Usage Tips for the AFNI GUI --

Tip #1: When the AFNI sunrise logo (shown above) is displayed in the square to right of the 'done' button, this means that something is happening that might take a long time (e.g., reading a big file). The AFNI GUI will not respond to clicks or keystrokes during this time.


AFNI For Absolute Beginners     ** Top **

To use AFNI, you must have some data stored in a format that the program understands.

Cursor Shapes and Right-Click Popup Menus     ** Top **

Normal AFNI cursor =             = Hidden menu cursor

On most systems, the X11 cursor used in AFNI is an orange arrow pointing at about '10:30' on the clock face. However, the arrow becomes yellow and points more steeply, to about '11:00', when it is over a location that has a hidden Right-Click popup menu. Some of these locations are

Unfortunately (and nastily), some Linux systems don't allow a program to change the mouse cursor shape. In such cases, this cursor-shape-change hint in AFNI won't be there for you, and you'll just have to remember where these popup menus are hidden.

Hidden Clicks to Activate AFNI Features     ** Top **

Other 'special' AFNI clicks that aren't obvious:

Keyboard Shortcuts: Image Viewer Window     ** Top **

The AFNI image viewer has many keyboard shortcuts. Help for these can be found by using 'BHelp' and then clicking on the image sub-window itself. The shortcuts are used by putting the mouse cursor over the image sub-window and pressing the keyboard key. Some of these shortcuts are equivalent to various button presses, but a few keypresses -- such a 'v' (for video) -- do things which cannot be done in any other way.

Keyboard Shortcuts: Graph Viewer Window     ** Top **

The AFNI graph viewer also has many keyboard shortcuts.

Keyboard Shortcuts: Threshold Slider     ** Top **

Fine control over the threshold slider is hard with the mouse. You can move the slider with the following keystrokes, after clicking in the slider's 'thumb' to move the keyboard input focus to this control.

The Left and Right arrow keys can similarly be used in the image viewer slice index slider to move 1 slice backward or forward at a time.

Locking Controllers Together     ** Top **

AFNI controllers are labeled by letters in the window title bars; the first one is [A], the second one is [B], and so on. You use the 'New' button in the lower left corner to open a new AFNI controller. You close an AFNI controller (and all of it child viewer windows) with the 'done' button, or with the windowing system's controls.

Multiple AFNI controllers can have some of their viewing controls locked together, so that changing an item in one controller changes the same item in the other one. To be less mysterious, here are the different items that can be locked, some via the use of Unix environment variables: