest!= NULL ) free(ptbest); /* 03 Jan 2000 */ if( tlbest!= NULL ) free(tlbest); /* 03 Jan 2000 */ if( sgbest!= NULL ) free(sgbest); /* 03 Jan 2000 */ RETURN(NULL) ; } /* modify labels for each brick */ if( ibr_fim >= 0 ) EDIT_BRICK_LABEL( new_dset , ibr_fim , "Fit Coef" ) ; if( ibr_corr >= 0 ) EDIT_BRICK_LABEL( new_dset , ibr_corr , "Correlation" ) ; if( ibr_best >= 0 ) EDIT_BRICK_LABEL( new_dset , ibr_best , "Best Index" ) ; if( ibr_perc >= 0 ) EDIT_BRICK_LABEL( new_dset , ibr_perc , "% Change" ) ; if( ibr_base >= 0 ) EDIT_BRICK_LABEL( new_dset , ibr_base , "Baseline" ) ; if( ibr_pave >= 0 ) EDIT_BRICK_LABEL( new_dset , ibr_pave , "% From Ave" ) ; /* 08 Sep 1999 */ if( ibr_aver >= 0 ) EDIT_BRICK_LABEL( new_dset , ibr_aver , "Average" ) ; if( ibr_ptop >= 0 ) EDIT_BRICK_LABEL( new_dset , ibr_ptop , "% From Top" ) ; /* 03 Jan 2000 */ if( ibr_topl >= 0 ) EDIT_BRICK_LABEL( new_dset , ibr_topl , "Topline" ) ; if( ibr_sigm >= 0 ) EDIT_BRICK_LABEL( new_dset , ibr_sigm , "Sigma Resid" ) ; /*-- 30 Aug 1999: set limits on percent change --*/ if( ibr_perc >= 0 || ibr_pave >= 0 || ibr_ptop >= 0 ){ char *cp = my_getenv("AFNI_FIM_PERCENT_LIMIT") ; if( cp != NULL ){ float tp = strtod(cp,NULL) ; if( tp > 0.0 ) top_perc = tp ; } } /* create bricks */ STATUS("making output bricks") ; for( iv=0 ; iv < new_dset->dblk->nvals ; iv++ ){ ptr = malloc( DSET_BRICK_BYTES(new_dset,iv) ) ; mri_fix_data_pointer( ptr , DSET_BRICK(new_dset,iv) ) ; } if( THD_count_databricks(new_dset->dblk) < new_dset->dblk->nvals ){ fprintf(stderr, "\n*** failure to malloc new bricks in AFNI_fimmer_compute\n") ; THD_delete_3dim_dataset( new_dset , False ) ; for( ivec=0 ; ivec < ny_ref ; ivec++ ){ free_PCOR_references(pc_ref[ivec]) ; free_PCOR_voxel_corr(pc_vc[ivec]) ; } free(vval) ; free(indx) ; free(pc_ref) ; free(pc_vc) ; if( aval != NULL ) free(aval) ; if( rbest != NULL ) free(rbest) ; if( abest != NULL ) free(abest) ; if( ibest != NULL ) free(ibest) ; /* 15 Dec 1997 */ if( pbest != NULL ) free(pbest) ; /* 16 Jan 1998 */ if( bbest != NULL ) free(bbest) ; /* 16 Jan 1998 */ if( pval != NULL ) free(pval) ; /* 16 Jan 1998 */ if( bval != NULL ) free(bval) ; /* 16 Jan 1998 */ if( paval != NULL ) free(paval) ; /* 08 Sep 1999 */ if( avval != NULL ) free(avval) ; /* 08 Sep 1999 */ if( pabest!= NULL ) free(pabest); /* 08 Sep 1999 */ if( avbest!= NULL ) free(avbest); /* 08 Sep 1999 */ if( ptval != NULL ) free(ptval) ; /* 03 Jan 2000 */ if( tlval != NULL ) free(tlval) ; /* 03 Jan 2000 */ if( sgval != NULL ) free(sgval) ; /* 03 Jan 2000 */ if( ptbest!= NULL ) free(ptbest); /* 03 Jan 2000 */ if( tlbest!= NULL ) free(tlbest); /* 03 Jan 2000 */ if( sgbest!