/*---------------------------------------------------------------------- * 19 May 2006: top-level routines to read NIML datasets [rickr] * routines to process NI_SURF_DSET datasets *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "mrilib.h" #include "suma_objs.h" /* 21 Apr 2020 */ /*------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* globals to control I/O of niml data 3 Aug 2006 [rickr] */ typedef struct { int add_nodes; /* add to output (AFNI_NSD_ADD_NODES == Y) */ int debug; /* debug level (AFNI_NIML_DEBUG level) */ int to_float; /* convert to float (AFNI_NSD_TO_FLOAT == Y) */ int write_mode; /* NI_TEXT_MODE (AFNI_NIML_TEXT_DATA == Y) */ } ni_globals; static ni_globals gni = /* default values for globals */ { 0, /* add_nodes */ 0, /* debug */ 0, /* to_float */ NI_BINARY_MODE /* write_mode */ }; static int nsd_are_sorted_ints(int *, int); static int loc_append_vals(char **, int *, char *, float, float, int, int); static char * my_strndup(char *, int); static int nsd_add_colms_range(NI_group *, THD_3dim_dataset *); static char * afni2suma_typestring(int afnitype); static int nsd_add_colms_type(int, int ctp, NI_group *); static int nsd_add_sparse_data(NI_group *, THD_3dim_dataset *); static int nsd_add_str_atr_to_group(char*, char*, THD_datablock*, NI_group*); static int nsd_add_atr_to_group(char*, char*, THD_datablock*, NI_group*); static int nsd_fill_index_list(NI_group *, THD_3dim_dataset *); static int process_NSD_attrs(THD_3dim_dataset *); static int process_NSD_labeltable(NI_group * ngr, THD_3dim_dataset *dset); static int process_NSD_group_attrs(NI_group *, THD_3dim_dataset *); static int process_NSD_index_list(NI_group *, THD_datablock *); static int process_NSD_sparse_data(NI_group *, THD_3dim_dataset *); static NI_group * nsd_pad_to_node(NI_group * ngr); /* list of AFNI_dataset group attributes to copy along */ static char * ni_surf_dset_attrs[] = { "label", "domain_parent_idcode", "geometry_parent_idcode", "sorted_node_def" }; #define NOTYPE_GET_MIN_MAX_POSN(data,len,min,minp,max,maxp) \ do { int ii; \ min=max=data[0]; minp=maxp=0; \ for(ii = 1; ii < len; ii++) \ if(data[ii]max){ max=data[ii]; maxp=ii; } \ } while (0) #define NOTYPE_GETC_MIN_MAX_POSN(data,len,min,minp,max,maxp,phase) \ do { int ii; double dd; \ if (phase) min=max=CARG(data[0]); \ else min=max=CABS(data[0]); \ minp=maxp=0; \ for(ii = 1; ii < len; ii++){ \ if (phase) dd=CARG(data[ii]); \ else dd=CABS(data[ii]); \ if(ddmax){ max=dd; maxp=ii; } \ } \ } while (0) /* do not assume the dataset is of type MRI_float 4 Aug 2006 [rickr] */ static int get_blk_min_max_posn(THD_datablock * blk, int ind, int len, float * fmin, int * imin, float * fmax, int * imax) { float ffac = DBLK_BRICK_FACTOR(blk,ind); static int iwarn = 0; ENTRY("get_blk_min_max_posn"); if( ffac == 0.0 ) ffac = 1.0; switch(DBLK_BRICK_TYPE(blk, ind)){ default:{ if (!iwarn) { fprintf(stderr,"** GBMMP, bad or unsupported dtype %d\n" "Similar warnings will be muted.\n", DBLK_BRICK_TYPE(blk, ind)); ++iwarn; } *fmin = *fmax = 0.0; *imin = *imax = 0; break; } case MRI_byte: { byte * data = DBLK_ARRAY(blk,ind); byte min, max; int minp, maxp; NOTYPE_GET_MIN_MAX_POSN(data,len,min,minp,max,maxp); *fmin = min*ffac; *fmax = max*ffac; *imin = minp; *imax = maxp; break; } case MRI_short: { short * data = DBLK_ARRAY(blk,ind); short min, max; int minp, maxp; NOTYPE_GET_MIN_MAX_POSN(data,len,min,minp,max,maxp); *fmin = min*ffac; *fmax = max*ffac; *imin = minp; *imax = maxp; break; } case MRI_int: { int * data = DBLK_ARRAY(blk,ind); int min, max; int minp, maxp; NOTYPE_GET_MIN_MAX_POSN(data,len,min,minp,max,maxp); *fmin = min*ffac; *fmax = max*ffac; *imin = minp; *imax = maxp; break; } case MRI_float: { float * data = DBLK_ARRAY(blk,ind); float min, max; int minp, maxp; NOTYPE_GET_MIN_MAX_POSN(data,len,min,minp,max,maxp); *fmin = min*ffac; *fmax = max*ffac; *imin = minp; *imax = maxp; break; } case MRI_double: { double * data = DBLK_ARRAY(blk,ind); double min, max; int minp, maxp; NOTYPE_GET_MIN_MAX_POSN(data,len,min,minp,max,maxp); *fmin = min*ffac; *fmax = max*ffac; *imin = minp; *imax = maxp; break; } case MRI_complex: { complex * data = DBLK_ARRAY(blk,ind); double min, max; int minp, maxp; NOTYPE_GETC_MIN_MAX_POSN(data,len,min,minp,max,maxp,0); *fmin = min*ffac; *fmax = max*ffac; *imin = minp; *imax = maxp; break; } } RETURN(0); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! Open a NIML file as an AFNI dataset. - read as niml *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ THD_3dim_dataset * THD_open_niml( char * fname ) { THD_3dim_dataset * dset = NULL; void * nel; int smode; ENTRY("THD_open_niml"); set_ni_globs_from_env(); /* 3 Aug 2006 [rickr] */ nel = read_niml_file(fname, 1); /* we need data for node_indices */ if( !nel ){ STATUS("read_niml_file returned NULL") ; RETURN(NULL); } smode = storage_mode_from_niml(nel); STATUSi("smode from niml",smode) ; switch( smode ) { case STORAGE_BY_3D: STATUS("STORAGE_BY_3D") ; NI_free_element_data(nel); /* nuke all data */ dset = THD_niml_3D_to_dataset(nel, fname); if(gni.debug) fprintf(stderr,"-d opening 3D dataset '%s'\n",fname); if( !dset && gni.debug ) fprintf(stderr, "** THD_niml_3D_to_dataset failed on '%s'\n",fname); break; case STORAGE_BY_NIML: STATUS("STORAGE_BY_NIML") ; NI_free_element_data(nel); /* nuke all data */ if(gni.debug)fprintf(stderr,"-d opening NIML dataset '%s'\n",fname); dset = THD_niml_to_dataset(nel, 1); /* no data */ if( !dset && gni.debug ) fprintf(stderr,"** THD_niml_to_dataset failed on '%s'\n",fname); break; case STORAGE_BY_NI_SURF_DSET: STATUS("STORAGE_BY_NI_SURF_DSET") ; if(gni.debug)fprintf(stderr,"-d opening NI_SURF_DSET '%s'\n",fname); dset = THD_ni_surf_dset_to_afni(nel, 0); /* no data */ break; default: STATUS("Unknown smode :(") ; if( gni.debug ) fprintf(stderr,"** unknown storage mode for '%s'\n", fname); break; } NI_free_element(nel); if( dset ) { char * pp = THD_trailname(fname, 0); STATUS("setting prefix etc") ; EDIT_dset_items(dset, ADN_prefix, pp, ADN_none); NI_strncpy(dset->dblk->diskptr->brick_name, fname, THD_MAX_NAME); THD_set_storage_mode(dset, smode); if(gni.debug > 1) fprintf(stderr,"+d success for dataset '%s'\n",fname); } RETURN(dset); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! Open a NIML file as an AFNI dataset. - read as niml *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int THD_load_niml( THD_datablock * dblk ) { void * nel; char * fname; int smode, rv; ENTRY("THD_load_niml"); if( !dblk || !dblk->diskptr || !dblk->diskptr->brick_name ) RETURN(1); fname = dblk->diskptr->brick_name; smode = dblk->diskptr->storage_mode; if( gni.debug > 1 ) fprintf(stderr,"-d THD_load_niml: file %s, smode %d\n", fname, smode); switch( smode ) { case STORAGE_BY_3D: if(gni.debug) fprintf(stderr,"-d loading 3D dataset '%s'\n",fname); THD_load_3D(dblk); break; case STORAGE_BY_NIML: if(gni.debug)fprintf(stderr,"-d loading NIML dataset '%s'\n",fname); nel = read_niml_file(fname, 1); /* read in data now */ if( !nel ){ fprintf(stderr,"** failed to load niml file '%s'\n",fname); RETURN(1); } rv = THD_add_bricks(dblk->parent, nel, NULL); NI_free_element(nel); /* in any case */ if( rv <= 0 ){ fprintf(stderr,"** add bricks returned %d for '%s'\n",rv,fname); RETURN(1); } else if( rv < dblk->nvals ){ fprintf(stderr,"** loaded only %d bricks for '%s'\n",rv,fname); RETURN(1); } break; case STORAGE_BY_NI_SURF_DSET: if(gni.debug)fprintf(stderr,"-d loading NI_SURF_DSET '%s'\n",fname); nel = read_niml_file(fname, 1); /* read in data now */ if( !nel ){ fprintf(stderr,"** failed to load NI_SURF_DSET '%s'\n",fname); RETURN(1); } rv = THD_add_sparse_data(dblk->parent, nel); NI_free_element(nel); /* in any case */ if( rv <= 0 ){ fprintf(stderr,"** add sdata returned %d for '%s'\n",rv,fname); RETURN(1); } else if( rv < dblk->nvals ){ fprintf(stderr,"** loaded only %d vols for '%s'\n",rv,fname); RETURN(1); } break; default: fprintf(stderr,"** cannot load NIML dataset '%s' of mode %d\n", fname, smode); break; } RETURN(0); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! try to deduce the STORAGE mode from the niml data tested modes are: STORAGE_BY_3D element, AFNI_3D_dataset STORAGE_BY_NIML group, AFNI_dataset THD_niml_to_dataset() ngr->part[i]->name == "VOLUME_DATA" STORAGE_BY_NI_SURF_DSET ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int storage_mode_from_niml( void * nini ) { int ni_type; ENTRY("storage_mode_from_niml"); ni_type = NI_element_type( nini ); if( ni_type == NI_ELEMENT_TYPE ) /* can only be 3D */ { NI_element * nel = (NI_element *)nini; if( ! strcmp(nel->name, "AFNI_3D_dataset") ) RETURN(STORAGE_BY_3D); /* cannot deal with simple niml "3dVol2Surf_dataset", yet */ if(gni.debug) fprintf(stderr,"** SMFN: unknown NI_element %s\n", nel->name); } else if( ni_type == NI_GROUP_TYPE ) /* AFNI or SUMA */ { NI_group * ng = (NI_group *)nini; char * atr; if( ! strcmp(ng->name, "AFNI_dataset") ) { atr = NI_get_attribute(ng, "dset_type"); if( atr && ( !strcmp(atr, "Node_Bucket") || !strcmp(atr, "Node_ROI") || !strcmp(atr, "Node_Label") || !strcmp(atr, "Voxel_Bucket")|| /* 5 Aug 2015 [rickr] */ !strcmp(atr, "Graph_Bucket")) ) /* then SUMA DSET */ RETURN(STORAGE_BY_NI_SURF_DSET); RETURN(STORAGE_BY_NIML); /* else assume AFNI */ } else if ( ! strcmp(ng->name, "bundle") ) { RETURN(STORAGE_BY_NI_TRACT); } else if(gni.debug) fprintf(stderr,"** SMFN: NI_group, but bad name '%s'\n",ng->name); } else if(gni.debug) fprintf(stderr,"** SMFN: bad ni_type %d\n",ni_type); RETURN(STORAGE_UNDEFINED); } #undef MY_BUFSIZE #define MY_BUFSIZE (1024*1024*16) /* 21 Nov 2007 */ /*! inhale any NIML data within a file */ void * read_niml_file( char * fname, int get_data ) { NI_stream ns; NI_element * nel; char * nname; int read_head_only_state=0; ENTRY("read_niml_file"); STATUSs("filename",fname) ; if( !fname || !*fname ) { if(gni.debug) fprintf(stderr,"** read_niml_file: empty filename\n"); RETURN(NULL); } /* set the stream name */ nname = (char *)calloc(sizeof(char), strlen(fname)+10); strcpy(nname, "file:"); strcat(nname, fname); /* open the stream */ ns = NI_stream_open(nname, "r"); free(nname); if( !ns ) { if(gni.debug)fprintf(stderr,"** RNF: failed to open file '%s'\n",fname); STATUS("read_niml_file failed to open") ; RETURN(NULL); } if( get_data && NI_stream_getbufsize(ns) < MY_BUFSIZE ) /* 21 Nov 2007: RWCox */ NI_stream_setbufsize(ns,MY_BUFSIZE) ; /* read the file */ read_head_only_state = NI_get_read_header_only(); NI_skip_procins(1); NI_set_read_header_only(!get_data); nel = NI_read_element(ns, 333); NI_skip_procins(0); NI_set_read_header_only(read_head_only_state); if( nel == NULL ) STATUS("failed to read NIML data") ; /* close the stream */ NI_stream_close(ns); /* possibly check the results */ if(gni.debug && !nel) fprintf(stderr,"** RNF: failed to read '%s'\n",fname); else if(gni.debug>1) fprintf(stderr,"+d success for niml file %s\n",fname); RETURN(nel); } /*! write NIML data to a file */ int write_niml_file( char * fname, NI_group * ngr ) { NI_stream ns; char * str_name; ENTRY("write_niml_file"); if( !fname || !ngr ){ fprintf(stderr,"** write_niml_file: empty parameters\n"); RETURN(1); } /* set the output stream name (5 for 'file:' and 1 for '\0') */ str_name = (char *)malloc((strlen(fname)+6) * sizeof(char) ); strcpy(str_name, "file:"); strcat(str_name, fname); ns = NI_stream_open(str_name, "w"); free(str_name); /* lose this either way */ if( !ns ){ fprintf(stderr,"** cannot open NIML stream for file '%s'\n", fname); RETURN(1); } if( NI_write_element( ns, ngr, NI_TEXT_MODE ) <= 0 ){ fprintf(stderr,"** failed to write NIML output file '%s'\n", fname); RETURN(1); } NI_stream_close(ns); /* close the stream */ RETURN(0); } /*! write NIML data to a stream * (same as write_niml_file, but do not convert file to a stream) * [10 Oct 2019 rickr] */ int write_niml_stream( char * stream, NI_group * ngr ) { NI_stream ns; ENTRY("write_niml_stream"); if( !stream || !ngr ){ fprintf(stderr,"** write_niml_stream: empty parameters\n"); RETURN(1); } ns = NI_stream_open(stream, "w"); if( !ns ){ fprintf(stderr,"** cannot open NIML stream '%s'\n", stream); RETURN(1); } if( NI_write_element( ns, ngr, NI_TEXT_MODE ) <= 0 ){ fprintf(stderr,"** failed to write NIML output stream '%s'\n", stream); RETURN(1); } NI_stream_close(ns); /* close the stream */ RETURN(0); } /*! Write out a NIML dataset (3D, NIML, NI_SURF_DSET). Return True or False, based on success. */ RwcBoolean THD_write_niml( THD_3dim_dataset * dset, int write_data ) { NI_group * ngr; char * prefix, * outfile; int smode, rv; ENTRY("THD_write_niml"); set_ni_globs_from_env(); prefix = DSET_PREFIX(dset); outfile = DSET_HEADNAME(dset); if( !outfile ) { if(gni.debug) fprintf(stderr,"** THD_write_niml: no dset headname\n"); RETURN(False); } smode = storage_mode_from_filename(outfile); if( gni.debug ) fprintf(stderr,"-d THD_write_niml: file %s, smode %d\n",outfile,smode); switch(smode) { case STORAGE_BY_3D: THD_write_3D(NULL, NULL, dset); break; case STORAGE_BY_NIML: if( write_data ) ngr = THD_dataset_to_niml(dset); else ngr = THD_nimlize_dsetatr(dset); if( !ngr ){ fprintf(stderr,"** failed dset to niml on '%s'\n", outfile); RETURN(False); } NI_rename_group(ngr, "AFNI_dataset"); NI_set_attribute(ngr, "self_prefix", prefix); rv = write_niml_file(outfile, ngr); NI_free_element(ngr); /* either way */ if( rv ){ fprintf(stderr,"** write_niml_file failed for '%s'\n",outfile); RETURN(False); } break; case STORAGE_BY_NI_SURF_DSET: ngr = THD_dset_to_ni_surf_dset(dset, write_data); if( !ngr ) { fprintf(stderr,"** failed dset to ni_SD on '%s'\n",outfile); RETURN(False); } rv = write_niml_file(outfile, ngr); NI_free_element(ngr); /* either way */ if( rv ){ fprintf(stderr,"** write_niml_file failed for '%s'\n",outfile); RETURN(False); } break; default: fprintf(stderr,"** invalid storage mode %d to write '%s'\n", smode, outfile); RETURN(False); break; } RETURN(True); } /*! Write a NIML heaer (3D, NIML, NI_SURF_DSET) to a text stream if by_smode: allow for this to vary based on storage mode (which will generally require adding some code...) Return True or False, based on success. [10 Oct 2019 rickr] */ RwcBoolean THD_write_niml_to_stream( THD_3dim_dataset * dset, char * stream, int by_smode ) { NI_group * ngr; char * prefix; char * func = "THD_write_niml_to_stream"; int smode, rv; ENTRY("THD_write_niml_to_stream"); set_ni_globs_from_env(); if( ! ISVALID_DSET(dset) || ! stream ) { fprintf(stderr,"-d %s: invaliad dset %d or stream %s\n", func, ISVALID_DSET(dset), stream); RETURN(False); } prefix = DSET_PREFIX(dset); if( !prefix ) prefix = "PIZZA_314159"; if( by_smode ) smode = storage_mode_from_filename(prefix); else smode = STORAGE_BY_NIML; if( gni.debug ) fprintf(stderr,"-d THD_write_niml_to_stream: %s, smode %d\n", stream, smode); switch(smode) { case STORAGE_BY_NI_SURF_DSET: ngr = THD_dset_to_ni_surf_dset(dset, 0); if( !ngr ) { fprintf(stderr,"** failed dset to ni_SD on '%s'\n",prefix); RETURN(False); } break; case STORAGE_BY_NIML: default: ngr = THD_nimlize_dsetatr(dset); if( !ngr ){ fprintf(stderr,"** failed dset to niml on '%s'\n",prefix); RETURN(False); } break; } NI_rename_group(ngr, "AFNI_dataset"); NI_set_attribute(ngr, "self_prefix", prefix); /* and write to the NI_stream */ rv = write_niml_stream(stream, ngr); NI_free_element(ngr); /* either way */ if( rv ){ fprintf(stderr,"** write niml stream failed for '%s'\n", stream); RETURN(False); } RETURN(True); } /*! Convert a string attribute (in NI_SURF_DSET form) to a list of strings. Each element of the list will be allocated here. The NI_SURF_DSET form for strings uses ';' to separate them. slist pointer to string list - will be allocated llen length of list to be set atr string attribute to get list from (if NULL, strings will get default "#%d") return the number of strings found */ int nsd_string_atr_to_slist(char *** slist, int llen, ATR_string * atr) { int sind, posn, prev, copy_len; int found = 0; ENTRY("nsd_string_atr_to_slist"); if(!slist || llen < 1) { fprintf(stderr,"** NSATS: bad params\n"); RETURN(0); } if( !atr ) /* we're outta here */ { *slist = NULL; if(gni.debug > 1) fprintf(stderr,"NSATS: no attribute to parse\n"); RETURN(0); } if(gni.debug > 2) { if( atr ) fprintf(stderr,"+d getting string attrs from %s\n",atr->name); else fprintf(stderr,"+d setting default strings\n"); } /* allocate memory for the list */ *slist = (char **)malloc(llen * sizeof(char *)); posn = -1; for( sind = 0; sind < llen && posn < atr->nch; sind++ ) { /* find end of next string (end with nul or ';') */ prev = posn; for( posn = prev+1; posn < atr->nch && atr->ch[posn] && atr->ch[posn] != ';' ; posn++ ) ; /* just search */ if( posn > prev+1 ) /* then we have found some */ { copy_len = posn - prev - 1; if( copy_len > THD_MAX_LABEL-1 ) copy_len = THD_MAX_LABEL-1; (*slist)[sind] = my_strndup(atr->ch+prev+1, copy_len); found++; if(gni.debug>1) fprintf(stderr,"-d string %d = %s\n",sind,(*slist)[sind]); } else { (*slist)[sind] = (char *)malloc(10 * sizeof(char)); sprintf((*slist)[sind], "#%d", sind); } } for( ; sind < llen; sind++ ) { (*slist)[sind] = (char *)malloc(10 * sizeof(char)); sprintf((*slist)[sind], "#%d", sind); } if(gni.debug>1) fprintf(stderr,"-d found %d of %d strings\n", found, llen); RETURN(found); } /*! create an AFNI dataset from a NI_SURF_DSET group */ THD_3dim_dataset * THD_ni_surf_dset_to_afni(NI_group * ngr, int read_data) { THD_3dim_dataset * dset = NULL; int rv; ENTRY("THD_ni_surf_dset_to_afni"); if( !ngr || NI_element_type(ngr) != NI_GROUP_TYPE ) RETURN(NULL); dset = EDIT_empty_copy(NULL); THD_dblkatr_from_niml(ngr, dset->dblk); /* store NIML attributes in dblk */ rv = process_NSD_index_list(ngr, dset->dblk); /* INDEX_LIST attr */ if( !rv ) rv = process_NSD_sparse_data(ngr, dset); /* SPARSE_DATA attr */ if( !rv ) rv = process_NSD_group_attrs(ngr, dset); /* store group attrs */ if( !rv ) rv = process_NSD_attrs(dset); /* apply other attrs */ if( !rv ) rv = process_NSD_labeltable(ngr, dset); /* get AFNI_labeltable */ RETURN(dset); } /* Change AFNI_Labeltable, if any, to VALUE_LABEL_DTABLE This is a lossy conversion, colors are not preserved in DTABLE */ static int process_NSD_labeltable(NI_group * ngr, THD_3dim_dataset *dset) { NI_element * nel = NULL, * tel; void ** elist = NULL; int ind, ncols, length, c, ii = 0; NI_group * ltg = NULL; float * rgba = NULL; char * cp, *label_table=NULL, sval[32]={""}; Dtable *dt = NULL; ENTRY("process_NSD_labeltable"); if( !ngr || !ISVALID_DSET(dset) ) { if(gni.debug) fprintf(stderr,"** PNSDLT: bad params\n"); RETURN(1); } /* find the SPARSE_DATA element of the AFNI_labeltable group */ ind = NI_search_group_shallow(ngr, "AFNI_labeltable", &elist); if(ind > 0){ ltg = (NI_group *)elist[0]; NI_free(elist); elist = NULL; } if( !ltg ) { /* not an error, but we are done */ if( gni.debug > 0) fprintf(stderr,"-- NSDG: no AFNI_labeltable\n"); RETURN(0); } ind = NI_search_group_shallow(ltg, "SPARSE_DATA", &elist); if(ind > 0){ nel = (NI_element *)elist[0]; NI_free(elist); elist = NULL; } if( !nel ) { /* probably an error */ if(gni.debug > 0) fprintf(stderr,"-- NSDG: AFNI_labeltable: missing SPARSE_DATA\n"); RETURN(0); } ncols = nel->vec_num; length = nel->vec_len; /* verify either 2 or 6 columns */ if( ncols != 2 && ncols != 6 ) { fprintf(stderr,"** NIML ALT SData, bad ncols = %d\n", ncols); RETURN(1); } if( length <= 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"** NIML ALT SData, bad length = %d\n", length); RETURN(1); } /* verify COLMS_LABS, if present (2 or 6 columns) */ tel = NI_find_element_by_aname(ltg,"AFNI_atr","atr_name","COLMS_LABS"); if( tel ) { /* then verify */ cp = ((char **)tel->vec[0])[0]; if( ncols == 6 ) { if( strcmp(cp, "R;G;B;A;key;name") ) fprintf(stderr,"** have ALT CLABS '%s', should be '%s'\n", cp, "R;G;B;A;key;name"); } else if( ncols == 2 ) { if( strcmp(cp, "key;name") ) fprintf(stderr,"** have ALT CLABS '%s', should be '%s'\n", cp, "key;name"); } if(gni.debug>0) fprintf(stderr,"-- SData len %d, COLMS_LABS[%d]='%s'\n", length,ncols,cp); } /* verify types: require 4*float,int,String or just int,String */ ind = 0; if( ncols == 6 ) { if( nel->vec_typ[ind ] != NI_FLOAT32 || nel->vec_typ[ind+1] != NI_FLOAT32 || nel->vec_typ[ind+2] != NI_FLOAT32 || nel->vec_typ[ind+3] != NI_FLOAT32 ) { fprintf(stderr,"** bad types for NIML ALT RGBA\n"); RETURN(1); } ind += 4; } if( nel->vec_typ[ind] != NI_INT || nel->vec_typ[ind+1] != NI_STRING ) { fprintf(stderr,"** bad types for NIML ALT key;name\n"); RETURN(1); } /* if there are colors, get them */ if( ncols == 6 ){ if(gni.debug) INFO_message("Colors will be ignored"); } else { rgba = NULL; } /* convert to