#undef MAIN #include "afni.h" /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! Create a nodal color overlay from a voxel map. - Input ks is surface index to use from im3d->ss_now session - Return value is number of nodes overlaid: - 0 return ==> no overlay was computed - -1 return ==> some error (e.g., no surface nodes on this dataset) = positive ==> can use *map and *nvused - *map is set to a newly malloc()-ed array (if return > 0) - *nvused is set to the number of functional dataset voxels used to make the map (e.g., those that got some color) - im3d->ss_now[ks]->vn->nvox will have the total number of functional dataset voxels that intersected the surface Sample usage: - SUMA_irgba *map ; - int nmap , nvox ; - nmap = AFNI_vnlist_func_overlay( im3d , 0 , &map , &nvox ) ; - if( nmap < 0 ){ ** error ** } - else if( nmap == 0 ){ ** nothing to show ** } - else { ** show map[0..nmap-1] ** } Much of this function is a 3D-ification of AFNI_func_overlay(). -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int AFNI_vnlist_func_overlay( Three_D_View *im3d, int ks , SUMA_irgba **map, int *nvused ) { MRI_IMAGE *im_thr , *im_fim ; short fim_ovc[NPANE_MAX+1] ; byte ovc_r[NPANE_MAX+1], ovc_g[NPANE_MAX+1], ovc_b[NPANE_MAX+1] ; int ii,jj,nn , lp , num_lp , ival ; float scale_factor , scale_thr=1.0 , scale_fim=1.0 ; MCW_pbar * pbar ; int simult_thr , need_thr ; THD_3dim_dataset *fdset ; SUMA_irgba *mmm ; SUMA_ixyz *ixyz ; int nvox,nnod,nout , *numnod , *voxijk , *nlist ; int *vlist ; int nvout ; /* 13 Mar 2002 */ int bm , zbot=0 , kk ; /* 02 Feb 2003: colorscale stuff */ float fbot=0.0,ftop=0.0,ffac=0.0 , val ; rgbyte *cmap=NULL ; THD_session *ss ; /* 22 Jan 2004 */ SUMA_surface *surf ; SUMA_vnlist *vn ; ENTRY("AFNI_vnlist_func_overlay") ; /* check inputs for goodness sakes */ if( map == NULL || !IM3D_VALID(im3d) ) RETURN(-1) ; /* that was easy */ if( nvused != NULL ) *nvused = 0 ; /* set default return value here */ /* check datasets for goodness */ /* 12 Dec 2002: ks is now input (we used to compute it) */ ss = im3d->ss_now ; /* session must */ if( ss == NULL || /* have surface #ks */ ss->su_num == 0 || ks < 0 || ss->su_num <= ks || ss->su_surf[ks] == NULL ) RETURN(-1) ; surf = ss->su_surf[ks] ; /* the surface in question */ fdset = im3d->fim_now ; if( !ISVALID_DSET(fdset) ) RETURN(-1) ; ival = im3d->vinfo->thr_index ; /* threshold sub-brick index */ /* get the component images */ need_thr = (im3d->vinfo->func_threshold > 0.0) && im3d->vinfo->thr_onoff ; if( need_thr ) im_thr = DSET_BRICK(fdset,ival) ; else im_thr = NULL ; if( im_thr != NULL && !AFNI_GOOD_FUNC_DTYPE(im_thr->kind) ) im_thr = NULL ; if( im_thr != NULL ){ scale_thr = DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(fdset,ival) ; if( scale_thr == 0.0 || im_thr->kind == MRI_float ) scale_thr = 1.0 ; } { int ind ; ind = im3d->vinfo->fim_index ; if( ind >= DSET_NVALS(fdset) ) ind = DSET_NVALS(fdset) - 1 ; im_fim = DSET_BRICK(fdset,ind) ; /* the sub-brick to show */ scale_factor = im3d->vinfo->fim_range ; if( scale_factor == 0.0 ) scale_factor = im3d->vinfo->fim_autorange ; if( scale_factor == 0.0 ) scale_factor = 1.0 ; scale_fim = DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(fdset,ind) ; if( scale_fim == 0.0 ) scale_fim = 1.0 ; } /* if component images not good, quit now */ if( im_fim == NULL ) RETURN(-1) ; /* no function!? */ if( !AFNI_GOOD_FUNC_DTYPE(im_fim->kind) ){ RETURN(-1) ; /* bad function - no soup for you */ } /* maybe need to build a voxel-to-node list for func dataset */ /* (this is where the 3D-to-2D mapping is encapsulated, Ziad) */ if( surf->vn == NULL || !EQUIV_DATAXES(surf->vn->dset->daxes,fdset->daxes) ){ /* if have an old one (that doesn't match current dataset grid), then delete it from the Universe */ if( surf->vn != NULL ) SUMA_destroy_vnlist( surf->vn ) ; /* make the new list */ surf->vn = SUMA_make_vnlist( surf , fdset ) ; if( surf->vn == NULL ) RETURN(-1) ; } vn = surf->vn ; /* voxel-to-node list for this surface */ /* create array of voxel indexes (vlist); will put in there the voxels that are above threshold */ nvox = vn->nvox ; if( nvox < 1 ) RETURN(0); voxijk = vn->voxijk ; /* list of voxels with surface nodes */ numnod = vn->numnod ; /* number of nodes in each voxel */ nnod = surf->num_ixyz ; if( nnod < 1 ) RETURN(0); ixyz = surf->ixyz ; /* array of surface nodes */ DSET_load(fdset) ; /* if isn't in memory now */ if( !DSET_LOADED(fdset) ) RETURN(-1) ; /* what the hell? */ /** if don't have threshold, will process all voxels for color **/ if( im_thr == NULL ){ vlist = voxijk ; /* list of voxels to process = all voxels */ nout = nnod ; /* number of output nodes */ /** if have threshold, cut out voxels below threshold (set vlist[]=-1) **/ } else { vlist = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int)*nvox) ; /* copy voxel list */ memcpy( vlist , voxijk , sizeof(int)*nvox ) ; /* then prune it */ switch( im_thr->kind ){ default: break ; /* should not happen */ case MRI_short:{ float thresh = im3d->vinfo->func_threshold * im3d->vinfo->func_thresh_top / scale_thr ; short *ar_thr = MRI_SHORT_PTR(im_thr) ; for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ){ /* voxel cutting time */ jj = vlist[ii] ; /* actual voxel index in func brick */ if( ar_thr[jj] > -thresh && ar_thr[jj] < thresh ) vlist[ii] = -1 ; } } break ; case MRI_byte:{ float thresh = im3d->vinfo->func_threshold * im3d->vinfo->func_thresh_top / scale_thr ; byte *ar_thr = MRI_BYTE_PTR(im_thr) ; for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ){ jj = vlist[ii] ; if( ar_thr[jj] < thresh ) vlist[ii] = -1 ; } } break ; case MRI_float:{ float thresh = im3d->vinfo->func_threshold * im3d->vinfo->func_thresh_top / scale_thr ; float *ar_thr = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(im_thr) ; for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ){ jj = vlist[ii] ; if( ar_thr[jj] > -thresh && ar_thr[jj] < thresh ) vlist[ii] = -1 ; } } break ; } /* end of switch on threshold sub-brick type */ /* count surviving voxels; exit if there aren't any */ for( jj=ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ) if( vlist[ii] >= 0 ) jj++ ; if( jj == 0 ){ free(vlist) ; RETURN(0) ; } /* count output nodes inside each surviving voxel */ for( nout=ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ) if( vlist[ii] >= 0 ) nout += numnod[ii] ; } /* end of if on existence of threshold sub-brick */ /** allocate output structure (maybe too big, but will clip it later) **/ mmm = (SUMA_irgba *) malloc( sizeof(SUMA_irgba) * nout ) ; /** set overlay colors **/ pbar = im3d->vwid->func->inten_pbar ; num_lp = pbar->num_panes ; bm = pbar->bigmode ; /* 02 Feb 2003 */ if( !bm ){ /* indexed colors */ for( lp=0 ; lp < num_lp ; lp++ ) /* overlay color indexes */ fim_ovc[lp] = pbar->ov_index[lp] ; /* run from top of pbar down */ /* overlay color index for values below bottom of pbar */ fim_ovc[num_lp] = (im3d->vinfo->use_posfunc) ? (0) : (fim_ovc[num_lp-1]) ; /* get the actual RGB colors of each pane on the pbar */ for( lp=0 ; lp <= num_lp ; lp++ ){ ovc_r[lp] = DCOV_REDBYTE (im3d->dc,fim_ovc[lp]) ; ovc_g[lp] = DCOV_GREENBYTE(im3d->dc,fim_ovc[lp]) ; ovc_b[lp] = DCOV_BLUEBYTE (im3d->dc,fim_ovc[lp]) ; } } else { /* colorscale colors - 02 Feb 2003 */ fbot = (scale_factor/scale_fim)*pbar->bigbot ; ftop = (scale_factor/scale_fim)*pbar->bigtop ; ffac = NPANE_BIG / (ftop-fbot) ; cmap = pbar->bigcolor ; zbot = (fbot == 0.0) ; } /** process im_fim into overlay, depending on data type **/ switch( im_fim->kind ){ default: nvout = nout = 0 ; break ; /* should never happen! */ case MRI_rgb:{ /* 17 Apr 2002 */ byte *ar_fim = MRI_RGB_PTR(im_fim); /* colors direct from fim */ byte r,g,b ; nvout = nout = 0 ; /* num output nodes & voxels */ for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ){ jj = vlist[ii] ; if( jj < 0 ) continue ; /* skip voxel? */ r = ar_fim[3*jj]; g = ar_fim[3*jj+1]; b = ar_fim[3*jj+2]; if( r == 0 && g ==0 && b == 0 ) continue ; /* uncolored */ nlist = vn->nlist[ii] ; /* list of nodes */ for( nn=0 ; nn < numnod[ii] ; nn++ ){ /* loop over nodes */ mmm[nout].id = ixyz[nlist[nn]].id ; mmm[nout].r = r ; mmm[nout].g = g ; mmm[nout].b = b ; mmm[nout].a = 255 ; nout++ ; } nvout++ ; /* number of voxels used */ } } break ; case MRI_short:{ short * ar_fim = MRI_SHORT_PTR(im_fim) ; float fim_thr[NPANE_MAX] ; byte r,g,b ; if( !bm ){ /* indexed colors from panes */ for( lp=0 ; lp < num_lp ; lp++ ) /* thresholds for each pane */ fim_thr[lp] = (scale_factor/scale_fim) * pbar->pval[lp+1] ; } nvout = nout = 0 ; /* num output nodes & voxels */ for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ){ jj = vlist[ii] ; if( jj < 0 ) continue ; /* skip voxel? */ if( ar_fim[jj] == 0 ) continue ; /* no func? */ if( !bm ){ /* find pane this voxel is in */ for( lp=0; lp < num_lp && ar_fim[jj] < fim_thr[lp]; lp++ ) ; /*nada*/ if( fim_ovc[lp] == 0 ) continue ; /* uncolored pane */ r = ovc_r[lp]; g = ovc_g[lp]; b = ovc_b[lp]; } else { /* colorscale - 02 Feb 2003 */ if( zbot && ar_fim[jj] < 0 ) continue ; val = ffac*(ftop-ar_fim[jj]) ; if( val < 0.0 ) val = 0.0; kk = (int)(val+0.49); if( kk >= NPANE_BIG ) kk = NPANE_BIG-1; r = cmap[kk].r; g = cmap[kk].g; b = cmap[kk].b; if( r == 0 && g ==0 && b == 0 ) continue ; /* black == uncolored */ } nlist = vn->nlist[ii] ; /* list of nodes */ for( nn=0 ; nn < numnod[ii] ; nn++ ){ /* loop over nodes */ mmm[nout].id = ixyz[nlist[nn]].id ; mmm[nout].r = r ; mmm[nout].g = g ; mmm[nout].b = b ; mmm[nout].a = 255 ; nout++ ; } nvout++ ; /* number of voxels used */ } } break ; case MRI_byte:{ byte * ar_fim = MRI_BYTE_PTR(im_fim) ; float fim_thr[NPANE_MAX] ; byte r,g,b ; if( !bm ){ /* indexed colors from panes */ for( lp=0 ; lp < num_lp ; lp++ ) if( pbar->pval[lp+1] <= 0.0 ) fim_thr[lp] = 0 ; else fim_thr[lp] = (scale_factor/scale_fim) * pbar->pval[lp+1] ; } nvout = nout = 0 ; /* num output nodes */ for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ){ jj = vlist[ii] ; if( jj < 0 ) continue ; /* skip voxel? */ if( ar_fim[jj] == 0 ) continue ; /* no func? */ if( !bm ){ /* find pane this voxel is in */ for( lp=0; lp < num_lp && ar_fim[jj] < fim_thr[lp]; lp++ ) ; /*nada*/ if( fim_ovc[lp] == 0 ) continue ; /* uncolored pane */ r = ovc_r[lp]; g = ovc_g[lp]; b = ovc_b[lp]; } else { /* colorscale - 02 Feb 2003 */ val = ffac*(ftop-ar_fim[jj]) ; if( val < 0.0 ) val = 0.0; kk = (int)(val+0.49); if( kk >= NPANE_BIG ) kk = NPANE_BIG-1; r = cmap[kk].r; g = cmap[kk].g; b = cmap[kk].b; if( r == 0 && g ==0 && b == 0 ) continue ; /* black == uncolored */ } nlist = vn->nlist[ii] ; /* list of nodes */ for( nn=0 ; nn < numnod[ii] ; nn++ ){ /* loop over nodes */ mmm[nout].id = ixyz[nlist[nn]].id ; mmm[nout].r = r ; mmm[nout].g = g ; mmm[nout].b = b ; mmm[nout].a = 255 ; nout++ ; } nvout++ ; /* number of voxels used */ } } break ; case MRI_float:{ float * ar_fim = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(im_fim) ; float fim_thr[NPANE_MAX] ; byte r,g,b ; if( !bm ){ /* indexed colors from panes */ for( lp=0 ; lp < num_lp ; lp++ ) fim_thr[lp] = (scale_factor/scale_fim) * pbar->pval[lp+1] ; } nvout = nout = 0 ; /* num output nodes */ for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ){ jj = vlist[ii] ; if( jj < 0 ) continue ; /* skip voxel? */ if( ar_fim[jj] == 0.0 ) continue ; /* no func? */ if( !bm ){ /* find pane this voxel is in */ for( lp=0; lp < num_lp && ar_fim[jj] < fim_thr[lp]; lp++ ) ; /*nada*/ if( fim_ovc[lp] == 0 ) continue ; /* uncolored pane */ r = ovc_r[lp]; g = ovc_g[lp]; b = ovc_b[lp]; } else { /* colorscale - 02 Feb 2003 */ if( zbot && ar_fim[jj] < 0.0 ) continue ; val = ffac*(ftop-ar_fim[jj]) ; if( val < 0.0 ) val = 0.0; kk = (int)(val+0.49); if( kk >= NPANE_BIG ) kk = NPANE_BIG-1; r = cmap[kk].r; g = cmap[kk].g; b = cmap[kk].b; if( r == 0 && g ==0 && b == 0 ) continue ; /* black == uncolored */ } nlist = vn->nlist[ii] ; /* list of nodes */ for( nn=0 ; nn < numnod[ii] ; nn++ ){ /* loop over nodes */ mmm[nout].id = ixyz[nlist[nn]].id ; mmm[nout].r = r ; mmm[nout].g = g ; mmm[nout].b = b ; mmm[nout].a = 255 ; nout++ ; } nvout++ ; /* number of voxels used */ } } break ; } /* end of switch on fim data type */ /** finished: clean up and exit **/ if( vlist != voxijk ) free(vlist) ; /* toss trash, if it is trash */ if( nout == 0 ){ free(mmm); RETURN(0); } /* no overlay? */ /* map gets the array of node IDs + colors */ *map = (SUMA_irgba *) realloc( mmm , sizeof(SUMA_irgba)*nout ) ; /* nvused gets the number of voxels used */ if( nvused != NULL ) *nvused = nvout ; /* 13 Mar 2002 */ RETURN(nout) ; /* number of entries in map */ } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! Find node in surface closest to given DICOM vector, with limitation that node's x is in range xbot..xtop, etc. Return value is node index into ixyz array (not necessarily node ID), -1 if none is found. -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int AFNI_find_closest_node( int num_ixyz , SUMA_ixyz *ixyz , float xtarg, float ytarg, float ztarg, float xbot , float xtop , float ybot , float ytop , float zbot , float ztop ) { int ii , ibest=-1 ; float x,y,z , dbest=0.0f, d ; ENTRY("AFNI_find_closest_node") ; if( num_ixyz <= 0 || ixyz == NULL ) RETURN(-1) ; /* bad inputs */ /* if search ranges are incoherent, make them very wide */ if( xbot >= xtop ){ xbot = -WAY_BIG; xtop = WAY_BIG; } if( ybot >= ytop ){ ybot = -WAY_BIG; ytop = WAY_BIG; } if( zbot >= ztop ){ zbot = -WAY_BIG; ztop = WAY_BIG; } for( ii=0 ; ii < num_ixyz ; ii++ ){ x = ixyz[ii].x; y = ixyz[ii].y; z = ixyz[ii].z; if( x < xbot || x > xtop || y < ybot || y > ytop || z < zbot || z > ztop ) continue ; /* outside box */ d = (xtarg-x)*(xtarg-x) + (ytarg-y)*(ytarg-y) + (ztarg-z)*(ztarg-z) ; if( ibest < 0 || d < dbest ){ ibest = ii; dbest = d; } } RETURN(ibest) ; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*-------- Stuff below here is for surface control panel [19 Aug 2002] ------*/ static int swid_ncol = 0 ; /* 06 Sep 2006 */ static int *swid_boxcol = NULL ; static int *swid_lincol = NULL ; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! Get an initial color for surface things. */ void AFNI_get_suma_color( int ss , rgbyte *bcolor , rgbyte *lcolor ) { Three_D_View *im3d = AFNI_find_open_controller() ; if( bcolor == NULL || lcolor == NULL ) return ; if( ss >= 0 && ss < swid_ncol ){ int bb , ll ; bb = swid_boxcol[ss] ; ll = swid_lincol[ss] ; if( bb > 0 ){ bcolor->r = DCOV_REDBYTE (im3d->dc,bb) ; bcolor->g = DCOV_GREENBYTE(im3d->dc,bb) ; bcolor->b = DCOV_BLUEBYTE (im3d->dc,bb) ; } else { bcolor->r = bcolor->g = bcolor->b = 1 ; } if( ll > 0 ){ lcolor->r = DCOV_REDBYTE (im3d->dc,ll) ; lcolor->g = DCOV_GREENBYTE(im3d->dc,ll) ; lcolor->b = DCOV_BLUEBYTE (im3d->dc,ll) ; } else { lcolor->r = lcolor->g = lcolor->b = 1 ; } } else { char *eee ; float rr,gg,bb ; eee = getenv("AFNI_SUMA_BOXCOLOR") ; if( eee != NULL ){ if( strcmp(eee,"none") == 0 || strcmp(eee,"skip") == 0 ){ bcolor->r = bcolor->g = bcolor->b = 1 ; } else { DC_parse_color( im3d->dc , eee , &rr,&gg,&bb ) ; bcolor->r = (byte)(rr*255.666f) ; bcolor->g = (byte)(gg*255.666f) ; bcolor->b = (byte)(bb*255.666f) ; } } else { bcolor->r = 254 ; bcolor->g = bcolor->b = 0 ; } eee = getenv("AFNI_SUMA_LINECOLOR") ; if( eee != NULL ){ if( strcmp(eee,"none") == 