#include #include #include #include #include #include "siemens_vision.h" #include "mrilib.h" static void byteswap8 (double *x) { char *p1,*p2; double d; int i; p1=(char *)x; p2=(char *)&d; for(i=0;i<8;i++) p2[7-i]=p1[i]; (*x)=d; } static void byteswap4( u_int * x ) { char *p1,*p2 ; u_int d ; int i ; p1=(char *)x; p2=(char *)&d; for(i=0;i<4;i++) p2[3-i]=p1[i]; (*x)=d; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 Mar 2001: Program siemens_vision.c, to print info from Siemens .ima header Adapted from program thor.cpp by CELS (?) Compile this with cc -o siemens_vision siemens_vision.c -I. -lm or make siemens_vision (if you are getting this as part of the AFNI package) -- RWCox ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int main( int argc , char * argv[] ) { struct Siemens_vision_header head ; FILE * fp ; char orients[7] ; int i,j,xx,yy , matrix , swap , slices=0 ; double dd=0.0 , qq=0.0 ; struct stat file_stat ; int imagesize=64 ; short *imar=NULL ; char *prefix=NULL ; int iarg=1 , nfiles=0 ; if( argc < 2 || strcmp(argv[1],"-help") == 0 ){ printf("Usage: siemens_vision [options] filename ...\n" "Prints out information from the Siemens .ima file header(s).\n" "\n" "The only option is to rename the file according to the\n" "TextImageNumber field stored in the header. The option is:\n" "\n" " -rename ppp\n" "\n" "which will rename each file to the form 'ppp.nnnn.ima',\n" "where 'nnnn' is the image number expressed with 4 digits.\n" "\n" "When '-rename' is used, the header info from the input files\n" "will not be printed.\n" ) ; exit(0) ; } if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-rename") == 0 ){ if( iarg+2 >= argc ){ fprintf(stderr,"** ERROR: not enough arguments after '-rename'\n") ; exit(1) ; } prefix = strdup(argv[++iarg]) ; if( !THD_filename_ok(prefix) ){ fprintf(stderr,"** ERROR: prefix after '-rename' is illegal\n") ; exit(1) ; } iarg++ ; } /*--- check file size ---*/ for( ; iarg < argc ; iarg++ ){ /* loop over input filenames */ nfiles++ ; i = stat( argv[iarg] , &file_stat ) ; if( i < 0 ){ fprintf(stderr,"** Can't access file %s\n",argv[iarg]) ; exit(1) ; } /*--- read header data ---*/ fp = fopen( argv[iarg] , "r" ) ; if( fp == NULL ) exit(1) ; fread( &head , sizeof(struct Siemens_vision_header) , 1 , fp ) ; /*-- check some integer in header to determine if we need to byteswap --*/ swap = ( head.SiemensStudyDateMM < 0 || head.SiemensStudyDateMM > 12 ) ; if( swap ){ byteswap4( &(head.SiemensStudyDateMM) ) ; if( head.SiemensStudyDateMM < 0 || head.SiemensStudyDateMM > 12 ){ printf("** Can't determine byte swap status of file %s\n",argv[iarg]) ; byteswap4( &(head.SiemensStudyDateMM) ) ; swap = 0 ; } } /*-- renaming? --*/ if( prefix != NULL ){ char *cpt , fname[2048] ; int num = (int)strtol( head.TextImageNumber , &cpt , 10 ) ; if( *cpt != '\0' && num == 0 ){ printf("** Can't get TextImageNumber from file %s\n",argv[iarg]) ; num = iarg ; } sprintf(fname,"%s.