/***************************************************************************** Major portions of this software are copyrighted by the Medical College of Wisconsin, 1994-2000, and are released under the Gnu General Public License, Version 2. See the file README.Copyright for details. ******************************************************************************/ #include "mrilib.h" /*** Not 7D safe ***/ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! Cut out sub-image [xa..xb,ya..yb] from the input. Returns NULL if inputs are incoherent. RWCox -- 13 April 1999. ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ MRI_IMAGE * mri_cut_2D( MRI_IMAGE *im , int xa, int xb, int ya, int yb ) { char *par , *qar , *irow , *orow ; MRI_IMAGE *qim ; int qx,qy , ps , xx,yy , nx, xps ; ENTRY("mri_cut_2D") ; /*-- sanity checks --*/ if( im == NULL || xa < 0 || xb >= im->nx || xb < xa || ya < 0 || yb >= im->ny || yb < ya ) RETURN(NULL) ; /*-- pointer to input data --*/ par = (char *) mri_data_pointer( im ) ; if( par == NULL ) RETURN(NULL) ; /* sanity check */ /*-- make output image --*/ qx = xb - xa + 1 ; qy = yb - ya + 1 ; /* dimensions */ qim = mri_new( qx , qy , im->kind ) ; /* creation */ ps = im->pixel_size ; xps = qx * ps ; /* xps = size of output row */ qar = (char *) mri_data_pointer( qim ) ; /* ptr to output data */ nx = im->nx ; for( yy=ya ; yy <= yb ; yy++ ){ /* for each output row */ irow = par + (yy*nx+xa)*ps ; /* ptr to input */ orow = qar + (yy-ya)*xps ; /* ptr to output */ memcpy( orow , irow , xps ) ; /* copy input to output */ } MRI_COPY_AUX(qim,im) ; RETURN(qim) ; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! Perform cut outs on an array of images and replaces contents of input image array with cropped images. If cutting fails on a particular image, the original image is left unchanged. Returns 0 for success 1 for number of failures -1 for bad input ZSS -- Oct 17 2008. ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int mri_cut_many_2D(MRI_IMARR *mar, int xa, int xb, int ya, int yb ) { MRI_IMAGE *img=NULL; int kk=0, nbad = 0; ENTRY("mri_cut_many_2D"); if (!mar || xa < 0 || xb < xa || ya < 0 || yb < ya) RETURN(-1); for (kk=0; kknum; ++kk) { /* crop each image */ img = mri_cut_2D(IMAGE_IN_IMARR(mar,kk), xa, xb, ya, yb); if (!img) { ++nbad; } else { /* free original image */ if (IMAGE_IN_IMARR(mar,kk)) mri_free(IMAGE_IN_IMARR(mar,kk)); /* replace in array */ IMAGE_IN_IMARR(mar,kk) = img; img = NULL; } } RETURN(nbad); } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! Cut out sub-image [xa..xb,ya..yb,za..zb] from the input. Returns NULL if inputs are incoherent. RWCox -- 06 Jun 2002. ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ MRI_IMAGE * mri_cut_3D( MRI_IMAGE *im , int xa, int xb, int ya, int yb, int za, int zb ) { char *par , *qar , *irow , *orow ; MRI_IMAGE *qim ; int qx,qy,qz, ps , xx,yy,zz , nx,nxy , xps ; ENTRY("mri_cut_3D") ; /*-- sanity checks --*/ if( im == NULL ) RETURN(NULL) ; if( xa < 0 ) xa = 0 ; if( xb >= im->nx ) xb = im->nx-1 ; if( ya < 0 ) ya = 0 ; if( yb >= im->ny ) yb = im->ny-1 ; if( za < 0 ) za = 0 ; if( zb >= im->nz ) zb = im->nz-1 ; if( xb < xa || yb < ya || zb < za ) RETURN(NULL) ; /*-- pointer to input data --*/ par = (char *) mri_data_pointer( im ) ; if( par == NULL ) RETURN(NULL) ; /* sanity check */ /*-- make output image --*/ qx = xb - xa + 1; qy = yb - ya + 1; qz = zb - za + 1; /* dimensions */ qim = mri_new_vol( qx , qy , qz , im->kind ) ; /* creation */ ps = im->pixel_size ; xps = qx * ps ; /* xps = size of output row */ qar = (char *) mri_data_pointer( qim ) ; /* ptr to output data */ nx = im->nx ; nxy = nx * im->ny ; for( zz=za ; zz <= zb ; zz++ ){ /* for each ouput plane */ for( yy=ya ; yy <= yb ; yy++ ){ /* for each output row */ irow = par + (zz*nxy+yy*nx+xa)*ps ; /* ptr to input row */ orow = qar + ((zz-za)*qy+(yy-ya))*xps ; /* ptr to output row */ memcpy( orow , irow , xps ) ; /* copy input to output */ } } MRI_COPY_AUX(qim,im) ; RETURN(qim) ; }