#include "niml_private.h" /**** Tables for ni_do callbacks *****/ static int doer_num = 0 ; static char **doer_verb = NULL ; static NI_voidfunc **doer_func = NULL ; typedef void (*ddfun)(char *,NI_stream_type *,NI_element *) ; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! Register a callback for a "ni_do" verb. [12 Feb 2003] The function will be called like so - func( char *object , NI_stream_type *ns , NI_element *nel ) ; - object = RHS of ni_object attribute (may be NULL) - ns = stream that sent the message (so you can reply, if you like) - nel = the data element that contained the message (if you need it) Calling with the same verb will replace the function - you can't have two callbacks for the same verb. If func is input as NULL, then this will remove a callback, if it was defined earlier; if func is NULL and verb was not previously defined, then nothing happens. However, you CAN register a callback for a builtin verb. The normal processing will take place, then the user callback will be invoked if that processing was good. [This feature was added on 30 Dec 2003.] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void NI_register_doer( char *verb , NI_voidfunc *func ) { int ii ; if( verb == NULL || *verb == '\0' ) return ; /* see if verb already in table */ for( ii=0 ; ii < doer_num ; ii++ ) if( strcmp(verb,doer_verb[ii]) == 0 ) break ; /* if was in table, replace func (may be NULL) */ if( ii < doer_num ){ doer_func[ii] = func ; return ; } /* defining a new verb */ if( func == NULL ) return ; /* quit if no func */ /* expand tables of verbs and funcs */ ii = doer_num++ ; doer_verb = NI_realloc( doer_verb, char*, sizeof(char *)*doer_num ) ; doer_verb[ii] = NI_strdup(verb) ; doer_func = NI_realloc( doer_func , NI_voidfunc*, sizeof(NI_voidfunc *)*doer_num ) ; doer_func[ii] = func ; return ; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! Carry out an action ordered by a "ni_do" element received on the input stream. Actions we know about: - ni_verb='reopen_this' => open the stream anew and replace it [23 Aug 2002] - ni_verb='close_this' => close this stream down [20 Dec 2002] - ni_verb='typedef' => define a NI_rowtype [12 Feb 2003] - user-defined verbs can be added using NI_register_doer() [12 Feb 2003] Return value is -1 if an error occurs, 0 if things are cool. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int NI_do( NI_stream_type *ns , NI_element *nel ) { char *verb , *object ; int ii , builtin=0 ; /*- check inputs for OK-ositiness -*/ if( ns == NULL || nel == NULL || nel->type != NI_ELEMENT_TYPE ) return -1 ; if( strcmp(nel->name ,"ni_do") != 0 && strcmp(nel->name+1,"ni_do") != 0 ) return -1 ; /* 25 Apr 2005: check for diverse forms of the verb and object attributes */ verb = NI_get_attribute( nel , "ni_verb" ) ; if( verb == NULL ) verb = NI_get_attribute( nel , "verb" ) ; object = NI_get_attribute( nel , "ni_object" ) ; if( object == NULL ) object = NI_get_attribute( nel , "object" ) ; if( object == NULL ) object = NI_get_attribute( nel , "ni_obj" ) ; if( object == NULL ) object = NI_get_attribute( nel , "obj" ) ; if( verb == NULL || verb[0] == '\0' ) return -1 ; /* need a verb; */ /* but not always */ /* need an object */ /*******************************************/ /*---- check for various builtin verbs ----*/ /*******************************************/ if( strcmp(verb,"reopen_this") == 0 ){ /****----- reopen stream ------****/ NI_stream_type *nsnew ; if( object == NULL || object[0] == '\0' ) return -1 ; /* bad */ nsnew = NI_stream_open( object , "r" ) ; /* open new stream */ if( nsnew == NULL ) return -1 ; /* bad */ NI_stream_close_keep(ns,0) ; /* trash old stream */ *ns = *nsnew; NI_free(nsnew); /* replace old guts */ builtin = 1 ; } /****------------------------- end reopen --------------------------*****/ else if( strcmp(verb,"close_this") == 0 ){ /****-- close this stream -****/ NI_stream_close_keep(ns,0); /* close and mark as dead */ builtin = 1 ; } /****------------------------ end close_this ------------------------****/ else if( strcmp(verb,"typedef") == 0 ){ /****-- define a NIML type -****/ /**** [12 Feb 2003] ****/ char tnam[256] , tdef[8200] ; int tt ; if( object == NULL || object[0] == '\0' ) return -1 ; /* bad */ tnam[0] = tdef[0] = '\0' ; sscanf(object,"%255s %8199s",tnam,tdef) ; tt = NI_rowtype_define( tnam , tdef ) ; if( tt < 0 ) return -1 ; /* bad definition */ builtin = 1 ; } /****------------------------ end typedef ---------------------------****/ /**************************************************************/ /**** Here, check for user-defined callbacks [12 Feb 2003] ****/ for( ii=0 ; ii < doer_num ; ii++ ){ if( strcmp(verb,doer_verb[ii]) == 0 ){ if( doer_func[ii] != NULL ){ void (*df)(char *,NI_stream_type *,NI_element *) = (ddfun)doer_func[ii] ; df( object , ns , nel ) ; } return 0 ; } } /*--- if we get here, we got a verb we don't recognize ---*/ return ((builtin) ? 0 : -1) ; }