= NULL ) free(sgbest); /* 03 Jan 2000 */ RETURN(NULL) ; } /*---------------------------------*/ /*--- FIM: do recursive updates ---*/ #ifndef DONT_USE_METER meter = MCW_popup_meter( im3d->vwid->top_shell , METER_TOP_WIDE ) ; meter_pold = 0 ; #endif STATUS("starting recursive least squares") ; for( it=itbot ; it < ntime ; it++ ){ /* loop over time */ nnow = 0 ; /* number of updates done at this time point */ for( ivec=0 ; ivec < ny_ref ; ivec++ ){ /* loop over ref vects */ tsar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(ref_ts) + (ivec*nx_ref) ; /* ptr to vect */ if( tsar[it] >= WAY_BIG ) continue ; /* skip this */ ref_vec[0] = 1.0 ; /* we always supply ort for constant */ for( ip=1 ; ip <= polort ; ip++ ) /* 30 May 1999: */ ref_vec[ip] = ref_vec[ip-1] * ((float)it) ; /* and polynomials */ if( internal_ort ){ /* no external orts */ ref_vec[ip] = tsar[it] ; /* ref value */ } else { for( iv=0 ; iv < ny_ort ; iv++ ) /* external */ ref_vec[iv+ip] = ortar[it + iv*nx_ort] ; /* orts */ ref_vec[ny_ort+ip] = tsar[it] ; /* ref value */ } if(PRINT_TRACING) { char str[256] ; sprintf(str,"time index=%d ideal[%d]=%f" , it,ivec,tsar[it] ) ; STATUS(str) ; } /* process the ort+ref update */ update_PCOR_references( ref_vec , pc_ref[ivec] ) ; /* first time thru: load data from dataset */ if( nnow == 0 ){ switch( dtyp ){ case MRI_short:{ short *dar = (short *) DSET_ARRAY(dset_time,it) ; for( iv=0; iv < nvox; iv++ ) vval[iv] = (float) dar[indx[iv]]; } break ; case MRI_float:{ float *dar = (float *) DSET_ARRAY(dset_time,it) ; for( iv=0; iv < nvox; iv++ ) vval[iv] = (float) dar[indx[iv]]; } break ; case MRI_byte:{ byte *dar = (byte *) DSET_ARRAY(dset_time,it) ; for( iv=0; iv < nvox; iv++ ) vval[iv] = (float) dar[indx[iv]]; } break ; } } /* process the data update */ PCOR_update_float( vval , pc_ref[ivec] , pc_vc[ivec] ) ; nnow++ ; /* one more update at this time point */ } /* end of loop over ref vects */ if( nnow > 0 ) nupdt++ ; /* number of time points that had updates */ #ifndef DONT_USE_METER meter_perc = (int) ( 100.0 * nupdt / ngood_ref ) ; if( meter_perc != meter_pold ){ MCW_set_meter( meter , meter_perc ) ; meter_pold = meter_perc ; } #endif } /* end of loop over time */ /*-------------------------------------------*/ /*--- Load final results into the dataset ---*/ /*--- set the statistical parameters ---*/ stataux[0] = nupdt ; /* number of points used */ stataux[1] = (ny_ref==1) ? 1 : 2 ; /* number of references */ stataux[2] = fim_nref - 1 ; /* number of orts */ for( iv=3 ; iv < MAX_STAT_AUX ; iv++ ) stataux[iv] = 0.0 ; if( ibr_corr >= 0 ){ if( new_dset->func_type == FUNC_COR_TYPE ) EDIT_dset_items( new_dset, ADN_stat_aux, stataux, ADN_none ) ; EDIT_BRICK_TO_FICO( new_dset, ibr_corr, stataux[0],stataux[1],stataux[2] ) ; } #ifndef DONT_USE_METER # define METERIZE(ib) do { meter_perc = (int) ( 100.0 * (ib) / nbrik ) ; \ if( meter_perc != meter_pold ){ \ MCW_set_meter( meter , meter_perc ) ; \ meter_pold = meter_perc ; \ } } while(0) #else # define METERIZE(ib) /*nada*/ #endif /*** Compute brick arrays for new dataset ***/ /* [load scale factors into stataux, too] */ if( ny_ref == 1 ){ /*** Just 1 ref vector --> load values directly into dataset ***/ if( ibr_fim >= 0 ){ STATUS("getting 1 ref alpha") ; PCOR_get_coef( pc_ref[0] , pc_vc[0] , vval ) ; topval = 0.0 ; for( iv=0 ; iv < nvox ; iv++ ) if( fabs(vval[iv]) > topval ) topval = fabs(vval[iv]) ; bar = DSET_ARRAY( new_dset , ibr_fim ) ; memset( bar , 0 , sizeof(short)*nxyz ) ; if( topval > 0.0 ){ topval = MRI_TYPE_maxval[MRI_short] / topval ; for( iv=0 ; iv < nvox ; iv++ ) bar[indx[iv]] = (short)(topval * vval[iv] + 0.499) ; stataux[ibr_fim] = 1.0/topval ; } else { stataux[ibr_fim] = 0.0 ; } METERIZE(ibr_fim) ; } if( ibr_corr >= 0 ){ STATUS("getting 1 ref pcor") ; PCOR_get_pcor( pc_ref[0] , pc_vc[0] , vval ) ; bar = DSET_ARRAY( new_dset , ibr_corr ) ; memset( bar , 0 , sizeof(short)*nxyz ) ; for( iv=0 ; iv < nvox ; iv++ ) bar[indx[iv]] = (short)(FUNC_COR_SCALE_SHORT * vval[iv] + 0.499) ; stataux[ibr_corr] = 1.0 / FUNC_COR_SCALE_SHORT ; METERIZE(ibr_corr) ; } if( ibr_perc >= 0 ){ STATUS("getting 1 ref perc") ; PCOR_get_perc( pc_ref[0] , pc_vc[0] , vval , NULL , 0 ) ; if( top_perc > 0.0 ) EDIT_clip_float( top_perc , nvox , vval ) ; topval = 0.0 ; for( iv=0 ; iv < nvox ; iv++ ) if( fabs(vval[iv]) > topval ) topval = fabs(vval[iv]) ; bar = DSET_ARRAY( new_dset , ibr_perc ) ; memset( bar , 0 , sizeof(short)*nxyz ) ; if( topval > 0.0 ){ topval = MRI_TYPE_maxval[MRI_short] / topval ; for( iv=0 ; iv < nvox ; iv++ ) bar[indx[iv]] = (short)(topval * vval[iv] + 0.499) ; stataux[ibr_perc] = 1.0/topval ; } else { stataux[ibr_perc] = 0.0 ; } METERIZE(ibr_perc) ; } if( ibr_pave >= 0 ){ /* 08 Sep 1999 */ STATUS("getting 1 ref pave") ; PCOR_get_perc( pc_ref[0] , pc_vc[0] , vval , NULL , 1 ) ; if( top_perc > 0.0 ) EDIT_clip_float( top_perc , nvox , vval ) ; topval = 0.0 ; for( iv=0 ; iv < nvox ; iv++ ) if( fabs(vval[iv]) > topval ) topval = fabs(vval[iv]) ; bar = DSET_ARRAY( new_dset , ibr_pave ) ; memset( bar , 0 , sizeof(short)*nxyz ) ; if( topval > 0.0 ){ topval = MRI_TYPE_maxval[MRI_short] / topval ; for( iv=0 ; iv < nvox ; iv++ ) bar[indx[iv]] = (short)(topval * vval[iv] + 0.499) ; stataux[ibr_pave] = 1.0/topval ; } else { stataux[ibr_pave] = 0.0 ; } METERIZE(ibr_pave) ; } if( ibr_ptop >= 0 ){ /* 03 Jan 2000 */ STATUS("getting 1 ref ptop") ; PCOR_get_perc( pc_ref[0] , pc_vc[0] , vval , NULL , 2 ) ; if( top_perc > 0.0 ) EDIT_clip_float( top_perc , nvox , vval ) ; topval = 0.0 ; for( iv=0 ; iv < nvox ; iv++ ) if( fabs(vval[iv]) > topval ) topval = fabs(vval[iv]) ; bar = DSET_ARRAY( new_dset , ibr_ptop ) ; memset( bar , 0 , sizeof(short)*nxyz ) ; if( topval > 0.0 ){ topval = MRI_TYPE_maxval[MRI_short] / topval ; for( iv=0 ; iv < nvox ; iv++ ) bar[indx[iv]] = (short)(topval * vval[iv] + 0.499) ; stataux[ibr_ptop] = 1.0/topval ; } else { stataux[ibr_ptop] = 0.0 ; } METERIZE(ibr_ptop) ; } if( ibr_base >= 0 ){ STATUS("getting 1 ref base") ; PCOR_get_perc( pc_ref[0] , pc_vc[0] , NULL , vval , 0 ) ; topval = 0.0 ; for( iv=0 ; iv < nvox ; iv++ ) if( fabs(vval[iv]) > topval ) topval = fabs(vval[iv]) ; bar = DSET_ARRAY( new_dset , ibr_base ) ; memset( bar , 0 , sizeof(short)*nxyz ) ; if( topval > 0.0 ){ topval = MRI_TYPE_maxval[MRI_short] / topval ; for( iv=0 ; iv < nvox ; iv++ ) bar[indx[iv]] = (short)(topval * vval[iv] + 0.499) ; stataux[ibr_base] = 1.0/topval ; } else { stataux[ibr_base] = 0.0 ; } METERIZE(ibr_base) ; } if( ibr_aver >= 0 ){ /* 08 Sep 1999 */ STATUS("getting 1 ref aver") ; PCOR_get_perc( pc_ref[0] , pc_vc[0] , NULL , vval , 1 ) ; topval = 0.0 ; for( iv=0 ; iv < nvox ; iv++ ) if( fabs(vval[iv]) > topval ) topval = fabs(vval[iv]) ; bar = DSET_ARRAY( new_dset , ibr_aver ) ; memset( bar , 0 , sizeof(short)*nxyz ) ; if( topval > 0.0 ){ topval = MRI_TYPE_maxval[MRI_short] / topval ; for( iv=0 ; iv < nvox ; iv++ ) bar[indx[iv]] = (short)(topval * vval[iv] + 0.499) ; stataux[ibr_aver] = 1.0/topval ; } else { stataux[ibr_aver] = 0.0 ; } METERIZE(ibr_aver) ; } if( ibr_topl >= 0 ){ /* 03 Jan 2000 */ STATUS("getting 1 ref topl") ; PCOR_get_perc( pc_ref[0] , pc_vc[0] , NULL , vval , 2 ) ; topval = 0.0 ; for( iv=0 ; iv < nvox ; iv++ ) if( fabs(vval[iv]) > topval ) topval = fabs(vval[iv]) ; bar = DSET_ARRAY( new_dset , ibr_topl ) ; memset( bar , 0 , sizeof(short)*nxyz ) ; if( topval > 0.0 ){ topval = MRI_TYPE_maxval[MRI_short] / topval ; for( iv=0 ; iv < nvox ; iv++ ) bar[indx[iv]] = (short)(topval * vval[iv] + 0.499) ; stataux[ibr_topl] = 1.0/topval ; } else { stataux[ibr_topl] = 0.0 ; } METERIZE(ibr_topl) ; } if( ibr_sigm >= 0 ){ /* 03 Jan 2000 */ STATUS("getting 1 ref sigm") ; PCOR_get_stdev( pc_vc[0] , vval ) ; topval = 0.0 ; for( iv=0 ; iv < nvox ; iv++ ) if( fabs(vval[iv]) > topval ) topval = fabs(vval[iv]) ; bar = DSET_ARRAY( new_dset , ibr_sigm ) ; memset( bar , 0 , sizeof(short)*nxyz ) ; if( topval > 0.0 ){ topval = MRI_TYPE_maxval[MRI_short] / topval ; for( iv=0 ; iv < nvox ; iv++ ) bar[indx[iv]] = (short)(topval * vval[iv] + 0.499) ; stataux[ibr_sigm] = 1.0/topval ; } else { stataux[ibr_sigm] = 0.0 ; } METERIZE(ibr_sigm) ; } } else { /*** Multiple references --> find best correlation at each voxel ***/ /*--- get first ref results into abest and rbest (best so far) ---*/ STATUS("getting first ref results") ; PCOR_get_coef( pc_ref[0] , pc_vc[0] , abest ) ; PCOR_get_pcor( pc_ref[0] , pc_vc[0] , rbest ) ; PCOR_get_perc( pc_ref[0] , pc_vc[0] , pbest , bbest , 0 ) ; PCOR_get_perc( pc_ref[0] , pc_vc[0] , pabest, avbest, 1 ) ; PCOR_get_perc( pc_ref[0] , pc_vc[0] , ptbest, tlbest, 2 ) ; PCOR_get_stdev( pc_vc[0] , sgbest ) ; for( iv=0 ; iv < nvox ; iv++ ) ibest[iv] = 1 ; /* 15 Dec 1997 */ /*--- for each succeeding ref vector, get results into aval and vval, if |vval| > |rbest|, then use that result instead ---*/ for( ivec=1 ; ivec < ny_ref ; ivec++ ){ STATUS(" == getting results for next ref") ; PCOR_get_coef( pc_ref[ivec] , pc_vc[ivec] , aval ) ; PCOR_get_pcor( pc_ref[ivec] , pc_vc[ivec] , vval ) ; PCOR_get_perc( pc_ref[ivec] , pc_vc[ivec] , pval , bval , 0 ) ; PCOR_get_perc( pc_ref[ivec] , pc_vc[ivec] , paval, avval, 1 ) ; PCOR_get_perc( pc_ref[ivec] , pc_vc[ivec] , ptval, tlval, 2 ) ; PCOR_get_stdev( pc_vc[ivec] , sgval ) ; STATUS(" == and finding the best results") ; for( iv=0 ; iv < nvox ; iv++ ){ if( fabs(vval[iv]) > fabs(rbest[iv]) ){ rbest[iv] = vval[iv] ; abest[iv] = aval[iv] ; ibest[iv] = (ivec+1) ; /* 15 Dec 1997 */ pbest[iv] = pval[iv] ; /* Jan 1998 */ bbest[iv] = bval[iv] ; pabest[iv]= paval[iv] ; /* 08 Sep 1999 */ avbest[iv]= avval[iv] ; ptbest[iv]= ptval[iv] ; /* 03 Jan 1999 */ tlbest[iv]= tlval[iv] ; sgbest[iv]= sgval[iv] ; } } } /*--- at this point, abest and rbest are the best results, so scale them into the dataset bricks ---*/ /** fim brick **/ if( ibr_fim >= 0 ){ if(PRINT_TRACING) { char str[256]; sprintf(str,"getting ibr_fim=%d",ibr_fim); STATUS(str); } topval = 0.0 ; for( iv=0 ; iv < nvox ; iv++ ) if( fabs(abest[iv]) > topval ) topval = fabs(abest[iv]) ; bar = DSET_ARRAY( new_dset , ibr_fim ) ; memset( bar , 0 , sizeof(short)*nxyz ) ; if( topval > 0.0 ){ topval = MRI_TYPE_maxval[MRI_short] / topval ; for( iv=0 ; iv < nvox ; iv++ ) bar[indx[iv]] = (short)(topval * abest[iv] + 0.499) ; stataux[ibr_fim] = 1.0/topval ; } else { stataux[ibr_fim] = 0.0 ; } METERIZE(ibr_fim) ; } /** threshold brick **/ if( ibr_corr >= 0 ){ if(PRINT_TRACING) { char str[256]; sprintf(str,"getting ibr_corr=%d",ibr_corr); STATUS(str); } bar = DSET_ARRAY( new_dset , ibr_corr ) ; memset( bar , 0 , sizeof(short)*nxyz ) ; for( iv=0 ; iv < nvox ; iv++ ) bar[indx[iv]] = (short)(FUNC_COR_SCALE_SHORT * rbest[iv] + 0.499) ; stataux[ibr_corr] = 1.0 / FUNC_COR_SCALE_SHORT ; METERIZE(ibr_corr) ; } /** best index brick (15 Dec 1997) */ if( ibr_best >= 0 ){ if(PRINT_TRACING) { char str[256]; sprintf(str,"getting ibr_best=%d",ibr_best); STATUS(str); } bar = DSET_ARRAY( new_dset , ibr_best ) ; memset( bar , 0 , sizeof(short)*nxyz ) ; for( iv=0 ; iv < nvox ; iv++ ) bar[indx[iv]] = ibest[iv] ; stataux[ibr_best] = 0.0 ; /* no scaling */ METERIZE(ibr_best) ; } /** perc brick */ if( ibr_perc >= 0 ){ if(PRINT_TRACING) { char str[256]; sprintf(str,"getting ibr_perc=%d",ibr_perc); STATUS(str); } if( top_perc > 0.0 ) EDIT_clip_float( top_perc , nvox , pbest ) ; topval = 0.0 ; for( iv=0 ; iv < nvox ; iv++ ) if( fabs(pbest[iv]) > topval ) topval = fabs(pbest[iv]) ; bar = DSET_ARRAY( new_dset , ibr_perc ) ; memset( bar , 0 , sizeof(short)*nxyz ) ; if( topval > 0.0 ){ topval = MRI_TYPE_maxval[MRI_short] / topval ; for( iv=0 ; iv < nvox ; iv++ ) bar[indx[iv]] = (short)(topval * pbest[iv] + 0.499) ; stataux[ibr_perc] = 1.0/topval ; } else { stataux[ibr_perc] = 0.0 ; } METERIZE(ibr_perc) ; } /** pave brick [08 Sep 1999] */ if( ibr_pave >= 0 ){ if(PRINT_TRACING) { char str[256]; sprintf(str,"getting ibr_pave=%d",ibr_pave); STATUS(str); } if( top_perc > 0.0 ) EDIT_clip_float( top_perc , nvox , pabest ) ; topval = 0.0 ; for( iv=0 ; iv < nvox ; iv++ ) if( fabs(pabest[iv]) > topval ) topval = fabs(pabest[iv]) ; bar = DSET_ARRAY( new_dset , ibr_pave ) ; memset( bar , 0 , sizeof(short)*nxyz ) ; if( topval > 0.0 ){ topval = MRI_TYPE_maxval[MRI_short] / topval ; for( iv=0 ; iv < nvox ; iv++ ) bar[indx[iv]] = (short)(topval * pabest[iv] + 0.499) ; stataux[ibr_pave] = 1.0/topval ; } else { stataux[ibr_pave] = 0.0 ; } METERIZE(ibr_pave) ; } /** ptop brick [03 Jan 2000] */ if( ibr_ptop >= 0 ){ if(PRINT_TRACING) { char str[256]; sprintf(str,"getting ibr_ptop=%d",ibr_ptop); STATUS(str); } if( top_perc > 0.0 ) EDIT_clip_float( top_perc , nvox , ptbest ) ; topval = 0.0 ; for( iv=0 ; iv < nvox ; iv++ ) if( fabs(ptbest[iv]) > topval ) topval = fabs(ptbest[iv]) ; bar = DSET_ARRAY( new_dset , ibr_ptop ) ; memset( bar , 0 , sizeof(short)*nxyz ) ; if( topval > 0.0 ){ topval = MRI_TYPE_maxval[MRI_short] / topval ; for( iv=0 ; iv < nvox ; iv++ ) bar[indx[iv]] = (short)(topval * ptbest[iv] + 0.499) ; stataux[ibr_ptop] = 1.0/topval ; } else { stataux[ibr_ptop] = 0.0 ; } METERIZE(ibr_ptop) ; } /** base brick */ if( ibr_base >= 0 ){ if(PRINT_TRACING) { char str[256]; sprintf(str,"getting ibr_base=%d",ibr_base); STATUS(str); } topval = 0.0 ; for( iv=0 ; iv < nvox ; iv++ ) if( fabs(bbest[iv]) > topval ) topval = fabs(bbest[iv]) ; bar = DSET_ARRAY( new_dset , ibr_base ) ; memset( bar , 0 , sizeof(short)*nxyz ) ; if( topval > 0.0 ){ topval = MRI_TYPE_maxval[MRI_short] / topval ; for( iv=0 ; iv < nvox ; iv++ ) bar[indx[iv]] = (short)(topval * bbest[iv] + 0.499) ; stataux[ibr_base] = 1.0/topval ; } else { stataux[ibr_base] = 0.0 ; } METERIZE(ibr_base) ; } /** aver brick [08 Sep 1999] */ if( ibr_aver >= 0 ){ if(PRINT_TRACING) { char str[256]; sprintf(str,"getting ibr_aver=%d",ibr_aver); STATUS(str); } topval = 0.0 ; for( iv=0 ; iv < nvox ; iv++ ) if( fabs(avbest[iv]) > topval ) topval = fabs(avbest[iv]) ; bar = DSET_ARRAY( new_dset , ibr_aver ) ; memset( bar , 0 , sizeof(short)*nxyz ) ; if( topval > 0.0 ){ topval = MRI_TYPE_maxval[MRI_short] / topval ; for( iv=0 ; iv < nvox ; iv++ ) bar[indx[iv]] = (short)(topval * avbest[iv] + 0.499) ; stataux[ibr_aver] = 1.0/topval ; } else { stataux[ibr_aver] = 0.0 ; } METERIZE(ibr_aver) ; } /** topl brick [03 Jan 2000] */ if( ibr_topl >= 0 ){ if(PRINT_TRACING) { char str[256]; sprintf(str,"getting ibr_topl=%d",ibr_topl); STATUS(str); } topval = 0.0 ; for( iv=0 ; iv < nvox ; iv++ ) if( fabs(tlbest[iv]) > topval ) topval = fabs(tlbest[iv]) ; bar = DSET_ARRAY( new_dset , ibr_topl ) ; memset( bar , 0 , sizeof(short)*nxyz ) ; if( topval > 0.0 ){ topval = MRI_TYPE_maxval[MRI_short] / topval ; for( iv=0 ; iv < nvox ; iv++ ) bar[indx[iv]] = (short)(topval * tlbest[iv] + 0.499) ; stataux[ibr_topl] = 1.0/topval ; } else { stataux[ibr_topl] = 0.0 ; } METERIZE(ibr_topl) ; } /** sigm brick [03 Jan 2000]**/ if( ibr_sigm >= 0 ){ if(PRINT_TRACING) { char str[256]; sprintf(str,"getting ibr_sigm=%d",ibr_sigm); STATUS(str); } topval = 0.0 ; for( iv=0 ; iv < nvox ; iv++ ) if( fabs(sgbest[iv]) > topval ) topval = fabs(sgbest[iv]) ; bar = DSET_ARRAY( new_dset , ibr_sigm ) ; memset( bar , 0 , sizeof(short)*nxyz ) ; if( topval > 0.0 ){ topval = MRI_TYPE_maxval[MRI_short] / topval ; for( iv=0 ; iv < nvox ; iv++ ) bar[indx[iv]] = (short)(topval * sgbest[iv] + 0.499) ; stataux[ibr_sigm] = 1.0/topval ; } else { stataux[ibr_sigm] = 0.0 ; } METERIZE(ibr_sigm) ; } } /* end of multiple reference case */ /*** Set the brick factors for the new dataset, no matter how it was computed above. ***/ STATUS("setting brick_fac") ; (void) EDIT_dset_items( new_dset , ADN_brick_fac , stataux , ADN_none ) ; #ifndef DONT_USE_METER MCW_set_meter( meter , 100 ) ; #endif /*--- End of recursive updates; now free temporary workspaces ---*/ for( ivec=0 ; ivec < ny_ref ; ivec++ ){ free_PCOR_references(pc_ref[ivec]) ; free_PCOR_voxel_corr(pc_vc[ivec]) ; } free(pc_ref) ; free(pc_vc) ; if( aval != NULL ) free(aval) ; if( rbest != NULL ) free(rbest) ; if( abest != NULL ) free(abest) ; if( ibest != NULL ) free(ibest) ; /* 15 Dec 1997 */ if( pbest != NULL ) free(pbest) ; /* 16 Jan 1998 */ if( bbest != NULL ) free(bbest) ; /* 16 Jan 1998 */ if( pval != NULL ) free(pval) ; /* 16 Jan 1998 */ if( bval != NULL ) free(bval) ; /* 16 Jan 1998 */ if( paval != NULL ) free(paval) ; /* 08 Sep 1999 */ if( avval != NULL ) free(avval) ; /* 08 Sep 1999 */ if( pabest!= NULL ) free(pabest); /* 08 Sep 1999 */ if( avbest!= NULL ) free(avbest); /* 08 Sep 1999 */ if( ptval != NULL ) free(ptval) ; /* 03 Jan 2000 */ if( tlval != NULL ) free(tlval) ; /* 03 Jan 2000 */ if( sgval != NULL ) free(sgval) ; /* 03 Jan 2000 */ if( ptbest!= NULL ) free(ptbest); /* 03 Jan 2000 */ if( tlbest!= NULL ) free(tlbest); /* 03 Jan 2000 */ if( sgbest!= NULL ) free(sgbest); /* 03 Jan 2000 */ /*-----------------------------------------------------*/ /*--- 01 Feb 2000: execute user specified functions ---*/ ucode_stuff: #define MAXUFUN 64 /* should be at least sizeof(int) */ #define MAXTS 32 /* number of timeseries to process at once */ if( ucode != 0 ){ MCW_function_list *rlist = &(GLOBAL_library.registered_fim) ; int uuse[MAXUFUN] , nbrik[MAXUFUN] , brik1[MAXUFUN] ; void *udata[MAXUFUN] ; generic_func *ufunc[MAXUFUN] ; int nuse , uu , newbrik , oldbrik ; FIMdata fd ; MRI_IMAGE *tsim ; float *tsar , *val , **vbr ; short *sar ; int nts , jts ; MRI_IMARR *imar ; /* mark which ones to execute */ for( newbrik=nuse=uu=0 ; uu < rlist->num && nuse < MAXUFUN ; uu++ ){ if( (ucode & (1<funcs[uu] ; /* user_func for this func */ nbrik[nuse] = rlist->flags[uu] ; /* new bricks for this func */ udata[nuse] = rlist->func_data[uu] ; /* user_data for this func */ brik1[nuse] = newbrik ; /* index of 1st brick */ newbrik += nbrik[nuse] ; /* total number of new bricks */ nuse++ ; } } if( nuse == 0 ) goto final_exit ; /* shouldn't happen */ /* do the initialization calls to the user_func functions */ fd.ref_ts = ref_ts ; fd.ort_ts = ort_ts ; fd.nvox = nvox ; fd.ignore = im3d->fimdata->init_ignore ; fd.polort = polort ; #ifndef DONT_USE_METER MCW_set_meter( meter , 0 ) ; meter_pold = 0.0 ; #endif for( uu=0 ; uu < nuse ; uu++ ) #if 0 ufunc[uu]( ntime , NULL , udata[uu] , nbrik[uu] , (void *)(&fd) ) ; #else AFNI_CALL_fim_function( ufunc[uu] , ntime, NULL, udata[uu], nbrik[uu], (&fd) ) ; #endif /* loop over voxels, assemble time series, call functions to put