#include "niml_private.h" #undef SKIP_COMMENT_FLAG #define SKIP_COMMENT_FLAG 1 static char * my_fgets( char *, int, FILE *, int ) ; /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! Read an un-headered file into a data element, guessing at its structure from the 1st non-comment line. -----------------------------------------------------------------*/ NI_element * NI_read_file_nohead( char *fname ) { FILE *fp ; char prefix[32] , *ptr ; NI_element *nel ; if( fname == NULL || *fname == '\0' ) return NULL ; fp = fopen( fname , "r" ) ; if( fp == NULL ) return NULL ; /** see if this looks like a NIML-formatted file **/ memset(prefix,0,32) ; fread(prefix,1,31,fp) ; rewind(fp) ; ptr = strchr(prefix,'<') ; if( ptr != NULL && isalpha(*(ptr+1)) ){ NI_stream ns ; fclose(fp) ; ptr = NI_malloc(char, strlen(fname)+16) ; sprintf(ptr,"file:%s",fname) ; ns = NI_stream_open(ptr,"r") ; NI_free(ptr) ; if( ns == NULL ) return NULL ; nel = NI_read_element( ns , 66 ) ; NI_stream_close(ns) ; return nel ; } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! Like system fgets(), but allows LF, CR, CR+LF, and LF+CR as end of line markers. Converts all of them to a single LF character, so that the results are as if the input was an honest-to-Allah Unix file, instead of some bastard child of Microsoft. (Not that I have any prejudices.) *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static char * ni_fgets( char *buf , int nbuf , FILE *fp ) { int nin=0 , cin , qin ; if( buf == NULL || nbuf <= 1 || fp == NULL ) return NULL ; /* read characters one at a time and process them */ do{ cin = getc(fp) ; /* read next char */ if( cin == EOF ) break ; /* nuthin ==> quit */ /* copy input to output, but convert CR to LF */ if( cin != CR ) buf[nin++] = (char)cin ; else buf[nin++] = (char)LF ; /* Microsoft coverup */ if( cin == CR || cin == LF ){ /* end of line */ qin = getc(fp) ; /* check next character */ /* if have a CR+LF or LF+CR combo, */ /* skip next char, otherwise push it back */ if( (cin==CR && qin!=LF) || (cin ==LF && qin!= CR) ) ungetc(qin,fp) ; break ; /* in either case, am done with loop */ } } while( nin < nbuf-1 ) ; /* don't run off the end of the world */ if( nin == 0 ) return NULL ; /* nothing was read */ buf[nin] = '\0' ; /* Schwarznegger the string */ return buf ; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! Length of line buffer */ #define LBUF 65536 /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! Like fgets, but also - skips blank lines - skips comment lines (if flags&SKIP_COMMENT_FLAG) - skips leading and trailing whitespace - catenates lines that end in '\' (replacing '\' with ' ') -----------------------------------------------------------------*/ static char * my_fgets( char *buf, int size, FILE *fts, int flags ) { char *ptr ; int nbuf , ll,ii , cflag ; static char *qbuf=NULL ; int skip_comm = (flags & SKIP_COMMENT_FLAG) != 0 ; if( buf == NULL || size < 1 || fts == NULL ){ NI_free(qbuf); qbuf = NULL; return NULL; } if( qbuf == NULL ) qbuf = NI_malloc(char, LBUF) ; /* 1st time in */ nbuf = 0 ; /* num bytes stored in buf so far */ cflag = 0 ; /* flag if we're catenating lines */ while(1){ /* loop and read lines, creating a logical line */ ptr = ni_fgets( qbuf , LBUF , fts ) ; /* read next whole line */ if( ptr == NULL ) break ; /* must be end-of-file */ /* skip leading whitespace */ for( ; *ptr != '\0' && isspace(*ptr) ; ptr++ ) ; /* nada */ /* skip entirely blank lines, unless we are catenating */ if( *ptr == '\0' ){ if(cflag) break; else continue; } /* skip comment lines (even if we are catenating) */ if( skip_comm && (*ptr == '#' || (*ptr == '/' && *(ptr+1) == '/')) ) continue ; /* strip trailing whitespace */ ll = strlen(ptr) ; /* will be > 0 */ for( ii=ll-1 ; isspace(ptr[ii]) && ii > 0 ; ii-- ) /* blank => NUL */ ptr[ii] = '\0' ; ll = strlen(ptr) ; /* number of chars left */ if( ll == 0 ) continue ; /* should not happen */ cflag = (ptr[ll-1] == '\\') ; /* catenate next line? */ if( cflag && ll > 1 && ptr[ll-2] == '\\' ) cflag = 0 ; if( cflag ) ptr[ll-1] = ' ' ; /* replace '\' with ' ' */ /* now copy what's left (ll+1 bytes) at tail of output buffer */ if( nbuf+ll+1 > size ){ /* too much for output buffer? */ ll = size - (nbuf+1) ; if( ll <= 0 ) break ; /* should not happen */ } memcpy(buf+nbuf,ptr,ll+1) ; nbuf += ll ; if( !cflag ) break ; } /* loop to get next line if catenation is turned on */ /* and we is done */ if( nbuf > 0 ) return buf ; /* return what we read already */ return NULL ; /* signal of failure get data */ }