/***************************************************************************** Major portions of this software are copyrighted by the Medical College of Wisconsin, 1994-2000, and are released under the Gnu General Public License, Version 2. See the file README.Copyright for details. ******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include "mrilib.h" #define MAX_NAME 64 typedef struct { int count ; char name[MAX_NAME] ; MRI_IMAGE * avim , * sdim ; } SF_interval ; /*** global data!!! ***/ static int SF_numint = 0 ; static SF_interval * SF_int = NULL ; static char SF_bname[MAX_NAME] = "rest" ; static char SF_pname[MAX_NAME] = "sfim." ; static char SF_iname[MAX_NAME] = "sfint" ; static MRI_IMARR * SF_imts = NULL ; static int SF_localbase = 0 ; /*** prototypes ***/ void SFIM_getopts( int , char * argv[] ) ; SF_interval * SFIM_load_intervals( char * ) ; void SFIM_syntax( char * ) ; void SFIM_write_avs() ; /**********************************************************************/ int main( int argc , char * argv[] ) { int lin , kim , kbot,ktop , nx,ny , npix , ii , lbase , lup,ldown ; MRI_IMAGE ** stat_ret ; MRI_IMAGE * imb=NULL ; float * bar , * bav ; printf( "MCW SFIM: Stepwise Functional IMages, by RW Cox\n") ; if( argc < 2 ) SFIM_syntax("type sfim -help for usage details") ; else if( strcmp(argv[1],"-help") == 0 ) SFIM_syntax(NULL) ; machdep() ; SFIM_getopts( argc , argv ) ; /*----- average over each interval -----*/ nx = SF_imts->imarr[0]->nx ; ny = SF_imts->imarr[0]->ny ; npix = nx * ny ; lin = 0 ; kbot = 0 ; do { ktop = kbot + SF_int[lin].count ; if( ktop > SF_imts->num ) ktop = SF_imts->num ; if( isalpha(SF_int[lin].name[0]) ){ /* average if a good name */ for( kim=kbot ; kim < ktop ; kim++ ) (void) mri_stat_seq( SF_imts->imarr[kim] ) ; stat_ret = mri_stat_seq( NULL ) ; SF_int[lin].avim = stat_ret[0] ; SF_int[lin].sdim = stat_ret[1] ; } kbot = ktop ; lin ++ ; } while( SF_int[lin].count > 0 && kbot < SF_imts->num ) ; SF_numint = lin ; /*----- find the number of base intervals -----*/ lbase = 0 ; for( lin=0 ; lin < SF_numint ; lin++ ) if( strcmp(SF_int[lin].name,SF_bname) == 0 ) lbase++ ; /* no bases --> write averages out now and quit */ if( lbase <= 0 ){ printf("** no 'base' intervals --> task means not adjusted\n") ; SFIM_write_avs() ; exit(0) ; } /* bases yes, but not localbase --> compute global average of bases */ if( ! SF_localbase ){ int knum = 0 ; kbot = 0 ; for( lin=0 ; lin < SF_numint ; lin++ ){ ktop = kbot + SF_int[lin].count ; if( ktop > SF_imts->num ) ktop = SF_imts->num ; if( strcmp(SF_int[lin].name,SF_bname) == 0 ){ /* if a base */ for( kim=kbot ; kim < ktop ; kim++ ){ (void) mri_stat_seq( SF_imts->imarr[kim] ) ; /* average in */ knum ++ ; } } kbot = ktop ; } stat_ret = mri_stat_seq( NULL ) ; imb = stat_ret[0] ; /* average of all bases */ mri_free( stat_ret[1] ) ; /* don't keep st. dev. */ printf("** global base = average of %d images\n",knum) ; } /*----- for each non-base interval, subtract the relevant base average -----*/ for( lin=0 ; lin < SF_numint ; lin++ ){ int free_imb = 0 ; if( !isalpha(SF_int[lin].name[0]) || strcmp(SF_int[lin].name,SF_bname) == 0 ) continue ; /* skip this */ if( SF_localbase ){ for( lup=lin+1 ; lup < SF_numint ; lup++ ) /* look for a base above */ if( strcmp(SF_int[lup].name,SF_bname) == 0 ) break ; for( ldown=lin-1 ; ldown >=0 ; ldown-- ) /* look for a base below */ if( strcmp(SF_int[ldown].name,SF_bname) == 0 ) break ; if( ldown < 0 && lup >= SF_numint ){ /* no base? an error! */ fprintf(stderr,"*** can't find base above