#include "cdflib.h" double brcomp(double *a,double *b,double *x,double *y) /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- EVALUATION OF X**A*Y**B/BETA(A,B) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ { static double Const = .398942280401433e0; static double brcomp,a0,apb,b0,c,e,h,lambda,lnx,lny,t,u,v,x0,y0,z; static int i,n; /* ----------------- CONST = 1/SQRT(2*PI) ----------------- */ static double T1,T2; /* .. .. Executable Statements .. */ brcomp = 0.0e0; if(*x == 0.0e0 || *y == 0.0e0) return brcomp; a0 = fifdmin1(*a,*b); if(a0 >= 8.0e0) goto S130; if(*x > 0.375e0) goto S10; lnx = log(*x); T1 = -*x; lny = alnrel(&T1); goto S30; S10: if(*y > 0.375e0) goto S20; T2 = -*y; lnx = alnrel(&T2); lny = log(*y); goto S30; S20: lnx = log(*x); lny = log(*y); S30: z = *a*lnx+*b*lny; if(a0 < 1.0e0) goto S40; z -= betaln(a,b); brcomp = exp(z); return brcomp; S40: /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE FOR A .LT. 1 OR B .LT. 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ b0 = fifdmax1(*a,*b); if(b0 >= 8.0e0) goto S120; if(b0 > 1.0e0) goto S70; /* ALGORITHM FOR B0 .LE. 1 */ brcomp = exp(z); if(brcomp == 0.0e0) return brcomp; apb = *a+*b; if(apb > 1.0e0) goto S50; z = 1.0e0+gam1(&apb); goto S60; S50: u = *a+*b-1.e0; z = (1.0e0+gam1(&u))/apb; S60: c = (1.0e0+gam1(a))*(1.0e0+gam1(b))/z; brcomp = brcomp*(a0*c)/(1.0e0+a0/b0); return brcomp; S70: /* ALGORITHM FOR 1 .LT. B0 .LT. 8 */ u = gamln1(&a0); n = b0-1.0e0; if(n < 1) goto S90; c = 1.0e0; for(i=1; i<=n; i++) { b0 -= 1.0e0; c *= (b0/(a0+b0)); } u = log(c)+u; S90: z -= u; b0 -= 1.0e0; apb = a0+b0; if(apb > 1.0e0) goto S100; t = 1.0e0+gam1(&apb); goto S110; S100: u = a0+b0-1.e0; t = (1.0e0+gam1(&u))/apb; S110: brcomp = a0*exp(z)*(1.0e0+gam1(&b0))/t; return brcomp; S120: /* ALGORITHM FOR B0 .GE. 8 */ u = gamln1(&a0)+algdiv(&a0,&b0); brcomp = a0*exp(z-u); return brcomp; S130: /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE FOR A .GE. 8 AND B .GE. 8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if(*a > *b) goto S140; h = *a/ *b; x0 = h/(1.0e0+h); y0 = 1.0e0/(1.0e0+h); lambda = *a-(*a+*b)**x; goto S150; S140: h = *b/ *a; x0 = 1.0e0/(1.0e0+h); y0 = h/(1.0e0+h); lambda = (*a+*b)**y-*b; S150: e = -(lambda/ *a); if(fabs(e) > 0.6e0) goto S160; u = rlog1(&e); goto S170; S160: u = e-log(*x/x0); S170: e = lambda/ *b; if(fabs(e) > 0.6e0) goto S180; v = rlog1(&e); goto S190; S180: v = e-log(*y/y0); S190: z = exp(-(*a*u+*b*v)); brcomp = Const*sqrt(*b*x0)*z*exp(-bcorr(a,b)); return brcomp; } /* END */