/* * vp_extract.c * * Routines to extract fields from a volume. * * Copyright (c) 1994 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford * Junior University. All rights reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided * that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in * all copies of this software and that you do not sell the software. * Commercial licensing is available by contacting the author. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY * WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * Author: * Phil Lacroute * Computer Systems Laboratory * Electrical Engineering Dept. * Stanford University */ /* * $Date$ * $Revision$ */ #include "vp_global.h" static int ExtractRawVolume ANSI_ARGS((vpContext *vpc, int x0, int y0, int z0, int x1, int y1, int z1, int field, void *dst, int dst_xstride, int dst_ystride, int dst_zstride)); static int ClassifyRawVolume ANSI_ARGS((vpContext *vpc, int correct, int x0, int y0, int z0, int x1, int y1, int z1, unsigned char *dst, int dst_xstride, int dst_ystride, int dst_zstride)); static int ShadeRawVolume ANSI_ARGS((vpContext *vpc, int x0, int y0, int z0, int x1, int y1, int z1, unsigned char *dst, int dst_xstride, int dst_ystride, int dst_zstride)); static float CorrectOpacity ANSI_ARGS((vpContext *vpc, int quant_opc, int x, int y, int z)); static void ShadeVoxel ANSI_ARGS((vpContext *vpc, void *voxel, int x, int y, int z, float *dst)); static int ExtractClassifiedVolume ANSI_ARGS((vpContext *vpc, int axis, int x0, int y0, int z0, int x1, int y1, int z1, int field, void *dst, int dst_xstride, int dst_ystride, int dst_zstride)); /* * vpExtract * * Extract a field from a volume. */ vpResult vpExtract(vpc, volume_type, x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1, field, dst, dst_size, dst_xstride, dst_ystride, dst_zstride) vpContext *vpc; /* context */ int volume_type; /* which volume representation to extract from */ int x0, y0, z0; /* origin of extracted region */ int x1, y1, z1; /* opposite corner of extracted region */ int field; /* field to extract */ void *dst; /* buffer to store result into */ int dst_size; /* size of dst in bytes */ int dst_xstride; /* stride (in bytes) for destination array */ int dst_ystride; int dst_zstride; { int field_size; int xrange, yrange, zrange; int retcode; int axis; /* check for errors */ if (x0 < 0 || y0 < 0 || z0 < 0 || x1 >= vpc->xlen || y1 >= vpc->ylen || z1 >= vpc->zlen || x0 > x1 || y0 > y1 || z0 > z1) return(VPSetError(vpc, VPERROR_BAD_VALUE)); if (field == VP_OPACITY_FIELD || field == VP_CORRECTED_OPAC_FIELD) field_size = 1; else if (field == VP_COLOR_FIELD) field_size = vpc->color_channels; else if (field < 0 || field >= vpc->num_voxel_fields) return(VPSetError(vpc, VPERROR_BAD_VALUE)); else if (volume_type != VP_RAW_VOLUME && field >= vpc->num_shade_fields) return(VPSetError(vpc, VPERROR_BAD_VALUE)); else field_size = vpc->field_size[field]; if (dst == NULL || dst_size != field_size*(x1-x0+1)*(y1-y0+1)*(z1-z0+1)) return(VPSetError(vpc, VPERROR_BAD_SIZE)); /* choose axis */ switch (volume_type) { case VP_CLASSIFIED_VOLUME: xrange = x1 - x0; yrange = y1 - y0; zrange = z1 - z0; if (vpc->rle_z != NULL && zrange < xrange && zrange < yrange) axis = VP_Z_AXIS; else if (vpc->rle_x != NULL && xrange < yrange && xrange < zrange) axis = VP_X_AXIS; else if (vpc->rle_z != NULL && yrange < zrange && yrange < xrange) axis = VP_Y_AXIS; else if (vpc->rle_z != NULL && xrange >= yrange && xrange >= zrange) axis = VP_Z_AXIS; else if (vpc->rle_x != NULL && yrange >= zrange) axis = VP_X_AXIS; else if (vpc->rle_y != NULL) axis = VP_Y_AXIS; else if (vpc->rle_z != NULL) axis = VP_Z_AXIS; else if (vpc->rle_x != NULL) axis = VP_X_AXIS; else return(VPSetError(vpc, VPERROR_BAD_VOLUME)); break; case VP_CLX_VOLUME: axis = VP_X_AXIS; break; case VP_CLY_VOLUME: axis = VP_Y_AXIS; break; case VP_CLZ_VOLUME: axis = VP_Z_AXIS; break; case VP_RAW_VOLUME: break; default: return(VPSetError(vpc, VPERROR_BAD_OPTION)); } /* compute