or below at lin=%d\n",lin) ; SFIM_syntax("INTERNAL ERROR -- should not occur!") ; } /* if only have one neighbor, use it, otherwise make average */ if( ldown < 0 ){ imb = SF_int[lup].avim ; free_imb = 0 ; printf("** local base for %s = average of %d images above\n", SF_int[lin].name , SF_int[lup].count ) ; } else if( lup >= SF_numint ){ imb = SF_int[ldown].avim ; free_imb = 0 ; printf("** local base for %s = average of %d images below\n", SF_int[lin].name , SF_int[ldown].count ) ; } else { float * bup , * bdown ; bup = mri_data_pointer( SF_int[lup].avim ) ; bdown = mri_data_pointer( SF_int[ldown].avim ) ; imb = mri_new( nx , ny , MRI_float ) ; free_imb = 1 ; bar = mri_data_pointer( imb ) ; for( ii=0 ; ii < npix ; ii++ ) bar[ii] = 0.5 * ( bup[ii] + bdown[ii] ) ; printf("** local base for %s = average of %d below, %d above\n", SF_int[lin].name, SF_int[ldown].count, SF_int[lup].count ) ; } } /* subtract imb (base average) from current interval average */ bar = mri_data_pointer( imb ) ; bav = mri_data_pointer( SF_int[lin].avim ) ; for( ii=0 ; ii < npix ; ii++ ) bav[ii] -= bar[ii] ; if( SF_localbase && free_imb ) mri_free( imb ) ; } /*----- now write the averages out -----*/ SFIM_write_avs() ; exit(0) ; } /**********************************************************************/ void SFIM_write_avs() { char name[256] ; int lin , ldown , tnum ; for( lin=0 ; lin < SF_numint ; lin++ ){ if( !isalpha(SF_int[lin].name[0]) || SF_int[lin].avim == NULL ) continue ; /* skip */ tnum = 1 ; for( ldown=lin-1 ; ldown >=0 ; ldown-- ) if( strcmp(SF_int[lin].name,SF_int[ldown].name) == 0 ) tnum++ ; sprintf( name , "%s%s.%04d" , SF_pname , SF_int[lin].name , tnum ) ; printf("-- writing file %s\n",name) ; mri_write( name , SF_int[lin].avim ) ; } } /**********************************************************************/ void SFIM_getopts( int argc , char * argv[] ) { int nopt = 1 ; int kk , nx , ny , kount ; /*--- do options ---*/ while( nopt < argc && argv[nopt][0] == '-' ){ /** -sfint iname **/ if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-sfint",5) == 0 ){ if( ++nopt >= argc ) SFIM_syntax("-sfint needs a name after it!") ; strcpy(SF_iname,argv[nopt]) ; nopt++ ; continue ; } /** -base bname **/ if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-base",5) == 0 ){ if( ++nopt >= argc ) SFIM_syntax("-base needs a name after it!") ; strcpy(SF_bname,argv[nopt]) ; nopt++ ; continue ; } /** -prefix pname **/ if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-prefix",5) == 0 ){ if( ++nopt >= argc ) SFIM_syntax("-prefix needs a name after it!") ; strcpy(SF_pname,argv[nopt]) ; kk = strlen(SF_pname) ; if( SF_pname[kk-1] != '.' ){ SF_pname[kk] = '.' ; SF_pname[kk+1] = '\0' ; } nopt++ ; continue ; } /** -localbase **/ if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-localbase",5) == 0 ){ SF_localbase = 1 ; nopt++ ; continue ; } /** illegal option **/ fprintf(stderr,"*** illegal command line option: %s\n",argv[nopt]) ; SFIM_syntax("type sfim -help for more details") ; } /*--- do images ---*/ SF_imts = mri_read_many_files( argc-nopt , argv+nopt ) ; if( SF_imts == NULL ) SFIM_syntax("cannot continue without input images!") ; /* check images for consistency */ nx = SF_imts->imarr[0]->nx ; ny = SF_imts->imarr[0]->ny ; for( kk=1 ; kk < SF_imts->num ; kk++ ){ if( nx != SF_imts->imarr[kk]->nx || ny != SF_imts->imarr[kk]->ny ){ fprintf(stderr,"*** image %d not conformant to image 0\n",kk) ; SFIM_syntax("cannot continue with images whose sizes differ!") ; } } /*--- read intervals ---*/ SF_int = SFIM_load_intervals( SF_iname ) ; if( SF_int[0].count <= 0 ) SFIM_syntax("cannot read interval definitions") ; kount = kk = 0 ; do { kount += SF_int[kk++].count ; } while( SF_int[kk].count > 0 ) ; if( kount < SF_imts->num ){ fprintf(stderr,"*** # images = %d but only %d images in intervals!