/**************************************************************** Copyright 1990, 1992, 1993, 1994 by AT&T, Lucent Technologies and Bellcore. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that the copyright notice and this permission notice and warranty disclaimer appear in supporting documentation, and that the names of AT&T, Bell Laboratories, Lucent or Bellcore or any of their entities not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. AT&T, Lucent and Bellcore disclaim all warranties with regard to this software, including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness. In no event shall AT&T, Lucent or Bellcore be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other tortious action, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this software. ****************************************************************/ #include "defs.h" #include "pccdefs.h" #include "output.h" int regnum[] = { 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 }; /* Put out a constant integer */ void #ifdef KR_headers prconi(fp, n) FILEP fp; ftnint n; #else prconi(FILEP fp, ftnint n) #endif { fprintf(fp, "\t%ld\n", n); } /* Put out a constant address */ void #ifdef KR_headers prcona(fp, a) FILEP fp; ftnint a; #else prcona(FILEP fp, ftnint a) #endif { fprintf(fp, "\tL%ld\n", a); } void #ifdef KR_headers prconr(fp, x, k) FILEP fp; Constp x; int k; #else prconr(FILEP fp, Constp x, int k) #endif { char *x0, *x1; char cdsbuf0[64], cdsbuf1[64]; if (k > 1) { if (x->vstg) { x0 = x->Const.cds[0]; x1 = x->Const.cds[1]; } else { x0 = cds(dtos(x->Const.cd[0]), cdsbuf0); x1 = cds(dtos(x->Const.cd[1]), cdsbuf1); } fprintf(fp, "\t%s %s\n", x0, x1); } else fprintf(fp, "\t%s\n", x->vstg ? x->Const.cds[0] : cds(dtos(x->Const.cd[0]), cdsbuf0)); } char * #ifdef KR_headers memname(stg, mem) int stg; long mem; #else memname(int stg, long mem) #endif { static char s[20]; switch(stg) { case STGCOMMON: case STGEXT: sprintf(s, "_%s", extsymtab[mem].cextname); break; case STGBSS: case STGINIT: sprintf(s, "v.%ld", mem); break; case STGCONST: sprintf(s, "L%ld", mem); break; case STGEQUIV: sprintf(s, "q.%ld", mem+eqvstart); break; default: badstg("memname", stg); } return(s); } extern void addrlit Argdcl((Addrp)); /* make_int_expr -- takes an arbitrary expression, and replaces all occurrences of arguments with indirection */ expptr #ifdef KR_headers make_int_expr(e) expptr e; #else make_int_expr(expptr e) #endif { chainp listp; Addrp ap; if (e != ENULL) switch (e -> tag) { case TADDR: if (e -> addrblock.vstg == STGARG && !e->addrblock.isarray) e = mkexpr (OPWHATSIN, e, ENULL); break; case TEXPR: e -> exprblock.leftp = make_int_expr (e -> exprblock.leftp); e -> exprblock.rightp = make_int_expr (e -> exprblock.rightp); break; case TLIST: for(listp = e->listblock.listp; listp; listp = listp->nextp) if ((ap = (Addrp)listp->datap) && ap->tag == TADDR && ap->uname_tag == UNAM_CONST) addrlit(ap); break; default: break; } /* switch */ return e; } /* make_int_expr */ /* prune_left_conv -- used in prolog() to strip type cast away from left-hand side of parameter adjustments. This is necessary to avoid error messages from cktype() */ expptr #ifdef KR_headers prune_left_conv(e) expptr e; #else prune_left_conv(expptr e) #endif { struct Exprblock *leftp; if (e && e -> tag == TEXPR && e -> exprblock.leftp && e -> exprblock.leftp -> tag == TEXPR) { leftp = &(e -> exprblock.leftp -> exprblock); if (leftp -> opcode == OPCONV) { e -> exprblock.leftp = leftp -> leftp; free ((charptr) leftp); } } return