#include #include #include #include "../mrilib.h" #include "cluster_floatNOMASK.h" #include "thd_segtools_fNM.h" // from command.c file static void display_help(void) { printf ("Clustering 4segmentation, command-line version.\n"); printf (" Based on The C clustering library.\n"); printf (" Copyright (C) 2002 Michiel Jan Laurens de Hoon.\n"); printf ("USAGE: cluster [options]\n"); printf ("options:\n"); printf (" -v, --version Version information\n"); printf (" -f filename File loading\n"); printf (" You can specify multiple filenames in sequence\n" " and they will be catenated internally.\n" " e.g: -f F1+orig F2+orig F3+orig ...\n" " or -f F1+orig -f F2+orig -f F3+orig ...\n" ); printf( " -mask mset Means to use the dataset 'mset' as a mask:\n" " Only voxels with nonzero values in 'mset'\n" " will be printed from 'dataset'. Note\n" " that the mask dataset and the input dataset\n" " must have the same number of voxels.\n" " -mrange a b Means to further restrict the voxels from\n" " 'mset' so that only those mask values\n" " between 'a' and 'b' (inclusive) will\n" " be used. If this option is not given,\n" " all nonzero values from 'mset' are used.\n" " Note that if a voxel is zero in 'mset', then\n" " it won't be included, even if a < 0 < b.\n" " -cmask 'opts' Means to execute the options enclosed in single\n" " quotes as a 3dcalc-like program, and produce\n" " produce a mask from the resulting 3D brick.\n" " Examples:\n" " -cmask '-a fred+orig[7] -b zork+orig[3] -expr step(a-b)'\n" " produces a mask that is nonzero only where\n" " the 7th sub-brick of fred+orig is larger than\n" " the 3rd sub-brick of zork+orig.\n" " -cmask '-a fred+orig -expr 1-bool(k-7)'\n" " produces a mask that is nonzero only in the\n" " 7th slice (k=7); combined with -mask, you\n" " could use this to extract just selected voxels\n" " from particular slice(s).\n" " Notes: * You can use both -mask and -cmask in the same\n" " run - in this case, only voxels present in\n" " both masks will be dumped.\n" " * Only single sub-brick calculations can be\n" " used in the 3dcalc-like calculations -\n" " if you input a multi-brick dataset here,\n" " without using a sub-brick index, then only\n" " its 0th sub-brick will be used.\n" " * Do not use quotes inside the 'opts' string!\n" "\n"); printf (" -cg a|m Specifies whether to center each row\n" " in the data\n" " a: Subtract the mean of each row\n" " m: Subtract the median of each row\n" " (default is no centering)\n"); printf (" -ng Specifies to normalize each row in the data\n" " (default is no normalization)\n"); printf (" -ca a|m Specifies whether to center each column \n" " in the data\n" " a: Subtract the mean of each column\n" " m: Subtract the median of each column\n" " (default is no centering)\n"); printf (" -na Specifies to normalize each column in the data\n" " (default is no normalization)\n"); printf (" -u jobname Allows you to specify a different name for the \n" " output files.\n" " (default is derived from the input file name)\n"); printf (" -prefix PREFIX Allows you to specify a prefix for the output \n" " volumes. Default is the same as jobname\n"); printf (" -g [0..8] Specifies distance measure for gene clustering\n" ); printf (" Note: Weight is a vector as long as the signatures\n" " and used when computing distances. However for the\n" " moment, all weights are set to 1\n" " 0: No gene clustering\n" " 1: Uncentered correlation distance\n" " Same as Pearson distance, except\n" " the means of v and s are not removed\n" " when computing correlation.