result */ if (volume_type == VP_RAW_VOLUME) { if ((retcode = VPCheckRawVolume(vpc)) != VP_OK) return(retcode); if (field == VP_OPACITY_FIELD) return(ClassifyRawVolume(vpc, 0, x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1, dst, dst_xstride, dst_ystride, dst_zstride)); else if (field == VP_CORRECTED_OPAC_FIELD) return(ClassifyRawVolume(vpc, 1, x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1, dst, dst_xstride, dst_ystride, dst_zstride)); else if (field == VP_COLOR_FIELD) return(ShadeRawVolume(vpc, x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1, dst, dst_xstride, dst_ystride, dst_zstride)); else return(ExtractRawVolume(vpc, x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1, field, dst, dst_xstride, dst_ystride, dst_zstride)); } else { if ((retcode = VPCheckClassifiedVolume(vpc, axis)) != VP_OK) return(retcode); if (field == VP_COLOR_FIELD) { return(VPSetError(vpc, VPERROR_BAD_VALUE)); } else { return(ExtractClassifiedVolume(vpc, axis, x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1, field, dst, dst_xstride, dst_ystride, dst_zstride)); } } } /* * ExtractRawVolume * * Extract a field from a raw volume into an array. */ static int ExtractRawVolume(vpc, x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1, field, dst, dst_xstride, dst_ystride, dst_zstride) vpContext *vpc; /* context */ int x0, y0, z0; /* origin of extracted region */ int x1, y1, z1; /* opposite corner of extracted region */ int field; /* field to extract */ void *dst; /* buffer to store result into */ int dst_xstride; /* stride (in bytes) for destination array */ int dst_ystride; int dst_zstride; { int x, y, z; unsigned char *voxel, *dstptr; int field_size; int field_offset; int xstride, ystride, zstride; int retcode; field_size = vpc->field_size[field]; field_offset = vpc->field_offset[field]; xstride = vpc->xstride; ystride = vpc->ystride; zstride = vpc->zstride; voxel = vpc->raw_voxels; voxel += x0*xstride + y0*ystride + z0*zstride; dstptr = dst; for (z = z0; z <= z1; z++) { for (y = y0; y <= y1; y++) { for (x = x0; x <= x1; x++) { if (field_size == 1) ByteField(dstptr, 0) = ByteField(voxel, field_offset); else if (field_size == 2) ShortField(dstptr, 0) = ShortField(voxel, field_offset); else IntField(dstptr, 0) = IntField(voxel, field_offset); dstptr += dst_xstride; voxel += xstride; } dstptr += dst_ystride - (x1-x0+1)*dst_xstride; voxel += ystride - (x1-x0+1)*xstride; } dstptr += dst_zstride - (y1-y0+1)*dst_ystride; voxel += zstride - (y1-y0+1)*ystride; } return(VP_OK); } /* * ClassifyRawVolume * * Classify a portion of a raw volume, quantize the result, and store * as an array of 8-bit opacities. */ static int ClassifyRawVolume(vpc, correct, x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1, dst, dst_xstride, dst_ystride, dst_zstride) vpContext *vpc; /* context */ int correct; /* if true then correct for view */ int x0, y0, z0; /* origin of extracted region */ int x1, y1, z1; /* opposite corner of extracted region */ unsigned char *dst; /* buffer to store result into */ int dst_xstride; /* stride (in bytes) for destination array */ int dst_ystride; int dst_zstride; { float *opc; int num_voxels; int retcode; /* check for errors */ if ((retcode = VPCheckClassifier(vpc)) != VP_OK) return(retcode); /* compute opacities */ num_voxels = (x1-x0+1)*(y1-y0+1)*(z1-z0+1); Alloc(vpc, opc, float *, num_voxels*sizeof(float), "opacity_block"); VPClassifyBlock(vpc, correct, x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1, opc, sizeof(float), (x1-x0+1)*sizeof(float), (x1-x0+1)*(y1-y0+1)*sizeof(float)); /* quantize opacities */ VPQuantize(opc, x1-x0+1, y1-y0+1, z1-z0+1, 255., 255, dst, dst_xstride, dst_ystride, dst_zstride); Dealloc(vpc, opc); return(VP_OK); } /* * ShadeRawVolume * * Shade a portion of a raw volume, quantize the result, and store * as an array of 8-bit intensities. */ static int ShadeRawVolume(vpc, x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1, dst, dst_xstride, dst_ystride, dst_zstride) vpContext *vpc; /* context */ int x0, y0, z0; /* origin of extracted region */ int x1, y1, z1; /* opposite corner of extracted region */ unsigned char *dst; /* buffer to store result into */ int dst_xstride; /* stride (in bytes) for destination array */ int dst_ystride; int dst_zstride; { float *shd; int num_colors; int retcode; int xstride, ystride, zstride; /* check for errors */ if ((retcode = VPCheckShader(vpc)) != VP_OK) return(retcode); /* compute colors */ num_colors = (x1-x0+1)*(y1-y0+1)*(z1-z0+1)*vpc->color_channels; Alloc(vpc, shd, float *, num_colors*sizeof(float), "color_block"); xstride = vpc->color_channels * sizeof(float); ystride = xstride * (x1-x0+1); zstride = ystride * (y1-y0+1); VPShadeBlock(vpc, x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1, shd, xstride, ystride, zstride); /* quantize colors */ VPQuantize(shd, x1-x0+1, y1-y0+1, z1-z0+1, 1., 255, dst, dst_xstride, dst_ystride, dst_zstride); Dealloc(vpc, shd); return(VP_OK); } /* * VPClassifyBlock * * Classify a block of the current raw volume. The result is an * array of floating point opacities in the range 0.0-1.0. */ vpResult VPClassifyBlock(vpc, correct, x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1, opc, dst_xstride, dst_ystride, dst_zstride) vpContext *vpc; /* context */ int correct; /* if true then correct for view */ int x0, y0, z0; /* origin of extracted region */ int x1, y1, z1; /* opposite corner of extracted region */ float *opc; /* buffer to store result into */ int dst_xstride; /* stride (in bytes) for destination array */ int dst_ystride; int dst_zstride; { unsigned char *voxel; int xstride, ystride, zstride; int x, y, z; float opacity; int quant_opc; int retcode; if (correct) { if ((retcode = VPFactorView(vpc)) != VP_OK) return(retcode); } xstride = vpc->xstride; ystride = vpc->ystride; zstride = vpc->zstride; voxel = vpc->raw_voxels; voxel += x0*xstride + y0*ystride + z0*zstride; for (z = z0; z <= z1; z++) { for (y = y0; y <= y1; y++) { for (x = x0; x <= x1; x++) { opacity = VPClassifyVoxel(vpc, voxel); if (correct) { quant_opc = opacity * 255.; if (quant_opc > 255) quant_opc = 255; else if (quant_opc < 0) quant_opc = 0; opacity = CorrectOpacity(vpc, quant_opc, x, y, z); } *opc = opacity; opc = (float *)((char *)opc + dst_xstride); voxel += xstride; } opc = (float *)((char *)opc + dst_ystride - (x1-x0+1)*dst_xstride); voxel += ystride - (x1-x0+1)*xstride; } opc = (float *)((char *)opc + dst_zstride - (y1-y0+1)*dst_ystride); voxel += zstride - (y1-y0+1)*ystride; } return(VP_OK); } /* * VPClassifyVoxel * * Classify a single voxel. Return value is an opacity. */ float VPClassifyVoxel(vpc, voxel) vpContext *vpc; /* context */ void *voxel; /* pointer to voxel */ { int num_params; /* number of parameters to classifier */ int p; /* current parameter number */ int field; /* field for the parameter */ int field_size; /* size of the field */ int field_offset; /* offset for the field */ int index; /* index for table lookup */ float opacity; /* current value of the opacity */ num_params = vpc->num_clsfy_params; opacity = 1; for (p = 0; p < num_params; p++) { /* get table index */ field = vpc->param_field[p]; field_offset = vpc->field_offset[field]; field_size = vpc->field_size[field]; index = VoxelField(voxel, field_offset, field_size); /* load table value */ opacity *= vpc->clsfy_table[p][index]; } return(opacity); } /* * CorrectOpacity * * Correct an opacity for the current view. * Return value is the corrected opacity. */ static float CorrectOpacity(vpc, quant_opc, x, y, z) vpContext *vpc; /* context */ int quant_opc; /* input opacity (0-255) */ int x, y, z; /* voxel coordinates in object space */ { float opacity; if (vpc->affine_view) { opacity = vpc->affine_opac_correct[quant_opc]; } else { /* XXX perspective rendering not available yet */ opacity = (float)quant_opc / (float)255.; } return(opacity); } /* * VPShadeBlock * * Shade a block of the current raw volume. The result is an * array