/* zzphph.f -- translated by f2c (version 19961017). You must link the resulting object file with the libraries: -lf2c -lm (in that order) */ #include "f2c.h" /* Common Block Declarations */ extern struct { real xpgmin, ypgmin, xpgmax, ypgmax, xclbot, yclbot, xcltop, ycltop, xbot, ybot, xtop, ytop, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax; integer ixcoor, iycoor; real alphxx, betaxx, alphyy, betayy, tmajx, tminx, tmajy, tminy; integer majrx, minrx, majry, minry, isizx, isizy; real xphold, yphold; } zzzplt_; #define zzzplt_1 zzzplt_ extern struct { real xphmax, yphmax; integer ixpmax, iypmax; real xpscal, ypscal; integer iflip, nplotr; char cfile[64]; } zzpltr_; #define zzpltr_1 zzpltr_ /* Subroutine */ int zzphph_(real *x1, real *y1, real *x2, real *y2) { extern /* Subroutine */ int zzmpli_(real *, real *, real *, real *); static real px1, px2, py1, py2; /* Plot a physical coordinate line. */ /* Everything in this package eventually funnels into this routine, */ /* which depends on the hardware being drawn upon. The device */ /* is chosen by the NPLOTR variable (in 'plotpak.inc' COMMON /ZZPLTR/): */ /* 1 = Los Alamos CGS SunView window */ /* 2 = Los Alamos CGS Metafile */ /* 3 = Write all line coordinates to an ASCII file for later work */ /* 4 = Write all line coordinates to a Unix plot format file */ /* 5 = Use Microsoft GRAPHICS.LIB */ /* 6 = Write PostScript code to an output file */ /* 7 = Call the C "memplot" routine */ /* ....................................................................... */ /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */ /* Internal Data for PLOTPAK */ if (zzpltr_1.iflip == 1) { /* Flipped coordinates */ px1 = zzpltr_1.xpscal * (zzpltr_1.yphmax - *y1); px2 = zzpltr_1.xpscal * (zzpltr_1.yphmax - *y2); py1 = zzpltr_1.ypscal * (zzpltr_1.xphmax - *x1); py2 = zzpltr_1.ypscal * (zzpltr_1.xphmax - *x2); } else if (zzpltr_1.iflip == 2) { /* Flipped coordinates */ px1 = zzpltr_1.xpscal * (zzpltr_1.yphmax - *y1); px2 = zzpltr_1.xpscal * (zzpltr_1.yphmax - *y2); py1 = zzpltr_1.xpscal * *x1; py2 = zzpltr_1.xpscal * *x2; } else { /* Normal coordinates */ px1 = zzpltr_1.xpscal * *x1; px2 = zzpltr_1.xpscal * *x2; py1 = zzpltr_1.ypscal * *y1; py2 = zzpltr_1.ypscal * *y2; } /* Plot it! */ /* cc IF( NPLOTR.EQ.1 .OR. NPLOTR.EQ.2 )THEN */ /* cc CALL GMOVA2( PX1 , PY1 ) */ /* cc CALL GLINA2( PX2 , PY2 ) */ /* cc ENDIF */ /* cc IF( NPLOTR .EQ. 3 )THEN */ /* cc WRITE(99,101) PX1,PY1,PX2,PY2 */ /* cc101 FORMAT(4(F6.4,',')) */ /* cc ENDIF */ /* cc IF( NPLOTR .EQ. 4 )THEN */ /* cc CALL ZZUPLI( NINT(PX1),NINT(PY1) , NINT(PX2),NINT(PY2) ) */ /* cc ENDIF */ /* cc IF( NPLOTR .EQ. 5 )THEN */ /* cc CALL ZZPCLI( PX1,PY1 , PX2,PY2 ) */ /* cc ENDIF */ /* cc IF( NPLOTR .EQ. 6 )THEN */ /* cc CALL ZZPSLI( NINT(PX1),NINT(PY1) , NINT(PX2),NINT(PY2) ) */ /* cc ENDIF */ if (zzpltr_1.nplotr == 7) { zzmpli_(&px1, &py1, &px2, &py2); } /* cc WRITE(*,999) PX1,PY1,PX2,PY2 */ /* cc999 FORMAT('ZZPHPH:',4(1X,1PG10.3)) */ return 0; } /* zzphph_ */