\n" " 2: Pearson distance\n" " = (1-Weighted_Pearson_Correlation(v,s))\n" " 3: Uncentered correlation distance, absolute value\n" " Same as abs(Pearson distance), except\n" " the means of v and s are not removed\n" " when computing correlation.\n" " 4: Pearson distance, absolute value\n" " = (1-abs(Weighted_Pearson_Correlation(v,s)))\n" " 5: Spearman's rank distance\n" " = (1-Spearman_Rank_Correlation(v,s))\n" " No weighting is used\n" " 6: Kendall's distance\n" " = (1-Kendall_Tau(v,s))\n" " No weighting is used\n" " 7: Euclidean distance between v and s\n" " = 1/sum(weight) * sum(weight[i]*(v[i]-s[i])^2)\n" " 8: City-block distance\n" " = 1/sum(weight) * sum(weight[i]*abs(v[i]-s[i]))\n" "\n" " (default for -g is 1)\n"); printf (" -k number Specifies whether to run k-means clustering\n" " instead of hierarchical clustering, and the number\n" " of clusters k to use. \n" " Default is kmeans with k = 3 clusters\n"); printf (" -c number Force the program to do hierarchical clsutering\n" " and specifies the number of clusters for tree\n" " cutting after hierarchical clustering.\n" " Options -c and -k are mutually exclusive\n"); printf (" -r number For k-means clustering, the number of times the\n" " k-means clustering algorithm is run\n" " (default: 1)\n"); printf (" -m [msca] Specifies which hierarchical clustering method to\n" " use:\n" " m: Pairwise complete-linkage\n" " s: Pairwise single-linkage\n" " c: Pairwise centroid-linkage\n" " a: Pairwise average-linkage\n" " (default: m)\n"); printf (" -rsigs SIGS Calculate distances from each voxel's signature\n" " to the signatures in SIGS. \n" " SIGS is a multi-column 1D file with each column\n" " being a signature.\n" " The output is a dset the same size as the input\n" " with as many sub-bricks as there are columns in \n" " SIGS.\n" " With this option, no clustering is done.\n"); printf (" -verb verbose \n"); printf (" -voxdbg I J K Output debugging info for voxel I J K\n"); printf (" -seed SEED Seed for the random number generator.\n" " Default is 1234567\n"); EXRETURN; } /* ========================================================================= */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { int ii=0, ncol=0, nrow=0, nl=0, nc=0, posi=0, posj=0, posk=0; //int nclust=atoi(argv[2]); //from command.c int i = 1; char* filename[256]; int l = 0; int s = 0; int x = 2; int y = 1; int Rows, Columns; char arraymetric = '\0'; char method = 'm'; char cg = '\0'; char ca = '\0'; int ng = 0; int na = 0; char *prefix = NULL; char *signame=NULL; THD_3dim_dataset *in_set=NULL, *clust_set=NULL; THD_3dim_dataset *mask_dset=NULL, *dist_set=NULL; byte *cmask=NULL ; int ncmask=0 ; byte *mask=NULL; int nmask=-1, mnx=-1, mny=-1, mnz=-1, iset=0, N_iset=0, mnxyz=-1; float mask_bot=666.0 , mask_top=-666.0 ; OPT_KMEANS oc; float *dvec=NULL, **D=NULL; int n = 0, Ncoltot=0, nc0=0, nx=0, ny=0, nz=0; char *prefixvcd = NULL; mainENTRY("3dAclustering_fNM"); machdep(); PRINT_VERSION("3dAclustering_fNM"); AUTHOR("avovk") ; oc.r = 1; oc.k = 0; oc.kh = 0; oc.jobname = NULL; oc.distmetric = 'u'; oc.verb = 0; oc.rand_seed = 1234567; for (i=0; i<4; ++i) oc.voxdebug[i] = -1; N_iset = 0; filename[N_iset] = NULL; if (argc < 2) { display_help(); RETURN(0); } i = 1; while (i < argc) { const char* const argument = argv[i]; i++; if (strlen(argument)<2) { printf("ERROR: missing argument\n"); RETURN(1); } if (argument[0]!='-') { printf("ERROR: unknown argument %s\n", argument); RETURN(1); } if(!strcmp(argument,"--version") || !strcmp(argument,"-v")) { clusterlib_display_version(); RETURN(0); } if( !strcmp(argument,"--help") || !strcmp(argument,"-h") || !strcmp(argument,"-help") ) { display_help(); RETURN(0); } if( !strcmp(argument,"--verb") || !strcmp(argument,"-verb") ) { oc.verb=1; continue; } if(!strcmp(argument,"-cg")) { if (i==argc || strlen(argv[i])>1 || !strchr("am",argv[i][0])) { printf ("Error reading command line argument cg\n"); RETURN(1); } cg = argv[i][0]; i++; continue; } if(!strcmp(argument,"-ca")) { if (i==argc || strlen(argv[i])>1 || !strchr("am",argv[i][0])) { printf ("Error reading command line argument ca\n"); RETURN(1); } ca = argv[i][0]; i++; continue; } if(!strcmp(argument,"-prefix")) { if (i==argc) { printf ("Error: Need name after -prefix\n"); RETURN(1); } prefix = argv[i]; i++; continue; } if(!strcmp(argument,"-voxdbg")) { if (i+2==argc) { printf ("Error: Need 3 integers after -voxedbg\n"); RETURN(1); } oc.voxdebug[0] = atoi(argv[i]);i++; oc.voxdebug[1] = atoi(argv[i]);i++; oc.voxdebug[2] = atoi(argv[i]);i++; continue; } if(!strcmp(argument,"-rsigs")) { if (i==argc) { printf ("Error: Need name after -rsigs\n"); RETURN(1); } signame = argv[i]; i++; continue; } if(!strcmp(argument,"-seed")) { if (i==argc) { printf ("Error: Need a +ve integer after -seed\n"); RETURN(1); } oc.rand_seed = atoi(argv[i]); if (oc.rand_seed <=0) { printf ("Error: seed must be > 0\n"); RETURN(1); } i++; continue; } if( strncmp(argument,"-mask",5) == 0 ){ if( mask_dset != NULL ) ERROR_exit("Cannot have two -mask options!\n") ; if( i >= argc ) ERROR_exit("-mask option requires a following argument!\n"); mask_dset = THD_open_dataset( argv[i] ) ; if( mask_dset == NULL ) ERROR_exit("Cannot open mask dataset!\n") ; if( DSET_BRICK_TYPE(mask_dset,0) == MRI_complex ) ERROR_exit("Cannot deal with complex-valued mask dataset!\n"); i++ ; continue ; } if( strncmp(argument,"-mrange",5) == 0 ){ if( i+1 >= argc ) ERROR_exit("-mrange option requires 2 following arguments!\n"); mask_bot = strtod( argv[ i] , NULL ) ; mask_top = strtod( argv[++i] , NULL ) ; if( mask_top < mask_top ) ERROR_exit("-mrange inputs are illegal!\n") ; i++ ; continue ; } if( strcmp(argument,"-cmask") == 0 ){ /* 16 Mar 2000 */ if( i >= argc ) ERROR_exit("-cmask option requires a following argument!\n"); cmask = EDT_calcmask( argv[i] , &ncmask, 0 ) ; if( cmask == NULL ) ERROR_exit("Can't compute -cmask!\n"); i++ ; continue ; } if(!strcmp(argument,"-ng")) { ng = 1; continue; } if(!strcmp(argument,"-na")) { na = 1; continue; } switch (argument[1]) { case 'l': l=1; break; case 'u': { if (i==argc) { printf ("Error reading command line argument u: " "no job name specified\n"); RETURN(1); } oc.jobname = clusterlib_setjobname(argv[i],0); i++; break; } case 'f': { if (i==argc) { printf ("Error reading command line argument f: " "no file name specified\n"); RETURN(1); } do { filename[N_iset] = argv[i]; if (N_iset > 100) { printf ("Error: Too many input files!