/***************************************************************************** Major portions of this software are copyrighted by the Medical College of Wisconsin, 1994-2000, and are released under the Gnu General Public License, Version 2. See the file README.Copyright for details. ******************************************************************************/ #include "mrilib.h" #include /******* global data *******/ /** define results of scanning the command line **/ static char RG_out_prefix[256] = "reg." ; static char RG_out_suffix[256] = "\0" ; static int RG_out_start = 1 ; static int RG_out_step = 1 ; static int RG_out_mode = -666 ; static int RG_keepsize = 0 ; static char RG_dout_prefix[256] = "\0" ; static int RG_meth = ALIGN_DFSPACE_TYPE ; static int RG_methcode = 0 ; static int RG_verbose = 1 ; static int RG_skip_output = 0 ; static int RG_debug = 0 ; static int RG_almode_coarse = MRI_BICUBIC ; static int RG_almode_fine = MRI_BICUBIC ; static int RG_almode_reg = MRI_BICUBIC ; static int RG_use_cmass = 0 ; /* 12 Nov 2001 */ static MRI_IMAGE * RG_imwt = NULL ; static int Iarg = 1 ; static int Argc ; static char ** Argv ; static MRI_IMAGE * RG_baseimage = NULL ; static MRI_IMARR * RG_imseq = NULL ; /******* prototypes *******/ void REG_syntax(void) ; void REG_command_line(void) ; /******* the program! *****/ /*-- 07 Apr 1998: for testing the new mri_2dalign_* routines --*/ #undef USE_2DALIGN #ifdef USE_2DALIGN # undef ALLOW_DFTIME #endif int main( int argc , char *argv[] ) { MRI_IMAGE * qim , * tim=NULL ; MRI_IMARR * regar = NULL ; float * dx , * dy , * phi ; int kim , imcount ; char fname[666] ; float dxtop , dytop , phitop ; FILE * dxfil , * dyfil , * phifil ; /** handle command line options **/ if( argc < 3 || strncmp(argv[1],"-help",5) == 0 ){ REG_syntax() ; exit(0); } machdep() ; Argc = argc ; Argv = argv ; Iarg = 1 ; REG_command_line() ; imcount = RG_imseq->num ; dx = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * imcount ) ; dy = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * imcount ) ; phi = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * imcount ) ; if( dx == NULL || dy == NULL || phi == NULL ){ fprintf(stderr,"** malloc failure for mri_rotate parameters!\a\n") ; exit(1) ; } /* 12 Nov 2001: shift input images to align centers of mass */ if( RG_use_cmass ){ float xbase,ybase , xcm,ycm ; int ii,jj,kk , di,dj , nx,ny , sj,si ; MRI_IMAGE *fim , *nim ; float *far , *nar ; if( RG_verbose ) printf("-- doing -cmass adjustments\n") ; mri_get_cmass_2D( RG_baseimage , &xbase , &ybase ) ; for( kk=0 ; kk < imcount ; kk++ ){ fim = mri_to_float( IMARR_SUBIM(RG_imseq,kk) ) ; /* copy image */ mri_get_cmass_2D( fim , &xcm , &ycm ) ; di = (int) rint(xbase-xcm) ; /* integer shifts */ dj = (int) rint(ybase-ycm) ; if( di != 0 || dj != 0 ){ /* shift input image */ #if 0 fprintf(stderr,"Image %d: xbase=%g ybase=%g xcm=%g ycm=%g di=%d dj=%d\n", kk,xbase,ybase,xcm,ycm,di,dj ) ; #endif nim = mri_new_conforming( fim , MRI_float ); /* zero filled */ far = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(fim) ; nar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(nim) ; nx = fim->nx ; ny = fim->ny ; for( jj=0 ; jj < ny ; jj++ ){ /* copy fim into nim */ sj = jj + dj ; if( sj < 0 || sj >= ny ) continue ; for( ii=0 ; ii < nx ; ii++ ){ si = ii + di ; if( si < 0 || si >= nx ) continue ; nar[si+nx*sj] = far[ii+nx*jj] ; } } mri_free( IMARR_SUBIM(RG_imseq,kk) ) ; /* replace image */ IMARR_SUBIM(RG_imseq,kk) = nim ; /* in the array */ } mri_free(fim) ; } } /* end of RG_use_cmass */ /* do the actual iterative alignments */ if( RG_verbose ) printf("-- beginning alignment\n") ; switch( RG_meth ){ default: case ALIGN_DFSPACE_TYPE: #ifdef USE_2DALIGN regar = mri_2dalign_many( RG_baseimage,RG_imwt, RG_imseq, dx,dy,phi ) ; #else if( ! RG_skip_output ) RG_methcode |= ALIGN_REGISTER_CODE ; regar = mri_align_dfspace( RG_baseimage,RG_imwt, RG_imseq, RG_methcode, dx,dy,phi ) ; #endif break ; #ifdef ALLOW_DFTIME case ALIGN_DFTIME_TYPE: if( ! RG_skip_output ) RG_methcode |= ALIGN_REGISTER_CODE ; regar = mri_align_dftime( RG_baseimage,RG_imwt, RG_imseq, RG_methcode, dx,dy,phi ) ; break ; #endif } dxtop = dytop = phitop = 0.0 ; if( strlen(RG_dout_prefix) > 0 ){ sprintf( fname , "%s%s" , RG_dout_prefix , "dx" ) ; dxfil = fopen( fname , "w" ) ; sprintf( fname , "%s%s" , RG_dout_prefix , "dy" ) ; dyfil = fopen( fname , "w" ) ; sprintf( fname , "%s%s" , RG_dout_prefix , "phi" ) ; phifil = fopen( fname , "w" ) ; } else { dxfil = dyfil = phifil = NULL ; } for( kim=0 ; kim < imcount ; kim++ ){ if( fabs(dx[kim]) > fabs(dxtop) ) dxtop = dx[kim] ; if( fabs(dy[kim]) > fabs(dytop) ) dytop = dy[kim] ; if( fabs(phi[kim]) > fabs(phitop) ) phitop = phi[kim] ; if( ! RG_skip_output ){ sprintf( fname , "%s%04d%s" , RG_out_prefix , RG_out_start + kim*RG_out_step , RG_out_suffix ) ; if( regar == NULL ){ tim = mri_rota_variable( RG_almode_reg , RG_imseq->imarr[kim] , dx[kim],dy[kim],phi[kim] ) ; } else { tim = regar->imarr[kim] ; } } else { sprintf( fname , "%4d" , kim+1 ) ; } if( RG_verbose ) printf("-- image %s: dx = %6.3f dy = %6.3f phi = %6.3f\n" , fname,dx[kim],dy[kim],(180.0/PI)*phi[kim] ) ; if( dxfil != NULL ) fprintf( dxfil , "%6.3f\n" , dx[kim] ) ; if( dyfil != NULL ) fprintf( dyfil , "%6.3f\n" , dy[kim] ) ; if( phifil != NULL ) fprintf( phifil , "%6.3f\n" , (180.0/PI)*phi[kim] ) ; if (RG_keepsize) { int kkk; MRI_IMARR * trimarr = mri_uncat2D( RG_baseimage->nx , RG_baseimage->ny , tim ); if( RG_verbose ) printf("-- image cropped back to original size of %dx%d\n", RG_baseimage->nx , RG_baseimage->ny); mri_free(tim); tim = IMARR_SUBIMAGE(trimarr,0) ; for (kkk=1; kkknum; ++kkk) mri_free(IMARR_SUBIMAGE(trimarr,kkk)); } if( ! RG_skip_output ){ switch( RG_out_mode ){ default: mri_write( fname , tim ) ; break ; case MRI_short: qim = mri_to_short( 1.0 , tim ) ; mri_write( fname , qim ) ; mri_free( qim ) ; break ; case MRI_byte: qim = mri_to_byte( tim ) ; mri_write( fname , qim ) ; mri_free( qim ) ; break ; } mri_free( tim ) ; mri_free( RG_imseq->imarr[kim] ) ; } } if( RG_verbose ) printf("-- MAX: %*s dx = %6.3f dy = %6.3f phi = %6.3f\n" , (int)strlen(fname) , " " , dxtop,dytop,phitop*(180.0/PI) ) ; exit(0) ; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void REG_syntax(void) { printf( "Usage: imreg [options] base_image image_sequence ...\n" " * Registers each 2D image in 'image_sequence' to 'base_image'.\n" " * If 'base_image' = '+AVER', will compute the base image as\n" " the average of the images in 'image_sequence'.\n" " * If 'base_image' = '+count', will use the count-th image in the\n" " sequence as the base image. Here, count is 1,2,3, ....\n" "\n" "OUTPUT OPTIONS:\n" " -nowrite Don't write outputs, just print progress reports.\n" " -prefix pname The output files will be named in the format\n" " -suffix sname 'pname.index.sname' where 'pname' and 'sname'\n" " -start si are strings given by the first 2 options.\n" " -step ss 'index' is a number, given by 'si+(i-1)*ss'\n" " for the i-th output file, for i=1,2,...\n" " *** Default pname = 'reg.'\n" " *** Default sname = nothing at all\n" " *** Default si = 1\n" " *** Default ss = 1\n" "\n" " -flim Write output in mrilib floating point format\n" " (which can be converted to shorts using program ftosh).\n" " *** Default is to write images in format of first\n" " input file in the image_sequence.\n" " -keepsize Preserve the original image size on output.\n" " Default is without this option, and results\n" " in images that are padded to be square.\n" "\n" " -quiet Don't write progress report messages.\n" " -debug Write lots of debugging output!\n" "\n" " -dprefix dname Write files 'dname'.dx, 'dname'.dy, 'dname'.phi\n" " for use in time series analysis.\n" "\n" "ALIGNMENT ALGORITHMS:\n" " -bilinear Uses bilinear interpolation during the iterative\n" " adjustment procedure, rather than the default\n" " bicubic interpolation. NOT RECOMMENDED!\n" " -modes c f r Uses interpolation modes 'c', 'f', and 'r' during\n" " the coarse, fine, and registration phases of the\n" " algorithm, respectively. The modes can be selected\n" " from 'bilinear', 'bicubic', and 'Fourier'. The\n" " default is '-modes bicubic bicubic bicubic'.\n" " -mlcF Equivalent to '-modes bilinear bicubic Fourier'.\n" "\n" " -wtim filename Uses the image in 'filename' as a weighting factor\n" " for each voxel (the larger the value the more\n" " importance is given to that voxel).