#include "cdflib.h" double devlpl(double a[],int *n,double *x) /* ********************************************************************** double devlpl(double a[],int *n,double *x) Double precision EVALuate a PoLynomial at X Function returns A(1) + A(2)*X + ... + A(N)*X**(N-1) Arguments A --> Array of coefficients of the polynomial. A is DOUBLE PRECISION(N) N --> Length of A, also degree of polynomial - 1. N is INTEGER X --> Point at which the polynomial is to be evaluated. X is DOUBLE PRECISION ********************************************************************** */ { static double devlpl,term; static int i; /* .. .. Executable Statements .. */ term = a[*n-1]; for(i= *n-1-1; i>=0; i--) term = a[i]+term**x; devlpl = term; return devlpl; } /* END */