#!/bin/tcsh -f #last edited JUNE 5 2008 setenv AFNI_DECONFLICT OVERWRITE #count the total number of command line parameters set al = $#argv #echo $al if ($al < 1) then goto HELP endif set starttime = `date` PARSE: set Narg = $# set cnt = 1 set vollist = () set out = '' if ("$1" == '') goto HELP while ($cnt <= $Narg) set donext = 1; if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-help" || "$argv[$cnt]" == "-h") then goto HELP endif if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-out") then if ($cnt == $Narg) then echo "Need a filename after -out" goto END else @ cnt ++ set out = "$argv[$cnt]" set donext = 0 endif endif if ($donext && "$argv[$cnt]" == "-components") then if ($cnt == $Narg) then echo "Need at least one component file after -components" goto END else @ cnt ++ set vollist = ($argv[$cnt-]) goto PROCESS endif endif if ($donext) then set vollist = ($argv[$cnt-]) goto PROCESS else @ cnt ++ endif end PROCESS: if ("out" == "") then set out = D_ALL_prepared4clust echo "Output filename defaults to $out" endif if ($#vollist == 0) then echo "Error: No component files given" goto END endif foreach ff ($vollist) if ( ! -f $ff ) then echo "Error: Component file $ff not found" goto END endif end echo "All component files are: ($vollist) " echo "Combining files and labeling the rows for later sorting" paste $vollist | nl -w 9 -n rz > $out #numbering lines is not needed any more with Aclustering, but if I change it here I should also change in Aclustering which columns to read... #ZSS: I did that in 3dAclustering so no need for the extra column, and #also, no need for 1D files either... set endtime = `date` echo $starttime echo $endtime goto END HELP: echo "Catenates component files together to form signature file" echo "that can be used by cluster" echo "`basename $0` -out SIGNATURE_FILE -components COMP1 COMP2 ..." goto END END: