/***************************************************************************** Major portions of this software are copyrighted by the Medical College of Wisconsin, 1994-2000, and are released under the Gnu General Public License, Version 2. See the file README.Copyright for details. ******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include "mrilib.h" #include "pcor.h" #include "ts.h" #ifndef MAX # define MAX(x,y) (((x)>(y)) ? (x) : (y)) #endif #ifndef MIN # define MIN(x,y) (((x)<(y)) ? (x) : (y)) #endif #ifndef MALLOC_ERR # define MALLOC_ERR(str) {fprintf(stderr,"malloc error for %s\a\n",str);exit(1);} #endif #define SCALE 10000 #define BLAST 33333.0 #define DFILT_NONE 0 /* no derivative filtering */ #define DFILT_SPACE 1 /* spatial mode */ #define DFILT_SPACE0 11 #define DFILT_TIME 2 /* temporal mode */ #define DFILT_TIME0 21 #define DFILT_BOTH 3 /* both, separately */ #define DFILT_BOTH0 31 #define DFILT_SPACETIME 4 /* both, together */ #define DFILT_SPACETIME0 41 #define CLIP_FRAC 0.10 /* for clipping nonbrain (low intensity) pixels */ /*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ /** structure type to hold results from scanning the command line options **/ typedef struct { char *fname_corr , /* filename for correlation image */ *fname_fim , /* filename for activation image */ *fname_cnr , /* filename for contrast-to-noise image */ *fname_sig , /* filename for standard deviation image */ *fname_fit ; /* filename root for fit coefficients */ MRI_IMARR * ims ; /* array of images themselves */ MRI_IMARR * rims ; /* array of registered images */ float scale_fim , /* scale factor for alpha image */ thresh_pcorr , /* correlation coeff. threshold */ thresh_report ; /* reporting threshold for output */ int nxim , nyim , /* image dimensions */ ntime ; /* number of time points */ time_series *weight ; /* pointer to weighting vector */ time_series_array * refts, /* array of reference (detrending) vectors */ * idts ; /* array of ideal vectors */ int flim , /* if TRUE, write floating point images */ norm_fim , /* if TRUE, normalize alpha image */ scale_output ; /* if TRUE, force scale data into outputs' corners */ int dfilt_code ; /* one of the DFILT_ consts above */ int reg_bilinear ; /* 1 for bilinear registration, 0 for bicubic */ MRI_IMAGE * first_flim ; /* first image to use, in flim format */ int do_clip , debug , quiet ; char * fname_subort ; } line_opt ; /*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ /*** internal prototypes ***/ void get_line_opt( int argc , char *argv[] , line_opt *opt ) ; void Syntax( char * ) ; void write_images( line_opt * , char * , MRI_IMAGE * , float , char * , MRI_IMAGE * ) ; time_series * edit_weight( time_series * , time_series * ) ; /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ int main( int argc , char *argv[] ) { line_opt opt ; /* holds data constructed from command line */ references *ref ; /* holds reference covariance computations */ voxel_corr *voxcor ; /* holds voxel-specific covariances */ float *pcorr=NULL ; /* holds partial correlation coefficients */ float *alpha ; /* holds activation levels */ float *refvec , /* values of reference vectors at given time */ *voxvec ; /* values of voxel data at given time */ MRI_IMAGE *voxim ; /* image data (contains voxvec) */ MRI_IMAGE *imcor , /* correlation image (pcorr is part of this) */ *imalp ; /* activation level image (alpha is in this ) */ int nref , nideal ; float wt ; /* weight factor at given time */ /* duplicates for rims */ references *ref_reg=NULL ; voxel_corr *voxcor_reg=NULL ; float *pcorr_reg , *alpha_reg ; MRI_IMAGE *imcor_reg , *imalp_reg ; int nref_reg=0 ; int itime , numvox , good , vox , ii , ii_idts ; int do_cnr , do_sig , do_fit , do_subort ; time_series * wtnew ; MRI_IMARR * cor_ims , * alp_ims , * cnr_ims=NULL , * sig_ims=NULL ; MRI_IMARR ** fit_ims=NULL ; /* a whole bunch of arrays of images! */ MRI_IMAGE * best_im=NULL ; int * best=NULL ; float * cornew ; float cnew , cold ; int npass_pos , npass_neg ; /* number of voxels that pass the test */ float cormin , cormax , /* min and max correlations seen */ alpmin , alpmax ; /* ditto for activations */ /*** read command line, and set up as it bids ***/ machdep() ; get_line_opt( argc , argv , &opt ) ; numvox = opt.nxim * opt.nyim ; nref = opt.refts->num ; nideal = opt.idts->num ; do_cnr = opt.fname_cnr != NULL ; do_sig = opt.fname_sig != NULL ; do_fit = opt.fname_fit != NULL ; do_subort = opt.fname_subort != NULL ; /** create place to put output images for each ideal **/ INIT_IMARR(cor_ims) ; INIT_IMARR(alp_ims) ; if( do_cnr ) INIT_IMARR(cnr_ims) ; if( do_sig ) INIT_IMARR(sig_ims) ; if( do_fit || do_subort ) fit_ims = (MRI_IMARR **) malloc( sizeof(MRI_IMARR *) * nideal ) ; /*** June 1995: set up to clip on intensities of first_flim ***/ if( CLIP_FRAC > 0.0 && opt.do_clip ){ float ftop , fbot , clipper , val ; float * far ; int nclipper ; ftop = mri_max( opt.first_flim ) ; fbot = mri_min( opt.first_flim ) ; ftop = (fabs(ftop) > fabs(fbot)) ? fabs(ftop) : fabs(fbot) ; ftop = CLIP_FRAC * ftop ; far = MRI_FLOAT_PTR( opt.first_flim ) ; clipper = 0.0 ; nclipper = 0 ; for( vox=0 ; vox < numvox ; vox++ ){ val = fabs(far[vox]) ; if( val >= ftop ){ clipper += val ; nclipper++ ; } } clipper = CLIP_FRAC * clipper / nclipper ; nclipper = 0 ; for( vox=0 ; vox < numvox ; vox++ ){ val = fabs(far[vox]) ; if( val < clipper ){ far[vox] = 0.0 ; nclipper++ ; } } if( nclipper > 0 && !opt.quiet ) printf("CLIPPING %d voxels to zero for low intensity in base image!\n",nclipper) ; } refvec = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * nref ) ; if( refvec == NULL ) MALLOC_ERR("refvec") ; /** July 1995: master loop over multiple ideals **/ for( ii_idts=0 ; ii_idts < nideal ; ii_idts++ ){ opt.refts->tsarr[nref-1] = opt.idts->tsarr[ii_idts] ; /* last ref = new ideal */ wtnew = edit_weight( opt.weight , opt.idts->tsarr[ii_idts] ) ; /* make weight vector */ if( wtnew == NULL ){ fprintf(stderr,"** bad weight at ideal # %d -- end of run!