\n" "\n" " -dfspace[:0] Uses the 'iterated diffential spatial' method to\n" " align the images. The optional :0 indicates to\n" " skip the iteration of the method, and to use the\n" " simpler linear differential spatial alignment method.\n" " ACCURACY: displacements of at most a few pixels.\n" " *** This is the default method (without the :0).\n" "\n" #ifdef ALLOW_DFTIME " -dftime[:0] Similar to the above, but after determining the\n" " displacements, it modifies the images by using a\n" " local fit in each voxel. The optional :0 has the\n" " same meaning as for -dfspace.\n" #if 0 " The optional :d means to also remove the mean and\n" " linear trend from each pixel in the image time series.\n" #endif " ACCURACY: unevaluated. This option is intended\n" " for FMRI use only!\n" "\n" " -dfspacetime[:0] Apply both algorithms: dfspace, then dftime.\n" "\n" #endif /* ALLOW_DFTIME */ " -cmass Initialize the translation estimate by aligning\n" " the centers of mass of the images.\n" " N.B.: The reported shifts from the registration algorithm\n" " do NOT include the shifts due to this initial step.\n" "\n" "The new two options are used to play with the -dfspace algorithm,\n" "which has a 'coarse' fit phase and a 'fine' fit phase:\n" "\n" " -fine blur dxy dphi Set the 3 'fine' fit parameters:\n" " blur = FWHM of image blur prior to registration,\n" " in pixels [must be > 0];\n" " dxy = convergence tolerance for translations,\n" " in pixels;\n" " dphi = convergence tolerance for rotations,\n" " in degrees.\n" "\n" " -nofine Turn off the 'fine' fit algorithm. By default, the\n" " algorithm is on, with parameters 1.0, 0.07, 0.21.\n" ) ; return ; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define BASE_INPUT -1 #define BASE_AVER -2 void REG_command_line(void) { int ii , nxbase=0 , nybase=0 , nerr , basecode ; MRI_IMAGE * tim ; MRI_IMARR * tarr ; /*** look for options ***/ while( Iarg < Argc-2 && Argv[Iarg][0] == '-' ){ /** -cmass [12 Nov 2001] **/ if( strcmp(Argv[Iarg],"-cmass") == 0 ){ RG_use_cmass = 1 ; Iarg++ ; continue ; } /** -nowrite **/ if( strncmp(Argv[Iarg],"-nowrite",5) == 0 ){ RG_skip_output = 1 ; Iarg++ ; continue ; } if( strncmp(Argv[Iarg],"-keepsize",5) == 0 ){ RG_keepsize = 1 ; Iarg++ ; continue ; } /** -debug **/ if( strncmp(Argv[Iarg],"-debug",5) == 0 ){ RG_debug = 1 ; Iarg++ ; continue ; } /** -quiet **/ if( strncmp(Argv[Iarg],"-quiet",5) == 0 ){ RG_verbose = 0 ; Iarg++ ; continue ; } /** -flim **/ if( strncmp(Argv[Iarg],"-flim",5) == 0 ){ RG_out_mode = MRI_float ; Iarg++ ; continue ; } /** -wtim **/ if( strncmp(Argv[Iarg],"-wtim",5) == 0 ){ RG_imwt = mri_read_just_one( Argv[++Iarg] ) ; Iarg++ ; continue ; } /** -prefix **/ if( strncmp(Argv[Iarg],"-prefix",5) == 0 ){ strcpy( RG_out_prefix , Argv[++Iarg] ) ; ii = strlen(RG_out_prefix) ; if( ii > 0 && RG_out_prefix[ii-1] != '.' ){ RG_out_prefix[ii] = '.' ; RG_out_prefix[ii+1] = '\0' ; } Iarg++ ; continue ; } /** -dprefix **/ if( strncmp(Argv[Iarg],"-dprefix",5) == 0 ){ strcpy( RG_dout_prefix , Argv[++Iarg] ) ; ii = strlen(RG_dout_prefix) ; if( ii > 0 && RG_dout_prefix[ii-1] != '.' ){ RG_dout_prefix[ii] = '.' ; RG_dout_prefix[ii+1] = '\0' ; } Iarg++ ; continue ; } /** -suffix **/ if( strncmp(Argv[Iarg],"-suffix",5) == 0 ){ Iarg++ ; if( Argv[Iarg][0] == '.' ){ strcpy( RG_out_suffix , Argv[Iarg] ) ; } else { RG_out_suffix[0] = '.' ; strcpy( RG_out_suffix + 1 , Argv[Iarg] ) ; } Iarg++ ; continue ; } /** -start **/ if( strncmp(Argv[Iarg],"-start",5) == 0 ){ char * ch ; RG_out_start = strtol( Argv[++Iarg] , &ch , 10 ) ; if( *ch != '\0' ){ fprintf(stderr,"** value after -start is illegal!\a\n") ; exit(1) ; } Iarg++ ; continue ; } /** -step **/ if( strncmp(Argv[Iarg],"-step",5) == 0 ){ char * ch ; RG_out_step = strtol( Argv[++Iarg] , &ch , 10 ) ; if( *ch != '\0' ){ fprintf(stderr,"** value after -step is illegal!\a\n") ; exit(1) ; } Iarg++ ; continue ; } /** -bilinear **/ if( strncmp(Argv[Iarg],"-bilinear",5) == 0 ){ RG_almode_coarse = RG_almode_fine = RG_almode_reg = MRI_BILINEAR ; mri_align_method( RG_almode_coarse,RG_almode_fine,RG_almode_reg ) ; Iarg++ ; continue ; } if( strncmp(Argv[Iarg],"-Fourier",5) == 0 ){ RG_almode_coarse = RG_almode_fine = RG_almode_reg = MRI_FOURIER ; mri_align_method( RG_almode_coarse,RG_almode_fine,RG_almode_reg ) ; Iarg++ ; continue ; } if( strncmp(Argv[Iarg],"-bicubic",5) == 0 ){ RG_almode_coarse = RG_almode_fine = RG_almode_reg = MRI_BICUBIC ; mri_align_method( RG_almode_coarse,RG_almode_fine,RG_almode_reg ) ; Iarg++ ; continue ; } if( strncmp(Argv[Iarg],"-modes",5) == 0 ){ /* 1 Oct 1998 */ char * cpt ; cpt = Argv[++Iarg] ; if( strlen(cpt) > 2 ){ switch( cpt[2] ){ case 'l': RG_almode_coarse = MRI_BILINEAR ; break ; case 'c': RG_almode_coarse = MRI_BICUBIC ; break ; case 'u': RG_almode_coarse = MRI_FOURIER ; break ; } } cpt = Argv[++Iarg] ; if( strlen(cpt) > 2 ){ switch( cpt[2] ){ case 'l': RG_almode_fine = MRI_BILINEAR ; break ; case 'c': RG_almode_fine = MRI_BICUBIC ; break ; case 'u': RG_almode_fine = MRI_FOURIER ; break ; } } cpt = Argv[++Iarg] ; if( strlen(cpt) > 2 ){ switch( cpt[2] ){ case 'l': RG_almode_reg = MRI_BILINEAR ; break ; case 'c': RG_almode_reg = MRI_BICUBIC ; break ; case 'u': RG_almode_reg = MRI_FOURIER ; break ; } } mri_align_method( RG_almode_coarse,RG_almode_fine,RG_almode_reg ) ; Iarg++ ; continue ; } if( strncmp(Argv[Iarg],"-mlcF",5) == 0 ){ /* 1 Oct 1998 */ RG_almode_coarse = MRI_BILINEAR ; RG_almode_fine = MRI_BICUBIC ; RG_almode_reg = MRI_FOURIER ; mri_align_method( RG_almode_coarse,RG_almode_fine,RG_almode_reg ) ; Iarg++ ; continue ; } /** 05 Nov 1997: -params maxite sig dxy dph fsig fdxy fdph **/ if( strncmp(Argv[Iarg],"-params",6) == 0 ){ int maxite ; float sig,dxy,dph,fsig,fdxy,fdph ; maxite = strtol( Argv[++Iarg] , NULL , 10 ) ; sig = strtod( Argv[++Iarg] , NULL ) * 0.42466090 ; dxy = strtod( Argv[++Iarg] , NULL ) ; dph = strtod( Argv[++Iarg] , NULL ) ; fsig = strtod( Argv[++Iarg] , NULL ) * 0.42466090 ; fdxy = strtod( Argv[++Iarg] , NULL ) ; fdph = strtod( Argv[++Iarg] , NULL ) ; #ifdef USE_2DALIGN mri_2dalign_params( maxite,sig,dxy,dph,fsig,fdxy,fdph ) ; #else mri_align_params( maxite,sig,dxy,dph,fsig,fdxy,fdph ) ; #endif Iarg++ ; continue ; } if( strncmp(Argv[Iarg],"-nofine",6) == 0 ){ #ifdef USE_2DALIGN mri_2dalign_params( 0 , 0.0,0.0,0.0 , 0.0,0.0,0.0 ) ; #else mri_align_params( 0 , 0.0,0.0,0.0 , 0.0,0.0,0.0 ) ; #endif Iarg++ ; continue ; } if( strncmp(Argv[Iarg],"-fine",4) == 0 ){ float fsig,fdxy,fdph ; fsig = strtod( Argv[++Iarg] , NULL ) * 0.42466090 ; fdxy = strtod( Argv[++Iarg] , NULL ) ; fdph = strtod( Argv[++Iarg] , NULL ) ; #ifdef USE_2DALIGN mri_2dalign_params( 0 , 0.0,0.0,0.0 , fsig,fdxy,fdph ) ; #else mri_align_params( 0 , 0.0,0.0,0.0 , fsig,fdxy,fdph ) ; #endif Iarg++ ; continue ; } /** ALGORITHM: -dfspace **/ if( strstr(Argv[Iarg],"-dfspace") != NULL && strstr(Argv[Iarg],"-dfspacetime") == NULL ){ RG_meth = ALIGN_DFSPACE_TYPE ; RG_methcode = 0 ; if( strstr(Argv[Iarg],":0") != NULL ) RG_methcode |= ALIGN_NOITER_CODE ; Iarg++ ; continue ; } #ifdef ALLOW_DFTIME /** -dftime **/ if( strstr(Argv[Iarg],"-dftime") != NULL ){ RG_meth = ALIGN_DFTIME_TYPE ; RG_methcode = 0 ; if( strstr(Argv[Iarg],":0") != NULL ) RG_methcode |= ALIGN_NOITER_CODE ; if( strstr(Argv[Iarg],":d") != NULL ) RG_methcode |= ALIGN_DETREND_CODE ; Iarg++ ; continue ; } /** ALGORITHM: -dfspacetime **/ if( strstr(Argv[Iarg],"-dfspacetime") != NULL ){ RG_meth = ALIGN_DFTIME_TYPE ; RG_methcode = ALIGN_DOBOTH_CODE ; if( strstr(Argv[Iarg],":0") != NULL ) RG_methcode |= ALIGN_NOITER_CODE ; if( strstr(Argv[Iarg],":d") != NULL ) RG_methcode |= ALIGN_DETREND_CODE ; Iarg++ ; continue ; } #endif /** get to here is bad news **/ fprintf(stderr,"** Unknown option: %s\a\n",Argv[Iarg]) ; exit(1) ; } if( RG_verbose ) RG_methcode |= ALIGN_VERBOSE_CODE ; if( RG_debug ) RG_methcode |= ALIGN_DEBUG_CODE ; /*** All options have been loaded. Next, read base_image, if available ***/ if( Iarg >= Argc ){ fprintf(stderr,"** No baseimage specified on command line!\a\n") ; exit(1) ; } if( Argv[Iarg][0] != '+' ){ tim = mri_read_just_one( Argv[Iarg] ) ; if( tim == NULL ){ fprintf(stderr,"** Can't read base_image -- end of run!\a\n") ; exit(1) ; } else if ( ! MRI_IS_2D(tim) ){ fprintf(stderr,"** Base image is not 2D!