0 || strcmp(eee,"skip") == 0 ){ lcolor->r = lcolor->g = lcolor->b = 1 ; } else { DC_parse_color( im3d->dc , eee , &rr,&gg,&bb ) ; lcolor->r = (byte)(rr*255.666f) ; lcolor->g = (byte)(gg*255.666f) ; lcolor->b = (byte)(bb*255.666f) ; } } else { lcolor->r = 100 ; lcolor->g = 0 ; lcolor->b = 199 ; } } return ; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! Set initial colors for surface menu items, for use later when the surface menus are actually created. */ void AFNI_init_suma_color( int ss , char *bcol , char *lcol ) /* 06 Sep 2006 */ { int lin_col , box_col ; if( ss < 0 ) return ; box_col = DC_find_closest_overlay_color( GLOBAL_library.dc , bcol ) ; if( box_col < 0 ) box_col = 0 ; /* == "none" */ lin_col = DC_find_closest_overlay_color( GLOBAL_library.dc , lcol ) ; if( lin_col < 0 ) lin_col = MIN(6,GLOBAL_library.dc->ovc->ncol_ov-1) ; if( ss >= swid_ncol ){ swid_boxcol = (int *)realloc( (void *)swid_boxcol, sizeof(int)*(ss+1) ) ; swid_lincol = (int *)realloc( (void *)swid_lincol, sizeof(int)*(ss+1) ) ; memset( swid_boxcol+swid_ncol , 0 , sizeof(int)*(ss+1-swid_ncol) ) ; memset( swid_lincol+swid_ncol , 0 , sizeof(int)*(ss+1-swid_ncol) ) ; swid_ncol = ss+1 ; } swid_boxcol[ss] = box_col ; swid_lincol[ss] = lin_col ; return ; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void AFNI_surf_done_CB( Widget,XtPointer,XtPointer ) ; static void AFNI_surf_redraw_CB( MCW_arrowval *,XtPointer ) ; static void AFNI_make_surface_widgets( Three_D_View *, int ) ; static void AFNI_surf_bbox_CB( Widget,XtPointer,XtPointer ) ; /* 19 Feb 2003 */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! Make the widgets for one row of the surface control panel. The row itself will not be managed at this time; that comes later. */ #undef MAKE_SURF_ROW #define MAKE_SURF_ROW(ii) \ do{ Widget rc ; char *str[1]={"abcdefghijklmn: "} ; int bs=0 ; \ rc = swid->surf_rc[ii] = \ XtVaCreateWidget( \ "dialog" , xmRowColumnWidgetClass , swid->rowcol , \ XmNpacking , XmPACK_TIGHT , \ XmNorientation , XmHORIZONTAL , \ XmNtraversalOn , True , \ NULL ) ; \ swid->surf_bbox[ii] = new_MCW_bbox( rc , 1 , str , \ MCW_BB_check, MCW_BB_noframe, \ AFNI_surf_bbox_CB , im3d ) ; \ bs = ! AFNI_noenv("AFNI_SUMA_START_ON") ; \ MCW_set_bbox( swid->surf_bbox[ii] , bs ) ; \ MCW_reghelp_children( swid->surf_bbox[ii]->wrowcol , \ "Use this toggle to turn the\n" \ "overlay drawing for this surface\n" \ "off and back on." ) ; \ swid->surf_node_av[ii] = new_MCW_colormenu( rc , \ "Nodes" , im3d->dc , \ 0 , im3d->dc->ovc->ncol_ov-1 , \ box_col , \ AFNI_surf_redraw_CB , im3d ) ; \ swid->surf_line_av[ii] = new_MCW_colormenu( rc , \ "Lines" , im3d->dc , \ 0 , im3d->dc->ovc->ncol_ov-1 , \ line_col , \ AFNI_surf_redraw_CB , im3d ) ; \ swid->surf_ledg_av[ii] = new_MCW_colormenu( rc , \ "+/-" , im3d->dc , \ 0 , im3d->dc->ovc->ncol_ov-1 , 0 , \ AFNI_surf_redraw_CB , im3d ) ; \ MCW_reghint_children( swid->surf_node_av[ii]->wrowcol , \ "Color of node boxes" ) ; \ MCW_reghelp_children( swid->surf_node_av[ii]->wrowcol , \ "If this is not 'none', then\n" \ "a box will be drawn around the\n" \ "location of each surface node\n" \ "inside the slice volume." ) ; \ MCW_reghint_children( swid->surf_line_av[ii]->wrowcol , \ "Color of triangle lines" ) ; \ MCW_reghelp_children( swid->surf_line_av[ii]->wrowcol , \ "If this is not 'none', then\n" \ "line segments will be drawn for the\n" \ "intersection of each surface facet\n" \ "with the slice center plane." ); \ MCW_reghelp_children( swid->surf_ledg_av[ii]->wrowcol , \ "If this is not 'none', then\n" \ "line segments will be drawn for the\n" \ "intersection of each surface facet\n" \ "with the slice edge planes (+/-)." ) ; \ } while(0) /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! Make surface widgets for an AFNI controller [19 Aug 2002]. Called only once to create the initial set of widgets. AFNI_update_surface_widgets() is used to update the list when something changes. --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void AFNI_make_surface_widgets( Three_D_View *im3d, int num ) { AFNI_surface_widgets *swid ; Widget ww , rc ; XmString xstr ; char str[32] , *eee ; int ii , line_col, box_col , lincol_default , boxcol_default ; ENTRY("AFNI_make_surface_widgets") ; if( im3d == NULL ) EXRETURN ; im3d->vwid->view->swid = swid = myXtNew( AFNI_surface_widgets ) ; /* shell to hold it all */ sprintf(str,"AFNI Surface Controls %s",AFNI_controller_label(im3d)) ; swid->wtop = XtVaAppCreateShell( "AFNI" , "AFNI" , topLevelShellWidgetClass , im3d->dc->display , XmNallowShellResize , True , XmNtitle , str , XmNmappedWhenManaged , False , /* manage manually */ XmNdeleteResponse , XmDO_NOTHING , /* deletion handled below */ XmNkeyboardFocusPolicy , XmEXPLICIT , NULL ) ; DC_yokify( swid->wtop , im3d->dc ) ; XtVaSetValues( swid->wtop , XmNmwmDecorations , MWM_DECOR_ALL | MWM_DECOR_MAXIMIZE , NULL ) ; XmAddWMProtocolCallback( /* make "Close" window menu work */ swid->wtop , XmInternAtom( im3d->dc->display , "WM_DELETE_WINDOW" , False ) , AFNI_surf_done_CB , im3d ) ; /* vertical rowcol to hold it all */ swid->rowcol = XtVaCreateWidget( "dialog" , xmRowColumnWidgetClass , swid->wtop , XmNpacking , XmPACK_TIGHT , XmNorientation , XmVERTICAL , XmNtraversalOn , True , NULL ) ; /* top label to say what session we are dealing with */ xstr = XmStringCreateLtoR( "xxxxxxxxxAxxxxxxxxxAxxxxxxxxxAxxxxxxxxxAxxxxxxxxxA [x] " , XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG ) ; swid->top_lab = XtVaCreateManagedWidget( "dialog" , xmLabelWidgetClass , swid->rowcol , XmNrecomputeSize , False , XmNlabelString , xstr , XmNtraversalOn , True , NULL ) ; XmStringFree(xstr) ; /* Separator from other widgets */ (void) XtVaCreateManagedWidget( "dialog", xmSeparatorWidgetClass,swid->rowcol, XmNseparatorType , XmSHADOW_ETCHED_IN , XmNshadowThickness , 5 , NULL ) ; /* horiz rowcol for top controls [23 Feb 2003] */ rc = XtVaCreateWidget( "dialog" , xmRowColumnWidgetClass , swid->rowcol , XmNpacking , XmPACK_TIGHT , XmNorientation , XmHORIZONTAL , XmNtraversalOn , True , NULL ) ; /* boxsize control [23 Feb 2003] */ swid->boxsize_av = new_MCW_optmenu( rc , "BoxSize" , 1,19,2,0 , AFNI_surf_redraw_CB , im3d , NULL , NULL ) ; MCW_reghint_children( swid->boxsize_av->wrowcol , "Size of boxes drawn at nodes" ) ; MCW_reghelp_children( swid->boxsize_av->wrowcol , "This sets the size of the\n" "boxes used to draw the\n" "surface nodes that are\n" "in the current slice volume." ) ; /* linewidth control [23 Feb 2003] */ (void) XtVaCreateManagedWidget( "dialog", xmSeparatorWidgetClass, rc , XmNorientation , XmVERTICAL , XmNseparatorType , XmDOUBLE_LINE , NULL ) ; swid->linewidth_av = new_MCW_optmenu( rc , "LineWidth" , 0,19,0,0 , AFNI_surf_redraw_CB , im3d , NULL , NULL ) ; MCW_reghint_children( swid->linewidth_av->wrowcol , "Width of lines drawn for surface" ) ; MCW_reghelp_children( swid->linewidth_av->wrowcol , "This sets the thickness of\n" "the lines used to draw the\n" "intersection of the surface\n" "with the slice plane." ) ; /* Done button */ (void) XtVaCreateManagedWidget( "dialog", xmSeparatorWidgetClass, rc , XmNorientation , XmVERTICAL , XmNseparatorType , XmDOUBLE_LINE , NULL ) ; xstr = XmStringCreateLtoR( "Done" , XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG ) ; swid->done_pb = XtVaCreateManagedWidget( "dialog" , xmPushButtonWidgetClass , rc , XmNlabelString , xstr , XmNtraversalOn , True , NULL ) ; XmStringFree(xstr) ; XtAddCallback( swid->done_pb, XmNactivateCallback, AFNI_surf_done_CB, im3d ); MCW_set_widget_bg( swid->done_pb, MCW_hotcolor(swid->done_pb), 0 ) ; MCW_register_hint( swid->done_pb, "Close