/***************************************************************************** Major portions of this software are copyrighted by the Medical College of Wisconsin, 1994-2000, and are released under the Gnu General Public License, Version 2. See the file README.Copyright for details. ******************************************************************************/ #ifndef _MCW_EDITVOL_ #define _MCW_EDITVOL_ #undef CLUST_DEBUG #ifdef SPARKY #undef _POSIX_SOURCE #endif #include /* to fix a bug in gcc */ #include /** #include **/ /* for variable number of arguments processing */ #include "replaceXt.h" /* 09 Nov 2018 */ #include "mrilib.h" #include "afni_warp.h" #define INC_CLUSTER 32 /*! In a cluster struct, the (i,j,k) indexes for each voxel are stored in a single integer ijk (to save space). The macros below translate between (i,j,k) [THREE] and ijk. */ #define IJK_TO_THREE(ijk,i,j,k,nx,nxy) \ ( (k) = (ijk)/(nxy) , (j)=((ijk)%(nxy))/(nx) , (i)=(ijk)%(nx) ) /*! \see IJK_TO_THREE() */ #define THREE_TO_IJK(i,j,k,nx,nxy) ((i)+(j)*(nx)+(k)*(nxy)) /*! Struct to store a cluster. The cluster structure was modified to store the individual coordinate indices for each voxel. This avoids ambiguity in voxel identification. \date BDW, 06 March 1997. */ typedef struct { int num_pt ; /*!< Number of points in cluster */ int num_all ; /*!< Number of points allocated for cluster */ short *i; /*!< x index */ short *j; /*!< y index */ short *k; /*!< z index */ float *mag ; /* stores value at each voxel in cluster */ } MCW_cluster ; /*! Initialize a MCW_cluster. */ #define INIT_CLUSTER(cc) \ ( (cc) = RwcNew(MCW_cluster) , \ (cc)->num_pt = (cc)->num_all = 0 , \ (cc)->i = NULL , (cc)->j = NULL , (cc)->k = NULL ,(cc)->mag = NULL ) /*! Delete an MCW_cluster. */ #define KILL_CLUSTER(cc) \ do{ if( cc != NULL ){ \ myRwcFree((cc)->i) ; \ myRwcFree((cc)->j) ; \ myRwcFree((cc)->k) ; \ myRwcFree((cc)->mag) ; \ myRwcFree((cc)) ; \ (cc) = NULL ; \ }} while(0) #ifdef CLUST_DEBUG # define DBMALL(n) printf(" -- Realloc-ing cluster: %d\n",(n)) #else # define DBMALL(n) #endif /*! Duplicate an MCW_cluster */ #define COPY_CLUSTER(dd,cc) \ do{ int nn ; INIT_CLUSTER(dd) ; \ (dd)->num_pt = (dd)->num_all = nn = (cc)->num_pt ; \ (dd)->i = (short *)RwcMalloc(sizeof(short)*nn); \ (dd)->j = (short *)RwcMalloc(sizeof(short)*nn); \ (dd)->k = (short *)RwcMalloc(sizeof(short)*nn); \ (dd)->mag = (float *)RwcMalloc(sizeof(float)*nn); \ memcpy((dd)->i ,(cc)->i ,sizeof(short)*nn); \ memcpy((dd)->j ,(cc)->j ,sizeof(short)*nn); \ memcpy((dd)->k ,(cc)->k ,sizeof(short)*nn); \ memcpy((dd)->mag,(cc)->mag,sizeof(float)*nn); \ } while(0) #define DUMP_CLUSTER(cc) \ do{ int cii; \ printf("# points in cluster = %d\n",(cc)->num_pt); \ printf(" i j k - mag\n"); \ for(cii=0;cii<(cc)->num_pt;cii++) \ printf(" %d %d %d - %f\n", \ (cc)->i[cii], (cc)->j[cii], (cc)->k[cii], (cc)->mag[cii]); \ } while(0) /*! Add point (ii,jj,kk) with magnitude mm to a MCW_cluster. */ #define ADDTO_CLUSTER(cc,ii,jj,kk,m) \ do{ int nn ; \ if( (cc)->num_pt == (cc)->num_all ){ \ (cc)->num_all = 2*(cc)->num_all + INC_CLUSTER ; \ nn = (cc)->num_all ; \ (cc)->i=(short *) RwcRealloc((char *)(cc)->i,sizeof(short)*nn ); \ (cc)->j=(short *) RwcRealloc((char *)(cc)->j,sizeof(short)*nn ); \ (cc)->k=(short *) RwcRealloc((char *)(cc)->k,sizeof(short)*nn ); \ (cc)->mag=(float *) RwcRealloc((char *)(cc)->mag,sizeof(float)*nn); \ DBMALL(nn) ; } \ nn = (cc)->num_pt ; ((cc)->num_pt)++ ; \ (cc)->i[nn] = (ii) ; (cc)->j[nn] = (jj) ; (cc)->k[nn] = (kk) ; \ (cc)->mag[nn] = (m) ; break ; } while(0) /*! Add point (ii,jj,kk) a MCW_cluster, don't save mag. */ #define ADDTO_CLUSTER_NOMAG(cc,ii,jj,kk) \ do{ int nn ; \ if( (cc)->num_pt == (cc)->num_all ){ \ (cc)->num_all = 2*(cc)->num_all + INC_CLUSTER ; \ nn = (cc)->num_all ; \ (cc)->i=(short *)RwcRealloc((char *)(cc)->i,sizeof(short)*nn); \ (cc)->j=(short *)RwcRealloc((char *)(cc)->j,sizeof(short)*nn); \ (cc)->k=(short *)RwcRealloc((char *)(cc)->k,sizeof(short)*nn); \ } \ nn = (cc)->num_pt ; ((cc)->num_pt)++ ; \ (cc)->i[nn] = (ii) ; (cc)->j[nn] = (jj) ; (cc)->k[nn] = (kk) ; \ } while(0) #define ISOVALUE_MODE 1 #define ISOMERGE_MODE 2 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! Struct to store a bunch of MCW_cluster stuff. */ typedef struct { int num_clu , num_all ; MCW_cluster ** clar ; int grid_nx, grid_ny, grid_nz; /* ZSS March 02 2010 */ } MCW_cluster_array ; /*! Initialize a MCW_cluster_array. */ #define INIT_CLARR(cl) \ ( (cl) = RwcNew(MCW_cluster_array) , \ (cl)->num_clu = (cl)->num_all = 0 , (cl)->clar = NULL, \ (cl)->grid_nz = 0, (cl)->grid_ny = 0, (cl)->grid_nz = 0) /*! Add a MCW_cluster to a MCW_cluster_array. */ #define ADDTO_CLARR(cl,cc) \ do{ int nn ; \ if( (cl)->num_clu == (cl)->num_all ){ \ (cl)->num_all += INC_CLUSTER+(cl)->num_all/2 ; nn = (cl)->num_all ; \ (cl)->clar = (MCW_cluster **) RwcRealloc( (char *)(cl)->clar , \ sizeof(MCW_cluster *) * nn ); \ } \ (cl)->clar[((cl)->num_clu)++] = (cc) ; break ; } while(0) /*! Delete a MCW_cluster_array (including all MCW_cluster inside). */ #define DESTROY_CLARR(cl) \ do{ int ii ; if( cl != NULL ){ \ for( ii=0 ; ii < (cl)->num_clu ; ii++ ) \ KILL_CLUSTER( (cl)->clar[ii] ) ; \ myRwcFree((cl)->clar) ; (cl) = NULL ; \ } break ; } while(0) /*! Determine if 2 MCW_cluster are ordered. */ #define CLUST_ORDERED(c1,c2) ( (c1)->num_pt >= (c2)->num_pt ) /*! Swap 2 MCW_cluster. */ #define CLUST_SWAP(c1,c2) (ct=(c1),(c1)=(c2),(c2)=ct,sss=1) /*! Bubble sort a MCW_cluster_array. */ #define SORT_CLARR(name) \ if( (name) != NULL && (name)->num_clu > 1 ){ \ int iic , jjc , sss ; MCW_cluster *ct ; \ for( iic=0 ; iic < (name)->num_clu ; iic++ ){ \ sss = 0 ; \ for( jjc=1 ; jjc < (name)->num_clu ; jjc++ ){ \ if( !CLUST_ORDERED( (name)->clar[jjc-1] , (name)->clar[jjc] ) ) \ CLUST_SWAP( (name)->clar[jjc-1] , (name)->clar[jjc] ) ; \ } if( !sss ) break ; }} /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif extern MCW_cluster_array * MCW_find_clusters( int,int,int , float,float,float , int , void * , float ) ; /* 30 Apr 2002 */ extern MCW_cluster_array * NIH_find_clusters( int,int,int , float,float,float , int , void * , float , int ) ; extern void MCW_cluster_to_vol( int,int,int, int,void *, MCW_cluster * ) ; extern void MCW_vol_to_cluster( int,int,int, int,void *, MCW_cluster * ) ; extern void MCW_scale_to_max( int,int,int, int,void * ); extern float MCW_vol_amax( int,int,int , int,void *) ; /* 11 Sept 1996 */ extern MCW_cluster * MCW_build_mask(float, float, float, float); extern MCW_cluster * MCW_spheremask( float,float,float,float ) ; extern MCW_cluster * MCW_rectmask ( float,float,float,float,float,float ) ; extern MCW_cluster * MCW_rhddmask ( float,float,float,float ) ; extern MCW_cluster * MCW_tohdmask ( float,float,float,float ) ; void MCW_showmask (MCW_cluster *nbhd, char *opening, char *closing, FILE *fout); /* 16 June 1998 */ extern void MCW_erode_clusters (int, int, int, float, float, float, int, void *, float, float, int); extern void MCW_sort_cluster( MCW_cluster * ) ; /* 10 Jul 2001 */ extern void MCW_radsort_cluster( MCW_cluster *, float, float, float ) ; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #undef ALLOW_SCALE_TO_MAX char * EDIT_options_help(void) ; /* was a string, now a prototype */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! Data structure filled in EDIT_check_argv, and used to control EDIT_one_dataset (options applied in order given). \see INIT_EDOPT() */ typedef struct EDIT_options { int thtoin ; /*!< copy thresh data over intensity data */ int noneg ; /*!< throw away negative intensities */ int abss ; /*!< take absolute values of intensities */ float clip_bot ; /*!< zero out voxels with value in clip_bot..clip_top */ float clip_top ; /*!< zero out voxels with value in clip_bot..clip_top */ int clip_unscaled ; /*!< clip without scaling? [09 Aug 1996] */ float thresh ; /*!< zero out if threshold < thresh */ float thbot ; /*!< 26 Dec 2007 */ float clust_rmm ; /*!< cluster data with rmm radius */ float clust_vmul ; /*!< remove clusters smaller than vmul */ float blur ; /*!< Gaussian blur data with sigma = blur */ float thrblur ; /*!< Gaussian blur threshold data, with sigma = thrblur (4 Oct 1996) */ float erode_pv; /*!< erosion percentage (16 June 1998) */ int dilate; /*!< dilation option (16 June 1998) */ int edit_clust; /*!< edit cluster option (10 Sept 1996) */ float filter_rmm; /*!< filter radius (11 Sept 1996) */ int filter_opt; /*!< filter option (11 Sept 1996) */ float thrfilter_rmm; /*!< threshold filter radius (1 Oct 1996) */ int thrfilter_opt; /*!< threshold filter option (1 Oct 1996) */ int scale ; /*!< linearly scale data so max = 10000 */ float mult ; /*!< multiply all voxels by this */ int do_zvol ; /*!< zero out a 3D sub-volume */ float zv_x1 ; /*!< dimensions of sub-volume to massacre */ float zv_x2 ; /*!< dimensions of sub-volume to massacre */ float zv_y1 ; /*!< dimensions of sub-volume to massacre */ float zv_y2 ; /*!< dimensions of sub-volume to massacre */ float zv_z1 ; /*!< dimensions of sub-volume to massacre */ float zv_z2 ; /*!< dimensions of sub-volume to massacre */ int iv_fim ; /*!< use this sub-brick for voxel values */ int iv_thr ; /*!< use this sub-brick for threshold */ int zscore ; /*!< 17 Sep 1998 --> convert statistic to Z */ int verbose ; /*!< 01 Nov 1999 --> verbose output during editing */ int nfmask ; /*!< 09 Aug 2000 --> filter mask */ byte *fmask ; char *fexpr ; /*!< 09 Aug 2000 --> filter expression */ int fmclip ; /*!< 11 Oct 2007 --> clip at fmask? */ int fake_dxyz ; /*!< 11 Sep 2000 -> use dx=dy=dz=1.0? */ int rank; /*!< 13 Nov 2007 --> ZSS: Rank dset values. */ char rankmapname[THD_MAX_NAME+THD_MAX_PREFIX+1]; int isomode; /*!< 03 March 2010, ZSS: Use value for clust */ float blurx,blury,blurz ; /*!< 18 Jun 2019, RWC: aniso blurring */ } EDIT_options ; /*--- cluster editing options ---*/ /* 10 Sept 1996 */ #define ECFLAG_NONE 0 #define ECFLAG_SAME 1 #define ECFLAG_MEAN 2 #define ECFLAG_MAX 3 #define ECFLAG_AMAX 4 #define ECFLAG_SMAX 5 #define ECFLAG_SIZE 6 #define ECFLAG_ORDER 7 /* 09 June 1998 */ #define ECFLAG_DEPTH 8 /* 02 March 2010 ZSS */ /*--- filtering options ---*/ /* 11 Sept 1996 */ #define FCFLAG_NONE 0 #define FCFLAG_MEAN 1 #define FCFLAG_NZMEAN 2 #define FCFLAG_MAX 3 #define FCFLAG_AMAX 4 #define FCFLAG_SMAX 5 #define FCFLAG_AVER 66 /* 7 Jan 1998 */ #define FCFLAG_EXPR 77 /* 09 Aug 2000 */ #define FCFLAG_ONE_STEP 100000 #define FCFLAG_WINSOR (2*FCFLAG_ONE_STEP) /* 11 Sep 2000 */ /*! Initialize an EDIT_options struct. */ #define INIT_EDOPT(edopt) \ ( (edopt)->thtoin = 0 , \ (edopt)->noneg = 0 , \ (edopt)->abss = 0 , \ (edopt)->clip_bot = 0.0 , \ (edopt)->clip_top = 0.0 , \ (edopt)->thresh = 0.0 , \ (edopt)->thbot = 0.0 , \ (edopt)->clust_rmm = -1.0, \ (edopt)->clust_vmul = 0.0 , \ (edopt)->edit_clust = 0 , \ (edopt)->erode_pv = 0.0 , \ (edopt)->dilate = 0 , \ (edopt)->filter_rmm = 0.0 , \ (edopt)->filter_opt = 0 , \ (edopt)->thrfilter_rmm = 0.0 , \ (edopt)->thrfilter_opt = 0 , \ (edopt)->blur = 0.0 , \ (edopt)->blurx = 0.0 , \ (edopt)->blury = 0.0 , \ (edopt)->blurz = 0.0 , \ (edopt)->thrblur = 0.0 , \ (edopt)->scale = 0 , \ (edopt)->mult = 0.0 , \ (edopt)->do_zvol = 0 , \ (edopt)->clip_unscaled = 0 , \ (edopt)->iv_fim = -1 , \ (edopt)->iv_thr = -1 , \ (edopt)->zscore = 0 , \ (edopt)->verbose = 0 , \ (edopt)->nfmask = 0 , \ (edopt)->fmask = NULL, \ (edopt)->fexpr = NULL, \ (edopt)->fmclip = 1, \ (edopt)->fake_dxyz = 0 , \ (edopt)->rank = 0, \ (edopt)->rankmapname[0]= '\0', \ (edopt)->isomode = 0, \ 0 ) extern void EDIT_one_dataset( THD_3dim_dataset * dset , EDIT_options * edopt ) ; extern void EDIT_blur_volume( int,int,int , float,float,float , int,void * , float ) ; extern void EDIT_blur_volume_3d( int,int,int , float,float,float , int,void * , float, float, float ) ; void EDIT_blur_allow_fir( int ) ; /* 04 Oct 2005 */ /* Gaussian blur in image space, not FFT space: 04 Oct 2005 */ extern void FIR_blur_volume( int nx, int ny, int nz, float dx, float dy, float dz, float *ffim , float sigma ) ; extern void FIR_blur_volume_3d( int nx, int ny, int nz, float dx, float dy, float dz, float *ffim , float sigmax, float sigmay, float sigmaz ) ; /*! Convert Gaussian blur RMS width to sigma [1/sqrt(3)] */ #define RMS_TO_SIGMA(rms) (0.57735027*(rms)) /*! Convert Gaussian blur FWHM width to sigma [1/sqrt(log(2)*8)] */ #define FWHM_TO_SIGMA(fh) (0.42466090*(fh)) extern int EDIT_check_argv( int , char * argv[] , int , EDIT_options * ) ; extern void EDIT_coerce_type ( int , int,void * , int,void * ) ; extern void EDIT_coerce_scale_type( int , float , int,void * , int,void * ) ; extern float EDIT_coerce_autoscale( int , int,void * , int,void * ) ; extern float EDIT_convert_dtype ( int , int,void * , int,void *, int ) ; extern int is_integral_data ( int , int , void * ) ; extern float EDIT_coerce_autoscale_new( int nxyz , int itype , void *ivol , int otype , void *ovol ) ; extern float EDIT_scale_misfit( int nxyz, float fac, short *sar, float *far ) ; extern void EDIT_misfit_report( char *name, int ib, int nxyz, float fac, short *sar, float *far ) ; extern void EDIT_set_misfit_mask( byte * ) ; extern void EDIT_floatize_dataset( THD_3dim_dataset *dset ) ; extern int DSET_pure_type( THD_3dim_dataset *dset ) ; #undef DSET_IS_FLOAT #define DSET_IS_FLOAT(ds) (DSET_pure_type((ds))==MRI_float) #undef DSET_IS_SHORT #define DSET_IS_SHORT(ds) (DSET_pure_type((ds))==MRI_short) #undef DSET_IS_BYTE #define DSET_IS_BYTE(ds) (DSET_pure_type((ds))==MRI_byte) extern void EDIT_aver_fvol( int, int, int, float, float, float, float *, float) ; extern void EDIT_zscore_vol( int,int,float,void *,int,float * ) ; extern void EDIT_clip_float( float , int , float * ) ; extern byte * EDT_calcmask( char * , int * , int) ; /* 16 Mar 2000 */ extern void * EDIT_volpad( int,int,int,int,int,int , int,int,int , int,void * ) ; /* 09 Feb 2001 */ #define EDIT_zeropad EDIT_volpad /* 14 Feb 2001 */ extern void EDIT_set_padval( int ftype , char *pval ) ; /* 22 Sep 2020 */ #define EDIT_clear_padval EDIT_set_padval(-1,NULL) /* 22 Sep 2020 */ #define EDIT_volpad_even(px,py,pz,nx,ny,nz,ft,vv) \ EDIT_volpad( (px),(px), (py),(py), (pz),(pz), (nx),(ny),(nz), (ft),(vv) ) /********************* New routines for AFNI-96 ****************************/ /**----------------------- prototypes -----------------------**/ extern THD_3dim_dataset * EDIT_empty_copy( THD_3dim_dataset * ) ; extern THD_3dim_dataset * EDIT_full_copy ( THD_3dim_dataset * , char * ) ; extern int EDIT_dset_items( THD_3dim_dataset * , ... ) ; extern THD_3dim_dataset * EDIT_geometry_constructor( char * , char * ) ; /* 05 Jan 2008 */ extern char * EDIT_get_geometry_string( THD_3dim_dataset *dset ) ; extern char * EDIT_imat_to_geometry_string( mat44 imat , int nx,int ny,int nz ) ; extern float EDIT_geometry_string_diff( char *astr , char *bstr ) ; /* 30 Oct 2014 */ extern mat44_nxyz EDIT_geometry_string_to_mat44( char *gstr ) ; extern char * EDIT_geometry_string_pad( char *gsin , int npad ) ; /* Halloween 2014 */ extern char * EDIT_geomstring_from_collection( int nstr , char **gsin ) ; extern float_triple EDIT_geometry_string_to_delxyz( char *gstr ) ; extern char * EDIT_geomstring_from_corners( float xxbot, float xxtop , /* 17 May 2021 */ float yybot, float yytop , float zzbot, float zztop , float dx, float dy, float dz ) ; extern THD_3dim_dataset * jRandomDataset(int,int,int,int) ; /* 16 Mar 2016 */ extern MRI_IMAGE * jRandom1D(int,int) ; /* 17 Mar 2016 */ #define ISVALID_GEOMETRY_STRING(ggg) \ ( (ggg) != NULL && strncasecmp((ggg),"matrix(",7) == 0 ) extern int THD_volDXYZscale( THD_dataxes *daxes, float xyzscale, int reuse_shift); /* ZSS Dec 07 */ extern THD_3dim_dataset * EDIT_wod_copy( THD_3dim_dataset * ) ; /* 31 Jul 2002 */ extern THD_datablock * EDIT_empty_datablock(void) ; /* 11 Mar 2005 */ extern void EDIT_add_bricklist( THD_3dim_dataset *,int,int *,float *,void *sbr[] ) ; extern void EDIT_add_brick( THD_3dim_dataset * , int , float , void * ) ; extern int EDIT_add_bricks_from_far(THD_3dim_dataset *dset, float **far, int nval, int otype, char