\n"); RETURN(1); } ++N_iset; filename[N_iset] = NULL; i++; } while (i< argc && argv[i][0] != '-'); break; } case 'g': { int g; if (i==argc) { printf ("Error reading command line argument g: parameter missing\n"); RETURN(1); } g = clusterlib_readnumber(argv[i]); if (g < 0 || g > 9) { printf ("Error reading command line argument g: " "should be between 0 and 9 inclusive\n"); RETURN(1); } i++; oc.distmetric = clusterlib_getmetric(g); break; } case 'k': { if (i==argc) { printf ("Error reading command line argument k: " "parameter missing\n"); RETURN(1); } if (oc.kh > 0) { ERROR_message("-k and -c options are mutually exclusive\n"); RETURN(1); } oc.k = clusterlib_readnumber(argv[i]); if (oc.k < 1) { printf ("Error reading command line argument k: " "a positive integer is required\n"); RETURN(1); } i++; break; } case 'c': { if (i==argc) { printf ("Error reading command line argument c: parameter missing\n"); RETURN(1); } if (oc.k > 0) { ERROR_message("-k and -c options are mutually exclusive\n"); RETURN(1); } oc.kh = clusterlib_readnumber(argv[i]); if (oc.kh < 1) { printf ("Error reading command line argument c: " "a positive integer is required\n"); RETURN(1); } i++; break; } case 'r': { if (i==argc) { printf ("Error reading command line argument r: parameter missing\n"); RETURN(1); } oc.r = clusterlib_readnumber(argv[i]); if (oc.r < 1) { printf ("Error reading command line argument r: " "a positive integer is required\n"); RETURN(1); } i++; break; } case 'm': { if (i==argc || strlen(argv[i])>1 || !strchr("msca",argv[i][0])) { printf ("Error reading command line argument m: " "should be 'm', 's', 'c', or 'a'\n"); RETURN(1); } method = argv[i][0]; i++; break; } default: printf ("Unknown option %s\n", argv[i-1]); RETURN(1); } } if (oc.k <= 0 && oc.kh <= 0) oc.k = 3; if(oc.jobname == NULL) oc.jobname = clusterlib_setjobname(filename[0],1); /* load dsets and prepare array data for sending to clustering functions */ if (!prefix) { prefix = oc.jobname; /* used to be "clusty" */ THD_force_ok_overwrite(1) ; /* don't worry about overwriting */ } /* ------------- Mask business -----------------*/ if( mask_dset == NULL ){ mask = NULL ; if( oc.verb ) INFO_message("Using all voxels in the entire dataset (no mask)\n") ; } else { mnx = DSET_NX(mask_dset); mny = DSET_NY(mask_dset); mnz = DSET_NZ(mask_dset); mnxyz = mnx*mny*mnz; mask = THD_makemask( mask_dset , 0 , mask_bot, mask_top ) ; if( mask == NULL ) ERROR_exit("Can't make mask") ; nmask = THD_countmask( mnx*mny*mnz , mask ) ; if( oc.verb ) INFO_message("%d voxels in the [%dx%dx%d] mask",nmask, mnx, mny, mnz) ; if( nmask <= 0 ) ERROR_exit("No voxels in the mask!\n") ; DSET_delete(mask_dset) ; } if( cmask != NULL ){ if( mask != NULL ){ if (mnxyz != ncmask) ERROR_exit("Mask and cmask dimension mismatch") ; for( ii=0 ; ii < mnxyz ; ii++ ) mask[ii] = (mask[ii] && cmask[ii]) ; free(cmask) ; nmask = THD_countmask( mnxyz , mask ) ; if( nmask <= 0 ) ERROR_exit("No voxels in the mask+cmask!\n") ; if( oc.verb ) INFO_message("%d voxels in the mask+cmask\n",nmask) ; } else { mnx = -1; mny = 11; mnz = -1; /* unknown */ mnxyz = ncmask; mask = cmask ; nmask = THD_countmask( mnxyz , mask ) ; if( nmask <= 0 ) ERROR_exit("No voxels in the cmask!