/**************************************************************** Copyright 1990, 1992 - 1996 by AT&T, Lucent Technologies and Bellcore. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that the copyright notice and this permission notice and warranty disclaimer appear in supporting documentation, and that the names of AT&T, Bell Laboratories, Lucent or Bellcore or any of their entities not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. AT&T, Lucent and Bellcore disclaim all warranties with regard to this software, including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness. In no event shall AT&T, Lucent or Bellcore be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other tortious action, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this software. ****************************************************************/ #include "defs.h" #include "output.h" #include "iob.h" /* State required for the C output */ char *fl_fmt_string; /* Float format string */ char *db_fmt_string; /* Double format string */ char *cm_fmt_string; /* Complex format string */ char *dcm_fmt_string; /* Double complex format string */ chainp new_vars = CHNULL; /* List of newly created locals in this function. These may have identifiers which have underscores and more than VL characters */ chainp used_builtins = CHNULL; /* List of builtins used by this function. These are all Addrps with UNAM_EXTERN */ chainp assigned_fmts = CHNULL; /* assigned formats */ chainp allargs; /* union of args in all entry points */ chainp earlylabs; /* labels seen before enddcl() */ char main_alias[52]; /* PROGRAM name, if any is given */ int tab_size = 4; FILEP infile; FILEP diagfile; FILEP c_file; FILEP pass1_file; FILEP initfile; FILEP blkdfile; char *token; int maxtoklen, toklen; long err_lineno; long lineno; /* Current line in the input file, NOT the Fortran statement label number */ char *infname; int needkwd; struct Labelblock *thislabel = NULL; int nerr; int nwarn; flag saveall; flag substars; int parstate = OUTSIDE; flag headerdone = NO; int blklevel; int doin_setbound; int impltype[26]; ftnint implleng[26]; int implstg[26]; int tyint = TYLONG ; int tylogical = TYLONG; int tylog = TYLOGICAL; int typesize[NTYPES] = { 1, SZADDR, 1, SZSHORT, SZLONG, #ifdef TYQUAD 2*SZLONG, #endif SZLONG, 2*SZLONG, 2*SZLONG, 4*SZLONG, 1, SZSHORT, SZLONG, 1, 1, 0, 4*SZLONG + SZADDR, /* sizeof(cilist) */ 4*SZLONG + 2*SZADDR, /* sizeof(icilist) */ 4*SZLONG + 5*SZADDR, /* sizeof(olist) */ 2*SZLONG + SZADDR, /* sizeof(cllist) */ 2*SZLONG, /* sizeof(alist) */ 11*SZLONG + 15*SZADDR /* sizeof(inlist) */ }; int typealign[NTYPES] = { 1, ALIADDR, 1, ALISHORT, ALILONG, #ifdef TYQUAD ALIDOUBLE, #endif ALILONG, ALIDOUBLE, ALILONG, ALIDOUBLE, 1, ALISHORT, ALILONG, 1, 1, 1, ALILONG, ALILONG, ALILONG, ALILONG, ALILONG, ALILONG}; int type_choice[4] = { TYDREAL, TYSHORT, TYLONG, TYSHORT }; char *type_name[] = { "<>", "address", "integer1", "shortint", "integer", #ifdef TYQUAD "longint", #endif "real", "doublereal", "complex", "doublecomplex", "logical1", "shortlogical", "logical", "char" /* character */ }; int type_pref[NTYPES] = { 0, 0, 3, 5, 7, #ifdef TYQUAD 10, #endif 8, 11, 9, 12, 1, 4, 6, 2 }; char *protorettypes[] = { "?", "??", "integer1", "shortint", "integer", #ifdef TYQUAD "longint", #endif "real", "doublereal", "C_f", "Z_f", "logical1", "shortlogical", "logical", "H_f", "int" }; char *casttypes[TYSUBR+1] = { "U_fp", "??bug??", "I1_fp", "J_fp", "I_fp", #ifdef TYQUAD "Q_fp", #endif "R_fp", "D_fp", "C_fp", "Z_fp", "L1_fp", "L2_fp", "L_fp", "H_fp", "S_fp" }; char *usedcasts[TYSUBR+1]; char *dfltarg[] = { 0, 0, "(integer1 *)0", "(shortint *)0", "(integer *)0", #ifdef TYQUAD "(longint *)0", #endif "(real *)0", "(doublereal *)0", "(complex *)0", "(doublecomplex *)0", "(logical1 *)0","(shortlogical *)0", "(logical *)0", "(char *)0" }; static char *dflt0proc[] = { 0, 0, "(integer1 (*)())0", "(shortint (*)())0", "(integer (*)())0", #ifdef TYQUAD "(longint (*)())0", #endif "(real (*)())0", "(doublereal (*)())0", "(complex (*)())0", "(doublecomplex (*)())0", "(logical1 (*)())0", "(shortlogical (*)())0", "(logical (*)())0", "(char (*)())0", "(int (*)())0" }; char *dflt1proc[] = { "(U_fp)0", "(??bug??)0", "(I1_fp)0", "(J_fp)0", "(I_fp)0", #ifdef TYQUAD "(Q_fp)0", #endif "(R_fp)0", "(D_fp)0", "(C_fp)0", "(Z_fp)0", "(L1_fp)0","(L2_fp)0", "(L_fp)0", "(H_fp)0", "(S_fp)0" }; char **dfltproc = dflt0proc; static char Bug[] = "bug"; char *ftn_types[] = { "external", "??", "integer*1", "integer*2", "integer", #ifdef TYQUAD "integer*8", #endif "real", "double precision", "complex", "double complex", "logical*1", "logical*2", "logical", "character", "subroutine", Bug,Bug,Bug,Bug,Bug,Bug,Bug,Bug,Bug, "ftnlen" }; int init_ac[TYSUBR+1] = { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0, #ifdef TYQUAD 0, #endif 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2}; int proctype = TYUNKNOWN; char *procname; int rtvlabel[NTYPES0]; Addrp retslot; /* Holds automatic variable which was allocated the function return value */ Addrp xretslot[NTYPES0]; /* for multiple entry points */ int cxslot = -1; int chslot = -1; int chlgslot = -1; int procclass = CLUNKNOWN; int nentry; int nallargs; int nallchargs; flag multitype; ftnint procleng; long lastiolabno; long lastlabno; int lastvarno; int lastargslot; int autonum[TYVOID]; char *av_pfix[TYVOID] = {"??TYUNKNOWN??", "a","i1","s","i", #ifdef TYQUAD "i8", #endif "r","d","q","z","L1","L2","L","ch", "??TYSUBR??", "??TYERROR??","ci", "ici", "o", "cl", "al", "ioin" }; extern int maxctl; struct Ctlframe *ctls; struct Ctlframe *ctlstack; struct Ctlframe *lastctl; Namep regnamep[MAXREGVAR]; int highregvar; int nregvar; extern int maxext; Extsym *extsymtab; Extsym *nextext; Extsym *lastext; extern int maxequiv; struct Equivblock *eqvclass; extern int maxhash; struct Hashentry *hashtab; struct Hashentry *lasthash; extern int maxstno; /* Maximum number of statement labels */ struct Labelblock *labeltab; struct Labelblock *labtabend; struct Labelblock *highlabtab; int maxdim = MAXDIM; struct Rplblock *rpllist = NULL; struct Chain *curdtp = NULL; flag toomanyinit; ftnint curdtelt; chainp templist[TYVOID]; chainp holdtemps; int dorange = 0; struct Entrypoint *entries = NULL; chainp chains = NULL; flag inioctl; int iostmt; int nioctl; int nequiv = 0; int eqvstart = 0; int nintnames = 0; extern int maxlablist; struct Labelblock **labarray; struct Literal *litpool; int nliterals; char dflttype[26]; char hextoi_tab[Table_size], Letters[Table_size]; char *ei_first, *ei_next, *ei_last; char *wh_first, *wh_next, *wh_last; #define ALLOCN(n,x) (struct x *) ckalloc((n)*sizeof(struct x)) void fileinit(Void) { register char *s; register int i, j; lastiolabno = 100000; lastlabno = 0; lastvarno = 0; nliterals = 0; nerr = 0; infile = stdin; maxtoklen = 502; token = (char *)ckalloc(maxtoklen+2); memset(dflttype, tyreal, 