\a\n") ; exit(1) ; } nxbase = tim->nx ; nybase = tim->ny ; if( tim->kind == MRI_float ) RG_baseimage = tim ; else { RG_baseimage = mri_to_float(tim) ; mri_free(tim) ; } basecode = BASE_INPUT ; if( RG_verbose ) printf("-- read base image: file %s\n",Argv[Iarg]) ; } else if( strcmp(Argv[Iarg],"+AVER")==0 || strcmp(Argv[Iarg],"+aver")==0 ){ basecode = BASE_AVER ; if( RG_verbose ) printf("-- will set base image to AVER\n") ; } else { char * cp ; basecode = strtol( Argv[Iarg]+1 , &cp , 10 ) ; if( *cp != '\0' || basecode < 1 ){ fprintf(stderr,"** Can't interpret '+count' base_image input: %s\a\n",Argv[Iarg]) ; exit(1) ; } if( RG_verbose ) printf("-- will set base image to input # %d\n",basecode) ; } /*** Read entire image sequence ***/ Iarg++ ; if( Iarg >= Argc ){ fprintf(stderr,"** No image sequence specified on command line!\a\n") ; exit(1) ; } INIT_IMARR(RG_imseq) ; for( ; Iarg < Argc ; Iarg++ ){ tarr = mri_read_file( Argv[Iarg] ) ; if( tarr == NULL || tarr->num == 0 ){ fprintf(stderr, "** Can't read image(s) from file %s -- end of run!\a\n", Argv[Iarg]) ; exit(1) ; } if( RG_out_mode < 0 ) RG_out_mode = tarr->imarr[0]->kind ; for( ii=0 ; ii < tarr->num ; ii++ ){ if( ! MRI_IS_2D(tarr->imarr[ii]) ){ fprintf(stderr,"** Some input image is not 2D\a\n") ; exit(1) ; } if( tarr->imarr[ii]->kind == MRI_float ){ ADDTO_IMARR( RG_imseq , tarr->imarr[ii] ) ; } else { tim = mri_to_float( tarr->imarr[ii] ) ; ADDTO_IMARR( RG_imseq , tim ) ; mri_free( tarr->imarr[ii] ) ; } } FREE_IMARR( tarr ) ; /* not DESTROY */ } /*** if no base image, get dimensions from 1st sequence image ***/ if( RG_baseimage == NULL ){ if( RG_imseq->num <= 1 ){ fprintf(stderr, "** No base_image supplied and only 1 image in sequence?\n" "** Makes no sense! End of run!\a\n" ) ; exit(1) ; } nxbase = RG_imseq->imarr[0]->nx ; nybase = RG_imseq->imarr[0]->ny ; } /*** for each image in the sequence: check for conformant dimensions ***/ nerr = 0 ; for( ii=0 ; ii < RG_imseq->num ; ii++ ){ tim = RG_imseq->imarr[ii] ; if( tim->nx != nxbase || tim->ny != nybase ){ fprintf(stderr,"** Image %d dimensions do not match base image!\a\n",ii+1) ; nerr++ ; } } if( nerr > 0 ) exit(1) ; /*** if needed, create base image from image sequence ***/ if( RG_baseimage == NULL ){ if( basecode == BASE_AVER ){ register int pp , npix ; register float * flar , * flfl ; register float fac ; if( RG_verbose ) printf("-- computing AVER image now\n") ; RG_baseimage = mri_new( nxbase , nybase , MRI_float ) ; flar = mri_data_pointer( RG_baseimage ) ; npix = nxbase * nybase ; for( pp=0 ; pp < npix ; pp++ ) { flar[pp] = 0.0 ; } for( ii=0 ; ii < RG_imseq->num ; ii++ ){ flfl = mri_data_pointer( RG_imseq->imarr[ii] ) ; for( pp=0 ; pp < npix ; pp++ ) flar[pp] += flfl[pp] ; } fac = 1.0 / RG_imseq->num ; for( pp=0 ; pp < npix ; pp++ ) flar[pp] *= fac ; } else if( basecode > 0 && basecode <= RG_imseq->num ){ if( RG_verbose ) printf("-- setting base image now\n") ; RG_baseimage = mri_to_float( RG_imseq->imarr[basecode-1] ) ; /* copy it */ } else { fprintf(stderr,"** Can't make baseimage as specified!\a\n") ; exit(1) ; } } /*** done (I hope) ***/ return ; }