#ifndef THD_STATPVAL_INCLUDED #define THD_STATPVAL_INCLUDED /* Object for things used with either p2dsetstat or dsetstat2p. Even though each prog has different inputs, in the end all of hte same things have to be known. */ typedef struct { char *input_name; // 3D vol (prob from a 4D dset with subbrick selector) char *brick_lab; // brick label float pval; // will be either provided or calc'ed int as_1_sided; // 1 = 1sided; 0 = 2sided, bisided char *sidedness; // str of sidedness char *stat_and_pars; // str of stat name and params float statval; // will be either calc'ed or provided by user int params[10]; // far more space than needed, just to be safe! int verb; // verbosity level } PARAMS_statpval; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* functions to initialize params, for complementary progs (the use same struct type, for convenience) */ PARAMS_statpval set_p2dsetstat_defaults(void); PARAMS_statpval set_dsetstat2p_defaults(void); #endif