scaleopt, int verb); extern void EDIT_substitute_brick( THD_3dim_dataset *, int,int, void * ) ; extern void EDIT_substscale_brick( THD_3dim_dataset *, int,int, void *, int,float ) ; /* 10 Sept 1996 */ extern void EDIT_cluster_array (MCW_cluster_array * , int, float, float); /* 11 Sept 1996 */ extern void EDIT_filter_volume (int, int, int, float, float, float, int, void *, int, float, byte *, int, char * ); /* 13 Sept 2005 [rickr] */ extern THD_marker_set * create_empty_marker_set(void); extern int okay_to_add_markers(THD_3dim_dataset * dset); /* 15 Jan 2007 [RWC] -- in edt_clustalpha.c */ extern int cluster_alphaindex_64( int csize, int nz, float fw, float pv ) ; /**---------------- AFNI Dataset item Names ----------------**/ #define ADN_none 0 /** values in the diskptr **/ #define ADN_prefix 6001 /*= char * =*/ #define ADN_directory_name 6002 /*= char * =*/ /** values in the datablock **/ #define ADN_brick_fac 6011 /*= float * =*/ #define ADN_malloc_type 6012 /*= int =*/ #define ADN_datum_all 6013 /*= int =*/ #define ADN_datum_array 6014 /*= int * =*/ #define ADN_nvals 6016 /*= int =*/ /** values in the dataxes **/ #define ADN_nxyz 6020 /*= THD_ivec3 =*/ #define ADN_xyzdel 6021 /*= THD_fvec3 =*/ #define ADN_xyzorg 6022 /*= THD_fvec3 =*/ #define ADN_xyzorient 6023 /*= THD_ivec3 =*/ #define ADN_to_dicomm 6024 /*= THD_mat33 =*/ #define ADN_ijk_to_dicom 6026 /*= mat44 [19 Dec 2005] =*/ /** values in the timeaxis **/ #define ADN_ntt 6031 /*= int =*/ #define ADN_ttorg 6032 /*= float =*/ #define ADN_ttdel 6033 /*= float =*/ #define ADN_ttdur 6034 /*= float =*/ #define ADN_nsl 6035 /*= int =*/ #define ADN_zorg_sl 6036 /* float =*/ #define ADN_dz_sl 6037 /* float =*/ #define ADN_toff_sl 6039 /*= float * =*/ #define ADN_tunits 6040 /*= int =*/ /* 21 Oct 1996 */ /** values in the 3dim_dataset itself **/ #define ADN_type 6051 /*= int =*/ #define ADN_view_type 6052 /*= int =*/ #define ADN_func_type 6053 /*= int =*/ #define ADN_label1 6054 /*= char * =*/ #define ADN_label2 6055 /*= char * =*/ #define ADN_self_name 6056 /*= char * =*/ #define ADN_keywords_replace 6057 /*= char * =*/ #define ADN_keywords_append 6058 /*= char * =*/ #define ADN_warp_parent 6061 /*= THD_3dim_dataset * =*/ #define ADN_anat_parent 6062 /*= THD_3dim_dataset * =*/ #define ADN_stat_aux 6063 /*= float * =*/ #define ADN_warp 6064 /*= THD_warp * =*/ #define ADN_anatpar_idcode 6065 /*= MCW_idcode * [13 Dec 1999] =*/ /* 30 Nov 1997 */ /* 100000 -> 10000000 3 Oct 2011 [rickr] * Allow for 10 million sub-bricks in output datasets. Many people * currently need more than just 100000 (e.g. HJ Jo, Javier, Meghan). */ #define ADN_ONE_STEP 10000000 #define ADN_brick_label_one (2*ADN_ONE_STEP) /*= char * =*/ #define ADN_brick_fac_one (3*ADN_ONE_STEP) /*= float =*/ #define ADN_brick_stataux_one (4*ADN_ONE_STEP) /*= float * =*/ #define ADN_brick_keywords_replace_one (5*ADN_ONE_STEP) /*= char * =*/ #define ADN_brick_keywords_append_one (6*ADN_ONE_STEP) /*= char * =*/ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* These 2 macros added 14 Dec 1999 */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! Copy anat parent from old datasets ods to new dataset nds. */ #define EDIT_COPY_ANATOMY_PARENT_ID(nds,ods) \ do{ if( ISVALID_DSET(nds) && ISVALID_DSET(ods) ) \ (nds)->anat_parent_idcode = (ods)->anat_parent_idcode ; \ } while(0) /*! Null out the anat parent of dataset nds. */ #define EDIT_ZERO_ANATOMY_PARENT_ID(nds) \ do{ if( ISVALID_DSET(nds) ) \ ZERO_IDCODE((nds)->anat_parent_idcode); } while(0) /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* These 2 macros added 20 Aug 2008 */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define EDIT_TO_FUNC_BUCKET(ds) \ EDIT_dset_items( (ds) , \ ADN_type , HEAD_FUNC_TYPE , \ ADN_func_type , FUNC_BUCK_TYPE , \ ADN_ntt , 0 , \ ADN_none ) #define EDIT_TO_ANAT_BUCKET(ds) \ EDIT_dset_items( (ds) , \ ADN_type , HEAD_ANAT_TYPE , \ ADN_func_type , ANAT_BUCK_TYPE , \ ADN_ntt , 0 , \ ADN_none ) /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Added 15 Mar 2021 -- why didn't I do this before??? */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define EDIT_DSET_PREFIX(ds,pf) \ EDIT_dset_items( (ds), ADN_prefix,(pf) , ADN_none ) /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! Change statistical parameters in dataset ds, sub-brick iv, to statistical type ft, with parameters a,b,c,d. */ #define EDIT_STATAUX4(ds,iv,ft,a,b,c,d) \ do{ float sqq[6] ; \ if( ISVALID_DSET(ds) && \ (iv) >= 0 && (iv) < DSET_NVALS(ds) && \ (ft) >= 0 && (ft) <= LAST_FUNC_TYPE ){ \ sqq[0] = (ft) ; sqq[1] = FUNC_need_stat_aux[ft] ; \ sqq[2] = (a) ; sqq[3] = (b) ; sqq[4] = (c) ; sqq[5] = (d) ; \ EDIT_dset_items( (ds),ADN_brick_stataux_one+(iv),sqq,ADN_none ) ; \ } } while(0) /*! Convert sub-brick iv of dataset ds to a no-statistic [16 Jun 2003] */ #define EDIT_BRICK_TO_NOSTAT(ds,iv) \ EDIT_STATAUX4(ds,iv,FUNC_FIM_TYPE,0,0,0,0) /*! Convert sub-brick iv of dataset ds to a fico (correlation) statistic. */ #define EDIT_BRICK_TO_FICO(ds,iv,nsam,nfit,nort) \ EDIT_STATAUX4(ds,iv,FUNC_COR_TYPE,nsam,nfit,nort,0) /*! Convert sub-brick iv of dataset ds to a fitt (t test) statistic. */ #define EDIT_BRICK_TO_FITT(ds,iv,ndof) \ EDIT_STATAUX4(ds,iv,FUNC_TT_TYPE,ndof,0,0,0) /*! Convert sub-brick iv of dataset ds to a fift (F test) statistic. */ #define EDIT_BRICK_TO_FIFT(ds,iv,ndof,ddof) \ EDIT_STATAUX4(ds,iv,FUNC_FT_TYPE,ndof,ddof,0,0) /*! Convert sub-brick iv of dataset ds to a fizt (z score) statistic. */ #define EDIT_BRICK_TO_FIZT(ds,iv) \ EDIT_STATAUX4(ds,iv,FUNC_ZT_TYPE,0,0,0,0) /*! Convert sub-brick iv of dataset ds to a fict (chi square) statistic. */ #define EDIT_BRICK_TO_FICT(ds,iv,ndof) \ EDIT_STATAUX4(ds,iv,FUNC_CT_TYPE,ndof,0,0,0) /*! Convert sub-brick iv of dataset ds to a fibt (beta variable) statistic. */ #define EDIT_BRICK_TO_FIBT(ds,iv,a,b) \ EDIT_STATAUX4(ds,iv,FUNC_BT_TYPE,a,b,0,0) /*! Convert sub-brick iv of dataset ds to a fibn (binomial variable) statistic. */ #define EDIT_BRICK_TO_FIBN(ds,iv,ntrial,prob) \ EDIT_STATAUX4(ds,iv,FUNC_BN_TYPE,ntrial,prob,0,0) /*! Convert sub-brick iv of dataset ds to a figt (gamma variable) statistic. */ #define EDIT_BRICK_TO_FIGT(ds,iv,shape,scale) \ EDIT_STATAUX4(ds,iv,FUNC_GT_TYPE,shape,scale,0,0) /*! Convert sub-brick iv of dataset ds to a fipt (Poisson variable) statistic. */ #define EDIT_BRICK_TO_FIPT(ds,iv,mean) \ EDIT_STATAUX4(ds,iv,FUNC_PT_TYPE,mean,0,0,0) /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! Change