#include "cdflib.h" void cumnbn(double *s,double *xn,double *pr,double *ompr, double *cum,double *ccum) /* ********************************************************************** void cumnbn(double *s,double *xn,double *pr,double *ompr, double *cum,double *ccum) CUmulative Negative BINomial distribution Function Returns the probability that it there will be S or fewer failures before there are XN successes, with each binomial trial having a probability of success PR. Prob(# failures = S | XN successes, PR) = ( XN + S - 1 ) ( ) * PR^XN * (1-PR)^S ( S ) Arguments S --> The number of failures S is DOUBLE PRECISION XN --> The number of successes XN is DOUBLE PRECISIO PR --> The probability of success in each binomial trial. PR is DOUBLE PRECISIO OMPR --> 1 - PR OMPR is DOUBLE PRECIS CUM <-- Cumulative negative binomial distribution. CUM is DOUBLE PRECISI CCUM <-- Compliment of Cumulative negative binomial distribution. CCUM is DOUBLE PRECIS Method Formula 26.5.26 of Abramowitz and Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions (1966) is used to reduce the negative binomial distribution to the cumulative beta distribution. ********************************************************************** */ { static double T1; /* .. .. Executable Statements .. */ T1 = *s+1.e0; cumbet(pr,ompr,xn,&T1,cum,ccum); return; } /* END */