window" ) ; XtManageChild(rc) ; /* Separator from other widgets */ (void) XtVaCreateManagedWidget( "dialog", xmSeparatorWidgetClass,swid->rowcol, XmNseparatorType , XmSHADOW_ETCHED_IN , XmNshadowThickness , 5 , NULL ) ; /* Now create rows of widgets to control the surfaces */ swid->nall = num ; swid->nrow = 0 ; /* none are managed at this time */ swid->surf_rc = (Widget *) XtCalloc( num , sizeof(Widget) ) ; swid->surf_bbox = (MCW_bbox **) XtCalloc( num , sizeof(MCW_bbox *) ) ; swid->surf_node_av = (MCW_arrowval **) XtCalloc( num , sizeof(MCW_arrowval *) ) ; swid->surf_line_av = (MCW_arrowval **) XtCalloc( num , sizeof(MCW_arrowval *) ) ; swid->surf_ledg_av = (MCW_arrowval **) XtCalloc( num , sizeof(MCW_arrowval *) ) ; eee = getenv( "AFNI_SUMA_LINECOLOR" ) ; line_col = DC_find_closest_overlay_color( im3d->dc, eee ) ; if( line_col < 0 ) line_col = MIN(6,im3d->dc->ovc->ncol_ov-1) ; eee = getenv( "AFNI_SUMA_BOXCOLOR" ) ; box_col = DC_find_closest_overlay_color( im3d->dc, eee ) ; if( box_col < 0 ) box_col = 0 ; if( AFNI_noenv("AFNI_SUMA_START_ON") ) line_col = box_col = 0 ; lincol_default = line_col ; boxcol_default = box_col ; /* 06 Sep 2006 */ for( ii=0 ; ii < num ; ii++ ){ if( ii < swid_ncol ){ line_col = swid_lincol[ii]; box_col = swid_boxcol[ii]; } else { line_col = lincol_default ; box_col = boxcol_default ; } if( AFNI_noenv("AFNI_SUMA_START_ON") ) line_col = box_col = 0 ; MAKE_SURF_ROW(ii) ; } XtManageChild(swid->rowcol) ; XtRealizeWidget(swid->wtop) ; NI_sleep(1) ; EXRETURN ; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! Update surface widgets for this controller; that is, set labels, manage/unmanage widget rows, et cetera. */ void AFNI_update_surface_widgets( Three_D_View *im3d ) { AFNI_surface_widgets *swid ; int num , ii , nwid,nall ; char str[64] , nam[THD_MAX_NAME] , *tnam ; ENTRY("AFNI_update_surface_widgets") ; if( !IM3D_OPEN(im3d) || im3d->ss_now == NULL ) EXRETURN ; /* bad */ num = im3d->ss_now->su_num ; /* # of surfaces in current session */ swid = im3d->vwid->view->swid ; /* pointer to surface widget struct */ STATUS("sensitizing") ; SENSITIZE( im3d->vwid->view->choose_surf_pb , (RwcBoolean)(num > 0) ) ; if( swid == NULL ) EXRETURN ; /* nothing to update */ /* put session label in top of panel */ strcpy( nam , im3d->ss_now->sessname ) ; tnam = THD_trailname(nam,SESSTRAIL+1) ; ii = strlen(tnam) ; if( ii > 50 ) tnam += (ii-50) ; sprintf(str ,"%-.50s %s" , tnam, AFNI_controller_label(im3d) ) ; MCW_set_widget_label( swid->top_lab , str ) ; /* make more widget rows? (1 per surface is needed) */ if( swid->nall < num ){ char *eee ; int line_col,box_col ; swid->surf_rc = (Widget *) XtRealloc( (char *)swid->surf_rc ,num*sizeof(Widget) ); swid->surf_bbox = (MCW_bbox **) XtRealloc( (char *)swid->surf_bbox ,num*sizeof(MCW_bbox *) ); swid->surf_node_av = (MCW_arrowval **) XtRealloc( (char *)swid->surf_node_av,num*sizeof(MCW_arrowval *) ); swid->surf_line_av = (MCW_arrowval **) XtRealloc( (char *)swid->surf_line_av,num*sizeof(MCW_arrowval *) ); swid->surf_ledg_av = (MCW_arrowval **) XtRealloc( (char *)swid->surf_line_av,num*sizeof(MCW_arrowval *) ); eee = getenv( "AFNI_SUMA_LINECOLOR" ) ; line_col = DC_find_closest_overlay_color( im3d->dc, eee ) ; if( line_col < 0 ) line_col = MIN(6,im3d->dc->ovc->ncol_ov-1) ; eee = getenv( "AFNI_SUMA_BOXCOLOR" ) ; box_col = DC_find_closest_overlay_color( im3d->dc, eee ) ; if( box_col < 0 ) box_col = 0 ; for( ii=swid->nall ; ii < num ; ii++ ){ MAKE_SURF_ROW(ii) ; } swid->nall = num ; } /* map or unmap widget rows? (1 per surface is needed) */ if( swid->nrow < num ){ for( ii=swid->nrow ; ii < num ; ii++ ) XtManageChild( swid->surf_rc[ii] ) ; } else if( swid->nrow > num ){ for( ii=num ; ii < swid->nrow ; ii++ ) XtUnmanageChild( swid->surf_rc[ii] ) ; } swid->nrow = num ; /* # of managed rows */ /* change labels for each row */ for( ii=0 ; ii < num ; ii++ ){ sprintf(str,"%-14.14s: ",im3d->ss_now->su_surf[ii]->label) ; MCW_set_widget_label( swid->surf_bbox[ii]->wbut[0] , str ) ; sprintf(str,"%d Nodes; %d Triangles", /* 20 Aug 2002: */ im3d->ss_now->su_surf[ii]->num_ixyz , /* put a hint */ im3d->ss_now->su_surf[ii]->num_ijk ) ; /* on each label */ MCW_register_hint( swid->surf_bbox[ii]->wbut[0] , str ) ; } EXRETURN ; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! Update all surface widgets everywhere that touch this session. */ void AFNI_update_all_surface_widgets( THD_session *sess ) { int ii ; Three_D_View *im3d ; ENTRY("AFNI_update_all_surface_widgets") ; for( ii=0 ; ii < MAX_CONTROLLERS ; ii++ ){ im3d = GLOBAL_library.controllers[ii] ; if( IM3D_OPEN(im3d) && im3d->ss_now == sess ) AFNI_update_surface_widgets( im3d ) ; } EXRETURN ; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! Callback for Switch Surface pushbutton [19 Aug 2002]. --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void AFNI_choose_surface_CB( Widget w , XtPointer cd, XtPointer cbs ) { Three_D_View *im3d = (Three_D_View *) cd ; AFNI_surface_widgets *swid ; int num , ii , nwid,nall ; ENTRY("AFNI_choose_surface_CB") ; if( !IM3D_OPEN(im3d) || im3d->ss_now == NULL ) EXRETURN ; /* bad */ num = im3d->ss_now->su_num ; swid = im3d->vwid->view->swid ; /* no surfaces ==> nothing to do */ if( num == 0 ) EXRETURN ; /* make widgets? */ if( swid == NULL ){ AFNI_make_surface_widgets(im3d,num) ; swid = im3d->vwid->view->swid ; } /* make control panel visible, if it isn't already */ XtMapWidget( swid->wtop ) ; XRaiseWindow( XtDisplay(swid->wtop), XtWindow(swid->wtop) ) ; /* put proper labels on widgets, etc. */ AFNI_update_surface_widgets(im3d) ; /* Mac OS X mangles up the widgets on first display, so unmanage and remanage them -- this solves that problem */ WAIT_for_window( swid->rowcol ) ; XtUnmanageChild( swid->rowcol ) ; NI_sleep(1) ; WAIT_for_window( swid->rowcol ) ; XtManageChild ( swid->rowcol ) ; NI_sleep(1) ; /* wait for user to press some button */ EXRETURN ; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! Callback for "Done" button for surface control panel. */ static void AFNI_surf_done_CB( Widget w , XtPointer cd, XtPointer cbs ) { Three_D_View *im3d = (Three_D_View *) cd ; AFNI_surface_widgets *swid ; ENTRY("AFNI_surf_done_CB") ; if( !IM3D_OPEN(im3d) ) EXRETURN ; swid = im3d->vwid->view->swid ; if( swid != NULL ) XtUnmapWidget( swid->wtop ) ; EXRETURN ; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Callback for press of an arrowval on the surface controls. All this does is to redraw the images, since that is where the actual info will be grabbed from the swid arrowvals. */ static void AFNI_surf_redraw_CB( MCW_arrowval *av , XtPointer cd ) { Three_D_View *im3d = (Three_D_View *) cd ; AFNI_surface_widgets *swid ; ENTRY("AFNI_surf_redraw_CB") ; if( im3d == NULL ) EXRETURN ; swid = im3d->vwid->view->swid ; if( swid == NULL ) EXRETURN ; /* should be impossible */ if( !IM3D_OPEN(im3d) ){ /* bad user, bad bad bad! */ XtUnmapWidget( swid->wtop ) ; EXRETURN ; } AFNI_set_viewpoint( im3d , -1,-1,-1 , REDISPLAY_OVERLAY ) ; EXRETURN ; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! Callback for press of a toggle button on the surface controls. All this does is to force a redraw of the images. */ static void AFNI_surf_bbox_CB( Widget w , XtPointer cd , XtPointer qd ) { Three_D_View *im3d = (Three_D_View *) cd ; AFNI_surface_widgets *swid ; ENTRY("AFNI_surf_bbox_CB") ; if( im3d == NULL ) EXRETURN ; swid = im3d->vwid->view->swid ; if( swid == NULL ) EXRETURN ; /* should be impossible */ if( !IM3D_OPEN(im3d) ){ /* bad user! */ XtUnmapWidget( swid->wtop ) ; EXRETURN ; } AFNI_set_viewpoint( im3d , -1,-1,-1 , REDISPLAY_OVERLAY ) ; EXRETURN ; }