results in val[], store float outputs in vbr[][] */ vbr = (float **) malloc(sizeof(float *)*newbrik) ; for( iv=0 ; iv < newbrik ; iv++ ) vbr[iv] = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float)*nvox) ; val = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float)*newbrik) ; for( iv=0 ; iv < nvox ; iv+=MAXTS ){ nts = MIN( MAXTS , nvox-iv ) ; imar = THD_extract_many_series( nts,indx+iv , dset_time ) ; for( jts=0 ; jts < nts ; jts++ ){ tsim = IMARR_SUBIMAGE(imar,jts) ; /* data */ tsar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(tsim) ; for( uu=0 ; uu < nuse ; uu++ ){ #if 0 ufunc[uu]( ntime , tsar , /* func */ udata[uu] , nbrik[uu] , (void *) val ) ; #else AFNI_CALL_fim_function( ufunc[uu] , ntime, tsar, udata[uu], nbrik[uu], val ) ; #endif for( it=0 ; it < nbrik[uu] ; it++ ) /* storage */ vbr[it+brik1[uu]][iv+jts] = val[it] ; } } DESTROY_IMARR(imar) ; /* garbage disposal */ #ifndef DONT_USE_METER meter_perc = (int) ( 100.0 * iv / nvox ) ; if( meter_perc != meter_pold ){ MCW_set_meter( meter , meter_perc ) ; meter_pold = meter_perc ; } #endif } free(val) ; /* no longer needed */ #ifndef DONT_USE_METER MCW_set_meter( meter , 100 ) ; #endif /* if necessary, make the new dataset now */ if( new_dset != NULL ){ oldbrik = DSET_NVALS(new_dset) ; /* number of bricks it has now */ } else { oldbrik = 0 ; new_dset = EDIT_empty_copy( dset_time ) ; EDIT_dset_items( new_dset , ADN_prefix , new_prefix , ADN_malloc_type , DATABLOCK_MEM_MALLOC , ADN_type , ISHEAD(dset_time) ? HEAD_FUNC_TYPE : GEN_FUNC_TYPE , ADN_func_type , FUNC_BUCK_TYPE , ADN_nvals , newbrik , ADN_datum_all , MRI_short , ADN_ntt , 0 , ADN_none ) ; } /* for each output brick: make short space for it, scale and stored floats into this space , attach it to the output dataset as a new brick */ for( iv=0 ; iv < newbrik ; iv++ ){ tsar = vbr[iv] ; /* float data */ topval = 0.0 ; /* find range of data */ for( it=0 ; it < nvox ; it++ ) if( fabs(tsar[it]) > topval ) topval = fabs(tsar[it]) ; sar = (short *) calloc(sizeof(short),nxyz) ; /* new brick */ if( topval > 0.0 ){ /* scale to shorts */ topval = MRI_TYPE_maxval[MRI_short] / topval ; for( it=0 ; it < nvox ; it++ ) sar[indx[it]] = (short)(topval * tsar[it] + 0.499) ; topval = 1.0/topval ; /* scale factor */ } free(tsar) ; if( oldbrik > 0 ){ EDIT_add_brick( new_dset , MRI_short , topval , sar ) ; } else { mri_fix_data_pointer( sar , DSET_BRICK(new_dset,iv) ) ; EDIT_BRICK_FACTOR( new_dset , iv , topval ) ; } } free(vbr) ; /* do the ending calls to user_func */ for( uu=0 ; uu < nuse ; uu++ ) #if 0 ufunc[uu]( -(brik1[uu]+oldbrik) , NULL , udata[uu] , nbrik[uu] , (void *) new_dset ) ; #else AFNI_CALL_fim_function( ufunc[uu] , -(brik1[uu]+oldbrik) , NULL , udata[uu] , nbrik[uu] , new_dset ) ; #endif } /* 01 Feb 2000: end of user_func addition to FIMming */ final_exit: free(vval) ; free(indx) ; /* can finally free these */ /*--- Return new dataset ---*/ #ifndef DONT_USE_METER MCW_popdown_meter(meter) ; #endif RETURN(new_dset) ; }