the iv-th sub-brick label in dataset ds to str. */ #define EDIT_BRICK_LABEL(ds,iv,str) \ EDIT_dset_items( (ds), ADN_brick_label_one+(iv), (str), ADN_none ) /*! Change the iv-th sub-brick scale factor in dataset ds to fac (factor=0 means "don't scale"). */ #define EDIT_BRICK_FACTOR(ds,iv,fac) \ EDIT_dset_items( (ds), ADN_brick_fac_one+(iv), (fac), ADN_none ) /*! Add a keyword to sub-brick #iv of dataset ds. */ #define EDIT_BRICK_ADDKEY(ds,iv,str) \ EDIT_dset_items( (ds), ADN_brick_keywords_append_one+(iv), (str), ADN_none ) /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Prefix for an indicial sub-label for a statistic volume */ extern char EDIT_get_index_prefix(void) ; extern void EDIT_set_index_prefix(char c) ; #if 0 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! Change the orientation of a dataset */ #define EDIT_DSET_ORIENT(ds,ox,oy,oz) \ do{ THD_ivec3 orixyz ; \ LOAD_IVEC3( orixyz , (ox),(oy),(oz) ) ; \ EDIT_dset_items( (ds) , ADN_xyzorient , orixyz , ADN_none ) ; \ } while(0) #define DSET_TO_RAI(ds) EDIT_DSET_ORIENT((ds),ORI_R2L_TYPE,ORI_A2P_TYPE,ORI_I2S_TYPE) #define DSET_TO_LPI(ds) EDIT_DSET_ORIENT((ds),ORI_L2R_TYPE,ORI_P2A_TYPE,ORI_I2S_TYPE) #endif /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* 22 Aug 2005: neighborhood/local operations. */ #define MAX_NCODE 666 #define MAX_CODE_PARAMS 16 #define NTYPE_SPHERE 1 /* mask types: sphere */ #define NTYPE_RECT 2 /* rectangular block */ #define NTYPE_RHDD 3 /* rhombic dodecahedron */ #define NTYPE_TOHD 4 /* truncated octahedron */ extern void SetSearchAboutMaskedVoxel(int v); /* ZSS */ extern MRI_IMAGE * THD_get_dset_nbhd( THD_3dim_dataset *, int, byte *, int, int, int, MCW_cluster * ) ; extern MRI_IMARR * THD_get_dset_indexed_nbhd( THD_3dim_dataset *, int, byte *, int, int, int, MCW_cluster * ) ; extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_get_nbhd( MRI_IMAGE *, byte *, int, int, int, MCW_cluster * ) ; extern MRI_IMARR * mri_get_indexed_nbhd( MRI_IMAGE *, byte *, int, int, int, MCW_cluster * ) ; extern int mri_get_nbhd_array( MRI_IMAGE *inim , byte *mask , int xx, int yy, int zz, MCW_cluster *nbhd, void *nar ) ; extern int mri_load_nbhd_indices ( int nx, int ny, int nz , byte *mask , int xx, int yy, int zz, MCW_cluster *nbhd, int *nind); extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_localstat( MRI_IMAGE *, byte *, MCW_cluster *, int ) ; extern THD_3dim_dataset * THD_localstat( THD_3dim_dataset *, byte *, MCW_cluster *, int, int *, float p[][MAX_CODE_PARAMS+1], float *reduce_grid, int resam_mode) ; extern void THD_localstat_datum(int); extern void THD_localstat_verb(int); extern int DSET_1Dindex_to_regrid_ijk( THD_3dim_dataset *iset, int ijk, THD_3dim_dataset *gset, int *ii, int *jj, int *kk); extern THD_3dim_dataset * THD_reduced_grid_copy(THD_3dim_dataset *dset, float *redx); extern MRI_IMAGE * mri_localbistat( MRI_IMAGE *, MRI_IMAGE *, byte *, MCW_cluster *, int ) ; extern THD_3dim_dataset * THD_localbistat( THD_3dim_dataset *, THD_3dim_dataset *, byte *, MCW_cluster *, int, int *) ; extern void THD_localbistat_verb(int) ; #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* _MCW_EDITVOL_ */