\a\n",ii_idts+1) ; exit(1) ; } ref = new_references( nref ) ; voxcor = new_voxel_corr( numvox , nref ) ; if( opt.rims != NULL ){ nref_reg = nref - 3 ; /* don't use the 1st 3 refs */ ref_reg = new_references( nref_reg ) ; voxcor_reg = new_voxel_corr( numvox , nref_reg ) ; } /*** loop through time, getting new reference vector data, and new images to correlate with the references vectors ***/ itime = 0 ; do{ int wt_not_one ; /*** find weighting factor for this time ***/ wt = wtnew->ts[itime] ; /*** process new image for this time (if any weight is given to it) ***/ if( wt != 0.0 ){ wt_not_one = (wt != 1.0) ; voxim = (wt_not_one) ? mri_to_float( opt.ims->imarr[itime] ) /* copy */ : opt.ims->imarr[itime] ; /* pointer */ voxvec = MRI_FLOAT_PTR( voxim ) ; for( ii=0 ; ii < nref ; ii++ ) refvec[ii] = opt.refts->tsarr[ii]->ts[itime] ; if( wt_not_one ){ for( vox=0 ; vox < nref ; vox++ ) refvec[vox] *= wt ; for( vox=0 ; vox < numvox ; vox++ ) voxvec[vox] *= wt ; } update_references( refvec , ref ) ; update_voxel_corr( voxvec , ref , voxcor ) ; if( wt_not_one ) mri_free( voxim ) ; /*** same for registered images, but don't use refs 0, 1, or 2 ***/ if( opt.rims != NULL ){ voxim = (wt_not_one) ? mri_to_float( opt.rims->imarr[itime] ) /* copy */ : opt.rims->imarr[itime] ; /* pointer */ voxvec = MRI_FLOAT_PTR( voxim ) ; for( ii=0 ; ii < nref_reg ; ii++ ) refvec[ii] = opt.refts->tsarr[ii+3]->ts[itime] ; if( wt_not_one ){ for( vox=0 ; vox < nref_reg ; vox++ ) refvec[vox] *= wt ; for( vox=0 ; vox < numvox ; vox++ ) voxvec[vox] *= wt ; } update_references( refvec , ref_reg ) ; update_voxel_corr( voxvec , ref_reg , voxcor_reg ) ; if( wt_not_one ) mri_free( voxim ) ; } } } while( ++itime < opt.ntime ) ; /*** compute outputs ***/ imcor = mri_new( opt.nxim , opt.nyim , MRI_float ) ; /* output images */ imalp = mri_new( opt.nxim , opt.nyim , MRI_float ) ; pcorr = MRI_FLOAT_PTR( imcor ) ; /* output arrays */ alpha = MRI_FLOAT_PTR( imalp ) ; get_pcor( ref , voxcor , pcorr ) ; /* compute partial correlation */ get_coef( ref , voxcor , alpha ) ; /* compute activation levels */ /*** if have images AND registered images (DFBOTH), merge them ***/ if( opt.rims != NULL ){ float pc , pcreg ; imcor_reg = mri_new( opt.nxim , opt.nyim , MRI_float ) ; /* output images */ imalp_reg = mri_new( opt.nxim , opt.nyim , MRI_float ) ; pcorr_reg = MRI_FLOAT_PTR( imcor ) ; /* output arrays */ alpha_reg = MRI_FLOAT_PTR( imalp ) ; get_pcor( ref_reg , voxcor_reg , pcorr_reg ) ; get_coef( ref_reg , voxcor_reg , alpha_reg ) ; for( ii=0 ; ii < numvox ; ii++ ){ pc = pcorr[ii] ; pcreg = pcorr_reg[ii] ; if( fabs(pc) > fabs(pcreg) ){ pcorr[ii] = pcreg ; alpha[ii] = alpha_reg[ii] ; } } mri_free( imalp_reg ) ; mri_free( imcor_reg ) ; free_references( ref_reg ) ; free_voxel_corr( voxcor_reg ) ; } /*** June 1995: clip on intensities of first_flim ***/ if( CLIP_FRAC > 0.0 && opt.do_clip ){ float * far = MRI_FLOAT_PTR( opt.first_flim ) ; for( vox=0 ; vox < numvox ; vox++ ) if( far[vox] == 0.0 ){ pcorr[vox] = alpha[vox] = 0.0 ; } } /*** store images for later processing ***/ ADDTO_IMARR( cor_ims , imcor ) ; ADDTO_IMARR( alp_ims , imalp ) ; /*** compute CNR and SIG, if desired ***/ if( do_cnr || do_sig ){ MRI_IMAGE * imcnr , * imsig ; float * cnr , * sig ; float rbot,rtop , scale , sbot ; int ii , first , its ; first = 1 ; rbot = rtop = 0 ; its = nref - 1 ; /* index of ideal */ for( ii=0 ; ii < opt.ntime ; ii++ ){ if( wtnew->ts[ii] > 0.0 ){ if( first ){ rtop = rbot = opt.refts->tsarr[its]->ts[ii] ; first = 0 ; } else { rbot = MIN( opt.refts->tsarr[its]->ts[ii] , rbot ) ; rtop = MAX( opt.refts->tsarr[its]->ts[ii] , rtop ) ; } } } scale = rtop-rbot ; imsig = mri_new( opt.nxim , opt.nyim , MRI_float ) ; sig = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(imsig) ; get_variance( voxcor , sig ) ; sbot = 0.0 ; for( vox=0 ; vox < numvox ; vox++ ) if( sig[vox] > 0.0 ){ sig[vox] = sqrt(sig[vox]) ; sbot += sig[vox] ; } else sig[vox] = 0.0 ; sbot = 0.001 * sbot / numvox ; /* for clipping cnr */ if( do_cnr ){ imcnr = mri_new( opt.nxim , opt.nyim , MRI_float ) ; cnr = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(imcnr) ; for( vox=0 ; vox < numvox ; vox++ ) if( sig[vox] > sbot ) cnr[vox] = scale * alpha[vox] / sig[vox] ; else cnr[vox] = 0.0 ; ADDTO_IMARR( cnr_ims , imcnr ) ; #ifdef DEBUG { char buf[64] ; printf("ideal %d: sbot = %g\n",ii_idts,sbot) ; sprintf(buf,"cnr.%02d",ii_idts) ; mri_write(buf,imcnr) ; sprintf(buf,"sig.%02d",ii_idts) ; mri_write(buf,imsig) ; sprintf(buf,"alp.%02d",ii_idts) ; mri_write(buf,imalp) ; } #endif } if( do_sig ) ADDTO_IMARR( sig_ims , imsig ) ; else mri_free(imsig) ; } /** save fit coefficients for the -fitfile option **/ if( do_fit || do_subort ){ MRI_IMARR * fitim ; MRI_IMAGE * tim ; float ** fitar ; int ir ; INIT_IMARR(fitim) ; /* create array of fit coefficients */ /* (one for each ref vector) */ fitar = (float **) malloc( sizeof(float *) * nref ) ; for( ir=0 ; ir < nref ; ir++ ){ tim = mri_new( opt.nxim , opt.nyim , MRI_float ) ; /* ir-th fit image */ fitar[ir] = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(tim) ; /* ir-th array */ ADDTO_IMARR(fitim,tim) ; } get_lsqfit( ref , voxcor , fitar ) ; /* compute all fit arrays at once */ fit_ims[ii_idts] = fitim ; /* add a whole new image array */ free( fitar ) ; /* don't need these pointers, are stored in fit_ims */ } /*** cleanup for next ideal ***/ free_references( ref ) ; free_voxel_corr( voxcor ) ; RWC_free_time_series( wtnew ) ; } /*** end of loop over ideals (ii_idts) ***/ /** release images and other data (unless they are needed below) **/ if( !do_subort ) DESTROY_IMARR(opt.ims) ; if( opt.rims != NULL ) DESTROY_IMARR(opt.rims) ; opt.refts->tsarr[nref-1] = NULL ; /* this one is in opt.idts */ if( !do_subort ) DESTROY_TSARR(opt.refts) ; DESTROY_TSARR(opt.idts) ; mri_free( opt.first_flim ) ; free( refvec ) ; RWC_free_time_series( opt.weight ) ; /*************** scan through all ideals and