e; } /* prune_left_conv */ static int wrote_comment; static FILE *comment_file; static void write_comment(Void) { if (!wrote_comment) { wrote_comment = 1; nice_printf (comment_file, "/* Parameter adjustments */\n"); } } static int * count_args(Void) { register int *ac; register chainp cp; register struct Entrypoint *ep; register Namep q; ac = (int *)ckalloc(nallargs*sizeof(int)); for(ep = entries; ep; ep = ep->entnextp) for(cp = ep->arglist; cp; cp = cp->nextp) if (q = (Namep)cp->datap) ac[q->argno]++; return ac; } static int nu, *refs, *used; static void awalk Argdcl((expptr)); static void #ifdef KR_headers aawalk(P) struct Primblock *P; #else aawalk(struct Primblock *P) #endif { chainp p; expptr q; if (P->argsp) for(p = P->argsp->listp; p; p = p->nextp) { q = (expptr)p->datap; if (q->tag != TCONST) awalk(q); } if (P->namep->vtype == TYCHAR) { if (q = P->fcharp) awalk(q); if (q = P->lcharp) awalk(q); } } static void #ifdef KR_headers afwalk(P) struct Primblock *P; #else afwalk(struct Primblock *P) #endif { chainp p; expptr q; Namep np; for(p = P->argsp->listp; p; p = p->nextp) { q = (expptr)p->datap; switch(q->tag) { case TPRIM: np = q->primblock.namep; if (np->vknownarg) if (!refs[np->argno]++) used[nu++] = np->argno; if (q->primblock.argsp == 0) { if (q->primblock.namep->vclass == CLPROC && q->primblock.namep->vprocclass != PTHISPROC || q->primblock.namep->vdim != NULL) continue; } default: awalk(q); /* no break */ case TCONST: continue; } } } static void #ifdef KR_headers awalk(e) expptr e; #else awalk(expptr e) #endif { Namep np; top: if (!e) return; switch(e->tag) { default: badtag("awalk", e->tag); case TCONST: case TERROR: case TLIST: return; case TADDR: if (e->addrblock.uname_tag == UNAM_NAME) { np = e->addrblock.user.name; if (np->vknownarg && !refs[np->argno]++) used[nu++] = np->argno; } e = e->addrblock.memoffset; goto top; case TPRIM: np = e->primblock.namep; if (np->vknownarg && !refs[np->argno]++) used[nu++] = np->argno; if (e->primblock.argsp && np->vclass != CLVAR) afwalk((struct Primblock *)e); else aawalk((struct Primblock *)e); return; case TEXPR: awalk(e->exprblock.rightp); e = e->exprblock.leftp; goto top; } } static chainp #ifdef KR_headers argsort(p0) chainp p0; #else argsort(chainp p0) #endif { Namep *args, q, *stack; int i, nargs, nout, nst; chainp *d, *da, p, rv, *rvp; struct Dimblock *dp; if (!p0) return p0; for(nargs = 0, p = p0; p; p = p->nextp) nargs++; args = (Namep *)ckalloc(i = nargs*(sizeof(Namep) + 2*sizeof(chainp) + 2*sizeof(int))); memset((char *)args, 0, i); stack = args + nargs; d = (chainp *)(stack + nargs); refs = (int *)(d + nargs); used = refs + nargs; for(p = p0; p; p = p->nextp) { q = (Namep) p->datap; args[q->argno] = q; } for(p = p0; p; p = p->nextp) { q = (Namep) p->datap; if (!(dp = q->vdim)) continue; i = dp->ndim; while(--i >= 0) awalk(dp->dims[i].dimexpr); awalk(dp->basexpr); while(nu > 0) { refs[i = used[--nu]] = 0; d[i] = mkchain((char *)q, d[i]); } } for(i = nst = 0; i < nargs; i++) for(p = d[i]; p; p = p->nextp) refs[((Namep)p->datap)->argno]++; while(--i >= 0) if (!refs[i]) stack[nst++] = args[i]; if (nst == nargs) { rv = p0; goto done; } nout = 0; rv = 0; rvp = &rv; while(nst > 0) { nout++; q = stack[--nst]; *rvp = p = mkchain((char *)q, CHNULL); rvp = &p->nextp; da = d + q->argno; for(p = *da; p; p = p->nextp) if (!