\n", SF_imts->num , kount ) ; SFIM_syntax("must have at least as many in intervals as actual images!") ; } return ; } /**********************************************************************/ void SFIM_syntax( char * str ) { if( str != NULL ){ fprintf(stderr,"*** %s\n",str) ; exit(-1) ; } printf( "\n" "Usage: sfim [options] image_files ...\n" "\n" " + image_files are in the same format AFNI accepts\n" " + options are from the following:\n" "\n" " -sfint iname: 'iname' is the name of a file which has\n" " the interval definitions; an example is\n" " 3*# 5*rest 4*A 5*rest 4*B 5*rest 4*A 5*rest\n" " which says:\n" " - ignore the 1st 3 images\n" " - take the next 5 as being in task state 'rest'\n" " - take the next 4 as being in task state 'A'\n" " and so on;\n" " task names that start with a nonalphabetic character\n" " are like the '#' above and mean 'ignore'.\n" " *** the default 'iname' is 'sfint'\n" "\n" " -base bname: 'bname' is the task state name to use as the\n" " baseline; other task states will have the mean\n" " baseline state subtracted; if there are no task\n" " states from 'iname' that match 'bname', this\n" " subtraction will not occur.\n" " *** the default 'bname' is 'rest'\n" "\n" " -localbase: if this option is present, then each non-base\n" " task state interval has the mean of the two\n" " nearest base intervals subtracted instead of the\n" " grand mean of all the base task intervals.\n" "\n" " -prefix pname: 'pname' is the prefix for output image filenames for\n" " all states: the i'th interval with task state name\n" " 'fred' will be written to file 'pname.fred.i'.\n" " *** the default 'pname' is 'sfim'\n" "\n" " Output files are the base-mean-removed averages for each non-base\n" " task interval, and simply the mean for each base task interval.\n" " Output images are in the 'flim' (floating pt. image) format, and\n" " may be converted to 16 bit shorts using the program 'ftosh'.\n" ) ; exit(0) ; } /**********************************************************************/ SF_interval * SFIM_load_intervals( char * fname ) { SF_interval * sfint ; FILE * fd ; int num_int , num_all , ic , cc ; char nn[MAX_NAME] ; #define INC_SFINT 8 if( fname == NULL || strlen(fname) == 0 ){ fprintf(stderr,"SFIM_load_intervals illegal filename\n") ; exit(-1) ; } fd = fopen( fname , "r" ) ; if( fd == NULL ){ fprintf(stderr,"SFIM_load_intervals cannot open filename %s\n",fname) ; exit(-1) ; } /* malloc -> calloc 13 Feb 2009 [lesstif patrol] */ sfint = (SF_interval *) calloc( INC_SFINT, sizeof(SF_interval) ) ; if( sfint == NULL ){ fprintf(stderr,"SFIM_load_intervals fails to malloc!\n") ; exit(-1) ; } num_int = 0 ; num_all = INC_SFINT ; do { ic = fscanf( fd , "%d*%s" , &cc , nn ) ; if( num_int == num_all ){ num_all += INC_SFINT ; sfint = (SF_interval *) realloc( (void *) sfint , sizeof(SF_interval) * num_all ) ; if( sfint == NULL ){ fprintf(stderr,"SFIM_load_intervals fails to realloc!\n") ; exit(-1) ; } } if( ic != 2 ){ /* bad scanning */ sfint[num_int].count = -1 ; break ; } sfint[num_int].count = cc ; /* put results into interval */ sfint[num_int].avim = NULL ; sfint[num_int].sdim = NULL ; strcpy( sfint[num_int].name , nn ) ; num_int ++ ; } while( cc > 0 ) ; fclose( fd ) ; return sfint ; }