Reading Datasets Across the Web =============================== As of 26 Mar 2001, the interactive AFNI program has the ability to read dataset files across the Web, using the HTTP or FTP protocols. There are two ways to use this, assuming you know a Web site from which you can get AFNI datasets. The first way is to specifiy individual datasets; for example afni -dset This will fetch the single dataset, and start AFNI. The second way is if the Web site has a list of datasets stored in a file named AFNILIST. If you specify this as the target for a Web dataset, AFNI will read this file, and retrieve each dataset specified in it (one dataset per line); for example afni -dset where the AFNILIST file contains the lines anat+tlrc.HEAD func+tlrc.HEAD reference.1D Note that the AFNILIST file can contain names of 1D timeseries files. One way for the Web site creator to create an AFNILIST file would be to put all the dataset files (.HEAD, .BRIK.gz, .1D) into the Web directory, then do "ls *.HEAD *.1D > AFNILIST" in the Web directory. The "Define Datamode" control panel has a new button "Read Web" that will let you load datasets (or AFNILISTs) after you have started the program. These datasets will be loaded into the current session. However, you cannot write out datasets read in this way. Also, these datasets are locked into memory, so if too many are present, your computer system may get into trouble (i.e., don't download 10 60 MB datasets at once). ftp:// access is done via anonymous FTP; http:// access uses port 80.