--refs[(q = (Namep)p->datap)->argno]) stack[nst++] = q; frchain(da); } if (nout < nargs) for(i = 0; i < nargs; i++) if (refs[i]) { q = args[i]; errstr("Can't adjust %.38s correctly\n\ due to dependencies among arguments.", q->fvarname); *rvp = p = mkchain((char *)q, CHNULL); rvp = &p->nextp; frchain(d+i); } done: free((char *)args); return rv; } void #ifdef KR_headers prolog(outfile, p) FILE *outfile; register chainp p; #else prolog(FILE *outfile, register chainp p) #endif { int addif, addif0, i, nd, size; int *ac; register Namep q; register struct Dimblock *dp; chainp p0, p1; if(procclass == CLBLOCK) return; p0 = p; p1 = p = argsort(p); wrote_comment = 0; comment_file = outfile; ac = 0; /* Compute the base addresses and offsets for the array parameters, and assign these values to local variables */ addif = addif0 = nentry > 1; for(; p ; p = p->nextp) { q = (Namep) p->datap; if(dp = q->vdim) /* if this param is an array ... */ { expptr Q, expr; /* See whether to protect the following with an if. */ /* This only happens when there are multiple entries. */ nd = dp->ndim - 1; if (addif0) { if (!ac) ac = count_args(); if (ac[q->argno] == nentry) addif = 0; else if (dp->basexpr || dp->baseoffset->constblock.Const.ci) addif = 1; else for(addif = i = 0; i <= nd; i++) if (dp->dims[i].dimexpr && (i < nd || !q->vlastdim)) { addif = 1; break; } if (addif) { write_comment(); nice_printf(outfile, "if (%s) {\n", /*}*/ q->cvarname); next_tab(outfile); } } for(i = 0 ; i <= nd; ++i) /* Store the variable length of each dimension (which is fixed upon runtime procedure entry) into a local variable */ if ((Q = dp->dims[i].dimexpr) && (i < nd || !q->vlastdim)) { expr = (expptr)cpexpr(Q); write_comment(); out_and_free_statement (outfile, mkexpr (OPASSIGN, fixtype(cpexpr(dp->dims[i].dimsize)), expr)); } /* if dp -> dims[i].dimexpr */ /* size will equal the size of a single element, or -1 if the type is variable length character type */ size = typesize[ q->vtype ]; if(q->vtype == TYCHAR) if( ISICON(q->vleng) ) size *= q->vleng->constblock.Const.ci; else size = -1; /* Fudge the argument pointers for arrays so subscripts * are 0-based. Not done if array bounds are being checked. */ if(dp->basexpr) { /* Compute the base offset for this procedure */ write_comment(); out_and_free_statement (outfile, mkexpr (OPASSIGN, cpexpr(fixtype(dp->baseoffset)), cpexpr(fixtype(dp->basexpr)))); } /* if dp -> basexpr */ if(! checksubs) { if(dp->basexpr) { expptr tp; /* If the base of this array has a variable adjustment ... */ tp = (expptr) cpexpr (dp -> baseoffset); if(size < 0 || q -> vtype == TYCHAR) tp = mkexpr (OPSTAR, tp, cpexpr (q -> vleng)); write_comment(); tp = mkexpr (OPMINUSEQ, mkconv (TYADDR, (expptr)p->datap), mkconv(TYINT, fixtype (fixtype (tp)))); /* Avoid type clash by removing the type conversion */ tp = prune_left_conv (tp); out_and_free_statement (outfile, tp); } else if(dp->baseoffset->constblock.Const.ci != 0) { /* if the base of this array has a nonzero constant adjustment ... */ expptr tp; write_comment(); if(size > 0 && q -> vtype != TYCHAR) { tp = prune_left_conv (mkexpr (OPMINUSEQ, mkconv (TYADDR, (expptr)p->datap), mkconv (TYINT, fixtype (cpexpr (dp->baseoffset))))); out_and_free_statement (outfile, tp); } else { tp = prune_left_conv (mkexpr (OPMINUSEQ, mkconv (TYADDR, (expptr)p->datap), mkconv (TYINT, fixtype (mkexpr (OPSTAR, cpexpr (dp -> baseoffset), cpexpr (q -> vleng)))))); out_and_free_statement (outfile, tp); } /* else */ } /* if dp -> baseoffset -> const */ } /* if !checksubs */ if (addif) { nice_printf(outfile, /*{*/ "}\n"); prev_tab(outfile); } } } if (wrote_comment) nice_printf (outfile, "\n/* Function Body */\n"); if (ac) free((char *)ac); if (p0 != p1) frchain(&p1); } /* prolog */