26); memset(dflttype + 'i' - 'a', tyint, 6); memset(hextoi_tab, 16, sizeof(hextoi_tab)); for(i = 0, s = "0123456789abcdef"; *s; i++, s++) hextoi(*s) = i; for(i = 10, s = "ABCDEF"; *s; i++, s++) hextoi(*s) = i; for(j = 0, s = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; i = *s++; j++) Letters[i] = Letters[i+'A'-'a'] = j; ctls = ALLOCN(maxctl+1, Ctlframe); extsymtab = ALLOCN(maxext, Extsym); eqvclass = ALLOCN(maxequiv, Equivblock); hashtab = ALLOCN(maxhash, Hashentry); labeltab = ALLOCN(maxstno, Labelblock); litpool = ALLOCN(maxliterals, Literal); labarray = (struct Labelblock **)ckalloc(maxlablist* sizeof(struct Labelblock *)); fmt_init(); mem_init(); np_init(); ctlstack = ctls++; lastctl = ctls + maxctl; nextext = extsymtab; lastext = extsymtab + maxext; lasthash = hashtab + maxhash; labtabend = labeltab + maxstno; highlabtab = labeltab; main_alias[0] = '\0'; if (forcedouble) dfltproc[TYREAL] = dfltproc[TYDREAL]; /* Initialize the routines for providing C output */ out_init (); } void hashclear(Void) /* clear hash table */ { register struct Hashentry *hp; register Namep p; register struct Dimblock *q; register int i; for(hp = hashtab ; hp < lasthash ; ++hp) if(p = hp->varp) { frexpr(p->vleng); if(q = p->vdim) { for(i = 0 ; i < q->ndim ; ++i) { frexpr(q->dims[i].dimsize); frexpr(q->dims[i].dimexpr); } frexpr(q->nelt); frexpr(q->baseoffset); frexpr(q->basexpr); free( (charptr) q); } if(p->vclass == CLNAMELIST) frchain( &(p->varxptr.namelist) ); free( (charptr) p); hp->varp = NULL; } } void procinit(Void) { register struct Labelblock *lp; struct Chain *cp; int i; struct memblock; extern struct memblock *curmemblock, *firstmemblock; extern char *mem_first, *mem_next, *mem_last, *mem0_last; curmemblock = firstmemblock; mem_next = mem_first; mem_last = mem0_last; ei_next = ei_first = ei_last = 0; wh_next = wh_first = wh_last = 0; iob_list = 0; for(i = 0; i < 9; i++) io_structs[i] = 0; parstate = OUTSIDE; headerdone = NO; blklevel = 1; saveall = NO; substars = NO; nwarn = 0; thislabel = NULL; needkwd = 0; proctype = TYUNKNOWN; procname = "MAIN_"; procclass = CLUNKNOWN; nentry = 0; nallargs = nallchargs = 0; multitype = NO; retslot = NULL; for(i = 0; i < NTYPES0; i++) { frexpr((expptr)xretslot[i]); xretslot[i] = 0; } cxslot = -1; chslot = -1; chlgslot = -1; procleng = 0; blklevel = 1; lastargslot = 0; for(lp = labeltab ; lp < labtabend ; ++lp) lp->stateno = 0; hashclear(); /* Clear the list of newly generated identifiers from the previous function */ frexchain(&new_vars); frexchain(&used_builtins); frchain(&assigned_fmts); frchain(&allargs); frchain(&earlylabs); nintnames = 0; highlabtab = labeltab; ctlstack = ctls - 1; for(i = TYADDR; i < TYVOID; i++) { for(cp = templist[i]; cp ; cp = cp->nextp) free( (charptr) (cp->datap) ); frchain(templist + i); autonum[i] = 0; } holdtemps = NULL; dorange = 0; nregvar = 0; highregvar = 0; entries = NULL; rpllist = NULL; inioctl = NO; eqvstart += nequiv; nequiv = 0; dcomplex_seen = 0; for(i = 0 ; i c2) { sprintf(buff, "characters out of order in implicit:%c-%c", c1, c2); err(buff); } else { c1 = letter(c1); c2 = letter(c2); if(type < 0) for(i = c1 ; i<=c2 ; ++i) implstg[i] = - type; else { type = lengtype(type, length); if(type == TYCHAR) { if (length < 0) { err("length (*) in implicit"); length = 1; } } else if (type != TYLONG) length = 0; for(i = c1 ; i<=c2 ; ++i) { impltype[i] = type; implleng[i] = length; } } } }