pick the "best" ***************/ if( nideal == 1 ){ imcor = cor_ims->imarr[0] ; imalp = alp_ims->imarr[0] ; } else { imcor = mri_to_float( cor_ims->imarr[0] ) ; /* to be best correlation */ pcorr = MRI_FLOAT_PTR( imcor ) ; best_im = mri_new( opt.nxim , opt.nxim , MRI_int ) ; /* to be index of best */ best = MRI_INT_PTR(best_im) ; for( vox=0 ; vox < numvox ; vox++ ) best[vox] = 0 ; /* start at first ideal */ /** find best correlation image **/ for( ii_idts=1 ; ii_idts < nideal ; ii_idts++ ){ cornew = MRI_FLOAT_PTR( cor_ims->imarr[ii_idts] ) ; /* ii_idts'th correlation */ for( vox=0 ; vox < numvox ; vox++ ){ cnew = cornew[vox] ; cold = pcorr[vox] ; if( fabs(cnew) > fabs(cold) ){ best[vox] = ii_idts ; pcorr[vox] = cnew ; } } } /** load best alpha image **/ imalp = mri_new( opt.nxim , opt.nyim , MRI_float ) ; alpha = MRI_FLOAT_PTR( imalp ) ; for( vox=0 ; vox < numvox ; vox++ ) alpha[vox] = MRI_FLOAT_PTR( alp_ims->imarr[best[vox]] )[vox] ; } /*** write correlation and alpha out ***/ write_images( &opt , opt.fname_corr , imcor , opt.thresh_pcorr, opt.fname_fim , imalp ) ; /*** write a report to the screen ***/ npass_pos = npass_neg = 0 ; for( vox=0 ; vox < numvox ; vox++ ) if( fabs(pcorr[vox]) >= opt.thresh_pcorr ){ if( pcorr[vox] > 0 ) npass_pos++ ; if( pcorr[vox] < 0 ) npass_neg++ ; } cormin = mri_min( imcor ) ; cormax = mri_max( imcor ) ; alpmin = mri_min( imalp ) ; alpmax = mri_max( imalp ) ; if( !opt.quiet ){ printf( "minimum activation = %11.4g maximum = %11.4g\n", alpmin,alpmax); printf( "minimum correlation = %11.4g maximum = %11.4g\n", cormin,cormax); printf( "number of voxels with correlation >= %5.3f is %d\n", opt.thresh_pcorr , npass_pos ) ; printf( "number of voxels with correlation <= -%5.3f is %d\n", opt.thresh_pcorr , npass_neg ) ; } DESTROY_IMARR( cor_ims ) ; DESTROY_IMARR( alp_ims ) ; if( nideal > 1 ){ mri_free(imcor) ; mri_free(imalp) ; } /*** write CNR out ***/ if( do_cnr ){ MRI_IMAGE * imcnr ; float * cnr ; if( nideal == 1 ){ imcnr = cnr_ims->imarr[0] ; } else { imcnr = mri_new( opt.nxim , opt.nyim , MRI_float ) ; cnr = MRI_FLOAT_PTR( imcnr ) ; for( vox=0 ; vox < numvox ; vox++ ) cnr[vox] = MRI_FLOAT_PTR( cnr_ims->imarr[best[vox]] )[vox] ; } if( opt.flim ){ mri_write( opt.fname_cnr , imcnr ) ; } else { MRI_IMAGE * shim ; shim = mri_to_short( 100.0 , imcnr ) ; mri_write( opt.fname_cnr , shim ) ; mri_free( shim ) ; } DESTROY_IMARR( cnr_ims ) ; if( nideal > 1 ) mri_free(imcnr) ; } /*** write SIG out ***/ if( do_sig ){ MRI_IMAGE * imsig ; float * sig ; if( nideal == 1 ){ imsig = sig_ims->imarr[0] ; } else { imsig = mri_new( opt.nxim , opt.nyim , MRI_float ) ; sig = MRI_FLOAT_PTR( imsig ) ; for( vox=0 ; vox < numvox ; vox++ ) sig[vox] = MRI_FLOAT_PTR( sig_ims->imarr[best[vox]] )[vox] ; } mri_write( opt.fname_sig , imsig ) ; /* always flim */ DESTROY_IMARR( sig_ims ) ; if( nideal > 1 ) mri_free(imsig) ; } /*** write FIT out ***/ if( do_fit || do_subort ){ char root[128] , fname[128] ; int ir , ib ; MRI_IMAGE * tim=NULL ; float * tar=NULL , * qar ; float ortval ; if( do_fit ){ strcpy(root,opt.fname_fit) ; ir = strlen(root) ; if( root[ir-1] != '.' ){ root[ir] = '.' ; root[ir+1] = '\0' ; } } /* if have more than 1 ideal, must pick best fit and put into new image */ if( nideal > 1 ){ tim = mri_new( opt.nxim , opt.nyim , MRI_float ) ; tar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR( tim ) ; } for( ir=0 ; ir < nref ; ir++ ){ if( nideal == 1 ){ tim = fit_ims[0]->imarr[ir] ; /* 1 ideal --> output the 1 fit */ tar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR( tim ) ; /* ptr to coefficients */ } else { for( vox=0 ; vox < numvox ; vox++ ) tar[vox] = MRI_FLOAT_PTR( fit_ims[best[vox]]->imarr[ir] )[vox] ; } if( do_fit ){ sprintf(fname,"%s%02d",root,ir+1) ; mri_write( fname , tim ) ; /* always flim */ } if( do_subort && ir < nref-1 ){ /* subtract ort # ir from images */ for( itime=0 ; itime < opt.ntime ; itime++ ){ /* loop over time */ ortval = opt.refts->tsarr[ir]->ts[itime] ; if( fabs(ortval) >= BLAST ) continue ; /* skip this one */ qar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(opt.ims->imarr[itime]) ; /* current image */ for( vox=0 ; vox < numvox ; vox++ ) /* loop over space */ qar[vox] -= ortval * tar[vox] ; /* subtract ort */ } /* end of loop over time */ } } /* end of loop over ref vectors */ for( ii_idts=0 ; ii_idts < nideal ; ii_idts++ ) /* don't need fits no more */ DESTROY_IMARR(fit_ims[ii_idts]) ; free(fit_ims) ; if( nideal > 1 ) mri_free(tim) ; /* don't need best fit image no more */ if( do_subort ){ strcpy(root,opt.fname_subort) ; ir = strlen(root) ; if( root[ir-1] != '.' ){ root[ir] = '.' ; root[ir+1] = '\0' ; } for( itime=0 ; itime < opt.ntime ; itime++ ){ sprintf(fname,"%s%04d",root,itime+1) ; mri_write( fname , opt.ims->imarr[itime] ) ; /* always flim */ } DESTROY_IMARR(opt.ims) ; /* no longer used */ DESTROY_TSARR(opt.refts) ; } } /******** all done ********/ if( nideal > 1 ) mri_free( best_im ) ; exit(0) ; } /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ /*** write images out (inputs must be floating mrilib format) ***/ void write_images( line_opt *opt , char *fname_imcor , MRI_IMAGE *imcor , float thresh_cor , char *fname_imalp , MRI_IMAGE *imalp ) { int vox , numvox = imcor->nx * imcor->ny ; float *pcorr = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(imcor) , *alpha = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(imalp) ; MRI_IMAGE *shim ; /* image of shorts to actually write */ short *shar ; /* array inside shim */ float sfac , alpmin , alpmax ; /*** threshold alpha on pcorr ***/ if( thresh_cor > 0.0 ){ for( vox=0 ; vox < numvox ; vox++ ) if( fabs(pcorr[vox]) < thresh_cor ) alpha[vox] = 0.0 ; } /*** write output images ***/ if( opt->flim ){ /* write floating point images [an advanced user :-)] */ if( fname_imcor != NULL ){ /* write correlation image */ mri_write( fname_imcor , imcor ) ; } if( fname_imalp != NULL ){ /* write activation image */ mri_write( fname_imalp , imalp ) ; } } else { /* write short images [a primitive user :-(] */ /*** scale and write correlation image ***/ if( fname_imcor != NULL ){ sfac = SCALE ; shim = mri_to_short( sfac , imcor ) ; /* scale to shorts */ if( opt->scale_output ){ shar = MRI_SHORT_PTR( shim ) ; /* access array in shim */ shar[0] = 0 ; /* for display purposes */ shar[1] = -SCALE ; shar[2] = SCALE ; } mri_write( fname_imcor , shim ) ; /* write short image */ mri_free( shim ) ; /* toss it away */ } /*** scale and write activation image ***/ if( fname_imalp != NULL ){ alpmin = mri_min( imalp ) ; alpmin = fabs(alpmin) ; /* find */ alpmax = mri_max( imalp ) ; alpmax = fabs(alpmax) ; /* biggest */ alpmax = (alpmin < alpmax) ? (alpmax) : (alpmin) ; /* alpha */ /*** default scaling (normalization) ***/ if( opt->norm_fim ){ /* normalize alpha to +/-SCALE range */ if( alpmax==0.0 ){ /* no data range! */ sfac = SCALE ; } else { sfac = SCALE / alpmax ; } } else { /*** user input scale factor ***/ sfac = opt->scale_fim ; } shim = mri_to_short( sfac , imalp ) ; /* do the scaling */ shar = MRI_SHORT_PTR( shim ) ; /* get array of shorts */ for( vox=0 ; vox < numvox ; vox++ ) if( shar[vox] > SCALE ) shar[vox] = SCALE ; else if( shar[vox] < -SCALE ) shar[vox] = -SCALE ; if( opt->scale_output ){ shar = MRI_SHORT_PTR( shim ) ; /* access array in shim */ shar[0] = 0 ; /* for display purposes */ shar[1] = -SCALE ; shar[2] = SCALE ; } mri_write( fname_imalp , shim ) ; /* write short image */ mri_free( shim ) ; /* and toss it */ } } /* endif (opt->flim) */ return ; } /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ /*** read and interpret command line arguments ***/ #ifdef DEBUG # define DBOPT(str) fprintf(stderr,"at option %s: %s\n",argv[nopt],str) #else # define DBOPT(str) /* nothing */ #endif void get_line_opt( int argc , char *argv[] , line_opt *opt ) { int nopt , ii , pp , rr , bad ; int first_im , do_corr , num_im , num_time , polref ; float ftemp , fscal ; MRI_IMAGE *im ; time_series *ideal , *vec ; char err_note[128] , * regbase ; /*** give help if needed ***/ if( argc < 2 || strncmp(argv[1],"-help",4) == 0 ) Syntax(NULL) ; /*** setup opt with defaults ***/ opt->fname_corr = NULL ; /* no output names yet */ opt->fname_fim = NULL ; opt->fname_cnr = NULL ; opt->fname_fit = NULL ; opt->fname_subort = NULL ; opt->fname_sig = NULL ; opt->thresh_pcorr = 0.70 ; /* default 70% threshold */ opt->thresh_report = 10.0 ; /* not currently used */ opt->nxim = 0 ; opt->nyim = 0 ; opt->ntime = 0 ; opt->weight = NULL ; /* no weight vector yet */ opt->ims = NULL ; opt->rims = NULL ; opt->flim = FALSE ; /* default: don't write float images */ opt->scale_fim = 1.0 ; /* scale factor for writing short images */ /* (used only if norm_fim is FALSE) */ opt->norm_fim = TRUE ; /* default: normalize alpha image */ opt->scale_output = TRUE ; /* default: force scales into output corners */ opt->dfilt_code = DFILT_NONE ; /* default: do neither of these things */ opt->reg_bilinear = 0 ; /* default: bicubic */ opt->do_clip = 0 ; opt->debug = 0 ; opt->quiet = 0 ; /*** initialize array of time series data ***/ INIT_TSARR(opt->refts) ; INIT_TSARR(opt->idts) ; /*** set defaults in local variables ***/ polref = 0 ; /* maximum order of polynomial reference vectors */ first_im = 1 ; /* first image to actually use */ num_im = 999999 ; /* maximum number of images to use */ do_corr = FALSE ; /* write correlation image out? */ ideal = NULL ; /* time_series of ideal response vector */ regbase = NULL ; /* pointer to name of registration image */ /*** read command line arguments and process them: coding technique is to examine each argv, and if it matches something we expect (e.g., -flim), process it, then skip to the next loop through ('continue' statements in each strncmp if). Note that the 'while' will increment the argument index (nopt) ***/ nopt = 1 ; do{ /* a while loop, continuing until we reach the MRI filenames */ /** clip option **/ if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-clip",5) == 0 ){ DBOPT("-clip") ; opt->do_clip = 1 ; continue ; } /** quiet option **/ if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-q",2) == 0 ){ DBOPT("-q") ; opt->quiet = 1 ; continue ; } /** debug option **/ if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-debug",5) == 0 ){ DBOPT("-debug") ; opt->debug = 1 ; continue ; } /** anti-motion filtering options **/ if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-bilinear",6) == 0 ){ DBOPT("-bilinear") ; opt->reg_bilinear = 1 ; continue ; } if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-regbase",6) == 0 ){ DBOPT("-regbase") ; if( ++nopt >= argc ) Syntax("-regbase needs a filename!") ; regbase = argv[nopt] ; continue ; } #ifdef ALLOW_DFTIME if( strstr(argv[nopt],"-dftime") != NULL ){ DBOPT("-dftime") ; opt->dfilt_code = DFILT_TIME ; if( strstr(argv[nopt],":0") != NULL ) opt->dfilt_code = DFILT_TIME0 ; continue ; } #endif if( strstr(argv[nopt],"-dfspace") != NULL && strstr(argv[nopt],"-dfspacetime") == NULL ){ DBOPT("-dfspace") ; opt->dfilt_code = DFILT_SPACE ; if( strstr(argv[nopt],":0") != NULL ) opt->dfilt_code = DFILT_SPACE0 ; continue ; } #ifdef ALLOW_DFTIME if( strstr(argv[nopt],"-dfboth") != NULL ){ DBOPT("-dfboth") ; opt->dfilt_code = DFILT_BOTH ; if( strstr(argv[nopt],":0") != NULL ) opt->dfilt_code = DFILT_BOTH0 ; continue ; } #endif #ifdef ALLOW_DFTIME if( strstr(argv[nopt],"-dfspacetime") != NULL ){ DBOPT("-dfspacetime") ; opt->dfilt_code = DFILT_SPACETIME ; if( strstr(argv[nopt],":0") != NULL ) opt->dfilt_code = DFILT_SPACETIME0 ; continue ; } #endif /** -clean **/ if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-clean",5) == 0 ){ DBOPT("-clean") ; opt->scale_output = FALSE; continue ; } /*** -flim ==> output floating point images (default is shorts) ***/ if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-flim",5) == 0 ){ DBOPT("-flim") ; opt->flim = TRUE ; continue ; } /*** -non ==> don't normalize alpha image ***/ if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-non",4) == 0 ){ DBOPT("-non") ; opt->norm_fim = FALSE ; continue ; } /*** -coef # ==> coefficient for normalizing alpha image ***/ if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-coe",4) == 0 ){ DBOPT("-coef") ; if( ++nopt >= argc ) Syntax("-coef needs an argument") ; ftemp = strtod( argv[nopt] , NULL ) ; if( ftemp <= 0 ){ sprintf( err_note , "illegal -coef value: %f" , ftemp ) ; Syntax(err_note) ; } opt->scale_fim = ftemp ; continue ; } /*** -list # ==> threshold for report listing (not used now) ***/ if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-list",4) == 0 ){ DBOPT("-list") ; if( ++nopt >= argc ) Syntax("-list needs an argument") ; ftemp = strtod( argv[nopt] , NULL ) ; #if 0 if( ftemp <= 0 ){ sprintf( err_note , "illegal -list value: %f" , ftemp ) ; Syntax(err_note) ; } #else fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: -list option is ignored in fim2!\n") ; #endif opt->thresh_report = ftemp ; continue ; } /*** -polref # ==> order of polynomial reference functions ***/ if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-polref",5) == 0 || strncmp(argv[nopt],"-polort",5) == 0 ){ DBOPT("-polref") ; if( ++nopt >= argc ) Syntax("-polref needs an argument") ; ftemp = strtod( argv[nopt] , NULL ) ; if( ftemp > 3 ){ fprintf( stderr , "WARNING: large -polref value %f\n" , ftemp ) ; } polref = (int) ftemp ; continue ; } /*** -pcnt # ==> percent of deviation from perfect correlation ***/ if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-pcnt",4) == 0 ){ DBOPT("-pcnt") ; if( ++nopt >= argc ) Syntax("-pcnt needs an argument") ; ftemp = strtod( argv[nopt] , NULL ) ; if( ftemp < 0.0 || ftemp > 100.0 ){ sprintf( err_note , "illegal -pcnt value: %f" , ftemp ) ; Syntax(err_note) ; } opt->thresh_pcorr = 1.0 - 0.01 * ftemp ; continue ; } /*** -pcthresh # ==> actual threshold on \rho ***/ if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-pcthresh",5) == 0 ){ DBOPT("-pcthresh") ; if( ++nopt >= argc ) Syntax("-pcthresh needs an argument") ; ftemp = strtod( argv[nopt] , NULL ) ; if( ftemp < 0.0 || ftemp > 1.0 ){ sprintf( err_note , "illegal -pcthresh value: %f" , ftemp ) ; Syntax(err_note) ; } opt->thresh_pcorr = ftemp ; continue ; } /*** -im1 # ==> index (1...) of first image to actually use ***/ if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-im1",4) == 0 ){ DBOPT("-im1") ; if( ++nopt >= argc ) Syntax("-im1 needs an argument") ; ftemp = strtod( argv[nopt] , NULL ) ; if( ftemp < 1.0 ){ sprintf( err_note , "illegal -im1 value: %f" , ftemp ) ; Syntax(err_note) ; } first_im = (int)(ftemp+0.499) ; continue ; } /*** -num # ==> maximum number of images to use from command line ***/ if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-num",4) == 0 ){ DBOPT("-num") ; if( ++nopt >= argc ) Syntax("-num needs an argument") ; ftemp = strtod( argv[nopt] , NULL ) ; if( ftemp < 2 ){ sprintf( err_note , "illegal -num value: %f" , ftemp ) ; Syntax(err_note) ; } num_im = (int)(ftemp+0.499) ; continue ; } #define OPENERS "[{/%" #define CLOSERS "]}/%" #define IS_OPENER(sss) (strlen((sss))==1 && strstr(OPENERS,(sss))!=NULL) #define IS_CLOSER(sss) (strlen((sss))==1 && strstr(CLOSERS,(sss))!=NULL) /*** -ort file ==> reference time series ***/ if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-ort",4) == 0 ){ DBOPT("-ort") ; if( ++nopt >= argc ) Syntax("-ort needs a filename") ; /** July 1995: read a bunch of orts using [ a b c ... ] format **/ if( ! IS_OPENER(argv[nopt]) ){ /* one file */ vec = RWC_read_time_series( argv[nopt] ) ; if( vec == NULL ){ fprintf( stderr , "cannot continue\a\n" ) ; exit(1) ; } ADDTO_TSARR( opt->refts , vec ) ; } else { /* many */ for( nopt++ ; !IS_CLOSER(argv[nopt]) && noptrefts , vec ) ; } if( nopt == argc ) Syntax("-ort never finishes!") ; } continue ; } /*** -ideal file ==> ideal response vector time series ***/ if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-ideal",5) == 0 ){ DBOPT("-ideal") ; if( ++nopt >= argc ) Syntax("-ideal needs a filename") ; /** July 1995: read a bunch of ideals using [ a b c ... ] format **/ if( ! IS_OPENER(argv[nopt]) ){ /* one file */ ideal = RWC_read_time_series( argv[nopt] ) ; if( ideal == NULL ){ fprintf( stderr , "cannot continue\a\n" ); exit(1) ; } ADDTO_TSARR( opt->idts , ideal ) ; } else { /* many */ for( nopt++ ; !IS_CLOSER(argv[nopt]) && noptidts , ideal ) ; } if( nopt == argc ) Syntax("-ideal never finishes!") ; } continue ; } /*** -weight file ==> weight vector time series ***/ if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-weight",5) == 0 ){ DBOPT("-weight") ; if( ++nopt >= argc ) Syntax("-weight needs a filename") ; if( opt->weight != NULL ){ fprintf( stderr , "cannot have two weight vectors!\a\n" ) ; exit(1) ; } opt->weight = RWC_read_time_series( argv[nopt] ) ; if( opt->weight == NULL ){ fprintf( stderr , "cannot continue\a\n" ); exit(1) ; } DBOPT("read in OK") ; continue ; } /*** -fimfile file ==> name of output file ***/ if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-fimfile",5) == 0 ){ DBOPT("-fimfile") ; if( ++nopt >= argc ) Syntax("-fimfile needs a filename") ; if( opt->fname_fim != NULL ){ fprintf( stderr , "cannot have two fim output files!\a\n" ) ; exit(1) ; } opt->fname_fim = argv[nopt] ; DBOPT("stored as fimfile") ; continue ; } /*** -corr ==> write correlation file as fimfile.CORR ***/ if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-corr",5) == 0 ){ DBOPT("-corr") ; do_corr = TRUE ; continue ; } /*** -corfile file ==> write correlation file as this name ***/ if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-corfile",5) == 0 || strncmp(argv[nopt],"-corrfile",6) == 0 ){ DBOPT("-corfile") ; if( ++nopt >= argc ) Syntax("-corfile needs a filename") ; if( opt->fname_corr != NULL ){ fprintf( stderr , "cannot have two corr output files!\a\n" ) ; exit(1) ; } opt->fname_corr = argv[nopt] ; do_corr = TRUE ; DBOPT("stored as corfile") ; continue ; } /*** -cnrfile file ==> write cnr file as this name ***/ if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-cnrfile",5) == 0 ){ DBOPT("-cnrfile") ; if( ++nopt >= argc ) Syntax("-cnrfile needs a filename") ; if( opt->fname_cnr != NULL ){ fprintf( stderr , "cannot have two cnr output files!\a\n" ) ; exit(1) ; } opt->fname_cnr = argv[nopt] ; DBOPT("stored as cnrfile") ; continue ; } /*** -sigfile file ==> write sig file as this name ***/ if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-sigfile",5) == 0 ){ DBOPT("-sigfile") ; if( ++nopt >= argc ) Syntax("-sigfile needs a filename") ; if( opt->fname_sig != NULL ){ fprintf( stderr , "cannot have two sig output files!\a\n" ) ; exit(1) ; } opt->fname_sig = argv[nopt] ; DBOPT("stored as sigfile") ; continue ; } /*** -fitfile file ==> write fit files as this name ***/ if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-fitfile",5) == 0 ){ DBOPT("-fitfile") ; if( ++nopt >= argc ) Syntax("-fitfile needs a filename") ; if( opt->fname_fit != NULL ){ fprintf( stderr , "cannot have two fit output filenames!\a\n" ) ; exit(1) ; } opt->fname_fit = argv[nopt] ; DBOPT("stored as fitfile") ; continue ; } /*** -subort file ==> compute time series with orts removed ***/ if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-subort",5) == 0 ){ DBOPT("-subort") ; if( ++nopt >= argc ) Syntax("-subort needs a filename") ; if( opt->fname_subort != NULL ){ fprintf( stderr , "cannot have two subort output filenames!\a\n" ) ; exit(1) ; } opt->fname_subort = argv[nopt] ; DBOPT("stored as subortfile") ; continue ; } /*** get to here, and start with a '-' ==> bad news city, Arizona ***/ if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-",1) == 0 ){ sprintf( err_note , "unknown option %s" , argv[nopt] ) ; Syntax(err_note) ; } /*** finished with switches. Anything that makes it here is a filename ***/ if( opt->idts->num == 0 ){ /* if ideal timeseries not given yet, is first */ DBOPT("will be ideal") ; ideal = RWC_read_time_series( argv[nopt] ) ; if( ideal == NULL ){ fprintf( stderr , "cannot continue\a\n" ); exit(1) ; } ADDTO_TSARR( opt->idts , ideal ) ; continue ; } /*** this point is the start of image filenames; break out of the loop and process them ***/ DBOPT("1st image file") ; break ; /* time to leave */ } while( ++nopt < argc ) ; /* loop until all args are read, or we break */ /***** when this loop ends, nopt = index of first image filename in argv[] *****/ /*** check the situation for reasonabilityositiness ***/ if( opt->idts->num == 0 ) Syntax("no ideal response vector is defined!") ; /*** compute the number of image files ***/ num_time = argc - nopt ; /* # of arguments left */ if( opt->fname_fim == NULL ){ num_time -- ; /* one less, if need be */ opt->fname_fim = argv[argc-1] ; /* last name = output file */ } /*** July 1995: read all images in now! ***/ if( num_time < 1 ) Syntax("No input files given on command line?!") ; opt->ims = mri_read_many_files( num_time , argv+nopt ) ; if( opt->ims == NULL ) Syntax("Cannot read all images!") ; num_time = MIN( opt->ims->num , num_im ) ; if( num_time < 2 ) Syntax("must have at least 2 images to correlate!") ; opt->ntime = num_time ; opt->nxim = opt->ims->imarr[0]->nx ; opt->nyim = opt->ims->imarr[0]->ny ; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"num_time = %d nx = %d ny = %d\n",num_time,opt->nxim,opt->nyim) ; #endif /** convert images to float format **/ for( ii=0 ; ii < num_time ; ii++ ){ if( opt->ims->imarr[ii]->kind != MRI_float ){ im = mri_to_float( opt->ims->imarr[ii] ) ; mri_free( opt->ims->imarr[ii] ) ; opt->ims->imarr[ii] = im ; } if( opt->ims->imarr[ii]->nx != opt->nxim || opt->ims->imarr[ii]->ny != opt->nyim ){ fprintf(stderr,"** Image size mismatch at image # %d -- end of run!\a\n",ii+1) ; exit(1) ; } } if( first_im < 1 || first_im >= num_time ){ sprintf( err_note , "-im1 was %d, but only have %d images" , first_im , num_time ) ; Syntax(err_note) ; } /*** replace earliest images with copies of "first_im", if needed ***/ for( ii=0 ; ii < first_im-1 ; ii++ ){ im = mri_to_float( opt->ims->imarr[first_im-1] ) ; /* copy data, not just pointer */ mri_free( opt->ims->imarr[ii] ) ; opt->ims->imarr[ii] = im ; } if( do_corr && opt->fname_corr == NULL ){ #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"creating .CORR filename\n"); #endif ii = strlen( opt->fname_fim ) + 7 ; opt->fname_corr = (char *) malloc( sizeof(char) * ii ) ; if( opt->fname_corr == NULL ) MALLOC_ERR(".CORR filename") ; strcpy( opt->fname_corr , opt->fname_fim ) ; strcat( opt->fname_corr , ".CORR" ) ; } /*** put the polynomial responses into opt->refts ***/ if( polref >= 0 ){ #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"creating polynomial references; polref=%d\n",polref); #endif for( pp=0 ; pp <= polref ; pp++ ){ vec = RWC_blank_time_series( num_time ) ; #if 1 if( pp == 0 ){ for( ii=0 ; ii < num_time ; ii++ ) vec->ts[ii] = 1.0 ; } else { fscal = 1.0 / num_time ; for( ii=0 ; ii < num_time ; ii++ ) vec->ts[ii] = pow(fscal*ii,pp) ; } #else ftemp = 0.5 * num_time - 0.4321 ; /* 0.4321 ensures (ii-ftemp)!=0 */ fscal = 2.0 / num_time ; /* range of arg to pow is -1..1 */ for( ii=0 ; ii < num_time ; ii++ ) vec->ts[ii] = pow( fscal*(ii-ftemp) , pp ) ; #endif ADDTO_TSARR( opt->refts , vec ) ; } } /*** if no weight vector input (via -weight filename), make one up ***/ if( opt->weight == NULL ){ #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"creating default weight\n"); #endif vec = RWC_blank_time_series( num_time ) ; for( ii=0 ; ii < num_time ; ii++ ) vec->ts[ii] = 1.0 ; /* weight = all ones */ opt->weight = vec ; } for( ii=0 ; ii < first_im-1 ; ii++ ) opt->weight->ts[ii] = 0.0 ; /* except skipped images */ /*** make space for the ideal vector in refts (but don't but it there yet) ***/ ADDTO_TSARR( opt->refts , NULL ) ; /*** check all time series for being long enough ***/ bad = FALSE ; for( ii=0 ; ii < opt->refts->num-1 ; ii++ ){ /* note not checking last one */ #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"checking ref %d for size\n",ii) ; #endif if( opt->refts->tsarr[ii]->len < num_time ){ fprintf( stderr , "reference vector %s has %d elements: too short!