%04d.ima",prefix,num) ; if( THD_is_ondisk(fname) ){ printf("** Can't rename %s to pre-existing filename %s\n", argv[iarg],fname ) ; } else { printf("++ Renaming %s to %s\n",argv[iarg],fname) ; rename(argv[iarg],fname) ; } fclose(fp) ; continue ; /* skip to next iarg */ } /*** Below here: print out header info from file ***/ /*-- find image size from header --*/ if( swap ) byteswap4( &(head.DisplayMatrixSize) ) ; imagesize = head.DisplayMatrixSize ; /*-- determine number of sub-images in file --*/ if( file_stat.st_size==(imagesize * imagesize * 64 * 2 + SIEMENS_HEADERSIZE) ){ matrix = 8 ; } else if( file_stat.st_size==(imagesize * imagesize * 16 * 2 + SIEMENS_HEADERSIZE) ){ matrix = 4; } else { matrix = 0 ; printf("Don't recognize file size. Is this a Siemens Magnetom Vision .ima file?\n") ; } /*-- read image data from file (but don't byteswap it) --*/ if( matrix > 0 ){ imar = (short *) calloc(sizeof(short),matrix*matrix*imagesize*imagesize) ; fseek( fp , SIEMENS_HEADERSIZE , SEEK_SET ) ; fread( imar , sizeof(short) , matrix*matrix*imagesize*imagesize , fp ) ; } fclose(fp) ; /*--- swap random info ---*/ if (swap) { #if 0 byteswap4(&(head.SiemensStudyDateYYYY)) ; /* these are unsigned ints */ byteswap4(&(head.SiemensStudyDateMM)) ; byteswap4(&(head.SiemensStudyDateDD)) ; byteswap4(&(head.AcquisitionDateYYYY)) ; byteswap4(&(head.AcquisitionDateMM)) ; byteswap4(&(head.AcquisitionDateDD)) ; byteswap4(&(head.ImageDateYYYY)) ; byteswap4(&(head.ImageDateMM)) ; byteswap4(&(head.ImageDateDD)) ; byteswap4(&(head.SiemensStudyTimeHH)) ; byteswap4(&(head.SiemensStudyTimeMM)) ; byteswap4(&(head.SiemensStudyTimeSS)) ; byteswap4(&(head.AcquisitionTimeHH)) ; byteswap4(&(head.AcquisitionTimeMM)) ; byteswap4(&(head.AcquisitionTimeSS)) ; byteswap4(&(head.ImageTimeHH)) ; byteswap4(&(head.ImageTimeMM)) ; byteswap4(&(head.ImageTimeSS)) ; #endif byteswap8(&(head.FOVRow)); byteswap8(&(head.FOVColumn)); byteswap8(&(head.SliceThickness)); byteswap8(&(head.RepetitionTime)) ; byteswap8(&(head.FrequencyMHz)) ; byteswap8(&(head.EchoTime)) ; byteswap8(&(head.CenterPointX)) ; byteswap8(&(head.CenterPointY)) ; byteswap8(&(head.CenterPointZ)) ; byteswap8(&(head.NormalVectorX)); byteswap8(&(head.NormalVectorY)); byteswap8(&(head.NormalVectorZ)); byteswap8(&(head.PixelSizeRow)) ; byteswap8(&(head.PixelSizeColumn)) ; byteswap8(&(head.RowVectorX)) ; byteswap8(&(head.RowVectorY)) ; byteswap8(&(head.RowVectorZ)) ; byteswap8(&(head.ColumnVectorX)) ; byteswap8(&(head.ColumnVectorY)) ; byteswap8(&(head.ColumnVectorZ)) ; byteswap8(&(head.DistanceFromIsocenter)) ; } /*--- print random info ---*/ printf("Manufact = %s\n",head.Manufacturer) ; printf("Institut = %s\n",head.InstitutionName) ; printf("Date = %s\n" "Time = %s\n" "Sequence = %s\n" "Patient = %s\n" "ImageNum = %s\n" , head.TextDate , head.TextTime , head.SequenceType , head.PatientName , head.TextImageNumber ) ; printf("SubjectID= %s\n",head.PatientID) ; printf("RF Coil = %s\n",head.ReceivingCoil) ; orients[0]= head.OrientationSet1Left[0]; orients[1]=head.OrientationSet2Right[0]; orients[2]= head.OrientationSet1Top[0] ; orients[3]=head.OrientationSet2Down[0] ; orients[4]= head.OrientationSet1Back[0]; orients[5]=head.OrientationSet2Front[0]; for (i=0; i<6; i++) { if (orients[i]=='H') orients[i]='S'; if (orients[i]=='F') orients[i]='I'; } orients[6] = '\0' ; printf("Orient = %s\n",orients) ; printf("FOV Row = %g\n" "FOV Col = %g\n" "SliceThk = %g\n" , head.FOVRow , head.FOVColumn , head.SliceThickness ) ; printf("TR = %g\n",head.RepetitionTime) ; printf("TE = %g\n",head.EchoTime) ; printf("Cen X = %g\n",head.CenterPointX) ; printf("Cen Y = %g\n",head.CenterPointY) ; printf("Cen Z = %g\n",head.CenterPointZ) ; printf("Delta X = %g\n",head.PixelSizeRow) ; printf("Delta Y = %g\n",head.PixelSizeColumn) ; printf("RowVec X = %g\n",head.RowVectorX) ; printf("RowVec Y = %g\n",head.RowVectorY) ; printf("RowVec Z = %g\n",head.RowVectorZ) ; printf("ColVec X = %g\n",head.ColumnVectorX) ; printf("ColVec Y = %g\n",head.ColumnVectorY) ; printf("ColVec Z = %g\n",head.ColumnVectorZ) ; printf("Normal X = %g\n",head.NormalVectorX); printf("Normal Y = %g\n",head.NormalVectorY); printf("Normal Z = %g\n",head.NormalVectorZ); #if 0 dd = head.RowVectorX * head.ColumnVectorX /* vector dot products */ +head.RowVectorY * head.ColumnVectorY +head.RowVectorZ * head.ColumnVectorZ ; printf("Row*Col = %g\n",dd) ; dd = head.RowVectorX * head.NormalVectorX +head.RowVectorY * head.NormalVectorY +head.RowVectorZ * head.NormalVectorZ ; printf("Row*Nor = %g\n",dd) ; dd = head.ColumnVectorX * head.NormalVectorX +head.ColumnVectorY * head.NormalVectorY +head.ColumnVectorZ * head.NormalVectorZ ; printf("Col*Nor = %g\n",dd) ; #endif printf("D-IsoCen = %g\n",head.DistanceFromIsocenter) ; printf("SlicePos = %s\n",head.TextSlicePosition) ; /*-- scan images for being all zero (blank) [doesn't depend on byteswap] --*/ slices = matrix*matrix ; if( imar != NULL ){ int nxx = matrix*imagesize , blank ; printf("Recognized %dx%d mosaic of %dx%d images:\n",matrix,matrix,imagesize,imagesize) ; for( yy=0 ; yy < matrix ; yy++ ){ printf(" ") ; for( xx=0 ; xx < matrix ; xx++ ){ blank = 1 ; for( j=0 ; j < imagesize ; j++ ){ for( i=0 ; i < imagesize ; i++ ){ if( imar[i+xx*imagesize+(j+yy*imagesize)*nxx] ) blank = 0 ; } } printf(" %s" , (blank) ? "blank" : "full ") ; if( !blank ) slices = 1 + xx + yy*matrix ; } printf("\n") ; } } dd = fabs(strtod(head.TextSlicePosition,NULL)) ; qq = dd - (slices-1)*head.SliceThickness ; if( qq > 0.0 ){ orients[5] = orients[4] ; } else { qq = -qq ; } } /* end of loop over files */ if( prefix == NULL ){ printf("\nto3d -epan" " -time:zt %d %d %0.3fs alt+z" " -xFOV %0.2f%c-%c" " -yFOV %0.2f%c-%c" " -zSLAB %0.2f%c-%0.2f%c \n" , slices , nfiles , 0.001*head.RepetitionTime , 0.5*head.FOVRow , orients[0] , orients[1] , 0.5*head.FOVColumn , orients[2] , orients[3] , dd , orients[4] , qq , orients[5] ) ; } exit(0) ; }