/* This is the top-level AFNI/GIFTI interface, defining THD_read/write_gifti, * as well as going to/from NIML for SUMA. * * If HAVE_GIFTI is not set, these functions will just return failure. * * Add this object to libmri. * Do not add thd_gifti.o or anything under the gifti directory. */ #ifdef HAVE_GIFTI /* pretend the gifti source is here, along with thd_gifti functions */ #include "mcw_malloc.h" /* Need this to use same allocation functions */ /* set LINK_AGAINST_GIFTI_LIB in Cmake (temporary) 23 Jan 2019 [rickr/jlee3] */ /* o remove HAVE_GIFTI from build at some point */ /* o when HAVE_GIFTI is removed, reconcile static GP used in suma_gifti.c */ #ifndef LINK_AGAINST_GIFTI_LIB #include "gifti_io.c" /* library */ #include "gifti_xml.c" #endif #include "thd_gifti.c" /* afni interface */ #include "suma_gifti.c" /* suma interface */ #else /* if we do not love or even want GIFTI, include failure functions here */ /* (these should be the same functions exported from thd_gifti.c) */ #include "mrilib.h" #include "suma_afni_surface.h" /* ------------------------------- AFNI ------------------------------- */ THD_3dim_dataset * THD_open_gifti(char * fname) { fprintf(stderr,"** cannot open '%s', no compiled GIFTI support\n", fname ? fname : "NULL"); return NULL; } /* presumably we've already whined, via 'open' */ int THD_load_gifti(THD_datablock * dblk){ return 1; } RwcBoolean THD_write_gifti( THD_3dim_dataset * dset, int write_data, int forcencode) { char * prefix; ENTRY("THD_write_gifti"); prefix = DSET_PREFIX(dset); fprintf(stderr,"** cannot write '%s', no compiled GIFTI support\n", prefix); RETURN(False); } /* ------------------------------- NIML ------------------------------- */ NI_group * NI_read_gifti(char * fname, int read_data) { fprintf(stderr,"** cannot read '%s', no compiled GIFTI support\n", fname ? fname : "NULL"); return NULL; } int NI_write_gifti(NI_group * ngr, char * fname, int forcencode) { fprintf(stderr,"** cannot write '%s', no compiled GIFTI support\n", fname ? fname : "NULL"); return 1; } /* ------------------------------- SUMA ------------------------------- */ NI_group * afni_open_gifti_surf(char * fname, int read_data) { fprintf(stderr,"** cannot read '%s', no compiled GIFTI support\n", fname ? fname : "NULL"); return NULL; } int afni_write_gifti_surf( NI_group *aSO, char * fname, int write_data, int encoding) { fprintf(stderr,"** cannot write '%s', no compiled GIFTI support\n", fname ? fname : "NULL"); return 1; } #endif /* HAVE_GIFTI */