\a\n" , opt->refts->tsarr[ii]->fname , opt->refts->tsarr[ii]->len ) ; bad = TRUE ; } } for( ii=0 ; ii < opt->idts->num-1 ; ii++ ){ #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"checking ideal %d for size\n",ii) ; #endif if( opt->idts->tsarr[ii]->len < num_time ){ fprintf( stderr , "ideal vector %s has %d elements: too short!\a\n" , opt->idts->tsarr[ii]->fname , opt->idts->tsarr[ii]->len ) ; bad = TRUE ; } } if( opt->weight->len < num_time ){ fprintf( stderr , "weight vector %s has %d elements: too short!\a\n" , opt->weight->fname , opt->weight->len ) ; bad = TRUE ; } if( bad ) exit(1) ; /*** zero out weight at any time where a refts time_series is blasted ***/ #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"blasting away ... ") ; #endif for( ii=0 ; ii < num_time ; ii++ ){ bad = (opt->weight->ts[ii] >= BLAST) || (opt->weight->ts[ii] < 0.0) ; for( rr=0 ; !bad && rr < opt->refts->num-1 ; rr++ ) bad = (opt->refts->tsarr[rr]->ts[ii] >= BLAST) ; if( bad ){ opt->weight->ts[ii] = 0 ; for( rr=0 ; rr < opt->refts->num-1 ; rr++ ) /* note not checking last one */ opt->refts->tsarr[rr]->ts[ii] = 0 ; } } #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"\n") ; #endif /*** check to see if the edited vectors are still nonzero enough ***/ bad = FALSE ; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"checking weight for nonnegativity\n") ; #endif ftemp = RWC_norm_ts( num_time , opt->weight ) ; if( ftemp < 1.e-9 ){ fprintf( stderr , "there is no time with nonzero weighting!\n" ) ; bad = TRUE ; } for( rr=0 ; rr < opt->refts->num-1 ; rr++ ){ /* note not checking last one */ #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"checking ref %d for nonzeroness\n",rr) ; #endif ftemp = RWC_norm_ts( num_time , opt->refts->tsarr[rr] ) ; if( ftemp < 1.e-9 ){ fprintf( stderr , "reference vector %d is all zeroes\n" , rr+1 ) ; bad = TRUE ; } } if( bad ) exit(1) ; /*** June 1995: get first image with nonzero weighting ***/ if( regbase == NULL ){ for( ii=0 ; ii < num_time ; ii++ ) if( opt->weight->ts[ii] != 0.0 && ideal->ts[ii] < BLAST ) break ; if( ii == num_time ){ fprintf(stderr,"FIRST_IM: scan error!\a\n");exit(1); } opt->first_flim = mri_to_float( opt->ims->imarr[ii] ) ; /* copy it */ } else { MRI_IMAGE * qim ; qim = mri_read_just_one( regbase ) ; if( qim == NULL ) Syntax("Couldn't read -regbase image!") ; if( qim->kind == MRI_float ) opt->first_flim = qim ; else { opt->first_flim = mri_to_float( qim ) ; mri_free( qim ) ; } if( opt->first_flim->nx != opt->nxim || opt->first_flim->ny != opt->nyim ){ fprintf(stderr,"-regbase: image size mismatch!\a\n") ; exit(1) ; } } /*** Setup for differential filtering (registration) ***/ if( opt->dfilt_code != DFILT_NONE ){ int alcode=0 ; MRI_IMARR * tims ; time_series * dxts , * dyts , * phits ; switch( opt->dfilt_code ){ case DFILT_TIME: alcode = 0 ; break ; case DFILT_TIME0: alcode = ALIGN_NOITER_CODE ; break ; case DFILT_SPACETIME: case DFILT_BOTH: case DFILT_SPACE: alcode = ALIGN_REGISTER_CODE ; break ; case DFILT_SPACETIME0: case DFILT_BOTH0: case DFILT_SPACE0: alcode = ALIGN_REGISTER_CODE | ALIGN_NOITER_CODE ; break ; default: Syntax("Internal error: opt->dfilt_code illegal!") ; } dxts = RWC_blank_time_series( num_time ) ; /* space for motion params */ dyts = RWC_blank_time_series( num_time ) ; phits = RWC_blank_time_series( num_time ) ; if( opt->reg_bilinear ) alcode |= ALIGN_BILINEAR_CODE ; if( opt->debug ) alcode |= ALIGN_DEBUG_CODE ; tims = mri_align_dfspace( opt->first_flim , NULL , opt->ims , alcode , dxts->ts , dyts->ts , phits->ts ) ; switch( opt->dfilt_code ){ case DFILT_TIME: case DFILT_TIME0: ADDTO_TSARR( opt->refts , NULL ) ; /* make 3 blank spots at end */ ADDTO_TSARR( opt->refts , NULL ) ; ADDTO_TSARR( opt->refts , NULL ) ; /* move previously existing time series up by 3 */ for( ii=opt->refts->num-4 ; ii >=0 ; ii-- ) opt->refts->tsarr[ii+3] = opt->refts->tsarr[ii] ; /* put dx,dy,phi at beginning of list */ opt->refts->tsarr[0] = dxts ; opt->refts->tsarr[1] = dyts ; opt->refts->tsarr[2] = phits ; break ; case DFILT_SPACE: case DFILT_SPACE0: DESTROY_IMARR( opt->ims ) ; /* put registered images in */ opt->ims = tims ; /* place of the input images */ #if 0 if( opt->debug ){ char fff[64] ; for( ii=0 ; ii < IMARR_COUNT(opt->ims) ; ii++ ){ sprintf(fff,"rrr.%04d",ii+1) ; mri_write( fff , IMARR_SUBIMAGE(opt->ims,ii) ) ; } } #endif RWC_free_time_series( dxts ) ; RWC_free_time_series( dyts ) ; RWC_free_time_series( phits ) ; break ; case DFILT_BOTH: case DFILT_BOTH0: ADDTO_TSARR( opt->refts , NULL ) ; ADDTO_TSARR( opt->refts , NULL ) ; ADDTO_TSARR( opt->refts , NULL ) ; for( ii=opt->refts->num-4 ; ii >=0 ; ii-- ) opt->refts->tsarr[ii+3] = opt->refts->tsarr[ii] ; opt->refts->tsarr[0] = dxts ; opt->refts->tsarr[1] = dyts ; opt->refts->tsarr[2] = phits ; opt->rims = tims ; /* keep registered images as a separate data set */ break ; case DFILT_SPACETIME: case DFILT_SPACETIME0: ADDTO_TSARR( opt->refts , NULL ) ; ADDTO_TSARR( opt->refts , NULL ) ; ADDTO_TSARR( opt->refts , NULL ) ; for( ii=opt->refts->num-4 ; ii >=0 ; ii-- ) opt->refts->tsarr[ii+3] = opt->refts->tsarr[ii] ; opt->refts->tsarr[0] = dxts ; opt->refts->tsarr[1] = dyts ; opt->refts->tsarr[2] = phits ; DESTROY_IMARR( opt->ims ) ; /* put registered images in */ opt->ims = tims ; /* place of the input images */ break ; } } /*** Done! ***/ return ; } /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ /*** give some help and exit ***/ void Syntax( char *note ) { static char *mesg[] = { "Usage: fim2 [options] image_files ..." , "where 'image_files ...' is a sequence of MRI filenames," , " " , "options are:", "-pcnt # correlation coeff. threshold will be 1 - 0.01 * #", "-pcthresh # correlation coeff. threshold will be #", "-im1 # index of image file to use as first in time series;", " default is 1; previous images are