\n") ; if( oc.verb ) INFO_message("%d voxels in the cmask\n",nmask) ; } } if (signame) { MRI_IMAGE *im = NULL; float *far = NULL; /* catenate all input dsets */ if (N_iset == 1) { in_set = THD_open_dataset(filename[0]); CHECK_OPEN_ERROR(in_set,filename[0]) ; if (oc.voxdebug[0] >= 0) { /* setup for debugging */ oc.voxdebug[3] = oc.voxdebug[0] + oc.voxdebug[1]*DSET_NX(in_set) + oc.voxdebug[2]*DSET_NX(in_set)*DSET_NY(in_set); } else oc.voxdebug[3] = -1; } else { /* you'll need to read and catenate on the fly ... */ ERROR_exit( "Not ready to deal with more than one input.\n" "Consdier catenating the input externally.\n" "Let me know if it becomes annoying ...\n"); } /* load the set of distance files */ im = mri_read_1D (signame); far = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(im); /* Now call distance function */ if (!thd_Adist ( in_set, mask, far, im->ny, &dist_set , oc)) { ERROR_exit("Failed in thd_Acluster"); } if (im) mri_free(im); im = NULL; far = NULL; /* add history to output data and write them out */ if( oc.verb && dist_set) ININFO_message("\nWriting datasets: %s",prefix) ; if (dist_set) { EDIT_dset_items( dist_set , ADN_prefix , prefix, ADN_none); tross_Copy_History( in_set , dist_set ) ; tross_Make_History( "3dAclustering_fNM" , argc, argv , dist_set ) ; DSET_write(dist_set); DSET_unload(dist_set); DSET_delete(dist_set); dist_set = NULL; } } else { /* Doing clustering function */ Ncoltot=0; /* Read in dset(s) and create D */ for (iset = 0; iset < N_iset; ++iset) { if (oc.verb) fprintf(stderr,"Patience, reading %s's header, ", filename[iset]); in_set = THD_open_dataset(filename[iset]); CHECK_OPEN_ERROR(in_set,filename[iset]) ; if (oc.voxdebug[0] >= 0) { /* setup for debugging */ oc.voxdebug[3] = oc.voxdebug[0] + oc.voxdebug[1]*DSET_NX(in_set) + oc.voxdebug[2]*DSET_NX(in_set)*DSET_NY(in_set); } else oc.voxdebug[3] = -1; if (iset == 0) { ncol = DSET_NVALS(in_set); nrow = DSET_NVOX(in_set); nx = DSET_NX(in_set); ny = DSET_NY(in_set); nz = DSET_NZ(in_set); if ( mask && ( ( (mnx >= 0 && mnx != DSET_NX(in_set)) || (mny >= 0 && mny != DSET_NY(in_set)) || (mnz >= 0 && mnz != DSET_NZ(in_set)) ) || ( mnxyz != nx*ny*nz ) ) ) { ERROR_exit("Dimension mismatch between mask and input dset"); } if (!mask) nmask = DSET_NVOX(in_set); } else { /* check for consistency with previous input */ if ( (nx != DSET_NX(in_set) || ny != DSET_NY(in_set) || nz != DSET_NZ(in_set) ) ) { ERROR_exit( "Dimension mismatch between input dset" " %s and preceding ones", filename[iset]); } ncol = DSET_NVALS(in_set); } if (oc.verb) fprintf(stderr," %d cols\n ", ncol); Ncoltot += ncol; /* get rid of dset */ DSET_delete (in_set); } /* Now allocate for D */ D = (float **)calloc(sizeof(float*), nmask); for (ii=0;ii<(nmask);++ii) { if (!(D[ii] = (float *)calloc(sizeof(float), Ncoltot))) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: Failed while allocating %dx%d float matrix\n", nmask, Ncoltot); RETURN(1); } } dvec = (float * )malloc(sizeof(float)*Ncoltot) ; /* array to hold series longer than needed, but less hassle*/ nc0 = 0; for (iset = 0; iset < N_iset; ++iset) { if (oc.verb) fprintf(stderr,"Patience, rereading %s...\n", filename[iset]); in_set = THD_open_dataset(filename[iset]); DSET_load(in_set) ; ncol = DSET_NVALS(in_set); if (oc.verb) { ININFO_message("Filling cols [%d..%d] of D(%dx%d) (mask=%p).\n", nc0,nc0+ncol-1, nmask, Ncoltot, mask); } ii = 0; for (nl=0; nl