label table */ ii = rint(sqrt(2*length+1.0l)) ; if( ii < 7 ) ii = 7 ; else if( ii%2 == 0 ) ii++ ; /* make table, insert strings */ dt = new_Dtable( ii ) ; for( ii=0 ; ii < length ; ii++ ) { sprintf(sval,"%d", ((int *)nel->vec[ind])[ii]); addto_Dtable( sval , ((char **)nel->vec[ind+1])[ii] , dt ) ; } label_table = Dtable_to_nimlstring(dt, "VALUE_LABEL_DTABLE"); destroy_Dtable(dt); dt = NULL; THD_set_string_atr( dset->dblk , "VALUE_LABEL_DTABLE" , label_table ) ; free(label_table); label_table = NULL; RETURN(0); } /* process any INDEX_LIST attribute, setting nnodes and node_list in the datablock (going from NIML to AFNI) */ static int process_NSD_index_list(NI_group * ngr, THD_datablock * dblk ) { NI_element * nel = NULL; void ** elist = NULL; int byte_order, nvals; ENTRY("process_NSD_index_list"); if( !ngr || !ISVALID_DBLK(dblk) ) { if(gni.debug) fprintf(stderr,"** PNSDIL: bad params\n"); RETURN(1); } /* grab the any INDEX_LIST element (should be only one) */ nvals = NI_search_group_shallow(ngr, "INDEX_LIST", &elist); if( nvals <= 0 ) { if( gni.debug ) fprintf(stderr,"-d no INDEX_LIST element\n"); RETURN(0); } nel = (NI_element *)elist[0]; /* grab first element (only!?) */ NI_free(elist); /* and we're done with the list */ /* make sure this is a single array of ints, else ignore */ if( !nel || nel->vec_num != 1 || nel->vec_len <= 0 ) { if(gni.debug) fprintf(stderr,"-- empty INDEX_LIST element\n"); RETURN(0); } if( nel->vec_typ[0] != NI_INT ) { if(gni.debug) fprintf(stderr,"** INDEX_LIST has bad type %d\n",nel->vec_typ[0]); RETURN(0); } /* note the byte order, in case we need to swap the index bytes */ byte_order = NI_get_byte_order(nel); if( byte_order == NATIVE_ORDER ) byte_order = mri_short_order(); /* and copy the node list */ dblk->nnodes = nel->vec_len; dblk->node_list = (int *)RwcMalloc(dblk->nnodes * sizeof(int)); memcpy(dblk->node_list, nel->vec[0], dblk->nnodes*sizeof(int)); if( byte_order != mri_short_order() ) { if(gni.debug > 1) fprintf(stderr,"+d swapping bytes in node list\n"); nifti_swap_4bytes(dblk->nnodes, dblk->node_list); } if(gni.debug) fprintf(stderr,"+d have node list of len, %d\n",dblk->nnodes); RETURN(0); } /* initialize the datablock using the SPARSE_DATA NI_SURF_DSET element and possibly the INDEX_LIST element (going from NIML to AFNI) */ static int process_NSD_sparse_data(NI_group * ngr, THD_3dim_dataset * dset ) { THD_datablock * blk; THD_diskptr * dkptr; THD_ivec3 nxyz; NI_element * nel = NULL; void ** elist = NULL; float tr; char * rhs; int ind, ncomp, tpafni; ENTRY("process_NSD_sparse_data"); if( !ngr || !ISVALID_DSET(dset) ) { if(gni.debug) fprintf(stderr,"** PNSDSD: bad params\n"); RETURN(1); } blk = dset->dblk; dkptr = blk->diskptr; /* grab the first SPARSE_DATA element (should be only) */ ind = NI_search_group_shallow(ngr, "SPARSE_DATA", &elist); if( ind > 0 ) { nel = (NI_element *)elist[0]; NI_free(elist); } if(!nel || nel->vec_num <= 0 || nel->vec_len <= 0) { if(gni.debug) fprintf(stderr,"** missing SPARSE_DATA element\n"); RETURN(1); } /* so nel points to the SPARSE_DATA element */ if(gni.debug>1)fprintf(stderr,"-d found SPARSE_DATA in NI_SURF_DSET\n"); /* if we have use ni_form to set the byte_order */ dkptr->byte_order = NI_get_byte_order(nel); if( dkptr->byte_order == NATIVE_ORDER ) dkptr->byte_order = mri_short_order(); if(gni.debug>1) fprintf(stderr,"+d using byte order %s\n", BYTE_ORDER_STRING(dkptr->byte_order)); /* verify that we have "data_type=Node_Bucket_data" acceptable should also be Node_ROI_data but on output, all will become Node_Bucket_data ZSS: Dec 07 */ rhs = NI_get_attribute(nel, "data_type"); /* added Voxel_Bucket_data, though it is not properly handled (but headed in the right direction) 5 Aug 2015 [rickr] */ if( !rhs || ( strcmp(rhs, "Node_Bucket_data") && strcmp(rhs, "Node_ROI_data") && strcmp(rhs, "Node_Label_data") && strcmp(rhs, "Voxel_Bucket_data") && strcmp(rhs, "Graph_Bucket_data") ) ) { if(gni.debug) fprintf(stderr,"** SPARSE_DATA without data_type " "Node_Bucket_data or Node_ROI_data or Node_Label_data " "or Node_Bucket_data\n"); RETURN(1); } if(gni.debug && !strcmp(rhs, "Graph_Bucket_data")) fprintf(stderr,"+d Reading graph data but output will not retain type\n"); if(!strcmp(rhs, "Voxel_Bucket_data")) fprintf(stderr,"** Voxel_Bucket dataset will be collapsed to 1D...\n"); /* if we have a node list, verify that it matches the data in length */ if( blk->nnodes > 0 && (blk->nnodes != nel->vec_len) ) { if( blk->nnodes != nel->vec_len ) { fprintf(stderr,"** node list len (%d) != data len (%d)\n", blk->nnodes, nel->vec_len); RETURN(1); } if(gni.debug > 1) fprintf(stderr,"-d length of nodes and data match\n"); } /* COMPLEX is OK, if all sub-bricks are of the same type */ for( ncomp = 0, ind = 0; ind < nel->vec_num; ind++ ) { if (nel->vec_typ[ind] == NI_COMPLEX) ++ncomp; } if (ncomp == nel->vec_num) tpafni = MRI_complex; else tpafni = MRI_float; /* node index list is now in INDEX_LIST attribute 29 Aug 2006 [rickr] */ for( ind = 0; tpafni == MRI_float && ind < nel->vec_num; ind++ ) if( nel->vec_typ[ind] != NI_FLOAT && nel->vec_typ[ind] != NI_INT ) { fprintf(stderr,"** NI_SURF_DSET has has invalid type %d\n", nel->vec_typ[ind]); RETURN(1); } /* set nxyz */ nxyz.ijk[0] = nel->vec_len; nxyz.ijk[1] = nxyz.ijk[2] = 1; if(gni.debug > 1) fprintf(stderr, "+d setting datum, nxyz, nvals to %s, %d, %d\n", tpafni == MRI_float ? "float":"complex" , nel->vec_len, nel->vec_num); EDIT_dset_items(dset, ADN_datum_all, tpafni, ADN_nxyz, nxyz, ADN_nvals, nel->vec_num, ADN_none ); /*--- check for a ni_timestep attribute ---*/ rhs = NI_get_attribute(nel, "ni_timestep"); if( rhs && nel->vec_num > 1 ) /* then make time dependent */ { tr = strtod(rhs, NULL); if(gni.debug > 1) fprintf(stderr,"-d found TR = %f\n", tr); if( tr <= 0.0 ) tr = 1.0; /* just be safe */ EDIT_dset_items(dset, ADN_func_type, ANAT_EPI_TYPE, ADN_ntt , nel->vec_num, ADN_ttdel , tr, ADN_tunits , UNITS_SEC_TYPE, ADN_none); } RETURN(0); } /* apply known NI_SURF_DSET attributes (niml -> afni) */ static int process_NSD_attrs(THD_3dim_dataset * dset) { THD_datablock * blk; THD_diskptr * dkptr; THD_ivec3 ori; THD_fvec3 del, org; ATR_string * atr_str; int ind, nvals; ENTRY("process_NSD_attrs"); /* orientation, grid and origin are meaningless, but apply defaults */ /* set orientation as RAI */ ori.ijk[0] = ORI_R2L_TYPE; ori.ijk[1] = ORI_A2P_TYPE; ori.ijk[2] = ORI_I2S_TYPE; /* set grid spacings to 1 mm, and origin to 0.0 */ del.xyz[0] = del.xyz[1] = del.xyz[2] = 1.0; org.xyz[0] = org.xyz[1] = org.xyz[2] = 0.0; blk = dset->dblk; dkptr = blk->diskptr; EDIT_dset_items(dset, ADN_xyzdel, del, ADN_xyzorg, org, ADN_xyzorient, ori, ADN_malloc_type, DATABLOCK_MEM_MALLOC, ADN_type, HEAD_ANAT_TYPE, ADN_none); /* if not time dependent, set as bucket */ if( ! dset->taxis || dset->taxis->ntt <= 1) EDIT_dset_items(dset, ADN_func_type, ANAT_BUCK_TYPE, ADN_none); dkptr->storage_mode = STORAGE_BY_NI_SURF_DSET; /* now process some attributes */ nvals = blk->nvals; /*--- init and fill any column labels ---*/ atr_str = THD_find_string_atr(blk, "COLMS_LABS"); if( !atr_str ) atr_str = THD_find_string_atr(blk, ATRNAME_BRICK_LABS); nsd_string_atr_to_slist(&blk->brick_lab, nvals, atr_str); /*--- init and fill any statistic symbols ---*/ atr_str = THD_find_string_atr(blk , "COLMS_STATSYM"); if( !atr_str ) atr_str = THD_find_string_atr(blk , "BRICK_STATSYM"); if( atr_str ) /* only do this if we have some codes */ { char **sar ; int scode,np ; float parm[3]; np = nsd_string_atr_to_slist(&sar, nvals, atr_str); if( sar ) { for( ind = 0; ind < nvals; ind++ ) { NI_stat_decode(sar[ind], &scode, parm,parm+1,parm+2 ); if(scode >= AFNI_FIRST_STATCODE && scode <= AFNI_LAST_STATCODE) { np = NI_stat_numparam(scode); THD_store_datablock_stataux(blk, ind, scode, np, parm); } free(sar[ind]); } free(sar); } } RETURN(0); } /* store any attribute in the ni_surf_dset_attrs[] list - for each attr, if it has a valid rhs, store it - the self_idcode should be stored separately (as it will not be copied to a new dataset) return 0 on success */ static int process_NSD_group_attrs(NI_group * ngr, THD_3dim_dataset * dset ) { char ** aname; char * rhs; int ac, natr; ENTRY("process_NSD_group_attrs"); natr = sizeof(ni_surf_dset_attrs) / sizeof(char *); for( ac = 0, aname = ni_surf_dset_attrs; ac < natr; ac++, aname++ ) { rhs = NI_get_attribute(ngr, *aname); if( rhs && *rhs ) { if(gni.debug>1) fprintf(stderr,"-d found group attr %s = %s\n",*aname,rhs); THD_set_string_atr(dset->dblk, *aname, rhs); } else if(gni.debug>2) fprintf(stderr,"-d did not find group attr %s\n",*aname); } /* idcode: from nel:self_idcode or ni_idcode */ rhs = NI_get_attribute(ngr, "self_idcode"); if( !rhs ) rhs = NI_get_attribute(ngr, "ni_idcode"); if( rhs ) NI_strncpy(dset->idcode.str, rhs, MCW_IDSIZE); /* else, keep the one from EDIT_empty_copy() */ RETURN(0); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! Load data from the SPARSE_DATA NIML element. 3 Jul 2006 [rickr] * (adding it to the dataset block) * * - Return value is the number of sub-bricks found. * - Data must be of type float or complex. * - Free NIML data as it is applied. *------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int THD_add_sparse_data(THD_3dim_dataset * dset, NI_group * ngr ) { THD_datablock * blk; NI_element * nel = NULL; float * data = NULL; complex * cdata = NULL; void ** elist = NULL; int nvals, ind, mind, sub, swap, len, tpo; int * mlist = NULL; /* master list */ ENTRY("THD_add_sparse_data"); if( !dset || !ngr ) { if(gni.debug > 1) fprintf(stderr,"** bad params to add_sparse_data\n"); RETURN(0); } blk = dset->dblk; nvals = blk->nvals; ind = NI_search_group_shallow(ngr, "SPARSE_DATA", &elist); if( ind > 0 ) { nel = (NI_element *)elist[0]; NI_free(elist); } if( !nel ) { if(gni.debug > 1) fprintf(stderr,"-- no SPARSE_DATA to add\n"); RETURN(0); } /* if mlist is NULL, no mastery */ if( DBLK_IS_MASTERED(blk) ) mlist = blk->master_ival; /*-- verify sizes --*/ if( nel->vec_num != nvals ) { if(gni.debug) { fprintf(stderr,"** TASD: vec_num = %d, but nvals = %d\n", nel->vec_num, nvals); if( mlist ) fprintf(stderr," (dataset is mastered)\n"); } if( !mlist ) RETURN(0); /* no mastery means failure here */ } if( nel->vec_len != DSET_NX(dset) ) { if(gni.debug) fprintf(stderr,"** TASD: vec_len = %d, but NX = %d\n", nel->vec_len, DSET_NX(dset)); RETURN(0); } /*-- verify types --*/ for( ind = 0; ind < nvals; ind++ ) { mind = mlist ? mlist[ind] : ind; /* maybe use master index */ if( nel->vec_typ[mind] != NI_FLOAT && nel->vec_typ[mind] != NI_INT && nel->vec_typ[mind] != NI_COMPLEX) { if(gni.debug) fprintf(stderr,"** TASD: vec[%d] not float or complex\n",mind); RETURN(0); } else if( ! nel->vec[mind] ) { if(gni.debug) fprintf(stderr,"** TASD: vec[%d] not filled!\n",mind); RETURN(0); } } /* check for output type */ tpo = DBLK_BRICK_TYPE(blk,0); if (tpo != MRI_float && tpo != MRI_complex) { fprintf(stderr,"** TASD: brick not float or complex\n"); RETURN(0); } /* check for necessary swapping */ swap = (blk->diskptr->byte_order != mri_short_order()); if(gni.debug>1 && swap) fprintf(stderr,"+d will byte_swap data\n"); len = nel->vec_len; /*-- we seem to have all of the data, now copy it --*/ sub = 0; for( ind = 0; ind < nvals; ind++ ) { mind = mlist ? mlist[ind] : ind; /* maybe use master index */ if (tpo==MRI_float) { data = (float *)RwcMalloc(len * sizeof(float)); } else { cdata = (complex *)RwcMalloc(len * sizeof(complex)); } if(!data && !cdata){ fprintf(stderr,"**ASD alloc fail: %d values\n",len); RETURN(0); } if( nel->vec_typ[mind] == NI_FLOAT ) { memcpy(data, nel->vec[mind], len * sizeof(float)); if( swap ) nifti_swap_4bytes(len, data); } else if( nel->vec_typ[mind] == NI_INT ) {/* ZSS: Dec. 07. Note that*/ int *idata=NULL, ii=0; /* int dsets become floats*/ idata = (int *)RwcMalloc(len * sizeof(int)); if(!idata){ fprintf(stderr,"**ASD alloc fail: %d bytes\n",len); RETURN(0); } memcpy(idata, nel->vec[mind], len * sizeof(int)); if( swap ) nifti_swap_4bytes(len, idata); for(ii=0; iivec_typ[mind] == NI_COMPLEX ) { memcpy(cdata, nel->vec[mind], len * sizeof(complex)); /* in AFNI, complex is a float pair struct */ if( swap ) nifti_swap_Nbytes(2*len, sizeof(complex)/2, data); } else { fprintf(stderr,"**ASD should never have been here.\n"); RETURN(0); } if (tpo == MRI_float) mri_fix_data_pointer(data, DBLK_BRICK(blk,sub)); else mri_fix_data_pointer(cdata, DBLK_BRICK(blk,sub)); sub++; /* we can only nuke the old stuff if we know we're done with it */ if( !mlist ){ NI_free(nel->vec[mind]); nel->vec[mind] = NULL; } } if( DBLK_IS_MASTER_SUBRANGED(blk) ) THD_apply_master_subrange(blk); RETURN(nvals); } /*! convert an AFNI dataset to a NIML group of type NI_SURF_DSET - set group attributes from ni_surf_dset_attrs - create SPARSE_DATA element, if requested - create attributes for COLMS_RANGE, COLMS_LABS, COLMS_TYPE, COLMS_STATSYM - apply HISTORY_NOTE */ NI_group * THD_dset_to_ni_surf_dset( THD_3dim_dataset * dset, int copy_data ) { THD_datablock * blk; NI_group * ngr; int nx, ibr=0; char name[100]={""}; ENTRY("THD_dset_to_ni_surf_dset"); if( !ISVALID_DSET(dset) ) RETURN(NULL); blk = dset->dblk; if( !blk ) RETURN(NULL); nx = DSET_NVOX(dset); /* I want it all */ if( blk->nnodes > 0 && blk->nnodes != nx ) { fprintf(stderr,"** datablock nnodes differs from nx %d, %d\n", blk->nnodes, nx); RETURN(NULL); } else if ( blk->nnodes > 0 && !blk->node_list ) { fprintf(stderr,"** datablock has nnodes but no node_list\n"); RETURN(NULL); } THD_set_dataset_attributes(dset); /* load attributes for processing */ /* create group element */ /* All gets forced into Node_Bucket for now */ ngr = NI_new_group_element(); NI_rename_group(ngr, "AFNI_dataset"); if (DSET_NY(dset) == 1) { NI_set_attribute(ngr, "dset_type", "Node_Bucket"); } else { NI_set_attribute(ngr, "dset_type", "Voxel_Bucket"); nsd_add_atr_to_group("DATASET_DIMENSIONS", NULL, blk, ngr); nsd_add_atr_to_group("IJK_TO_DICOM_REAL", NULL, blk, ngr); nsd_add_atr_to_group("BRICK_FLOAT_FACS", NULL, blk, ngr); nsd_add_atr_to_group("ORIENT_SPECIFIC", NULL, blk, ngr); } NI_set_attribute(ngr, "self_idcode", dset->idcode.str); NI_set_attribute(ngr, "filename", blk->diskptr->brick_name); nsd_add_str_atr_to_group("BRICK_LABS", "COLMS_LABS", blk, ngr); nsd_add_colms_range(ngr, dset); if (gni.to_float) { if (DBLK_BRICK_TYPE(blk,0) == MRI_complex) { nsd_add_colms_type(blk->nvals, DBLK_BRICK_TYPE(blk,0), ngr); } else { nsd_add_colms_type(blk->nvals, MRI_float, ngr); } } else { nsd_add_colms_type(blk->nvals, DBLK_BRICK_TYPE(blk,0), ngr); } nsd_add_str_atr_to_group("BRICK_STATSYM", "COLMS_STATSYM", blk, ngr); nsd_add_str_atr_to_group("HISTORY_NOTE", NULL, blk, ngr); nsd_add_str_atr_to_group("ATLAS_LABEL_TABLE", NULL, blk, ngr); nsd_add_str_atr_to_group("VALUE_LABEL_DTABLE", NULL, blk, ngr); for (ibr=0; ibr 1) fprintf(stderr,"-- applying pad2node = %d\n",pad2node); /* make padded copy, steal pointer, free everything */ sdnew = SUMA_PaddedCopyofDset(sdset, pad2node); if( !sdnew ) { fprintf(stderr,"** NPTN: failed pad to node %d\n", pad2node); RETURN(ngr); } ngr = sdnew->ngr; sdnew->ngr = NULL; SUMA_FreeDset(sdset); SUMA_FreeDset(sdnew); RETURN(ngr); } /* return the SUMA string corresponding to the AFNI type */ static char * afni2suma_typestring(int afnitype) { switch(afnitype) { case MRI_byte: return "Generic_Byte;"; case MRI_short: return "Generic_Short;"; case MRI_int: return "Generic_Int;"; case MRI_float: return "Generic_Float;"; case MRI_complex: return "Generic_Complex;"; } return NULL; /* bad idea? */ } /*! add a COLMS_TYPE attribute element return 0 on success */ static int nsd_add_colms_type(int nvals, int tp, NI_group * ngr) { NI_element * nel; char * str, * slist[1]; /* add_column requires a list of strings */ int c, plen; char * tps; ENTRY("nsd_add_colms_type"); /* check usage */ if( nvals <= 0 || !ngr ) RETURN(1); /* create a new string: "Generic_Float;Generic_Float;..." */ if (!(tps = afni2suma_typestring(tp))) { /* ZSS, Nov. 2013 */ fprintf(stderr, "** Could not determine column equivalent for afni type %d\n", tp); RETURN(1); } /* rcr - update this with more types (that agree with SUMA) */ plen = (strlen(tps)+1)*nvals + 1; str = (char *)malloc(plen * sizeof(char)); /* insert first string */ strcpy(str, tps); /* and then the rest */ for( c = 1; c < nvals; c++ ) strcat(str, tps); /* remove last ; */ str[strlen(str)-1] = '\0'; /* now add it to the group */ slist[0] = str; nel = NI_new_data_element("AFNI_atr", 1); nel->outmode = NI_TEXT_MODE; NI_set_attribute(nel, "atr_name", "COLMS_TYPE"); NI_add_column(nel, NI_STRING, slist); NI_add_to_group(ngr, nel); free(str); /* nuke local copy */ RETURN(0); } /* - find the given attribute in the datablock - put it in a data element - add it to the group aname - AFNI attribute name niname - NIML attribute name (if NULL, use aname) blk - datablock ngr - NI_group to insert new element into ZSS Feb 08: pilfered from THD_nimlize_dsetatr return 0 on success */ static int nsd_add_atr_to_group(char * aname, char * niname, THD_datablock * blk, NI_group * ngr) { ATR_any *atr_any ; ATR_string * atr_str; NI_element * nel; char * dest; ENTRY("nsd_add_atr_to_group"); /* check usage */ if( !aname || !blk || !ngr ) RETURN(1); atr_any = THD_find_atr(blk, aname); if( !atr_any ) RETURN(0); /* nothing to add */ if(gni.debug > 1){ fprintf(stderr, "-d adding '%s' atr: ", niname?niname:aname); } switch( atr_any->type ){ /* pilfered from THD_nimlize_dsetatr */ case ATR_FLOAT_TYPE:{ ATR_float *atr_flo = (ATR_float *)atr_any ; nel = NI_new_data_element( "AFNI_atr" , atr_flo->nfl ) ; nel->outmode = NI_TEXT_MODE ; NI_set_attribute( nel , "atr_name" , atr_flo->name ) ; NI_add_column( nel , NI_FLOAT , atr_flo->fl ) ; NI_add_to_group( ngr , nel ) ; } break ; case ATR_INT_TYPE:{ ATR_int *atr_int = (ATR_int *)atr_any ; nel = NI_new_data_element( "AFNI_atr" , atr_int->nin ) ; nel->outmode = NI_TEXT_MODE ; NI_set_attribute( nel , "atr_name" , atr_int->name ) ; NI_add_column( nel , NI_INT , atr_int->in ) ; NI_add_to_group( ngr , nel ) ; } break ; case ATR_STRING_TYPE:{ nsd_add_str_atr_to_group(aname, niname, blk, ngr); } break; default: fprintf(stderr, "*** unexpected type!\n"); RETURN(1); } RETURN(0); } /* - find the given attribute in the datablock - now just add 1 to length (should we bother?) - put it in a data element - add it to the group aname - AFNI attribute name niname - NIML attribute name (if NULL, use aname) blk - datablock ngr - NI_group to insert new element into return 0 on success */ static int nsd_add_str_atr_to_group(char * aname, char * niname, THD_datablock * blk, NI_group * ngr) { ATR_string * atr; NI_element * nel; char * dest; ENTRY("nsd_add_str_atr_to_group"); /* check usage */ if( !aname || !blk || !ngr ) RETURN(1); atr = THD_find_string_atr(blk, aname); if( !atr ) RETURN(0); /* nothing to add */ if(gni.debug > 1){ fprintf(stderr, "-d adding '%s' atr: ", niname?niname:aname); fwrite(atr->ch, sizeof(char), atr->nch, stderr); fputc('\n', stderr); } /* create a new string */ dest = (char *)calloc(atr->nch+1, sizeof(char)); /* +1 for last '\0' */ memcpy(dest, atr->ch, atr->nch); if(gni.debug > 2) fprintf(stderr, "-d new atr (orig): '%s'\n", dest); THD_zblock_ch(atr->nch, dest, ZSBLOCK); /* swap out nul chars */ dest[atr->nch] = '\0'; /* now add it to the group */ nel = NI_new_data_element("AFNI_atr", 1); nel->outmode = NI_TEXT_MODE; NI_set_attribute(nel, "atr_name", niname ? niname : aname); NI_add_column(nel, NI_STRING, &dest); NI_add_to_group(ngr, nel); if(gni.debug > 1) fprintf(stderr, "-d new atr is: '%s'\n", dest); free(dest); /* nuke local copy */ RETURN(0); } /* add a COLMS_RANGE attribute element to the group * * do not assume that the data is of type float, though * evaluate ranges as if it is */ static int nsd_add_colms_range(NI_group * ngr, THD_3dim_dataset * dset) { THD_datablock * blk; NI_element * nel; float fmin, fmax; char * str; int ind, nx; int len; /* dynamic length of str */ int minp, maxp; ENTRY("nsd_add_colms_range"); nx = DSET_NVOX(dset); /* I want it all. ZSS: Nov. 1 2013*/ blk = dset->dblk; /*-- create the string --*/ len = 512; str = (char *)malloc(len * sizeof(char)); str[0] = '\0'; /* stick the nodes in the list */ get_blk_min_max_posn(blk, 0, nx, &fmin, &minp, &fmax, &maxp); loc_append_vals(&str, &len, "", fmin, fmax, minp, maxp); for( ind = 1; ind < blk->nvals; ind++ ) /* keep appending the next set */ { get_blk_min_max_posn(blk, ind, nx, &fmin, &minp, &fmax, &maxp); loc_append_vals(&str, &len, ";", fmin, fmax, minp, maxp); } /*-- now we have the string, insert it as an attribute element --*/ /* create initial element */ nel = NI_new_data_element("AFNI_atr", 1); nel = NI_new_data_element("AFNI_atr", 1); nel->outmode = NI_TEXT_MODE; NI_set_attribute(nel, "atr_name", "COLMS_RANGE"); NI_add_column(nel, NI_STRING, &str); NI_add_to_group(ngr, nel); if(gni.debug > 1) fprintf(stderr,"+d added COLMS_RANGE atr: '%s'\n", str); free(str); /* nuke allocated string */ RETURN(0); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! Add the INDEX_LIST attribute element from the AFNI dset to the NIML group. * * If dset has no node_list, the user may still want it filled to a * default list, based on AFNI_NSD_ADD_NODES (gni.add_nodes). * If the datum is not float, convert it. * -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int nsd_fill_index_list(NI_group * ngr, THD_3dim_dataset * dset) { NI_element * nel; THD_datablock * blk; char str[4]; int * node_list, * new_list = NULL; int c, nx; ENTRY("nsd_fill_index_list"); blk = dset->dblk; nx = DSET_NVOX(dset); /* I want it all. ZSS: Nov. 1 2013*/ node_list = blk->node_list; if( blk->nnodes <= 0 || ! blk->node_list ) /* no node list */ { /* create a default list 30 Aug 2006 [rickr] * (either requested or in prep for pad2node) 6 Sep 2012 [rickr] */ if( gni.add_nodes || MRILIB_DomainMaxNodeIndex >= 0 ) { if(gni.debug) fprintf(stderr,"+d creating default INDEX_LIST\n"); new_list = (int *)malloc(nx * sizeof(int)); if( !new_list ){ fprintf(stderr,"** NFIL: failed to alloc %d nodes\n",nx); RETURN(1); } for( c = 0; c < nx; c++ ) new_list[c] = c; node_list = new_list; } else { if(gni.debug) fprintf(stderr,"-d no INDEX_LIST to add\n"); RETURN(0); } } else if( blk->nnodes != nx ) { fprintf(stderr,"** node list len (%d) != NX (%d), skipping nodes\n", blk->nnodes, nx); RETURN(1); } if(gni.debug) fprintf(stderr,"+d adding INDEX_LIST, len %d\n", nx); nel = NI_new_data_element("INDEX_LIST", nx); nel->outmode = gni.write_mode; /* ASCII or BINARY mode (from globals) */ if( nsd_are_sorted_ints(node_list, nx)) strcpy(str, "Yes"); else strcpy(str, "No"); NI_set_attribute(nel, "sorted_node_def", str); if(gni.debug > 1) fprintf(stderr,"+d set sorted_node_def = %s\n", str); NI_add_column(nel, NI_INT, node_list); if( new_list ) free(new_list); /* lose any new list */ NI_add_to_group(ngr, nel); RETURN(0); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! Add SPARSE_DATA from the AFNI dset to the NIML group. * * If the datum is not float or complex, convert it. * -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int nsd_add_sparse_data(NI_group * ngr, THD_3dim_dataset * dset) { NI_element * nel; THD_datablock * blk; float * fdata = NULL; int ind, nx, c; ENTRY("nsd_add_sparse_data"); blk = dset->dblk; nx = DSET_NVOX(dset); /* I want it all, now carting volumes too. ZSS: Nov. 1 2013 */ if(gni.debug) fprintf(stderr,"+d adding SPARSE_DATA element\n"); /* check whether we have all floats, of not prepare for conversion */ /* 4 Aug 2006 [rickr] */ for( ind = 0; ind < blk->nvals; ind++ ) if( DBLK_BRICK_TYPE(blk, ind) != MRI_float && DBLK_BRICK_TYPE(blk, ind) != MRI_complex) /* then allocate floats */ { if( ! gni.to_float && DBLK_BRICK_TYPE(blk, ind) != MRI_short && DBLK_BRICK_TYPE(blk, ind) != MRI_byte ){ fprintf(stderr, "** dset has non-floats/complex/short/byte and\n" " AFNI_NSD_TO_FLOAT is NO life has become unbearable...\n"); RETURN(1); } fdata = malloc(nx * sizeof(float)); /* create our float array */ if( !fdata ) { fprintf(stderr,"** NASD: failed to malloc conversion floats\n"); RETURN(1); } if(gni.debug) fprintf(stderr,"+d converting NI_SURF_DSET to floats\n"); break; /* and terminate the loop */ } /* create initial element of length nx */ nel = NI_new_data_element("SPARSE_DATA", nx); if(gni.debug > 1) fprintf(stderr,"+d sparse_data: adding %d data columns\n", blk->nvals); /* insert data */ for( ind = 0; ind < blk->nvals; ind++ ) { float fac; if( DBLK_BRICK_TYPE(blk, ind) == MRI_float ) { NI_add_column(nel, NI_FLOAT, DBLK_ARRAY(blk, ind)); /* use dblk */ } else if( DBLK_BRICK_TYPE(blk, ind) == MRI_complex ) { NI_add_column(nel, NI_COMPLEX, DBLK_ARRAY(blk, ind)); /* use dblk */ } else if( ! gni.to_float && DBLK_BRICK_TYPE(blk, ind) == MRI_short ) { NI_add_column(nel, NI_SHORT, DBLK_ARRAY(blk, ind)); /* use dblk */ } else if( ! gni.to_float && DBLK_BRICK_TYPE(blk, ind) == MRI_byte ) { NI_add_column(nel, NI_BYTE, DBLK_ARRAY(blk, ind)); /* use dblk */ } else { EDIT_convert_dtype(nx, DBLK_BRICK_TYPE(blk,ind),DBLK_ARRAY(blk,ind), MRI_float, fdata, 0); /* apply any factor */ fac = DBLK_BRICK_FACTOR(blk,ind); if( fac == 0.0 ) fac = 1.0; if( fac != 1.0 ) for(c = 0; c < nx; c++) fdata[c] *= fac; NI_add_column(nel, NI_FLOAT, fdata); /* and add to element */ } } if( fdata ) free(fdata); /* fly! (thud) be free! (thud) */ /* Next declare output to be Node_Bucket_data always. Someday we will change that IF we ever feel the need. ZSS Dec 07 */ { char name[256], *att; if ((att = NI_get_attribute(ngr,"dset_type"))) { snprintf(name, 255,"%s_data", att); NI_set_attribute(nel, "data_type", name); } else { NI_set_attribute(nel, "data_type", "Node_Bucket_data"); } } set_sparse_data_attribs(nel, dset, 1); NI_add_to_group(ngr, nel); RETURN(0); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! set element attribute specific to SPARSE DATA and the dataset 3 Aug 2006 --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int set_sparse_data_attribs(NI_element * nel, THD_3dim_dataset * dset, int nodes_from_dset) { char str[32]; float TR=0.0; ENTRY("set_sparse_data_attribs"); if( !nel || !dset ) RETURN(1); nel->outmode = gni.write_mode; /* ASCII or BINARY mode (from globals) */ /* check for need of the ni_timestep attribute */ if( DSET_NUM_TIMES(dset) > 1 ) /* then it is time dependent */ { TR = DSET_TIMESTEP(dset); if( DSET_TIMEUNITS(dset) == UNITS_MSEC_TYPE ) TR *= 0.001; strcpy(str, MV_format_fval(TR)); NI_set_attribute(nel, "ni_timestep", str); if(gni.debug > 1) fprintf(stderr,"+d setting ni_timestep = %s\n", str); } RETURN(0); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! return whether the given list is sorted 23 Aug 2006 [rickr] --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int nsd_are_sorted_ints(int *list, int len) { int c; ENTRY("nsd_are_sorted_ints"); if( !list || len <= 0 ) RETURN(0); for( c = 0; c < len - 1; c++ ) if( list[c] > list[c+1] ) RETURN(0); RETURN(1); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! Like strndup, relies on length, not nul 11 Jul 2006 [rickr] --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static char * my_strndup(char *str, int len) { char *dup; if( str == NULL || len < 0 ) return NULL; dup = (char *)calloc(len+1, sizeof(char)); strncpy(dup,str,len); dup[len] = '\0'; return dup; } /* append 2 floats and ints to str, subject to total length, len, and prepended with sep */ static int loc_append_vals(char ** str, int * len, char * sep, float f1, float f2, int i1, int i2) { char lbuf[256], fs1[32]; /* for first call to MV_format_fval */ int req; ENTRY("loc_append_vals"); if( !str || !