filled with this", " image to synchronize with the reference time series", "-num # number of images to actually use, if more than this", " many are specified on the command line; default is", " to use all images", "-non this option turns off the default normalization of", " the output activation image; the user should provide", " a scaling factor via '-coef #', or '1' will be used", "-coef # the scaling factor used to convert the activation output", " from floats to short ints (if -non is also present)", " ", "-ort fname fname = filename of a time series to which the image data", " will be orthogonalized before correlations are computed;", " any number of -ort options (from 0 on up) may be used", "-ideal fname fname = filename of a time series to which the image data", " is to be correlated; exactly one such time series is", " required; if the -ideal option is not used, then the", " first filename after all the options will be used", " N.B.: This version of fim2 allows the specification of more than", " one ideal time series file. Each one is separately correlated", " with the image time series and the one most highly correlated", " is selected for each pixel. Multiple ideals are specified", " using more than one '-ideal fname' option, or by using the", " form '-ideal [ fname1 fname2 ... ]' -- this latter method", " allows the use of wildcarded ideal filenames.", " The '[' character that indicates the start of a group of", " ideals can actually be any ONE of these: " OPENERS , " and the ']' that ends the group can be: " CLOSERS , " ", " [Format of ort and ideal time series files:", " ASCII; one number per line;", " Same number of lines as images in the time series;", " Value over 33333 --> don't use this image in the analysis]", " ", "-polref # use polynomials of order 0..# as extra 'orts';", "[or -polort #] default is 0 (yielding a constant vector).", " Use # = -1 to suppress this feature.", #if 0 "-weight fname fname = filename of a times series to be used as weights", " in the correlation calculation; all time series", " (orts, ideal, and image) will be weighted at time i", " by the weight at that time; if not given, defaults to", " 1 at all times (but any ort or ideal >= 33333 gives 0)", #endif " ", "-fimfile fname fname = filename to save activation magnitudes in;", " if not given, the last name on the command line will", " be used", "-corr if present, indicates to write correlation output to", " image file 'fimfile.CORR' (next option is better)", "-corfile fname fname = filename to save correlation image in;", " if not present, and -corr is not present, correlation", " image is not saved.", "-cnrfile fname fname = filename to save contrast-to-noise image in;" , " if not present, will not be computed or saved;" , " CNR is scaled by 100 if images are output as shorts" , " and is written 'as-is' if output as floats (see -flim)." , " [CNR is defined here to be alpha/sigma, where" , " alpha = amplitude of normalized ideal in a pixel" , " sigma = standard deviation of pixel after removal" , " of orts and ideal" , " normalized ideal = ideal scaled so that trough-to-peak" , " height is one.]" , "-sigfile fname fname = filename to save standard deviation image in;" , " the standard deviation is of what is left after the" , " least squares removal of the -orts, -polrefs, and -ideal." , " N.B.: This is always output in the -flim format!" , "-fitfile fname Image files of the least squares fit coefficients of" , " all the -ort and -polref time series that" , " are projected out of the data time series before" , " the -ideal is fit. The actual filenames will" , " be fname.01 fname.02 ...." , " Their order is -orts, then -polrefs, and last -ideal." , " N.B.: These are always output in the -flim format!" , "-subort fname A new timeseries of images is written to disk, with", " names of the form 'fname.0001', etc. These images", " have the orts and polrefs (but not ideals) subtracted out.", " N.B.: These are always output in the -flim format!" , "-flim If present, write outputs in mrilib 'float' format,", " rather than scale+convert to integers", " [The 'ftosh' program can later convert to short integers]", "-clean if present, then output images won't have the +/- 10000", " values forced into their corners for scaling purposes.", "-clip if present, output correlations, etc., will be set to", " zero in regions of low intensity.", "-q if present, indicates 'quiet' operation.", "-dfspace[:0] Indicates to use the 'dfspace' filter (a la imreg) to", " register the images spatially before filtering." , #ifdef ALLOW_DFTIME "-dftime[:0] Indicates to use the 'dftime' filter (a la imreg) to", " produce 3 additional orts, in an attempt to reduce", " motion artifacts.", "-dfboth[:0] Indicates to use both -dftime and -dfspace (separately)," , " then take as the resulting correlation the smaller of the", " two results in each pixel (the conservative approach: " , " to be above -pcthresh, both calculations must 'hit')." , " The resulting fim is the one corresponding to the chosen" , " correlation in each pixel." , "-dfspacetime:[0] Indicates to use -dfspace and then -dftime together", " (not separately) on the time series of images." , #endif "-regbase fname Indicates to read image in file 'fname' as the base", " image for registration. If not given, the first image", " in the time series that is used in the correlation", " computations will be used. This is also the image", " that is used to define 'low intensity' for the -clip option.", " " } ; int nsize , ii ; if( note != NULL && (nsize=strlen(note)) > 0 ){ fprintf(stderr,"\n") ; for(ii=0;iilen,ideal->len) ; wtnew = RWC_blank_time_series( ntime ) ; for( ii=0 ; ii < ntime ; ii++ ) wtnew->ts[ii] = (ideal->ts[ii] >= BLAST) ? (0.0) : (wt->ts[ii]) ; ftemp = RWC_norm_ts( ntime , wtnew ) ; if( ftemp < 1.e-9 ){ fprintf(stderr,"** bad ideal: no times with nonzero weight!\n") ; RWC_free_time_series( wtnew ) ; return NULL ; } return wtnew ; }