of floating point colors in the range 0.0-255.0. */ vpResult VPShadeBlock(vpc, x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1, shd, dst_xstride, dst_ystride, dst_zstride) vpContext *vpc; /* context */ int x0, y0, z0; /* origin of extracted region */ int x1, y1, z1; /* opposite corner of extracted region */ float *shd; /* buffer to store result into */ int dst_xstride; /* stride (in bytes) for destination array */ int dst_ystride; int dst_zstride; { unsigned char *voxel; int xstride, ystride, zstride; int x, y, z; int color_channels; color_channels = vpc->color_channels; xstride = vpc->xstride; ystride = vpc->ystride; zstride = vpc->zstride; voxel = vpc->raw_voxels; voxel += x0*xstride + y0*ystride + z0*zstride; for (z = z0; z <= z1; z++) { for (y = y0; y <= y1; y++) { for (x = x0; x <= x1; x++) { ShadeVoxel(vpc, voxel, x, y, z, shd); shd = (float *)((char *)shd + dst_xstride); voxel += xstride; } shd = (float *)((char *)shd + dst_ystride - (x1-x0+1)*dst_xstride); voxel += ystride - (x1-x0+1)*xstride; } shd = (float *)((char *)shd + dst_zstride - (y1-y0+1)*dst_ystride); voxel += zstride - (y1-y0+1)*ystride; } return(VP_OK); } /* * ShadeVoxel * * Shade a voxel. */ static void ShadeVoxel(vpc, voxel, x, y, z, dst) vpContext *vpc; /* context */ void *voxel; /* voxel data */ int x, y, z; /* voxel coordinates */ float *dst; /* storage for result (1 or 3 intensities, 0-255) */ { int num_materials; int color_channels; int color_index_size, color_index_offset, color_index, color_table_offset; int weight_index_size, weight_index_offset, weight_index; int weight_table_offset; int m; float r, g, b; float *color_table; float *weight_table; /* check shading mode */ if (vpc->shading_mode == CALLBACK_SHADER) { if (vpc->color_channels == 1) vpc->shade_func(voxel, dst, vpc->client_data); else vpc->shade_func(voxel, dst, dst+1, dst+2, vpc->client_data); return; } else if (vpc->shading_mode != LOOKUP_SHADER) { VPBug("unknown shader type"); } /* compute table indices */ num_materials = vpc->num_materials; color_channels = vpc->color_channels; color_index_size = vpc->field_size[vpc->color_field]; color_index_offset = vpc->field_offset[vpc->color_field]; color_index = VoxelField(voxel, color_index_offset, color_index_size); color_table_offset = color_index * num_materials; weight_index_size = vpc->field_size[vpc->weight_field]; weight_index_offset = vpc->field_offset[vpc->weight_field]; weight_index = VoxelField(voxel, weight_index_offset, weight_index_size); weight_table_offset = weight_index * num_materials; /* look up values in tables */ if (color_channels == 1) { color_table = vpc->shade_color_table + color_table_offset; weight_table = vpc->shade_weight_table + weight_table_offset; if (num_materials == 1) { r = *color_table; } else { r = 0; for (m = 0; m < num_materials; m++) r += *color_table++ * *weight_table++; } *dst = r; } else { color_table = vpc->shade_color_table + 3*color_table_offset; weight_table = vpc->shade_weight_table + weight_table_offset; if (num_materials == 1) { r = *color_table++; g = *color_table++; b = *color_table; } else { r = 0; g = 0; b = 0; for (m = 0; m < num_materials; m++) { r += *color_table++ * *weight_table; g += *color_table++ * *weight_table; b += *color_table++ * *weight_table; } } dst[0] = r; dst[1] = g; dst[2] = b; } } /* * VPQuantize * * Quantize a floating point array and store the result in a byte array. */ void VPQuantize(src, xlen, ylen, zlen, scale, maxvalue, dst, dst_xstride, dst_ystride, dst_zstride) float *src; /* floating point array */ int xlen, ylen, zlen; /* array dimensions */ double scale; /* scale to apply to each array element */ int maxvalue; /* clamp each array element to this value */ unsigned char *dst; /* store results here */ int dst_xstride; /* stride (in bytes) for destination array */ int dst_ystride; int dst_zstride; { int value; int x, y, z; for (z = 0; z < zlen; z++) { for (y = 0; y < ylen; y++) { for (x = 0; x < xlen; x++) { value = (int)rint(*src++ * scale); if (value > maxvalue) value = maxvalue; else if (value < 0) value = 0; *dst = value; dst += dst_xstride; } dst += dst_ystride - xlen*dst_xstride; } dst += dst_zstride - ylen*dst_ystride; } } /* * ExtractClassifiedVolume * * Extract a field from a classified volume into an array. */ static int ExtractClassifiedVolume(vpc, axis, x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1, field, dst, dst_xstride, dst_ystride, dst_zstride) vpContext *vpc; /* context */ int axis; /* which axis to extract from */ int x0, y0, z0; /* origin of extracted region */ int x1, y1, z1; /* opposite corner of extracted region */ int field; /* field to extract */ void *dst; /* buffer to store result into */ int dst_xstride; /* stride (in bytes) for destination array */ int dst_ystride; int dst_zstride; { int i, j, k; /* voxel coordinates in rotated object space */ int i0, j0, k0; /* origin of extracted region */ int i1, j1, k1; /* opposite corner of extracted region */ int dst_istride; /* stride (in bytes) for destination array */ int dst_jstride; int dst_kstride; int ilen, jlen, klen; /* volume size */ RLEVoxels *rle_voxels; /* run-length encoded, classified volume */ unsigned char *voxel; /* pointer to current voxel in volume */ unsigned char *dstptr; /* pointer to destination */ unsigned char *length; /* pointer to current run length */ int run_length; /* length of current run */ int is_non_zero; /* true if current run is nonzero */ int rle_bytes_per_voxel; /* size of unclassified voxel */ int value; /* value of parameter for current voxel */ ScanOffset *slice_runs; /* offsets to start of runs for a slice */ int field_size; /* size of field in bytes */ int field_offset; /* byte offset for voxel field */ /* initialize */ switch (axis) { case VP_X_AXIS: rle_voxels = vpc->rle_x; i0 = y0; j0 = z0; k0 = x0; i1 = y1; j1 = z1; k1 = x1; dst_istride = dst_ystride; dst_jstride = dst_zstride; dst_kstride = dst_xstride; break; case VP_Y_AXIS: rle_voxels = vpc->rle_y; i0 = z0; j0 = x0; k0 = y0; i1 = z1; j1 = x1; k1 = y1; dst_istride = dst_zstride; dst_jstride = dst_xstride; dst_kstride = dst_ystride; break; case VP_Z_AXIS: rle_voxels = vpc->rle_z; i0 = x0; j0 = y0; k0 = z0; i1 = x1; j1 = y1; k1 = z1; dst_istride = dst_xstride; dst_jstride = dst_ystride; dst_kstride = dst_zstride; break; default: return(VPSetError(vpc, VPERROR_BAD_OPTION)); } if (rle_voxels == NULL) return(VPSetError(vpc, VPERROR_BAD_VOLUME)); if (rle_voxels->scan_offsets_per_slice < 1) return(VPSetError(vpc, VPERROR_BAD_VOLUME)); ilen = rle_voxels->ilen; jlen = rle_voxels->jlen; klen = rle_voxels->klen; rle_bytes_per_voxel = vpc->rle_bytes_per_voxel; if (field == VP_OPACITY_FIELD || field == VP_CORRECTED_OPAC_FIELD) { field_size = 1; field_offset = rle_bytes_per_voxel - 1; } else { field_size = vpc->field_size[field]; field_offset = vpc->field_offset[field]; } /* extract slice */ dstptr = dst; for (k = k0; k <= k1; k++) { slice_runs = &rle_voxels->scan_offsets[k * rle_voxels->scan_offsets_per_slice]; voxel = (unsigned char *)rle_voxels->data + slice_runs->first_data; length = rle_voxels->run_lengths + slice_runs->first_len; run_length = 0; is_non_zero = 1; for (j = 0; j < jlen; j++) { for (i = 0; i < ilen; i++) { while (run_length == 0) { run_length = *length++; is_non_zero = !is_non_zero; } run_length--; if (i >= i0 && i <= i1 && j >= j0 && j <= j1) { if (is_non_zero) { if (field_size == 1) ByteField(dstptr, 0) = ByteField(voxel, field_offset); else if (field_size == 2) ShortField(dstptr, 0) = ShortField(voxel, field_offset); else IntField(dstptr, 0) = IntField(voxel,field_offset); voxel += rle_bytes_per_voxel; } else { if (field_size == 1) ByteField(dstptr, 0) = 0; else if (field_size == 2) ShortField(dstptr, 0) = 0; else IntField(dstptr, 0) = 0; } dstptr += dst_istride; } else { if (is_non_zero) voxel += rle_bytes_per_voxel; } } if (j >= j0 && j <= j1) dstptr += dst_jstride - (i1-i0+1)*dst_istride; } dstptr += dst_kstride - (j1-j0+1)*dst_jstride; } return(VP_OK); }