*str || !len || !sep ) RETURN(1); if( strlen(sep) > 32 ) RETURN(1); /* first, just stuff them in a sufficient buffer */ /* (make a copy of first float, and then format it all) */ strcpy(fs1, MV_format_fval(f1)); sprintf(lbuf, "%s%s %s %d %d", sep, fs1, MV_format_fval(f2), i1, i2); req = strlen(*str) + strlen(lbuf) + 1; if( req > *len ) { *len = req + 512; /* include some extra space */ *str = (char *)realloc(*str, *len * sizeof(char)); } strcat(*str, lbuf); /* finally, copy the data in */ RETURN(0); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * get the byte order from any ni_form attribute * return LSB_FIRST, MSB_FIRST, or NATIVE_ORDER (if none is found) */ int NI_get_byte_order(NI_element * nel) { char * rhs; int order = NATIVE_ORDER; ENTRY("NI_get_byte_order"); if( !nel ) RETURN(NATIVE_ORDER); rhs = NI_get_attribute(nel, "ni_form"); if( !rhs ) { if(gni.debug > 1) fprintf(stderr,"-d no ni_form for byte order\n"); RETURN(NATIVE_ORDER); } if( strstr(rhs, "lsbfirst") ) order = LSB_FIRST; if( strstr(rhs, "msbfirst") ) order = MSB_FIRST; if( gni.debug > 1 ) fprintf(stderr,"-d found byte order string, %s\n", order == LSB_FIRST ? LSB_FIRST_STRING : order == MSB_FIRST ? MSB_FIRST_STRING : NATIVE_STRING ); RETURN(order); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* NIML globals access functions 3 Aug 2006 [rickr] */ /* return the corresponding NI_type, and -1 on failure (since 0 is used) */ int dtype_nifti_to_niml(int dtype) { switch(dtype) { case NIFTI_TYPE_INT16: { return NI_SHORT; } case NIFTI_TYPE_INT32: { return NI_INT; } case NIFTI_TYPE_FLOAT32: { return NI_FLOAT32; } case NIFTI_TYPE_FLOAT64: { return NI_FLOAT64; } case NIFTI_TYPE_INT8: { return NI_BYTE; } case NIFTI_TYPE_COMPLEX64:{ return NI_COMPLEX; } } return -1; } /* return the corresponding NIFTI_type, and DT_UNKNOWN on failure */ int dtype_niml_to_nifti(int dtype) { switch(dtype) { case NI_SHORT: { return NIFTI_TYPE_INT16; } case NI_INT: { return NIFTI_TYPE_INT32; } case NI_FLOAT32:{ return NIFTI_TYPE_FLOAT32; } case NI_FLOAT64:{ return NIFTI_TYPE_FLOAT64; } case NI_BYTE: { return NIFTI_TYPE_INT8; } case NI_COMPLEX:{ return NIFTI_TYPE_COMPLEX64;} } return 0; /* some #define seems to get in the way of DT_UNKNOWN */ } /* return the first element where name is 'ename' and atr_name is 'atr_name' */ NI_element * NI_find_element_by_aname(NI_group * ngr, char * ename, char * aname, char * aval) { NI_element * nel = NULL; void ** elist = NULL; char ** sar, * atr; int ind, c; ENTRY("NI_find_element_by_aname"); if( !ngr || !ename || !aname || !aval ) RETURN(NULL); ind = NI_search_group_shallow(ngr, ename, &elist); if( ind <= 0 ) RETURN(NULL); /* no such name */ for( c = 0; c < ind; c++ ) { atr = NI_get_attribute(elist[c], aname); if( !strcmp(atr, aval) ) { /* found! */ nel = (NI_element *)elist[c]; break; } } NI_free(elist); RETURN(nel); } /* Read the NIML file and determine the order of labels in the * ColumnLabels element. * * return values are: * 0 : unknown order (includes error conditions) * 1 : slice-major order (labels are s0.*, s1,*, ...) * 2 : slice-minor order (labels are s0.L0, s1.L0, ...) */ int niml_get_major_label_order(char * fname) { NI_element * nel=NULL; /* main read element */ NI_str_array * lablist=NULL; /* array of parsed labels */ char * labstr=NULL; /* unparsed label string */ int c, order=0; /* init order as unknown */ ENTRY("niml_get_major_label_order"); gni.debug = AFNI_numenv("AFNI_NIML_DEBUG"); /* maybe we want info */ if(gni.debug > 3) fprintf(stderr,"-- get_major_label_order\n"); /* check each step of the way ... */ if( !fname ) { fprintf(stderr,"** major_label_order: fname is NULL\n"); RETURN(0); } if ( (nel = (NI_element*)read_niml_file(fname, 0)) == NULL ) { if( gni.debug ) fprintf(stderr,"** MLO: failed to read %s as NIML\n", fname); RETURN(0); } if(gni.debug > 2) fprintf(stderr,"-- NGMLO: vec_num = %d, vec_len = %d\n", nel->vec_num, nel->vec_len); labstr = NI_get_attribute(nel, "ColumnLabels"); if( !labstr ) { if( gni.debug ) fprintf(stderr,"** MLO: no ColumnLabels in %s\n",fname); RETURN(0); } if(gni.debug > 3) fprintf(stderr,"-- NGMLO: labstr = %-.66s...\n", labstr); lablist = NI_decode_string_list(labstr, ";"); if( !lablist ) { if(gni.debug) fprintf(stderr,"** MLO: bad ColumnLabels in %s\n",fname); RETURN(0); } if( lablist->num < 3 ) { if( gni.debug ) fprintf(stderr,"** MLO: vec_num = %d\n",nel->vec_num); RETURN(0); } /* we have the label list, now just check the first 2 labels */ if(gni.debug > 2) fprintf(stderr,"== NGMLO: l[0]=%s, l[1]=%s, l[2]=%s\n", lablist->str[0], lablist->str[1], lablist->str[2]); if( !strncmp(lablist->str[0], "s0", 2) && !strncmp(lablist->str[1], "s0", 2) ) { if(gni.debug>1) fprintf(stderr,"-- %s is slice-major order\n",fname); order = 1; } else if( !strncmp(lablist->str[0], "s0", 2) && !strncmp(lablist->str[1], "s1", 2) ) { if(gni.debug>1) fprintf(stderr,"-- %s is slice-minor order\n",fname); order = 2; } else { if(gni.debug>1) fprintf(stderr,"-- %s has indeterminate order\n",fname); order = 0; } NI_delete_str_array(lablist); NI_free(nel); RETURN(order); } /* apply any escape characters, and return a new string * * (which will not exceed the original string in length) * * * * \n, \t, \b 31 Jul 2009 */ char * unescape_unix_str(const char * ustr) { char * newstr = NULL; int len, c, nind; if( !ustr ) return NULL; len = strlen(ustr); newstr = (char *)malloc(len+1); for( c = 0, nind = 0; c < len; c++, nind++ ) { if( ustr[c] == '\\' ) { switch(ustr[c+1]) { case 'n': newstr[nind] = '\n'; c++; break; case 't': newstr[nind] = '\t'; c++; break; case 'b': newstr[nind] = '\b'; c++; break; default: newstr[nind] = ustr[c]; /* no escape applied */ break; } } else newstr[nind] = ustr[c]; /* no escape found */ } newstr[nind] = '\0'; return newstr; } int set_ni_globs_from_env(void) { ENTRY("set_ni_globs_from_env"); /* if datasets don't have nodes, the user may want to add a default list */ gni.add_nodes = AFNI_yesenv("AFNI_NSD_ADD_NODES"); /* 30 Aug 2006 */ gni.debug = AFNI_numenv("AFNI_NIML_DEBUG"); /* maybe the user wants info */ /* if having no conversion is desired, block it */ gni.to_float = AFNI_noenv("AFNI_NSD_TO_FLOAT") ? 0 : 1; /* if text desired, use it for writing */ gni.write_mode = AFNI_yesenv("AFNI_NIML_TEXT_DATA") ? NI_TEXT_MODE : NI_BINARY_MODE; RETURN(0); } void set_gni_add_nodes( int add_nodes ){ gni.add_nodes = add_nodes; } int get_gni_add_nodes( void ){ return gni.add_nodes; } void set_gni_debug( int debug ){ gni.debug = debug; } int get_gni_debug( void ){ return gni.debug; } void set_gni_to_float( int flag ){ gni.to_float = flag; } /* 4 Aug 2006 */ int get_gni_to_float( void ){ return gni.to_float; } void set_gni_write_mode( int mode ){ gni.write_mode = mode; } int get_gni_write_mode( void ){ return gni.write_mode; }