/*---------------------------------------------------------------------- * afni_vol2surf.c - afni's interface to the vol2surf library * * AFNI_vol2surf_func_overlay() - similar to AFNI_vnlist_func_overlay() *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- * R. Reynolds September, 2004 * * history: * * 08 Oct 2004 [rickr]: * - AFNI_vol2surf_func_overlay() has new params, surfA,surfB,use_defaults * - pass use_defaults to afni_vol2surf() * * 25 Oct 2004 [rickr]: * - accept Rdata and Rthr pointers, for optionally returning the data * and global threshold * - make threshold masks absolute *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "afni.h" #include "vol2surf.h" static int map_v2s_results(v2s_results *res, Three_D_View *im3d, SUMA_irgba **map, int debug, int dnode ); /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! Create a nodal color overlay from a voxel map. - Surface index(es) come from global v2s_plugin_opts struct - Return value is number of nodes overlaid: - 0 return ==> no overlay was computed - -1 return ==> some error (e.g., no surface nodes on this dataset) = positive ==> can use *map - *map is set to a newly malloc()-ed array (if return > 0) - if (Rdata) return data from results structure - if (Rthr) return overlay threshold from afni Sample usage: - SUMA_irgba * map; - int nmap; - nmap = AFNI_vnlist_func_overlay( im3d, &map ); - if( nmap < 0 ){ ** error ** } - else if( nmap == 0 ){ ** nothing to show ** } - else { ** show map[0..nmap-1] ** } * based on AFNI_vnlist_func_overlay() -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int AFNI_vol2surf_func_overlay(Three_D_View *im3d, SUMA_irgba **map, int surfA, int surfB, int use_defaults, float ** Rdata, float * Rthr ) { THD_3dim_dataset * oset; /* overlay dataset */ THD_session * ss; SUMA_surface * sA, * sB; MRI_IMAGE * im_oim; v2s_plugin_opts * go; v2s_results * results; byte * cmask; int nout, oind, debug; ENTRY("AFNI_vol2surf_func_overlay") ; /* check inputs */ if ( map == NULL || !IM3D_VALID(im3d) ) RETURN(-1); go = &gv2s_plug_opts; if ( ! use_defaults && ! go->ready ) RETURN(-1); debug = go->sopt.debug; /* because I'm lazy */ ss = im3d->ss_now; /* session must have needed surface(s) */ if( ss == NULL || ss->su_num <= 0 || surfA < 0 || ss->su_num <= surfA || ss->su_num <= surfB || ss->su_surf[surfA] == NULL || (surfB >= 0 && ss->su_surf[surfB] == NULL) ) { if ( debug > 1 ) { if ( !ss ) fprintf(stderr,"** v2s: NULL session\n"); else fprintf(stderr,"** v2s: bad session data:\n" " su_num, surfA, surfB = %d, %d, %d\n", ss->su_num, surfA, surfB); } RETURN(-1); } /* init return values */ if ( Rdata ) *Rdata = NULL; if ( Rthr ) *Rthr = 0.0; /* set surface pointers */ sA = ss->su_surf[surfA]; sB = ( surfB >= 0 ) ? ss->su_surf[surfB] : NULL; if ( debug ) { fprintf(stderr,"++ v2s overlay: sa,sb = %d,%d\n", surfA, surfB); if ( debug > 1 ) fprintf(stderr," surfA is %s, surfB is %s\n", sA->label[0] ? sA->label : "", sB ? (sB->label[0] ? sB->label : "") : ""); } /*-------------------- overlay image --------------------*/ oset = im3d->fim_now; oind = im3d->vinfo->fim_index; /* overlay sub-brick index */ if( oset == NULL ) { if ( debug > 1 ) fprintf(stderr,"** v2s: no overlay dset\n"); RETURN(-1); } im_oim = DSET_BRICK(oset,oind); if( ! im_oim || ! AFNI_GOOD_FUNC_DTYPE(im_oim->kind) ) { if ( debug > 1 ) fprintf(stderr,"** v2s: no overlay image\n"); RETURN(-1); } DSET_load(oset); /* to be sure */ if( !DSET_LOADED(oset) ) RETURN(-1); /*-------------------- mask from threshold --------------------*/ cmask = NULL; if( im3d->vinfo->func_threshold > 0.0 ) /* then want a threshold */ { MRI_IMAGE * im_thr; float thresh; int tind = im3d->vinfo->thr_index; im_thr = DSET_BRICK(oset,tind); /* note real threshold */ thresh = im3d->vinfo->func_threshold * im3d->vinfo->func_thresh_top; /* maybe we want to return this */ if ( Rthr ) *Rthr = thresh; if( im_thr && !AFNI_GOOD_FUNC_DTYPE(im_thr->kind) ) im_thr = NULL; /* create the mask, if this fails, just continue... */ if( im_thr != NULL ) { int nset; if ( debug > 1 ) fprintf(stderr,"++ mask from index %d and thresh %f\n", tind,thresh); nset = thd_mask_from_brick(oset, tind, thresh, &cmask, 1); if ( debug > 1 ) { if ( ! cmask ) fprintf(stderr,"-- no mask created\n"); else fprintf(stderr,"++ mask has %d set voxels\n", nset); } } else if ( debug > 1 ) fprintf(stderr,"-- no threshold mask\n"); } /*-------------------- vol2surf computation --------------------*/ results = afni_vol2surf(oset, oind, sA, sB, cmask, use_defaults); if ( cmask ) free(cmask); /* we're done with the mask */ if ( ! results ) { if ( debug ) fprintf(stderr,"-- vol2surf failure\n"); RETURN(-1); /* failure? */ } /*-------------------- lose old vnlist --------------------*/ /* vol2surf has no method for counting voxels (right now) */ if( sA->vn ) { if ( debug > 1 ) fprintf(stderr,"-- destroying vnlist\n"); SUMA_destroy_vnlist( sA->vn ) ; sA->vn = NULL; } /*-------------------- set overlay colors --------------------*/ nout = map_v2s_results(results, im3d, map, debug, go->sopt.dnode); /* before free()ing results, check whether we want to return the values */ if ( Rdata ) { *Rdata = results->vals[0]; results->vals[0] = NULL; /* do not let free_v2s_results() free it */ } free_v2s_results(results); if ( debug > 1 ) fprintf(stderr,"++ map_v2s_results: nout = %d\n", nout); /* check failure */ if ( ! *map ) RETURN(-1); RETURN(nout); } /*! given vol2surf results, fill SUMA_irgba struct */ static int map_v2s_results(v2s_results *res, Three_D_View *im3d, SUMA_irgba **map, int debug, int dnode ) { SUMA_irgba * mptr; MCW_pbar * pbar; rgbyte * cmap; float * result_vals; float bbot, btop, fac, fval; float pane_scale = 1.0; byte r, g, b; int nindex, node, npanes, ival; int map_index = 0; /* counter for results */ ENTRY("map_v2s_results"); /*-------------------- create output node list --------------------*/ mptr = (SUMA_irgba *) malloc(sizeof(SUMA_irgba) * res->nused); if ( ! mptr ) { fprintf(stderr,"** malloc failure: %d irgba's\n", res->nused); RETURN(-1); } *map = mptr; /* and store the address */ pbar = im3d->vwid->func->inten_pbar; npanes = pbar->num_panes; pane_scale = im3d->vinfo->fim_range; if ( pane_scale == 0.0 ) pane_scale = im3d->vinfo->fim_autorange; if ( pane_scale == 0.0 ) pane_scale = 1.0; if ( debug > 1 ) fprintf(stderr,"+d mvr: npanes = %d, pane_scale = %f\n", pbar->bigmode ? NPANE_BIG : npanes, pane_scale); result_vals = res->vals[0]; /* for typing and potential speed */ if( pbar->bigmode ) /* colorscale */ { int zbot; bbot = pane_scale*pbar->bigbot; btop = pane_scale*pbar->bigtop; fac = NPANE_BIG / (btop-bbot); cmap = pbar->bigcolor; zbot = (bbot == 0.0); if ( debug > 1 ) fprintf(stderr,"+d bigmode: bbot,btop,fac, zbot = %f,%f,%f, %d\n", bbot, btop, fac, zbot); for ( nindex = 0; nindex < res->nused; nindex++ ) { if ( res->nodes ) node = res->nodes[nindex]; else node = nindex; /* note value, and check to ignore */ fval = result_vals[nindex]; if ( debug > 1 && node == dnode ) fprintf(stderr, "+d dnode %d, fval %f\n", dnode, fval); if ( zbot && fval < 0 ) continue; /* note the color panel index, and bound it in [0,NPANE_BIG-1] */ ival = (int)(fac * (btop - fval) + 0.49); if ( ival < 0 ) ival = 0; if ( ival >= NPANE_BIG ) ival = NPANE_BIG - 1; /* get color map, and check if non-zero */ r = cmap[ival].r; g = cmap[ival].g; b = cmap[ival].b; if ( debug > 1 && node == dnode ) fprintf(stderr, "+d pane, r,g,b = %d, %d,%d,%d\n",ival,r,g,b); if ( r == 0 && g == 0 && b == 0 ) continue; /* we are set, fill the SUMA_irgba struct */ mptr->id = res->nodes[nindex]; mptr->r = r; mptr->g = g; mptr->b = b; mptr->a = 255; /* increment pointer and counter (okay, so counter is unneeded) */ mptr++; map_index++; } } else /* indexed colors */ { float othr[NPANE_MAX]; /* threshold */ short ovc[NPANE_MAX+1]; /* color */ byte ovc_r[NPANE_MAX+1], ovc_g[NPANE_MAX+1], ovc_b[NPANE_MAX+1]; /* set the overlay color indices */ for( ival=0 ; ival < npanes ; ival++ ) ovc[ival] = pbar->ov_index[ival]; /* from top of pbar down */ ovc[npanes] = im3d->vinfo->use_posfunc ? 0 : ovc[npanes-1]; /* get the actual RGB colors of each pane on the pbar */ for( ival=0 ; ival < npanes ; ival++ ) { ovc_r[ival] = DCOV_REDBYTE (im3d->dc,ovc[ival]); ovc_g[ival] = DCOV_GREENBYTE(im3d->dc,ovc[ival]); ovc_b[ival] = DCOV_BLUEBYTE (im3d->dc,ovc[ival]); } /* compute the thresholds */ for( ival=0 ; ival < npanes ; ival++ ) othr[ival] = pane_scale * pbar->pval[ival+1]; if ( debug > 2 ) { for( ival=0 ; ival <= npanes ; ival++ ) fprintf(stderr,"+d pane #%2d, ovc = %d, othr = %f\n", ival, ovc[ival], othr[ival]); } for ( nindex = 0; nindex < res->nused; nindex++ ) { if ( res->nodes ) node = res->nodes[nindex]; else node = nindex; /* note value, and check to ignore */ fval = result_vals[nindex]; if ( debug > 1 && node == dnode ) fprintf(stderr, "+d dnode %d, fval %f\n", dnode, fval); if ( fval == 0.0 ) continue; for ( ival = 0; ival < npanes && fval < othr[ival]; ival++ ) ; if ( ovc[ival] == 0 ) continue; /* no color in this pane */ r = ovc_r[ival]; g = ovc_g[ival]; b = ovc_b[ival]; /* we are set, fill the SUMA_irgba struct */ mptr->id = res->nodes[nindex]; mptr->r = r; mptr->g = g; mptr->b = b; mptr->a = 255; if ( debug > 1 && node == dnode ) fprintf(stderr, "+d pane, r,g,b = %d, %d,%d,%d\n",ival,r,g,b); if ( r == 0 && g == 0 && b == 0 ) continue; /* increment pointer and counter (okay, so counter is unneeded) */ mptr++; map_index++; } } if ( debug > 0 ) fprintf(stderr,"+d mvr v2s map size = %d\n", map_index); /* forfeit unused memory */ *map = (SUMA_irgba *)realloc(*map, sizeof(SUMA_irgba)*map_index); if ( ! *map ) { fprintf(stderr,"** mvr: failed realloc of map, %d irgba's\n",map_index); map_index = -1; } RETURN(map_index) ; /* number of entries in map */ }